Equilibrium (Reylo)

By IzzyJoy

67.4K 2.1K 927

After the battle on Crait, Rey and her friends in the Resistance seek to find a new base as they continue the... More

Author's Note
One: "Stay Safe."
Two: "Call Me By My Name."
Three: "Stand Against Me."
Four: Equal Breaths in a Single Space
Five: Ear for an Ear
Six: Someone to You
Seven: About Ben
Eight: "You Never Had To Ask."
Nine: Under the Same Stars
Ten: All That The Light Touches
Eleven: One Step Back
Twelve: "Era of Me and You."
Thirteen: Way Down We Go
Fourteen: Hollow
Fifteen: Sparks & Flares
Sixteen: "I Sense It, Too."
Seventeen: Things Left Unsaid
Eighteen: With Friends Like These
Nineteen: Legacy
Twenty: The Risk
Twenty-One: In Too Deep
Twenty-Two: Here At Last
Twenty-Three: So Close, but Still So Far
Twenty-Four: Ready & Aim
Twenty-Five: "I Need You. . ."
Twenty-Six: Target Acquired
Twenty-Seven: "After All This Time?"
Twenty-Eight: Home, Who That May Be
Twenty-Nine: Be Our Guest
Thirty: Family Ties
Thirty-One: "Don't You Trust Me?"
Thirty-Two: Something In the Rain
Thirty-Three: Red Rey
Thirty-Five: "Came From Somewhere"
Thirty-Six: My Light, My Life
Thirty-Seven: Come What May
Bonus Epilogue

Thirty-Four: "Nice to See You Smile."

1.3K 47 22
By IzzyJoy

AN: Please remember I do not own any of these gifs and fan art. They belong to their respectful owners. I think these works are beautiful and must be shared. Thank you for understanding and like always, enJoy!

A whole month had passed when Rey ignited the yellow lightsaber in her hands. It was alive in her touch. Her very own lightsaber. She felt its very core—the kyber crystal—humming to life. The one and only that called out to her at the crystal cave of planet Ilum. The cave known to be where Jedi like her have gone to achieve their kyber crystal.

Rey felt the metal sing against her fingers. She felt the weight of the whole saber, remembering the weight of each part she constructed herself to create this weapon.

Rey gently sliced her lightsaber to the left and then to the right all in different angles, letting it move smoothly along the gusts of wind flowing at her sides, causing her to quickly push her hair out of her face every now and then. The strands of her wild, mahogany brown hair which were loose upon her shoulders. She could put it up like she usually did. But she preferred it this way for now.

A piece of herself begged her to thrash the lightsaber around, to hit any close target she could find. To use the weapon to strike at something, to slice and destroy for practice. For fun.

But she ignored all of that.

She refused to give in.

Stay calm.

Stay focus.

Reach out.

Rey took a deep breath, ridding herself of those thoughts. She blanked out her mind and forced to let her body work for itself.

I know what I'm doing.

Rey tapped into the Force, giving herself over to let it take control of her. To let it take control of the lightsaber. She didn't allow herself to listen to a single instinct that told her to fight. She promised herself that she wouldn't straggle out to the open courtyard only to abuse Ben's gift to her (as he was the one who found the parts of her saber). That the reason she woke up early in the morning, snook out of the bedroom with her new lightsaber was to ruin it.

Rey told herself she wouldn't forget her training, especially with what she recently learned about the Force.

When Rey woke up in a single jerk of her body, she sat up, alert with where she was, whom she was with. Only a month has passed by and yet it all felt like only a dream. If it were not for the clutch of her heart against her ribcage when Rey saw Ben's bare chest and her own—remembering the night they shared as if it were the first—she'd would have let herself thought so.

Rey saw rich orange-gold rays of sunlight leaking through the curtain, making the whole bedroom and outside appear as if it were on fire. She glanced over to Ben to check if it'd hit his eyes, but he was facing in her direction, his back blocking the sun while still deep asleep with a few light snores coming out of him.

He seemed restless, like he hadn't gotten much sleep. Maybe he had another nightmare? She made a mental note to herself to ask him about it.

Then, Rey saw her lightsaber sitting on the nightstand. She could feel it stare at her through the holster. Next thing she knew, she quietly got out of bed, got dressed, and took the lightsaber without waking Ben to head to the courtyard.

Reach out.

Rey closed her eyes, feeling herself walk in circles like the dance Ben once taught her. Her feet stepped around, light on her toes, her hips swaying from side to side. Her arms loosened up, her hands steady on with the weapon cutting through the air.

So focused on her work, she was unaware that Ben was nearby, approaching the courtyard. When she thought she was slick, leaving the bedroom without a sound, Ben woke up only a few moments later to find himself alone. Once he was completely awake, he went out through the palace on the search for her. Eventually, he went outside and found her here.

