Lead me

By taewitsumkookies

11.6K 361 23

When a drunk driver causes Jungkook and Taehyung to get in a car crash, their lives hit rock bottom. Taehyung... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

1.7K 47 4
By taewitsumkookies

~Taehyung pov~

It had been a month. A month since Jungkook and I were in a car accident caused by drunk and distract driving. The man in the other car didn't make it. We did. I broke my left arm, had a concussion and had seriously deep cuts. Jungkook, had is optic nerve damaged, which resulted in him being blind. He also hurt his leg real bad, but it was better now. Me and him were basically stuck at home for a long time. But now, I can finally get out of the house. He's just now able to walk around. His leg is no longer in bad condition. However, he can't see I anything. I walked across the street to his house. We were neighbors, friends, and lovers. Both of ours parents were ok with it. I knocked on the door. His dad opened the door. "Ahh, hello Taehyung, how are you today?" He asked. "I'm good Sir. You?" I asked, stepping inside. "I'm fine. Uh, Jungkook is upstairs, probably still asleep, so don't started him." He said. I nodded. I walked upstairs. His bedroom door was closed. I quietly opened it. I walked inside and closed the door behind me quietly. I looked at him. He was sleeping peacefully. You wouldn't know that he is now blind if you didn't know him. He looked pretty normal and healthy. I frowned. Him being blind hit him hard. He didn't eat for days, so the doctor had to give him nutrients through the IV's at the hospital. He now eats and stuff normally, but he's still sad about the whole thing. He said that I'm the only one he wants to talk to sometimes, so I usually stay over a lot so he's not alone. I quietly walked around his bed and lied down beside him. He was still asleep. Our accident happened on the 2nd weekend of us being out of school for summer. We have one more year before we are done. But now, Jungkook is stressed on how he was gonna get through school. I told him that he could just learn brail, but he doesn't want to be the 'blind kid'. I lightly put my good hand on his waist and lightly rubbed it. He snuggled into the pillow. I smiled. I turned on his TV and began to watch a show, waiting for him to wake up.

"Hmmm, who's there?" He asked, yawing. "Taehyung." I answered. "Oh, hi Tae." He smiled. "Hi Kookie. Hungry? You've slept like the whole day." I said. "Ehh, not really. Maybe later." He stretched. I nodded. He sat up. He turned to me. He crawled across the bed and straddled my lap. He then leaned down and lied on my chest. "Can we go somewhere today? I'm tired of sitting in my room." He asked. "Sure, where do you want to go?" I asked. "Uhh, the mall or something." He answered. "Ok, Hoseok hyung has to go with us. I can't drive." I said. "Ok." He said. "Alright, c'mon, I'll text and ask." I said, getting my phone. I texted Hoseok and he said yes. "He said yes. He'll be here in 15 minutes. Do you need to take a shower?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok, c'mon." I said. He got off me and sat on the bed. I walked to his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom. I turned on the shower and made sure it was the right temp. He walked in the bathroom. "Ok, your shampoo is on your right and the body wash is on your left." I said. He nodded. I left the bathroom and walked into his room. I walked to his closet and picked him out some clothes. I then lied them on the bed.


Jungkook came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Here are your clothes." I said, directing him to the bed. "Thanks." He said. I hummed in response. Once he got ready, we walked downstairs and outside. Hoseok pulled into his driveway. I held Jungkook's hand and walked him to the car. I got in the passenger seat and he got in the back. "Hey Jungkook." Hoseok smiled. "Hi." Jungkook replied. "Hey Hoseok. We are going to the mall." I said. He nodded and started to drive to the mall.


We reached the mall and got out of the car. Jungkook every so often brushed my hand, arm, or thigh to make sure he was still walking in the right directing. We were walking around shopping. "Tae, can you pick me out some good looking clothes?" He asked. "Sure." I smiled. I looked around and started to get him some clothes I thought he'd look good in.

We went to the food court and got food. We got our food and we sat down. We all joked around and laughed.

"So, have you guys gotten your schedules for the school year yet?" Hoseok asked. "No, not yet." I answered. "Oh, well I got mine today. When you get yours, tell me what you get so I can see if we have any classes together." He smiled. I nodded.

