purity ✖ luke hemmings

By lucaskisses

346K 10.3K 2.2K

tall, blonde, blue eyed captain of the basketball team luke hemmings was the school's bad boy. he had girls l... More



19.5K 986 296
By lucaskisses

a/n- firstly I just want to apologise for how long it's taken for me to update like wow I'm honestly so so sorry. secondly I'm not too happy with this chapter it's v boring ik and kind of just a filler but I want to build up felicity and luke's relationship a bit before before everything kicks off okay I promise the next chapter will be more exciting and up tomorrow to apologise for how long it's taken for me to update with this shit but anyways tysm for reading I can't believe this story has 34k reads like I know that's nothing compared to most but it's a lot for me okay so yes once again thankyou so so much for reading and I hope you've had/are having a lovely day wherever you are ♥♥

Felicity's pov

to say I was dreading school today was an absolute understatement.

after having the weekend to think about Friday night's events, I was still just as unsure about Luke as I was when I stormed out of his house on Saturday morning; something which I was somewhat regretting.

all weekend I had been driving myself crazy trying to figure Luke out, but I seemed to just be going round and round in circles and I had just about gave up.

he had acted like a complete douche when we first met, but then he had saved me from god knows what happening to me after I had became completely too intoxicated at the party. and despite how much of an idiot he had acted the morning after, I felt bad for just storming out of his apartment so rudely.

I was snapped out of my trace when a backpack was flung onto the desk in front of me. I looked up and saw a very grumpy and tired looking Luke. he reluctantly pulled out his chair next to where I was sat and slumped down into it.

I looked up at him, a slight smile on my face, but he didn't look up from his phone as he continued to furiously tap away at the screen.


Luke didn't even look up from his phone.

a few moments passed and he hadn't respond, so assuming he simply didn't hear over all of the rest of the form's conversations that were currently happening, I repeated myself.


this time I was sure Luke had seen as he rolled his eyes before speaking up.

"yeah, I heard you the first time."

I mumbled a quick sorry before deciding to continue despite how rude he was being. naybe he just wasn't a morning person.

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything you did for me at the weekend, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't saved me from that guy and-"

"saved you? baby, I'm hardly Superman." Luke smirked, causing me to sigh softly.

"anyway, once again, I just wanted to thank you. and for making sure I was safe and looking after me when I shouldn't have drank nearly the amount I did. It was completely unlike me and such an irresponsible thing to do." I said, letting out a nervous laugh at the end as I awaited his response.

"honestly, it's not problem. just... know your limits next time, alright? even if that twat hadn't tried it on with you I still don't think you would've managed to walk it home." he laughed slightly, a did I, agreeing with his comment. "and don't hang out with fucking Alexa of all people. you know she probably spiked your drink, right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, no, you see, we were getting on well. I-" Luke cut me off before I could attempt to explain some more.

"Fliss, Alexa doesn't get on with anyone, especially beautiful girls that she quite obviously sees as a threat." Luke stated, matter-of-factly.

I felt my cheeks warm up as I tried my best to quickly come up with a response defending Alexa, but found myself wondering if I really wanted to. perhaps Luke was right.

"anyway, thank you. and I'm sorry for just storming out of your apartment like that. I promise I'm not usually that rude and disrespectful towards people that are trying to help me out, it was just when you started say-" and once again, I was cut off.

damn, this boy really didn't want to let me try and explain myself.

"honestly, it's cool, babe. let's just drop it." Luke spoke, rather sternly.

deciding that it probably wasn't the best idea to keep this conversation going when it was clear Luke did not want it to carry on, I stopped talking.

we sat in an awkward silence for a little after that. Luke was completely engrossed in whatever was going on on his phone whilst I stared at the clock, watching the second hand tick by.

Luke suddenly placed his phone onto the table before he grabbed the two legs of my chair and dragged them around on the carpet. he then stood up, chair in his hands, placed it back onto the carpet and sat back down so we were facing each other.

"Hi." he spoke, nudging my shoe with his.

"Hi..." I mumbled causiously, unsure of the intentions to his actions.

"I'm sorry I'm kind of a dick sometimes. I promise I have my reasons." a look appeared on his face that you could've easily mistaken for shyness if you had no reason to think otherwise.

"don't we all." I murmured.

"look, if you just give me a chance I promise I'll prove to you that I'm actually a pretty decent guy, okay?"

"okay." I smiled, willing to give this boy a chance.

he returned my smile.

"um, so, to repay me for the weekend... could you do me a favour?"

"like what?" I asked, completely unsure of where this was going.

"it's just... you know my friend, Calum?"

"the Asian one?" I asked.

"no, no he's not Asian." Luke sighed. "but yeah, him."

"what about him?" I questioned.

"I mean, he probably won't, but if he says anything about you and me having sex after the party, just make sure you go along with it. "okay?"

I was suddenly very confused. "you've just said that you want to prove me to that you're a decent guy, yet you're asking me to let you tell everyone that we slept together?"

"no, not everyone. just Calum." Luke clarified.

"oh, and that makes it okay then?"

Luke let out a frustrated sigh. "no, it doesn't, I guess. but please, please, will you just do it? It's not like I'm asking you to actually have sex with me. although if I was I'm really not too sure why you'd be objecting."

I laughed slightly at how ridiculous he sounded.

"I can't and even if I could, I wouldn't."

"What do you mean you can't?" Luke asked.

"I can't." I spoke as I subconsciously began tracing over my ring with my right pointer finger.

Luke's gaze lowered down to my hands and he scrunched up his eyebrows as he tried to figure out what was engraved on the ring.

he reached out and took my hand into his, bringing it closer to his face.

"is tha-" I snatched my hand back causing him to look up at me in surprise and for him to stop talking.

"you know what, I can't believe I even thought for a split second that maybe you were right when you said you could prove to me that you're a decent guy, when really all you are is a sad, pathetic stupid little boy." I angrily picked up my bag and stormed out of the room, leaving Luke sat on his own for the second time in under a week.

a/n- ((luke definitely does have his reasons for being a dick sometimes okk it'll all become clearer in time))

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