The Beast Unleashed {Draco Ma...

By madi1324

14.4K 411 53

Dakota Elliot has had a rough life living alone, and when finally leaving to go to Hogwarts, what is expected... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Epilogue: Nineteen years later

Chapter fourteen

664 26 4
By madi1324

Draco and I the next morning didn't bother with packing bags, I took a small purse with an undetectable extension charm on it and packed both of our spare outfits for tomorrow. 

The predicted day of the war. 

We could now apparate to Hogwarts for Snape took down all of the enchantments protecting the school. 

"Goodbye, Narcissa, Lucius" I said as I hugged them. 

Draco did the same, and took my hand in his own. 

We apparated and landed in the great hall in the middle of a assembly. 

"Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogsmeade, if any of you try to help him, students and teachers, consequences will be severe- " Snape broke off as we landed in the hall, He glared at us then continued his speech which I totally zoned out on. 

Harry moved forward out of the crowd. 

"As much defences that you have put up, you still lack proper security" 

The great doors opened and in walked the order of the phoenix.

Snape pointed his wand at Harry and Harry lifted up his own. But then Professor Mcgonagall stepped in shoving Harry out of the way. 

She fired many spells and Snape flew off in his Death Eater smoke but not before knocking our the Carrow twins. 

The lights on the hall light up again just to get dimmed. Girls started screaming.

"Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you shall be rewarded. You have one hour" Voldemort's voice boomed around the room. 

The screaming stopped and Pansy leaped forwards pointing at Harry. 

"What are you waiting for, somebody grab him" 

I took Draco's hand and led him so we were standing in front of Harry protecting him. Other's soon joined us all protecting Harry. 

"Students out of bed. There are students out of bed" Filtch said running into the great hall. 

Mcgonagall looked at him. 

"Students are supposed to be out of bed"


"But while you are here you can take Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin away apart from Dakota and Draco"

"Where to Professor"

"The dungeons will do" 

Filtch led them away from the hall. 

I stepped forward. 

"Professor, you need to get your forces ready, they are coming over the hill, they are coming now, my snake wont hurt you but I need to go get him, get ready pull up the barrier" I said.

"Yes okay thank you" 

I left the hall and Harry and the trio did too. 

I walked to the bathroom and opened the two doors. 

I levitated Salazar so he could get out of the Chamber, he was full size now, seventy feet.

"Its time Salazar, you are only to hurt the bad people not anyone good okay?"

"Yes master, so good to see you"

"Yes you to" 

We left the Chamber after I changed the passwords back to the original ones, and I walked back to the great hall with Salazar following. 

"This is Salazar" I said, "I have made sure he wont look into your eyes, but don't look into his eyes though, he is a basilisk" 

Everyone looked at me like I was insane. 

Professor Mcgonagall looked over to me. 

"How do you have control over him, wont Voldemort gain control" 

"No, because I am closer related to Slytherin himself, I am Salazar Slytherin's reincarnated forms daughter" 

Most people gasped. 

The soldiers were already standing at the barrier of the shield, since the shield had finally closed down on the ground. 

I saw the bright lights crash down onto the shield over and over again until one huge light broke it down. 

It was truly beautiful, but sad that it had broken. 

The Death eaters swarmed forwards. 

Salazar reared backwards standing tall and ate and killed her flying Death eaters. 

I waved my hands around killing acromantula's and stray Death Eaters. I could see our forces falling. It was very saddening. 

I ran inside the crumbling building and apparated to Draco who was on the top of a tower in the burning room of requirement. 

"Draco" I called out. 

"Dakota" He yelled back. 

I used my powers and flew over to him. 

Harry, Ron and Hermione were flying on brooms, I was just about to levitate them when Hermione took my hand and pulled me onto the back of the broom. Harry took Draco and Ron took Blaise. 

We flew from the burning masses and out of the doors. 

I grabbed Draco and we ran off of the seventh floor, I just got outside when I saw one of the giants cut off Salazar's head as he was falling down to the ground dead. 

"No!" I screamed.

Draco saw what happened and pulled me into his chest, tears were falling rapidly. 

I couldn't use my Resurrection powers because the head hand been completely severed off. 

