Between 2 Hearts [Goldie X Fr...

Uncooked_Ham tarafından

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(This story does NOT contain ANYTHING from the real game. The past in the game doesn't exist in this story. E... Daha Fazla

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 1
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 2
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 3
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 4
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 6
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 7
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 8
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 9
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 10
Bewteen Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 11

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 5

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Uncooked_Ham tarafından

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



'*groans* Ugh my head...' I thought and rubbed the side of my head as I opened my eyes. I looked in front of me and seen Goldie sleeping peacefully. I lifted my body up a bit on my arm and looked behind me. Everyone was asleep in the chairs. I sighed and laid my head back down on the pillow. I raised my arm up and placed my hand on Goldie's cheek gently. I lowered my hand a bit to where it was under his chin and looked at his shoulder that was hurt. I noticed that he had bleed through the bandage a bit. 'I hope they change it when they come back in..' I thought to myself. I know it's not comfortable for him. I looked back up at his face and at his eyes. He just breathed slowly as if nothing had happened yesterday. I know when he wakes up that he's gonna be very sore but at least he's getting the rest he needs. I looked up at his ear when I seen it twitch quickly. I grinned softly at that. I loved to see his little ears twitch. It was so cute and so adorable. I slowly and gently laid on my back since I was tired of being on my side. I slowly shut my eyes again and just kept them shut. I was so tired.
I reopened my eyes when I felt someone touch my chest. I looked over to my right and seen nobody. I turned my head to the left and seen Goldie resting his hand on me. I gave him a soft smile and placed my hand on his. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. I gently turned my body to him again but was careful with his arm. "There's my sweet Goldie's eyes.." I said quietly. He gave me a soft smile and moved closer to me. I put my arm around him gently under his arm. I looked over at the end of the bed when I heard the door open. Some guy walked in and walked over to us. I'm assuming he was the doctor since he was holding a clipboard. He gently put his arm on goldie shoulder. Goldie jumped and tightened his grip around me with his hand and wrist. "Sorry bud. Just checking to see how it is." He told him. Goldie lifted his head and looked over his shoulder at the doctor who was writing something on paper. "How are you feeling today goldie?" He asked him. "Um.. sore.." he told him. "That's expected. Okay buddy. I'm gonna prescribe you some pain medicine and some other medicine to prevent any infections that could be possible. I want your friend or father to go to the store to get some bandages like the one you have on now. Change it twice a day. Once when you get up and once before you go to bed. For a week Okay? I'll write a list of everything that needs to be done. I'll also provide you a thing to hold your arm in place since we can't exactly put a cast around you right there. I mean we can but your shoulder should heal just fine without one. Just don't move it much or lift heavy things up for a while. We'll call you in a few weeks to check to see how it's doing. I'm gonna send you home later today okay?" He told him. Goldie nodded his head slowly then laid back down. The doctor patted Goldie's side before walking away and out of the room. "What about school freddy?" He asked me quietly. "Forget about it right now.. your health is more important at the moment. You could have died and your life is more important then school.." I told him. "I'll let your teachers know what's going on.. okay?" I told him again. He nodded. I moved my head closer to his and kissed his forehead. "My sweet goldie.." I told him quietly. He looked up at me and gave me a soft smile.

(Couple hours later)(Goldie's POV)

