Everyone Un-Died + My Gardene...

By AaronRubicon

33.7K 5.7K 1.9K

"Sure, it was robots this time. But who's to say that it won't be zombies next time? And when the zombies do... More

Author's Note
Prologue - Hot Shiitake
Foreword - A Makeshift Jail That Smelled Like Feet
PART 1: Frogs Are Idiots
The Light Of The Goddess
A Bioweapons Factory With Snack Time
Street Stupid
The Sisyphus Of Footwear
The Bartender's Last Call
A Thriller Of Zombies
What Are Facts?
Learn Before You Burn
Vicious Murder Machines
A Grown-Ass Man-Toy
The Lucas Letters (Part 1)
The Lucas Letters (Part 2)
The World Needs a Heroine
Dry Heaves And A Wet Burp
Artificial Sugar Tits
Keep Calm And Rrrrrr!
Dawn Of The Deaf
Buck Flagg, Douche Bagg
A Crematorium-Themed Amusement Park
A Potty In Every Port
Taking Care Of Business
Un-Death Of A Zombie Salesman
RRRRReanimate System™
The Menopausal Marauders
My Scumbag Clients
Part 2: Scorpions Are Assholes
Zombie Un-Lives Matter
Explain It With Yachts
The Fickle Elbow Of Fate
The Tooth Fairy
Robot Jesus 2.0
Misogyny, Racism and Sexual Deviance
Date Night
Power Couple
A Frank Conversation
Zombie Free Zone
Head Beats No-Head
Give Cyberdildonics A Chance
Fraudulent Chickens
Judgment Day
Loose Ends

Completely Useless Buffoons

794 116 56
By AaronRubicon

Paula Pettigrew, 39

Flamethrower Rights Advocate

So tell us about your organization, Ms. Pettigrew.

It's called Freedom, which stands for Flamethrower Rights Eradicating Evil Dead Opposition.

Um, isn't that just Freedo?


But there's no M.

There's an M. It's silent.

What's the silent M stand for?

It doesn't stand for anything.

Well, that's kind of lazy, don't you think? There have got to be a thousand M-words you could use. Menace. Mission. Malevolence. Mother—

Look, we just needed an M to round out the acronym. We're patriots, not poets.

I'll say.

If I may continue, Freedom is the largest flamethrower rights organization in the world. We boast a hundred thousand members.

That's impressive. Especially since three days ago, nobody even knew that they had a right to own flamethrowers.

Well, we do. I'll give you my flamethrower when you pry it out of my hot, dead hands.

But why do you think you even have a right to own them?

The Second Amendment, of course.

But that was really about guns, wasn't it?

Guns are firearms. Flamethrowers are even fierier arms. Nothing is more American than owning a flamethrower.

Since when?

October 28, 1886, of course.

I'm sorry. What's the significance of that date?

Well, as every patriot knows, that's when the Statue of Liberty was dedicated.

OK. But so what?

Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty?

Yes, on a school trip when I was a kid. I was bored to tears.

That's so interesting, because when I saw it for the first time, my eyes also filled up with tears. Of course, they were tears of gratitude that I shed as I dropped to my knees and thanked Carbon-Based Jesus that I got to live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.

I mean... I was also moved, obviously. I even bought one of those foam crowns at the gift shop.

Uh-huh. So let me ask you: While you were yawning with disinterest at this majestic copper testament to our national values, did you happen to notice what it was that Lady Liberty was holding?

A book.

In her other hand, I mean.

A torch.

That's right. And what do you think that torch is supposed to be used for?

Burning the book?

Funny. But, first of all, it's not actually a book.

It's not?

No, it's a tablet inscribed with the date of the Declaration of Independence.

Lucas, is that true?

[LUCAS: It is.]

Well, what the hell, man? You're supposed to prep me for this! Now I look like a jerk!

[LUCAS: Oh, now you look like a jerk.]

You know I rely on you.

[LUCAS: You do? Because I was under the impression that you didn't care what I thought.]

I care what you think, Lucas, but I really don't think this is a good time to let you go see Stephanie.