But when I ran so I was right beside my dead basilisk I saw a egg, this egg looked exactly the same as Salazar's did. 

Salazar had not laid a egg but one was made when he died. 

I picked it up and put a protection charm on it then placed it carefully into my bag. 

Voldemort's voice rung around the castle.

"You have fought valiantly but in vain... Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. Therefore I command my forces to retreat. Join me in the forbidden forest to confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who try to conceal you from me"

I saw everyone gathering the dead warriors that fought for the light side. 

When Draco and I got to the Great hall I saw all of the bodies laying around on the floor, but the worst one was defiantly Fred Weasly. George was crying so loud I could hear him from the door. 

I let go of Draco's hand and walked over to them, Draco stood by the door still. 

"What are you doing here?" Ginny snarled. 

I ignored her and sat down beside him.

"Go away" George said, "I want to spend as much time as I can with him" 

"Just give me a minute" 

I touched his forehead with my thumb and that fingerprint stayed in the middle of his forehead. 

I walked around doing this to all of the dead people. 

"What are you doing" Neville Longbottom finally asked, "You have gone around and touched everyone who's dead foreheads" 

"Have I gotten everyone?" I asked.

"Yes" Some one called out.

"Well go stand next to your dead" 

I waved my hands in a formation of lifting them upwards then moving them out wards.

"Ressureccion de los muertos"

With that I heard a gasp of surprise. 

Fred Weasly sat up and hugged George. 

"Hey Georgie" He said. 

The rest of the dead sat up. 

Tonks and Remus Lupin sat up and hugged each other. 

Neville walked from the building. Then ran back in. 

"Everyone you might want to come outside, they are coming back now" 

We all moved outside and I saw Lucius and Narcissa at the front. 

I waved my hand which layed another protection charm on the couple. 

"Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort called out. 

Ginny cried out and hugged her father. 

"Now you shall put your faith in me, anyone who wants to join my ranks come over to me now, or die" 

I waved for the couple to walk over and they started to move forward.

"Cissy, what are you doing?" Bellatrix called out.

They continued walking over until they were standing in front of Draco and I. 

Neville walked forwards and said a small speech. Voldemort held out his wand and started to curse. 

"Avada Kedavra" 

But by the time he finished it I was already in front of everyone, with my arms spread wide. 

The curse bounced off of the protective wall placed up and hit one of the Death Eaters standing behind Voldemort. 

That same Death Eater fell to the ground dead. 

Harry jumped from Hagrid's arms and fell to the ground. Shooting a spell at Voldemort. 

Every one on our side cheered for him.

The Death Eaters behind Voldemort started turning into smoke and leaving. 

They soared into the sky and out of sight. Leaving only about twenty soldiers left to fight. 

I didn't want to stick around any longer, so I grabbed Draco's hand who took his mothers then who took Lucius's hand. 

I apparated to Malfoy Manor where we would all be safe. 

We walked inside and sat down on the couch. 

Lucius and Narcissa said they would leave us alone for Draco wanted to ask me something. 

Out from behind his back Draco pulled out a small box. 

He knelt down on one knee. 

"I know its not really the right time, but would you, Dakota Sara Elliot Slytherin do me the pleasures of being my wife"  He opened the emerald green box and inside was a silver ring that looked exactly like the one on his finger, with the emerald in the place of the snakes eyes.

"Yes of course I will, but this is your special ring" 

"I gave you mine and got another one made though there is a charm that links us together so we can talk telepathically" 

"Aw thank you so much" I kissed him with so much passion and wrapped my arms around him. 

I broke away and his parents walked into the room. 

"I take it he asked you?" Lucius said. 

"Yes he did" 

I held out my hand where the ring now sat, placed on my ring finger. 

It was truly stunning. 

After having our showers Draco and I lay in his bed together legs tangeled together. 

"I was afraid you would say no" Draco whispered. 

I turned so I could face him. 

"Why would I even say that, no is way out of the options list" 

"That's good to hear, goodnight, I love you" 

"I love you to"

We fell asleep wrapped up together, trying to forget the war where no one on the light side stayed dead.

xx madi xx

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