The Lonely Heart

By RenMiles

75.5K 1.5K 201

Kagome loves Inuyasha, but it becomes obvious with his 'secret' trips to Kikyo at night that he may not love... More

Part One
A Night Like No Other
A New Day
An Unseen Event
Past and Present
The Past
We Meet Again
Unexpected Love
The Truth
Abrupt Reunion
Abrupt Goodbye
Part Two
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

The Final Battle

3.8K 98 0
By RenMiles

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi / the television series are produced by Sunrise.

Art found on Villains Wiki, posted by HollowIchigo58


You have been warned, and you may continue reading.


As the onni taiji, monk, kit, two-tailed demon fox, the hanyō, the wolfyōkai, and the flea yōkai kept travelling, a sudden beacon of light appeared in the sky. They all looked up to see that it was a pillar of pure lilac light and their eyes widened. Quickening their pace, they made a bee-line straight for the beacon of light, knowing they would find their miko friend at the center of it and fearing that her life was in grave danger. 

Please be okay, please be okay, I swear if my brother hurt you in anyway or let any harm come to you, I will never forgive that pompous bastard! Inuyasha thought to himself as his heart raced.

When the group grew closer to the beacon of light, they came to a clearing where an estate rested upon a hill. It was surrounded by an elegant white walls with several posts where guards would have been, had there not been chaos going on inside the walls. The sounds of fighting could be heard as demons fought Saimyōsho and other yōkai loyal to Naraku. This made the group struggled to go even faster, now that they were almost at their destination. 

By now the light had faded away, and the group's hearts grew heavy with worry. It felt like ages before they made it to the gates, and the group began slaying their way through all of Naraku's minions. The wind goddess didn't want to make it easy for them to get to Naraku, as they were killing demons she raised them from the dead with her fan. Angry, the hanyō pulled out a transformed tessaiga and let rip a wind scar, effectively killing the horde of minions and damaging the castle. 