Things aren't gonna be very easy for the next few days. Or couple weeks. I've been awake for 3 hours already and I have taken pain medicine already and the pain is almost unbearable. It hurts to even move my head. The nurse and doctor had come in 30 minuets ago telling us that I can go home in a couple hours. I was happy I could go home now but I was nervous cause it hurt so much already and I haven't even moved much.
I was laying on the bed still but with my upper body leaning on the wall so I was basically sitting up. Freddy was sitting on the end of the bed, Bonnie, Chica, foxy, and my dad was just sitting in the chairs in the room. I feel so bad for having them all worried. I looked over to the side of me and seen my plushy on the shelf. I lowered my ears a bit and looked down at the bed. "You okay Goldie?" I heard Chica ask. I looked up at her and nodded slowly. I noticed freddy looked over at me worried. "I was just thinking about my mom a little.." I told them. "What are you think about her?" My dad asked. "How she's been gone for so long and.. how you're alone and so stressed right now.. I feel so bad for worrying you and everyone else.." I told them. "No goldie don't worry about that.. it's not your fault. It's that idiot jacks fault. And Charlotte. As don't worry about us being worried. We care about you and want to make sure you're safe. We all love you." Bonnie told me. I looked down at my arm that got cut and sighed. "Is there something else bothering you Goldie?" I heard Freddy ask. I shook my head. "No.. I just don't want you all to be worried.." I told him. He got up off the bed and walked to me. He stopped by my head area and leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I love you Goldie. You're my boyfriend. I'm always gonna worry and so is your dad and our friends. We all love you and care about you so much. All we want to see is you happy and healthy." He told me sweetly. I gave him a small smile and put my hand on his that was on the bar. I took my hand off his and put it on the bar next to his. I slowly pulled myself up to sit down instead of leaning on the wall. I looked at my shoulder a bit and looked back at freddy. "Can you lower the bar?" I asked Freddy. He nodded and lowered it for me. I threw the blanket to the side off of me and swung my legs over the side to sit on the side of it. I put my hand on the side of my cheek and sighed. "Ouch..!" I cried out when I felt pain by my eye. "Be careful Goldie.. remember he punched you in the face? You have a bruise next to your eye.." freddy told me and lowered my hand. "Oh.. I forgot about that.. been too focused on my shoulder and arm I completely forgot about my face." I told him. He looked at me and nodded slightly. I looked over at the door when it opened again. It was the doctor. "Here goldie. Here's a list of what needs to be done at home okay? Here's your prescriptions to take to a pharmacy to get it filled. Sound good?" He asked me. I nodded as he handed the papers to my dad. "Oh. And there's also a doctors note for your school. I marked it for the whole week. I don't want you going for a week until you start to heal and feel better. Okay?" He asked me. I nodded. "Okay.. thank you.." I replied. "Okay.. so.. do we go home now?" My dad asked. "Yeah. Just go get checked out and you're good to go." He told us before starting to walk out of the room. "Thank you very much." My dad told him. "It's my pleasure." He replied and walked out of the room. I looked up and seen Freddy looking down at me. He held out a hand and I put mine in it. He helped me up and put a arm around my waist to help me stay up. "Be slow. I don't want you moving too fast right now." My dad said. I nodded as Freddy started to walk with me out of the room.

We walked back to the waiting room as my dad went to the desk to check me out of the hospital. "We'll go Wait in my truck while you check him out." Bonnie told him. He nodded as we walked out of the hospital doors. "Hold on. Wait here. I'll bring it here so it'll be easier on you." Bonnie told me. I nodded and stopped. He jogged over to his truck and brought it over to us. Chica got in and so did foxy. She got in the back and he got int he front. Bonnie's truck had three seats in the front and back so it was able to hold 6 people. That worked concerning we were all here. "Do you want to sit in the middle or by the door goldie?" Freddy asked me. "What do you think will hurt less?" I asked. "Hm.. maybe the middle." He replied. I nodded and walked to his truck. I hesitated to get in considering it was kinda tall but I was able to get in just fine. It only hurt to scoot over to the middle. Freddy got in after me and shut the door. We waited for my dad to come out of the hospital. As we waited, freddy helped me to get buckled in. He grabbed the strap and put it over my shoulder and chest area. He started to buckle it in but stopped for a second. "Are you able to lift your arm a little so I can buckle it in under your hand?" He asked me. I swallowed hard and nodded. I tired lifting my arm without using my other hand and that felt awful. The pain just shot through my entire arm and shoulder. "Ah..!" I cried out. I looked down at my hand and to the side of me when I felt him kiss my cheek. "It's okay.. be careful. Chica can you lift his arm a bit but gently?" He asked her. She nodded and gently grabbed my wrist and lifted my arm up a bit. He buckled me in and she set my arm back down. "Sorry goldie if I hurt you." She told me. "You didn't.. it was stupid of me to move my arm by myself.." I told her. "Don't say that Goldie." Freddy told me. I sighed and leaned onto him and rested my head on his shoulder. My dad soon came and sat in the front seat of the truck. He shut the door and buckled himself in. Bonnie put the gear in drive and drove off. "I'll try to be carful Goldie with the bumps and turns." Bonnie told me as he stopped at a stop sign. "It's okay Bonnie. Don't worry about it.." I told him. He looked around and drove off the driveway of the hospital. I put my hand on Freddys hand that was on his lap. He looked down at my hand and put his other hand on top of mine. I looked around the truck with my eyes and seen that everyone was tired. I felt so bad still. I felt freddy lean his head on top of mine and just rest it there.

