Only Know You Love Him When Y...

By coffeeflavoredtearz

15.2K 656 1.3K

Alexander was happily dating John. Everything was fine. Then it wasn't. John dumps him without telling him an... More

One [ch. 1]
Two [ch. 2]
Three [ch. 3]
Four [ch. 4]
Five [ch. 5]
Seven [ch. 7]
It's Quiet Uptown (Part 1) [ch. 8]
It's Quiet Uptown (Part 2) [ch. 9]
Take a Break [ch. 10]
Hurricane [ch. 11]
The Story Of Tonight (Part 1) [ch. 12]
The Story of Tonight (Part 2) [ch. 13]
One Shot Book!
Don't Let Go [ch.14]
Gone {ch.15}
Awake [ch. 15]
Survive [ch. 16]
Alive [ch. 17]
Rewrite is out!
Moving Accounts!

Six [ch. 6]

928 43 125
By coffeeflavoredtearz

The first thing Alexander was greeted to when he turned off his phone after Political Science was a text from Thomas.

MacAndCheeseQueen: When you get out of class, get ready. We're going on that date tonight.

CaffeineGremlin: Oh? I presume I have no choice and you're taking me no matter what?

MacAndCheeseQueen: damn straight

CaffeineGremlin: Thomas nothing about you is straight.

MacAndCheeseQueen: ... shush

CaffeineGremlin: Fine. I'm omw

MacAndCheeseQueen: kk

With a small laugh, Alexander slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked to his dorm. When he arrived he unlocked the door and went inside, frowning when he saw Thomas was nowhere in sight. He decided to check the bathroom, still no luck. He decided to text Thomas again.

CaffeineGremlin: Where are you? I thought you'd be in the dorm

MacAndCheeseQueen: Nope. Get ready and meet me in the parking lot.

CaffeineGremlin: why tho?

MacAndCheeseQueen: You'll see

CaffeineGremlin: Oh come on tell me

MacAndCheeseQueen: nope

CaffeineGremlin: fuck you

MacAndCheeseQueen: I'll do that later. Get ready.

Alexander rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress the light blush that spread across his face. Sure, he was excited but he had no idea what to wear. Without thinking, he began to walk to Lafayette's dorm, in hopes he could get some help.

He knocked on the door, hearing Lafayette shout "One minute!" Before hearing some rustling around in the room, a few grunts, and a door being shut. After a few minutes of this, the door opened, revealing Lafayette in a t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"What do you need?" The Frenchman asked, plastering a small smile on his face.

"I need help. Thomas and I are going Ice-skating and I have no clue what to wear." Alexander felt his cheek warm, biting the inside of his cheek.

Lafayette's smile only widened at this information. Without a word, he grabbed Alexander's arm, dragging him into the room. "Wait here." Was all Lafayette said before going to work on Alexander.

»»————- ————-««

Thomas was leaned against his car when he noticed Alexander walking over. Looking up from his phone he froze, eyes widening at what he saw.

Thomas immediately knew who was behind it, as he knew there was only one person Alexander would go to who would do something like this. In front of him was Alexander, wearing jeans that looked tighter than anything the man had ever worn, torn in the knees. On top he wore a green sweater obviously a size too big, going down to mid-thigh on the small man with a purple scarf that matched his eyes.

His face though. It screamed Lafayette. Alexander looked like he had fake lashes on, with winged eyeliner and a light brown on his lids. His hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands falling out to frame his face, which had been shaved clean.

Before Thomas got a chance to comment on the look, Alexander cut him off. "Lafayette." Was all he said as if it was an answer to any questions. Which it honestly was. Nodding while holding in a small laugh, the Virginian opened the door for Alexander, closing it once he was in the car.

Taking a deep breath, Thomas joined him in the car. After a few minutes of silence, Alexander shifted in his seat so he could pull his feet up underneath him.

When they eventually pulled into the parking lot, the pair got out of the car, Thomas giving Alexander a small smile when the immigrant grabbed onto his hand. They walked into the building to rent their skates.

It took almost 15 minutes, and Alexander relying heavily on Thomas to stand, but they eventually got onto the ice. As soon as Thomas let go of Alexander, the immigrant fell over, his face turning a bright shade of red.

"Oh shut up!" Alexander huffed, crossing his arms.

Thomas smirked. "I never said anything darling."

"No, but you were thinking something!" And Alexander was right. Maybe not what Alexander thought he was thinking, but damn he looked adorable all flustered.

With a grin, the Virginian held out a hand to help Alexander up, which the small man took gratefully. When he got Alexander back on his feet, Thomas gently tugged on a lock of hair. "Now come on. You're not gonna learn to move if you keep standing there."

Alexander blushed when the lock of hair was tugged but grabbed onto Thomas' hand. "I'll go, but you're not letting go of me."

Thomas gave Alexander a small smile before tugging on his hand so he could move Alexander in a small circle around him.

"Wait- Fuck Thomas no!" Alexander used his other hand to clutch onto Thomas, who was laughing at how much Alexander was freaking out.