Ben remained quiet, observing Rey in complete concentration of herself and her lightsaber. He obviously could tell she was training. She was letting herself trust the Force to embody her movements and decided how it should let her use the weapon.

He remembered a few things about his uncle's teachings in the academy. How he would have to give himself into the Force. But he was always one who'd rather take control of it to use it for himself, selfishly.

Ben waited for her to slow down before walking up to her from behind. He gracefully placed his hands around her waist, the fresh memories of last night and every night like it making its way to his head. Ben's heart began to pound, thinking back to every inch of her skin, his eyes, his hands, and his lips explored.

And with a low, husky voice, he spoke in her ear, "So this is why you snuck out early."

Rey's eyes popped open the moment she felt someone grab her. Her body tensed, her muscles locking on the source. Her stomach did a somersault, overwhelmed by the burning touch of a pair of hands on her body and last night came back like that.

Rey, forgetting the Jedi she was, let out a loud, wild shriek, almost dropping the lightsaber at her feet. Ben stuck his hand out, catching it with the Force and lifted it back into Rey's hands.

A quick second later was all it took to figure out whose hands were on her. When her mind cleared up, she could find the familiarity of his touch as it sunk into her senses. Soon enough, she felt even more relaxed in her own skin then a while ago.

"And this is how you treat my gift."

"It is mine," Rey replied as she disengaged the lightsaber. "I built it all myself."

"But remember what happened to the last lightsaber you wielded."

Rey rolled her eyes. "You did fix it."

"But it wasn't easy."

"Hey, I offered to help you fix it. You have a mechanic as your girlfriend right here."

"I have my own set of skills, too, ya'know."

She let out an uneasy sigh, angry at him for how he could scare her and make her crave for him at the same time. Rey jabbed out her elbow in an attempt to slam it into Ben's ribs, but he easily stepped to the side, dodging the move with not much effort.

Rey turned around, twisting the lightsaber around to avoid touching him. Ben, unable to bite back his laughter, removed his hands from her waist and doubled over, catching a glimpse of his scavenger's face as it changed to disdain towards him.

This only infuriated Rey even more.

"Just don't scare me again!" she squealed, stomping a foot towards Ben's direction, causing him to flinch.

Ben took a step back, remembering she is the one holding a lightsaber. "I'm sorry," he told her, a grin still plastered on his face.

Ben let out a few more chuckles, remembering the reaction on her face. It granted him pure joy. Still, he played his next question off with a flirtatious tone. "I see you've taken a liking to it."

Rey studied the end of her lightsaber. "Of course. It's so wonderful."

Ben's laughter finally died out. "It's suits you, though. I mean the lightsaber, itself," he told her, pointing at it in her hands. "You've always wield one with such. . .promise."

Rey cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out where Ben was going with this. "What next, are you gonna give me lessons?"

"Why, you asking?"

Rey thought back to when Ben was the guy who offered her a chance to be her teacher in a snowy forest as they were in the middle of a duel and the earth was crumbling underneath them. Rey could almost laugh at the thought.

Because all of that was Kylo Ren. Him offering to teach her how to use the Force was the Master of the Knights of Ren. When she thought about it, anyone could learn how to wield a weapon such as a lightsaber or a blaster. But it took focus and dedication to learn how to use the raw, powerful energy that was the Force. And that was where Skywalker came in.

Ben wasn't the same person he once was. It was obvious without a doubt he's changed. He wasn't hell-bent on killing those who've caused him pain. He wasn't driven on the hunger to release his rage towards his enemies in battle. He wasn't the same man who would offer to show Rey the ways of the Force. Or his way of the Force. It's been a month and he's still Ben. He's continuing to grow as him.

Knowing what she was most likely thinking, Ben raised his palms out, a grin spreading along his lips. "Y'know coming from me, you know plenty already."

Images of her and Ben fighting in the snowy mountain came flashing back in her head. Red and blue hues mixed together forming purple. Sparks flaring off the perpendicular lightsabers. Heat beaming against their faces. Fire in their eyes as they stared into each other, waiting for a millimeter of breakage to gain the upper hand.

Rey knew he'd be a hard opponent to fight again, so she did her best to take every opportunity to observe his movements, using their connection in the Force to help mark down his steps.

When Rey got her senses together, she gave him a small shrug of her shoulders. "I mean, I've learned a lot from fighting against you," she told him, "you make a good opponent."

Rey flashed him a smile, and a beat later he returned it.

More, clear memories of another night they shared together started rolling back into both of their minds like tidal waves that takes over their inhibitions. Her hands on his back, his lips on her neck. Their eyes locked on each other, their bodies closer then ever before. The heat and passion and intimacy of those moments filled them both up in a way nothing ever could. Nothing could compare to what they both felt individually, and together.

And afterwards when they were both fully awake, standing in front of the other like this, it made them a little nervous. There was an awkward silence between the two.