We reached my house and Bonnie pulled into the driveway. He stopped it and put it in park and turned it off. I felt freddy straighten his body up and heard him open the door. I sat up straight as he unbuckled himself. Chica had grabbed my hand and unbuckled me. Freddy moved the seatbelt to where it normally is and hopped out of the truck. I scooted over and slowly turned my body to get out. Freddy held his hand out and I put mine in his. He helped me out but I accidentally bumped my shoulder on the front seat when I did. "Ow!" I cried out and grabbed my arm a bit with my other hand. I looked over when I seen freddy quickly came closer to me. He put his hand on my other shoulder and patted my back gently. "You okay?" He asked me. "Mm hm.." I did. He grabbed my arm carefully and started to walk. I followed him to the door. My dad opened the door and let me and Freddy walk in. He lead me to my room and opened my door for me. He let me walk in first and he came in behind me. I sat down on the bed and he grabbed my chair and sat on the chair next to me. I looked up when the other came in with my dad. "Do you need anything goldie? Hungry? Thirsty?" Bonnie asked me. I shook my head. "No. No thank you. I just want to sleep at the moment." I told him. He nodded. "Well we'll go ahead and leave you alone to rest. Want me to take you both home foxy and chica?" He asked them. "Sure." Chica replied. "Sure lad. Thank you." Foxy told him. "Freddy?" Bonnie asked. I looked at Freddy. "You can go home and rest if you want to. I'll be fine." I told him and patted his lap. "Um.." he did. "You can stay if you want to. Just let your parents know where you are I guess." I told him again. He rubbed his arm a bit. "C.. can I stay?" He asked. I nodded and rubbed his leg a bit. "Okay freddy.. well I'll see you later. Might come check on goldie tomorrow or something. Come on guys." Bonnie said. "Feel better soon Goldie! We love you!" Chica said as they walked out. "I love you guys to Chica.." I said as they walked out of the house. "Are you sure you're not hungry goldie?" My dad asked. "No I'm fine.." I replied quietly and looked at the floor. "Hm.. well how does some ice cream?" He asked me. I looked up at him with my eyes. "Heh I always know how to get your attention. So.. you want some?" He asked. I smiled a bit and nodded. "You want some to freddy?" He asked him. "Sure thank you." Freddy told him. He nodded and walked out.