"Fine, fine." Alexander wrapped his arms around Thomas' neck so he couldn't spin him like that again.

"Next time you try something like that I'm going to replace your shampoo with hair bleach." He spoke in an angry tone, although his smile showed he was far from angry. Thomas smiled when Alexander's face turned red while he wrapped his arms around the immigrant's waist, pulling him closer.

"I dunno. I might look nice as a blonde."

"Fuck, Thomas no. You would not. A shade or two, maybe. Not a blonde. God, no."

"Alright mister, I don't wash my hair until it's noticeably greasy in a bun," Alexander responded with a slap on his shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough for it to be noticeable. "Fine fine. I'll stop."

"Good." Alexander smiled and looked as if he was debating on doing something. Before Thomas got a chance to ask, he felt Alexander press a kiss to his lips. After the initial shock had worn off, he closed his eyes, running a hand up the smaller man's back to rest it on the base of his neck. Thomas gently pulled him closer, undoing the bun so he could run a hand through Alexander's soft and thin hair.

What they weren't expecting, was a familiar voice shouting "I spent almost 20 minutes on that bun damnit!" Alexander and Thomas jumped away from each other, both of their faces turning a bright shade of pink. Alexander fell back on his ass, but he didn't seem to care, as he was looking in the direction of the voice.

What he saw was an embarrassed looking Lafayette and an annoyed Hercules who looked like he'd rather be asleep or not there . After helping Alexander back up, he led him over to Lafayette, who seemed to know he was guilty. Thomas noted that Alexander had pulled his scarf up to cover his face, probably to hide the blush Thomas had noticed before they made their way over.

"Before you say anything-" Lafayette tried to speak, but was cut off by Alexander.

"No. Laf, I'm fine. I get it, you want to make sure nothing happens to me. Don't even try making up an excuse. You did the same thing to John." Thomas noted the small voice crack at the name. "But I'm fine."

"Alexander. I apologise if I want to make sure you're safe-"

"It's not your job, Laf! I'm a damn adult. I don't need you watching over me 24/7. I'm not the weak and beaten kid I was when we met. I'm not that small and depressed child anymore." Alexander had pulled down the scarf and leaned closer to Lafayette, looking like he was trying to use his words and voice to seem bigger than he was.

Even Thomas forgot that from time to time. Despite his small size, Alexander made up for it with his large personality.

"I'm sorry, but Alex, you barely take care of yourself. Every time you seem to look like you're getting better, it turns out to be a coverup for something else. Besides, I trusted John, we all did and look what he turned around and did? I can't risk losing you again. I can't be the one to explain to George what happened again."

At this point, Thomas shared a slightly confused look with Hercules, who seemed just as clueless as he was about that the two were getting on about.

"You talk like you think I'm going to try again! I've been clean for almost 2 years Laf. You know I actually put in an effort this time. Yes, I almost fell back into it, but I didn't! I stopped myself this time."

Thomas finally caught on as to what they were talking about. He recalled the night when Lafayette had told him and had made him promise to protect Alexander. He decided it was time to input something. "Laf, I'm sorry, but Alexander is right. You really don't need to be following him around like that. I understand you're worried but He's fine."

Lafayette just looked at Alexander, defeated. "Fine... Whatever. But please be careful Alexander. Please."

"Will do Laf. Never planned otherwise." And with that Lafayette and Hercules left, leaving them alone again. Thomas looked at Alexander with a frown. "Can we go home, Thomas?"

Thomas nodded and helped him back into the building, where they took their skates off and slipped their shoes back on before heading back to their dorm.

»»————- ————-««

Alexander was relieved as soon as they stepped back inside. He plopped onto the couch with a huff, wrapping his arms around himself. He felt the couch dip next to his head, and he shifted so his head was in Thomas' lap.

"Sorry, everything got ruined tonight. I didn't think Lafayette would try that kind of thing again." Alexander closed his eyes with a sigh.

"It's fine, it's not your fault. It's not like you knew Laf was going to follow us." Before he knew it, Alexander felt Thomas shifting him up so his back was against the arm of the couch, his feet resting over the Virginian's lap.

Alexander gave Thomas a small smile and nod, before pulling Thomas into another kiss, running his fingers into his thick, frizzy hair. Thomas slowly moved Alexander into his lap, Alexander positioning himself so he was straddling the other man.

When Thomas pulled Alexander closer, he smiled into when the immigrant let out a small mewl at the action.

Before they got the chance to progress things any further, there was a ringing noise from Thomas' phone. Alexander pulled away, a pout on his face when Thomas answered.

"Hello?" The response on the other side was muffled, but he heard the tone of whoever's voice seemed worried. "Wait, James slow down, he's where?" Alexander gave him a look of confusion when worry spread across the other man's face. "Okay, okay. We'll meet you there."

"Who was that? What happened?" Alexander slid off Thomas' lap and tilted his head slightly.

"It was James. He said John was in the hospital."


Lemme know what you think happened. I'd love to hear.

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