That was when Rey remembered the mental note she made herself. "So how did you sleep?"

Ben froze, his body closing up like he was back inside the nightmare. Funny you ask.

"Any nightmares?" she asked specially, watching him straighten his back, his muscles clenching underneath his black green jacket.


Rey stepped closer, slowly and careful like she always had back once upon a time when the only thing they talked about with each other was Ben's nightmares. She looked up into his eyes, knowing he was capable of masking his emotions behind an invisible mask. And knowing that Rey could always find the truth to what he was hiding by simply looking into his eyes, Ben lifted his head up, averting his eyes from hers.

"Well, if you want to know so badly, I. . .I did have a nightmare," he admitted, a faint grin still resting on his face, "but everything's better when I wake up beside you."

"Well, I'm happy to hear that."

"I would have felt better if you stayed," Ben switched the subject.

Rey rolled her eyes.

Ben lifted a brow. "Now. If I make such a good opponent," he said, reaching to the back of his belt where his holster held a lightsaber of his own. "Maybe I can make a great one."

Rey lifted a brow, intrigued.

Ben took out the lightsaber and quickly ignited it.

Rey watched as the hue of white that the color of the weapon—Ben's weapon gleamed in the space between them. He held it close to his face, the sparks captured inside his brown eyes, forming two white rings inside them.

They both took into a fighting stance, just a moment before Rey impatiently lifted her lightsaber to start the duel.

Ben lifted his, steadying the weapon he crafted for himself as it collided with Rey's.

Yellow on white.

White on yellow.

He stepped back while pushing her lightsaber back with his. He circled her and swung his lightsaber out.

Rey gathered her footing and swung her weapon down to block it and pushed it off. She stepped forward and she swung her sword in an arch above her head and it clashed with Ben's again.

They looked into each other's eyes as they pushed against each other, both smiling wickedly at their progress.

Rey jumped back and twirled as she stuck her lightsaber out to possibly graze Ben's arm. Except, Ben jabbed his weapon out then, clashing his sword with hers.

Rey chuckled and twirled in the other direction as she swung up her sword a crescent shape, almost hitting Ben in the face.

He excitedly jumped back, throwing up his lightsaber and grabbing it with his left hand and spun it in his hands as Rey continued to wildly swing out her sword to her left and then to her right.

Ben gave her his back as Rey threw down her sword in another downwards arch, but he held his lightsaber behind him and held it there as the swords clashed once more, sparks shooting off beside him.

Ben abruptly stepped back, pushing Rey off of him as he brought his lightsaber up and spun back around to face her. He jabbed out his weapon again, close to slicing Rey's neck, but Rey stopped it with the Force.

"Cheating, are we?" Ben huffed.

Rey grinned through her small, faint breaths. "I say more like. . .raising the stakes."

Rey pushed the sword down, causing Ben to lean forward as he wouldn't let go of his weapon. Rey was able to kick his arm which caused Ben to let go of his lightsaber. Ben stood up, about to use the Force, but since Rey didn't spare a second to watch his weapon fall to the ground, she had time to lift her sword up, holding it perpendicular to his neck as she stepped up close to his face.

Rey stepped on to her toes, lifting her face closer to his. She gave a quick kiss right on his lips after she whispered, "I win."

Rey disengaged her lightsaber, wearing a proud smirk on her face.

Ben jerked her body towards him and kissed her back, smiling once they broke apart. They both disengaged their lightsabers before he intertwined their hands together and pressed a kiss along her knuckles.

Rey felt the sunlight glow on their skin as it continued to rise in the early morning sky. She could see Ben's brown eyes melt into a gentle, bright brown almost matching her hazel as they shined in the golden sunlight. She lifted her free hand to his face, her thumb tracing his jawline. Her fingers moved along the side of his face and traced the smile on his lips. She couldn't help but fall in love with the way he smiled.

"It's nice to see you smile."

Ben lost himself in her eyes, leaning down to her so he could give her another kiss, but one much longer and more passionate. Then he kissed her cheek, her nose, her eye, and her head. He only pulled back probably an inch just to suggest to her, "Since its early, how about we go back to bed?"

"I'm not in the mood for sleep," Rey told him glancing down at the lightsaber.

"That's okay, I can think of other things to occupy your time."

Rey looked at him for a long moment before she realized what he meant and threw out her fist to hit him in spite of her embarrassment. "Ben Solo!"

He caught her fist in his hand, spinning her around before drawing her back into his chest. Then he leaned down to whisper into her ear, "Next time I won't accept defeat."

Rey shoulders fell back as she let out a loud and hard laugh, almost dropping her lightsaber for the second time that morning.

That's when Ben lifted her up in his arms, picking up her legs so he was carrying her. Then he started spinning her around in circle, losing himself to the sound of her laughter as he decided it was his favorite sound in all of the galaxy.

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