I slowly moved myself back a bit and looked over at the right side of my room. I had a mirror hanging on the wall so I seen myself. I lowered my ears and made myself stand up and walk to the mirror. "Is.. this what I look like?" I asked him. I looked at him in the mirror. He nodded his head. All I seen was a bruise by my left eye, my left shoulder all wrapped up and my right arm wrapped up as well. I lowered my head and backed up a bit. I heard Freddy stand up out of the chair. I looked to the side of me when I seen him beside me. I kept my head low and turned my body to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I literally felt my heart break a little. I raised my cut arm up and rested my hand on Freddys chest. "I'm so sorry to have you so worried freddy... I wish this didn't happen.." I said quietly. He gently wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "We've only been together for 3 days and it's all gone downhill.. now all I have you is stressed.. I'm so sorry Freddy.." I told him. I felt him shake his head a bit. "Don't worry about it goldie. You know I love you and would do anything to protect you. It's my fault you got hurt.. I didn't protect you.. I'm so sorry for that.." he told me. "It's not your fault freddy. You didn't know he was gonna do that.." I told him. I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes. I looked over his shoulder when I seen my dad. I cleared my throat a bit and lifted my hand up off his chest and pointed being him. He slowly let go of me and looked. My dad was just standing there smiling at us. We let go of each other and walked to him. He handed us a small bowl of ice cream with a spoon. "Enjoy. I'll leave you alone." He told us and shut my door. I walked back to my bed and Freddy back to the chair. We both sat down and made ourselves comfortable. I looked at Freddy as he took a spoonful of it. I looked down at mine and lifted my spoon. I slowly rose it to my mouth but soon set it back down in the bowl. I lowered my head again and looked at freddy with my eyes. He was just watching me. He got up and set his bowl on the nightstand. He sat next to me and took the bowl from me. He grabbed the spoon and lifted it up to my mouth. I gave him a soft grin and took it from him. He got another spoon of it and gave it to me again until I finished it. He set the bowl on the nightstand and grabbed his and finished it. He set his down again and sighed. He put his hand on the other side of my cheek and kissed me. I smiled and looked at him after he took his hand down. "Why don't you lay down goldie? Rest." He told me as he stood up. I scooted back and moved myself to how the bed is. I leaned back on the wall against my pillow and slowly rested my arm on my stomach. "Here." He told me and put my blanket on me. "Thank you freddy.." I told him. He nodded and sat back down on the chair. I sighed and closed my eyes halfway. I looked over when I heard a quiet sniff. Not a sniff of smelling the air but a sad sniff. I looked up and at him. He had rested his head in his hands and had shut his eyes. 'Is.. he crying?' I asked myself. "Freddy?" I asked. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. I seen the tears. He couldn't hide it anymore. I lowered my ears. "Freddy come here.." I told him and patted the bed beside me. He stood up and wiped his eyes with his arm. He came near me and looked at me. "Lay down.." I told him and patted the bed again. "But Goldie.." "it's okay." I interrupted. He got on the bed and climbed over me to where the wall was. I scooted over a bit to let him have more room. "Lay back." I told him as I laid back onto the pillow. He laid his head on the pillow next to mine and looked at me. I moved to my side with the unhurt shoulder and looked into his eyes. He laid on his side facing me as well. "Don't cry.. I can't see my freddy cry.." I told him quietly. He sniffed and wiped his eyes with his hand. I wanted to wipe his tears away so bad but I couldn't with my hurt shoulder and I was laying on my arm that was cut. I moved my head closer to his and rested my forehead onto his and he moved into mine. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow.." he told me quietly. "You don't have to.. just explain to them why.." I told him. He sniffed again and nodded. "Let's just go to sleep.. I'm tired and I know you are to.." I told him. He nodded. "I love you freddy." I told him. "I love you too goldie." He told me quietly. I shut my eyes and so did he.

(Few hours later)

I woke up to someone touching my side. I opened my eyes halfway and looked over my shoulder. "Goldie? Goldie wake up for a second.." I heard someone say. My eyes cleared up and it was my dad. "Here bud. Take some pain medicine and the other one.." he told me. I raised myself up and sat down. He handed me the pills and a glass of water. I took the pills and drank the water. "Attaboy... good job." He told me and took the glass from me. He leaned over and grabbed the bowls and turned the light off. He walked out of the room and shut the door. I looked at my clock and seen it was 9pm. I sighed and laid back down. I looked at Freddy as he slept peacefully. He's so adorable. I love him so much I can't explain. I slowly closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