With a spot open, the group made their way further into the castle grounds, searching frantically for their friend. They slaughtered demons in their wake as more kept coming at them, threatening to keep them from getting where they needed. They had to find her, she had to be okay, otherwise none of them would ever be okay. She was what brought them together, she was what made them care about each other and become friends. She meant everything to them, and they didn't know what they would do without her. All they could do was pray that they would find her alive and in one piece.

~~~~Sesshōmaru and Kagome~~~~

The bright lilac light began to fade away, and suddenly the miko's body was so overwhelmed that she grew dizzy. As she was swayed a little bit and was about to fall a strong, slender alabaster arm wrapped around her waist and held her close. Slightly startled, she looked up and her chocolate eyes gazed into golden ones. She had never seen any emotion on the killing perfection's face before, but she could have sworn on her life that he looked the slightest bit concerned about her.

The miko's face flushed a light red as she stuttered, "Sesshō...maru..?"

"This Sesshōmaru does not understand what just happened to you, explain." he looked down at her, a curious glint in his eyes.

Putting a finger to her lips with a thoughtful look on her face, she replied, "Well..I had found my true powers and then he locked them away because he was afraid of being purified by them. He is the evil of the demon who was made into the jewel itself. I'm assuming because he died, whatever he did to lock them away was undone."

"Hnn. Are you okay, miko?" he questioned.

Steadying herself with her hands on the daiyōkai, the miko nodded, "I'm fine, but we have to go after Naraku. We can't let him get away when he's wounded, this could be our chance to finally get rid of that scum."

"This Sesshōmaru is well aware of the spider hanyō, and the hanyō will be disposed of. I will ask once more, are you okay to fight miko?" he hardened his gaze as he let his aura reach out to find the hanyō in question.

With a slight nod, she replied, "I'll be fine to fight, there will be more than enough time to rest after Naraku is dead and the Shikon no Tama is purified and made whole once again."

Finding the aura he was looking for, the daiyōkai tightens his grip around the miko's waist and takes off in the direction of the spider hanyō who had been making his way back towards Kaede's village. As they neared closer, the daiyōkai lightly placed the miko on the ground before appearing in front of the hanyō. The spider hanyō sneered as he stopped himself from running face first into the daiyōkai, and turned to look for the miko. When his eyes found her, he saw her aiming an arrow at him.

"I guess this is where I make my last stand. Be prepared, I will not go without a fight." He mused, eyeing the one that looked so much like the woman he had loved before he gave his body to demons.

As she went to shoot the arrow, a sneaky little Saimyōshō snagged her chunk of the Shikon no Tama from the bag she stored it in. She tried to turn and quickly shoot it at the offending Saimyōshō, but it was too late. The Saimyōshō flew quickly to Naraku, and the jewel fused itself together into completion. The hanyō let out a maniacal laugh as the jewel corrupted itself, save for a sliver of light that pulsed within due to the miko's true power. He absorbed the jewel and it began to transform his body into a gigantic spider, his hair turned pure white and his skin darkened, making him appear like an oni. 

The miko knocked a purified arrow and shot it at him, though he slowly regenerated the damage she had done. Seeing this, the daiyōkai retracted his whip and pulled out tenseiga, slashing at the newly transformed spider hanyō. As they fought, a familiar tornado pulled up beside the miko, turning her attention away from the fight momentarily. She turned to look at the wolf yōkai, and his arms embraced her.

"I'm so glad you're okay Kagome. You aren't hurt are you?" the wolf yōkai inquired as he looked for injuries on her.

Pushing him away abruptly, "I'm fine, but we have bigger problems to deal with. Naraku absorbed the full Shikon no Tama, and has transformed already."

As the words came of the miko's mouth the onni taiji, two-tailed demon fox, monk, kit and hanyō appeared behind her and looked at the massive spider in front of them. The hanyō pulled out his tessaiga and charged at the monster, attempting to swallow Naraku and the jewel with his meidō zangetsuha attack.

"Even if I die, the jewel will not die with me, half demon." Naraku barked out another laugh.

Confused, the miko looked him in the eyes and asked, "What is your true wish? Because it doesn't look like the Shikon Jewel granted anything other than another form." The question startled him, and he could only stare at the miko as she continued, "You know, you seem to know a lot about other people's businesses and relationships with how much time you spend trying to tear them apart. That's probably because the jewel may not have allowed the complete removal of your human heart." 

The hanyō attacked with a variation of his meidō zangetsuha that was more adapted to his fighting style, and though Naraku kept regenerating, the daiyōkai noticed the vulnerability and weakness. The daiyōkai put away tenseiga and pulled out bakusaiga instead, slashing at the spider demon in front of him. Due to bakusaiga's decomposing powers, Naraku's outer body began to fall apart. As he weakened, the wind tunnel curse began to break as well, allowing the monk to absorb the shōki coming from Naraku.

Feeling cornered with the group that had gathered around him, he began to feed parts of his soul to the jewel to gain more power and in turn he took on a more horrific appearance - his true face. The newly gained powers allowed him to stall the group as he threatened to crash his shōki filled body on Kaede's village, in an attempt to prevent thehanyō from killing him. However, that didn't stop the daiyōkai from striking Naraku's main body with bakusaiga, narrowly missing the Shikon no Tama.

As his body began to fall, the monk, kit, oni taiji, and the two-tailed demon fox rushed to the village to rescue the villagers from the miasma filled body that threatened to kill them all. Thehanyō once again threw his meidō zangetsuha to definitely send Naraku's body to hell, but his soul remained with the miasma. The miko's eyes caught the glimmer of the Shikon no Tama within Naraku and she shot an arrow at it. 

Before the arrow hit the Shikon no Tama, Naraku thought to himself, Indeed, the jewel did not grant the one wish I had wanted, Kikyo's love. He cursed himself, knowing he would not be able to join her in the afterlife. When the arrow hit, it purified all of Naraku's miasma and effectively saved most of the village from complete destruction. 

Naraku's soul appeared as his head above the pierced jewel, hovering above the Bone Eater's well as he spoke, "In truth, I had made a different wish than what I truly wanted, and when I die that wish shall be granted."

As Naraku finally disappeared from the material world, the miko picked up the jewel and quickly purified it. Part of her had a feeling that the wish he had made was not a wish he wanted, but what the jewel had wanted. The jewel had wanted to keep existing, therefore it had intended for her and Naraku to take Midoriko and Magatsuhi's place. Knowing that there was only one true wish that could rid this world of the jewel, she wished for the jewel to disappear. 

As the jewel disappeared, a stolen meidō swallows her hole along with the Bone Eater's well. The miko found herself in the bottom of the well, staring up at the familiar ceiling of her family's sacred well. She had not known that wishing the jewel away would send her back home. Tears formed in her eyes at the thought of not being able to see her friends again, and she sat there as they flowed down her cheeks. After a few moments, she heard the door to the well open and footsteps near the well.

Looking up with wet eyes and tears still falling down her cheeks, she finds her younger brother Sōta staring down at her. Climbing her way up the well, she embraced him as her body shook while she continued to cry. Stunned to see his sister like this, all he could do was stand there and return her embrace. They stayed like that, two siblings holding each other, for what seemed like long minutes until she could finally steady her breath long enough to speak.

"I can't go back anymore...the jewel is gone and it sent me back." Her voice cracked as the tears threatened to come pouring out again. 

 Understanding the heartbreak his sister was going through, Sōta walked her back to the house so she could lay in her room. Kagome ran up the stairs, shutting her door and throwing herself onto her bed as she continued to cry her heart out. Their mother and grandfather looked to Sōta for an explanation.

With a sad look on his face, he informed them, "After putting the jewel back together and making the wish for it to disappear it forced her back here. She can't go back in time anymore"

Their mother's heart dropped and she did the one thing she thought would help her daughter. It was the weekend, so she called in the calvary of girlfriends Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka to come console her daughter. Mrs. Higurashi told them that she was going through a bad breakup with Inuyasha after having just got over being sick with pneumonia.They were over at the house within the hour, with ice cream and movies and bags packed to spend the weekend with them. 

When they charged into Kagome's room, she looked up from her bed with tear-streaked cheeks and they immediately embraced her. She cried even harder with her friends by her side, grateful to have such wonderful friends that never stopped caring about her. The three friends rambled on about how she could find someone better than that two-timing ex of hers, someone like Hōjō and that she would come out stronger than before. She cracked a half smile through tears, they were always trying to get her to be Hōjō's girlfriend.

A/N: Another chapter here for you guys! Just so you know my job is safe lol, I did manage to get everything done the other night when I had been so overexcited with the creation of this chapter. I do hope you guys enjoy, and if any of you skipped the warning don't say I didn't tell you it would be a spoiler. I realize that not all of it is as truthful to the actual ending, and there's reasons for that. (One most certainly being this is a Sess x Kag and not Inu x Kag). I'm already starting on the next chapter since there was parts I wanted to put in the end here but figured it would be better off saving those for the beginning of the next chapter. Also, I am working on the next chapter of Trust Me which will be posted tomorrow! Love you guys(:

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