We soon finished our food and got back in his car. He drove us home. "It was fun spending a few hours with you." I smiled. "You too." He replied. "Thank you Hoseok Hyung." Jungkook smiled. "No problem Kookie, bye." He smiled, driving away. Me and Jungkook walked into his house. "Your parents aren't home." I informed. He nodded. We walked upstairs. I put his clothes away in his closet and lied on the bed. "When do you get your cast off?" Jungkook asked. "Pretty soon." I answered. "That's good." He said. "Yeah." I said. "So, what do you wanna do? I'm bored." Jungkook asked. "Hmmm, I don't know." I replied. "We could... no no, never mind." I said. "What?" He asked. "Never mind." I repeated. "No, what were you going to say." He said. I sighed. "I was going to say play video games- play over watch like we use to, but, never mind." I said. I felt him lay down. I looked over and saw his back was turned to me and he was lying down. "Kookie, I'm sorry." I said. He didn't answer. I lightly touched his shoulder. He didn't shrug me off, so that's good. "Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, I'm sorry." I repeated. I felt him crying. "Oh, baby, c'mere." I said softly. He sat up and crawled over to me and curled up into my lap. "Hey, I'm sorry for not thinking, I shouldn't have even thought about playing videos games..." I said. "I-it's not that." He sniffled. "Then what is it?" I asked. "Bec-cause of me, we can't d-do t-things we use to do, together. We can't play v-videos games, go watch the sunset, watch a movie, dance, or anything like that. A-and it's all because of me... maybe you'd be better off breaking up with me and going to be with someone e-else." He mumbled the last part. "W-what?" I asked. "Face it. Y-you're goanna get bored eventually. You are gonna get tired of helping me, leading me, and doing everything for me. You're going to want to have sex again soon and I won't cause I can't see what's going on. You can even find someone better looking and everything. Hell! You can freaking cheat on me easily." His sadness turned into something else. An emotion that I didn't know. He then started to cry. 'Ok, it's back to sadness.' I thought. "Kookie, baby, I would never break up with you over something like this. I love you so so so so so so so much. I love helping you, leading you and doing stuff for you. And, yes, I'm gonna want to have sex again, but, I would never pressure you into doing it blind unless you're comfortable. And, you're the most beautiful, amazing, stunning, and cutest person I have ever met. No one is as cute as you. And finally, I will never cheat on you. The most I have ever cheated you is on that hard math test we had in 8th grade. Now, stop crying and smile. We can figure out something to do even if you can't see it." I said. He sniffled and tried to stop crying. "I-i love you too." He said after a few seconds. I smiled. I leaned down and connected our lips. I lightly and passionately kissed him. He kissed back. After a few seconds, I pulled away and kissed his forehead. "How about we go and get some ice cream?" I asked. "H-how. Neither one of us can drive." He said. "Well, I can drive, I just can only use one hand, let's go." I said. We got up and went to my house. I got my keys and we got in the car. We were in Jungkook's car when we wrecked, and it got totaled. I drove to the ice cream store and we got out. We got some ice-cream and sat down and ate it. "Wanna go to my house or yours?" I asked. "Yours." He answered. "Ok." I replied. We finished our ice cream and got back in my car. I drove to my house and we got out of the car. We walked inside. "Kim Taehyung! How many times have I told you not to drive. You could get n another accident." My mom yelled. I sighed. "Mom, calm down." I said. "Don't tell me to calm down. I love you so much, I love Jungkook as well and I don't want you guys in another wreck, give me your keys." She said. I sighed and threw her my car keys. Me and Jungkook then walked upstairs to my room. "She sounds mad." He said. "Yeah, but, I understand why." I said. Jungkook nodded in agreement. "I want to take a nap." He yawned. "Ok." I said. I led him to the bed and he kicked off his shoes. He then lied down and got comfy. "The only good thing about being blind, is that you get total darkness for whenever you're trying to sleep." Jungkook sighed. I smiled. I liked down behind him and wrapped my arm around his torso. I pulled him closer to me and we fell asleep.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to have sex. I was really craving it for some reason. But, I know as soon as I'm naked, I'll get self-conscious and nervous cause Taehyung can just stare at me. I also no that I won't be able to see anything he does. I'm also nervous about him seeing me naked now. I feel like my abs are gone and I'm no longer built and stuff. I want to work out again, but I'm scared of messing up. I told him I wanted to take a nap, but really I just wanted to think while he was holding me close to him. He had fallen asleep. I feel like I'm a burden to him. He has to do a lot for me. "Jungkook, I know you not sleep." He yawned. I flinched. I didn't expect him to be awake. "I'm just thinking." I replied. "Hmmm, about?" He asked. "Stuff." I answered. "What stuff?" He asked. I sighed. I flipped over so I was on ym back. "Lift my shirt." I said. He did. "Tell me what you see." I said. "Um, I see your abs." He said. "Y-you mean I still have them?" I asked. "Yes." He answered, tracing them. I sighed in relief. "Yay." I said cutely. Taehyung chuckled and kissed my cheek. I heard a knock at the door. "Yes?" Taehyung asked. "Hey Taehyung, me and your father are going shopping, do you need anything?" She asked. "Um, no, not that I know of." He answered. "Ok, bye. We love you." She said, walking away. "Whatcha wanna do while they're gone?" Taehyung asked. I smiled. I moved to where I was straddling him. He held my waist. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He kissed back. We made out passionately. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip. I partied my lips a little. He slipped his tongue in my mouth. I quietly moaned into the kiss. Taehyung sat up without breaking the kiss and flipped us over. He pulled away and kissed my neck. He lightly sucked and bit the sensitive skin. He left hickeys and kissed my lips again. He then pulled away. "How visible are they?" I asked. "Ehhh, it... they are very visible." He said. I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. "Why'd you stop?" I asked. "Cause, I don't want to take it to far." He answered. He got off of me. I heard him walking around the room. I sighed. "T-tae, are you still here?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. "Um, I want to... to do 'it'... just slowly." I said. "But, you said-" "I know, it's just. If I never get over it, then, we'll never have it again..." I said. "Baby, if you're saying that just so I don't break up with you, then you can hush." He said. "But I'm not." I said, standing up. I felt around. I couldn't feel anything. I walked forward. I slowly tried to find a wall. I stumbled over something. "I get my cast off in a week, maybe then, ok?" He asked. I turned in the direction where I heard his voice. "Ok." I smiled. He chuckled. "Oh, and... I wanna go to the dance studio..." I said. "Y-you do?" He asked. "Yes. I mean, they can't fix my optic nerve, so I might as well get use to dancing blind." I said. Taehyung laughed and ran over to me. He engulfed me in a tight hug. "T-tae- I c-can't breathe." I gasped. "I'm so happy your looking at from a different perspective! I love you!" He said happily. I smiled. I hugged back after he loosened his grip a little. "I love you too." I replied.

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