(Few hours later)

I woke up again. I felt pain shoot through my shoulder as I noticed I had moved it. I quickly sat up and placed my arm back to where it was before. I felt my body start to shake as the pain grew worse and worse. I looked around my room and seen the time. It was 4am. It's been 7 hours since I took my medicine. I'm not sure how often I'm supposed to take it but it sure does feel like it had wore off. I took the blanket off me and swung my legs over the bed. I looked behind me and seen Freddy still sleeping peacefully. I turned my head back to where it was before and tried to stand up. My entire body was shaking at this point. I couldn't straighten my legs or upper body. I grabbed my wrist with the hurt shoulder with my other hand. Trying to ignore the pain. I took a few steps forward to my door as I noticed my medicine wasn't in my room. I reached the door and opened it and walked out. I looked down the hallway both ways. It was pitch black except for the moon shining in. My dads room was all the way across the house so that didn't help me at all. I started to walk slowly to his room but soon was soon overcome with the shakiness. It hurt so much I couldn't even walk anymore. I soon fell on my knees and forward. I accidentally, without thinking, put my hurt arm with the broken shoulder out to catch my fall. My body fell to the side without the hurt shoulder and I covered my mouth with my hand. I shut my eyes tightly and tried not to make any sound or scream. I lowered my hand and pushed myself up to sit down. I grabbed my arm with my hand and put it back inside the sling I have on. Tears soon filled my eyes and I couldn't see. I just sat in the floor and decided to wait till someone woke up. I let myself fall on the ground again and just laid on my side with my hand up over my eyes. I let out a few quiet sobs as the pain shot through my shoulder and arm. "m- mommy... p- p- please... I n- need you s- so m- m- much right n- now.." I said quietly as I held myself together.

(Morning)(Freddys POV)