[LUCAS: You know, I thought we were friends, but I guess it's strictly a cager/cagee relationship.]

Um... do you ladies want to be alone?

No, we're good. Where were we? Oh, right, you were saying that you don't want to burn books.

Excuse me, don't put words in my mouth. My point is that Lady Liberty is holding the torch aloft because she is protecting our blessed country with fire!

But for the record, do you want to burn books?

Let's just say that I enjoy a nice bonfire every now and then, and leave it at that.

So even if you do have a right to own a flamethrower, why do you need one?

It's simple. Everyone agrees that fire is the most effective way to kill zombies. Everyone also agrees that a flamethrower is the most effective way to apply fire to a zombie. And I see no reason why I should not have the most efficient tools possible when it comes to protecting my family. Or incinerating them. Depending on the situation.

Why don't you let law enforcement handle the zombies? After all, they are trained professionals.

No one respects law enforcement more than us. They are the thin blue line between order and anarchy. We thank them for risking their lives every day to keep us safe. That said, they are completely useless buffoons and you will be dead long before they even arrive on the scene.

A recent study found that when a civilian uses a flamethrower, nearly fifty percent of the time, they wind up killing or seriously injuring a non-zombie.

Well, according to our study, people use flamethrowers accurately ninety-eight percent of the time.

That seems incredibly unrealistic.

Does it? Well, how would you feel about, say, eighty-five percent?


Seventy-nine percent?

I mean, that at least sounds plausible, but—

OK, so seventy-nine percent of flamethrowers are used accurately. Are you really going to punish all those responsible citizens because of a few burnt apples?

Well, I think the ones who are the being "punished" are the ones who are being set on fire, don't you?

You mean the zombies? Damn right they're being punished! But apparently, you and your ilk care more about zombies than actual people.

That is not true. I just care about flamethrower safety.

And so do we.

Good to hear. So what should be the requirements for owning a flamethrower?

Well, first off, you need to have enough money to buy a flamethrower.

OK. And then?

You can have a flamethrower.

That's it?

That's it.

You don't think there should be other criteria?

Like what?

An age requirement? A background check? Mandatory training in the use of flamethrowers? A ten-day waiting period?

Let me tell you a story. A story about a beautiful young girl named Ann. Ann had her whole life ahead of her. She wanted to be a nurse. She wanted to fall in love. She wanted a family of her own. She also wanted to protect herself from the zombies with a flamethrower.

So she went to the flamethrower store and paid for a brand-new flamethrower with money she earned babysitting the neighbors' kids. But then, to her surprise, the salesman told Ann that she couldn't have her flamethrower yet; no, she had to wait ten whole days before she could bring her flamethrower home.

"Well, it's only ten days," Ann told herself. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

And Ann was fine. On the first day. And the second. And the third and fourth and fifth. She was even fine when she woke up on the tenth day.

Ann kissed her Mom and Dad and went to get her flamethrower. She walked into the flamethrower store and went up to the salesman and said, "At last, I can get my flamethrower!"

But the salesman didn't give her a flamethrower. Instead he bit her on the neck and lapped up her blood as she screamed and then died. Because in the ten days that Ann was waiting, the salesman had become a zombie himself. And now, Ann is, too.

That's very compelling—

Isn't it? Really works on a gut level!

—but I am absolutely certain that didn't really happen.

It didn't. But it could happen. And probably it will happen if you zombie lovers get your way.

All I want is some common sense—

Oh, I get it! You are being paid by the Zombie Lobby!

What? No! Why would you even say something like that?

Because the only reason I can see for depriving citizens of their Constitutional right to defend themselves from the undead is if you're in the pocket of Big Zombie.

That's it! I've had enough of your dishonesty, your misdirection and your smears. I'm not working for the Zombie Lobby. First, because I don't like zombies. And second, because there is no Zombie Lobby! Right, Lucas?

[LUCAS: Actually, there is.]

Really? Well... I don't know anyone who would be involved in something like that.

[LUCAS: Actually, you do.]

Gosh. What a surprise.

Who is it?

[LUCAS: You're not going to like it.]


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