I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and had opened them slowly. I noticed Goldie wasn't next to me. I jumped up and looked around his room. I looked at the door when I heard something. I started to get up but sat back down when the door opened. "Goldie..!" I called out as he walked in the room. He had his hand up by his mouth just sobbing. His ears were all the way down, and I seen he had started bleeding from his shoulder again. I gasped and jumped out of his bed. "Goldie what happened?!" I asked as I came up to him. He continued to sob. I quickly grabbed around his waist as he fell to his knees. I got on mine as well and lowered his hand and  lifted his head up. "Goldie..? Sweetie what happened?" I asked him. Covered with his sobs, he had started to choke a bit. He wiped his eyes again with his arm and basically fell into me. I wrapped my arms around him and didn't let go. "Oh baby...  it's gonna be okay.. Freddys here... and he isn't gonna let you go.." I told him softly as I rocked him gently. He slowly leaned his head back and looked up  at me. "I- I- it h- hurts f- f- freddy.." he told me broken. I put a hand behind his head and leaned him forward. I kissed his forehead and stood up. I helped him up and walked him to his bed. I sat him down and I sat on the chair again. I raised my hand up by his shoulder and softly rubbed his arm with the back of my hand. I noticed some blood marks that had dripped from his stab was there. I leaned over and kissed his cheek before standing up. He sniffed and looked up at me as I looked around his room with my eyes. "Uh.. I'll be right back." I told him and rushed out of his room. I ran to the kitchen and seen his medicine on the counter and the other supplies his dad had to get last night. I grabbed everything and a glass of water for him and ran back to his room. I reached his room and set everything down on his nightstand. "Here.. take your medication goldie.." I told him and got it out for him. I handed it to him and the glass of water. His hands were shaking so bad and so was his body. He took it from me and put them in his mouth. He took the water and drank it down. I took the glass from him again and set it down. I grabbed one of those bandage things and some of that tape that's used for these types of bandages and set it down beside him. I grabbed a little clean up wipe that his dad had bought and opened it. I gently grabbed his arm and cleaned his arm off.
I wasn't prepared for his actual stab.
I set the wipe down and looked up at him. "This might hurt a bit goldie.. I promise I'll be as gentle as I can." I told him. He nodded and wiped his eyes again. I grabbed some of the tape around the bandage and took it off as slow as I could.
I soon got all the tape off around it and was able to life the cloth like bandage off. I sighed and took it off his shoulder.
It just exposed his stab mark. He was obviously bruised and it was still bleeding a little. I grabbed another wipe and cleaned around it as carful as I could without causing too much pain.
He let out a small whine when I got a bit closer to the stab. I stopped and threw the thing away in the garbage next to me. I grabbed another medicine that the doctor had given him. It was to put on the cut to keep it cleaner and to help heal it. It was a spray so I wasn't exactly sure if it was gonna burn or not. I'm hoping it doesn't.
"Okay goldie.. I'm gonna spray this on your shoulder.. be prepared okay?" I asked him. He looked at me sadly and nodded. I felt him grab my arm with his hand and hold it tightly. I just let him as I shook the can a little. I put it next to his cut and sprayed it a little. He jumped and accidentally held my arm tighter but let it go. "O- ow.." he said. "I know.. I'm sorry Goldie.." I told him as I put the can down and grabbed a new cloth feeling bandage. I set it on his shoulder and got the tape and put it around it. "Attaboy goldie.. good job." I told him as I put the last piece of tape on him. I heard him sniff once more as I started throwing things away and putting the stuff on his nightstand. "Good job goldie." I told him and kissed his cheek again. I grabbed the chair that was next to his nightstand and stood up to sit in it. I did so and just rubbed his leg gently. He continued to shake as I did this. "Goldie.. what happened last night?" I asked him. "I.. I woke up a- and I was h- hurting really bad.. I went to go get my m- medicine but I was shaking s- so bad that I fell and caught myself with my b- broken shoulder.." he told me shakily. "Wait.. how long ago was this?" I asked. "L- like 4 in the morning.." he replied. "Goldie.. it's 8 in the morning now.. you just laid there for 4 hours? Your dad didn't wake up?" I asked. He shook his head. "Oh Goldie you should have woken me up.." I told him. "I.. I didn't want to... you're already so tired and I wanted you to rest.." "no.." I interrupted him. I stood up and sat next to him where his shoulder other was fine. I put my arm around his back and my other hand on his leg. I pulled him gently to me and he leaned into me. "Goldie you should have woken me up... it's not me who needs rest right now.. it's you.. don't worry about me okay? Wake me up when you're in that much pain. I don't want to wake up knowing I wasn't there for my sweet goldie.." I told him quietly and kissed his forehead.
I slowly let go of him and he sat up straight and looked at me. "Lay down.. I want you to rest okay?" I asked. He nodded and wiped his eyes once more. I stood up and he slowly backed himself up on the bed and laid back. I grabbed his blanket and covered him up with it. "Mm.." I did as I looked around. I reached over him and grabbed another pillow beside him and lifted his head up a little. I set it under his head to prop his head higher to get so much pressure off his shoulder. "Are you hungry goldie?" I asked. He looked up at me and nodded slightly. I bent down on a knee and put my hand on his arm. "What would you like?" I asked. He shrugged a bit. I looked behind me and I heard the door open. It was his dad. "Um.. why is there blood on the floor?" His dad asked. "Goldie fell last night and his shoulder started bleeding again.." I told him. His face changed so quick from nervous to very worried. "What? Goldie what happened??" He asked and walked in. Goldie looked at me a little. "His shoulder was hurting really bad and he went to go get medicine.. I guess he was shaking really bad and was feeling really weak and he fell and caught himself with his arm with the broken shoulder.. probably reopened it a little.." I told him. "Goldie... don't do that son.. if you're hurting that much, wake someone up.." he told him. Goldie looked at him sadly and turned his head the other way. "He said he's a little hungry.. I'm not sure what he wants right now." I told him. "I'll go make him something. Are you hungry to freddy?" He asked me. "Um.. a little bit.." "let me go make something for you both." He interrupted me and walked out of the room. I looked back at Goldie and lowered my ears. "Do you want anything to drink goldie?" I asked. "Um.. sure.. I have a water bottle in my nightstand.. can you fill it up please?" He asked me. I nodded and looked at his nightstand. I took a step to it and got on my knees. I opened it and grabbed the water bottle. I picked it up and seen something under it. It was a candy. I put the water bottle in my other hand and grabbed the candy and inspected it. "Why does this look so familiar to me?" I asked. He looked at me and at my hand. "It's the candy you gave me at the store when we first met.. remember?" He asked. I perked an ear. "What? Really? You've kept it all these years?" I asked in amazement. He nodded. "I wanted to remember when we first met.. so I kept it.." he told me. "They don't even make this brand of lollipop anymore.." I said quietly and set it back down. I closed the drawer and leaned over by Goldie. I leaned my head closer and kissed his cheek. "You're so sweet goldie.. I knew there was something special about you." I told him as I got up. He smiled weakly at me as I turned around to fill his water bottle up. "You want ice?" I asked before walking out. "Sure. Thank you freddy." "No problem Goldie." I replied as I walked out of the room and to the kitchen. I seen his had making something as I walked to the sink. He looked at me and grinned. I reached the sink and turned the hot water on. I like to clean things before use so yeah. I cleaned it with hot water and dish soap and rinsed it out. I turned the cold water on and filled it about a quarter under its fill line. I turned the water off and went and got some ice from the freezer. I put ice in it and put the top back on. I walked back to Goldie's room and seen he was just looking out the window. I smiled softly and walked to him. "Here goldie." I said and handed it to him. He looked at me and smiled. He took it and set it beside him. "Thank you freddy.." he told me. I nodded. He put his cut arm down on the bed and pushed himself up to sit up more straight on the wall. I came closer to him and put my hands hinder his arms and helped him up. I let go and backed up. "Thank you again." He said sweetly. I nodded and sat down on the bed. I looked up when his dad came in. He handed us a small bowl of oatmeal. "Thank you sir." I told him. "You're welcome freddy." "Yeah.. thank you dad.." Goldie told him as he took it from his dad. "You're welcome son." He replied and walked out of the room. I grabbed my spoon and looked at Goldie. He looked like he was having a hard time lifting the spoon up. I'm sure even his cut arm is sore to so it probably doesn't feel good to close his hand. I set my spoon down and set my bowl on the nightstand. I scooted closer to him and grabbed his bowl. I took his spoon and gave him some.
I continue to give it to him till he was done.

He was about half way done when I noticed him groan quietly. I looked up at him as he looked down at my hands. I looked down and back up at him. He had that look on his face as if he didn't want anymore. I didn't say anything and just set it on his nightstand. I grabbed mine and started to eat it. I looked at him as he sighed quietly and turned his head to the other way. I looked down back at my bowl and continued. I soon finished it and set it down beside his. I put a hand on his leg and rubbed him softly. He looked at me and let out a quiet whine. I lowered my ears again and leaned over. I picked his hand up gently and kissed his hand. I sat back up straight and looked into his eyes. He gave me a soft grin and tightened his grip of his hand onto mine. "Rest goldie.. try to sleep some more.." I told him quietly. He nodded and laid down on his back. He looked down at me and slowly shut his eyes. I smiled and patted his hand gently as I took it out from under him. I got up and sat in the chair and let him sleep.

( Sorry it's been taking so long for me to update these stories. Been busy with things and been too distracted to write. But here we go! Another
part for this one! Hope you enjoy! Pretty sad and painful to read but.. yeah)

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"As anxiety pooled in her stomach, it was all she could do to keep from throwing up on his leg and giving away her position. Yet she knew, without a...
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Not human version; actual animatronics) (Also. This story does NOT contain ANYTHING from the real game. The past in the game doesn't exist in this st...