Black Pearl

By taylerloveswolves

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Lauren Mackenzie used to have a good life with her boyfriend Eric until Eric dies. Attempting to cope with t... More

Black Pearl
Mysterious Stranger
Don't dare leave me.
Opened wounds.
The boy with the honey like voice
Let out the beast
I'm Sorry
Time just died
Safe Haven
Staring Evil in the eyes
O' Death
The call
Broken Boy
Another pain added to the belt of hope
His last breath.
You Again
For the first time.

Don't worry, be happy

267 4 0
By taylerloveswolves

Kai’s POV

            Once I knew Lauren and Kyungsoo were gone I got up, trembling. I didn’t expect this to happen so soon, I used to have time. So much time and it all has just been ripped away from me.  I wandered around Lauren’s apartment in search of something to eat, or something to drink, I wanted to call Lauren to see how she was, to tell her I was going to be okay but I’m not and I don’t want her around to see this.

            I knew Kyungsoo must be devastated as well; all of my friends must be…I pulled out my cell and dialed Kyungsoo’s number and waited, heart pounding.

            “Kai?” a soft whisper said on the end of the line, and immediately I started to cry.

            “Soo I am so sorry…is Lauren okay? Are you okay?” I heard him sniffle and some shuffling.

            “Yeah, we’re okay. We’re at Baekhyun’s…I miss you.”

            “I miss you too Kyungie. Make sure you protect Lauren okay? Make sure she moves on, I don’t want her to be sad, okay?”

            “Okay…” He grew quiet after that all I could hear was his shallow breathing and honestly it comforted me. I was about to ask him to put Lauren on the phone when he started crying, uncontrollably.

            “Jongin…” he used my real name, he only uses my real name whenever he’s really upset.

            “Soo, it’s going to be okay.”

            “No it’s not!” he wailed. “This fucking hurts! To know your best friend is dying and you can’t do shit about it. You can’t be there for him or anything because he would rather die alone. Jongin, you can’t do this!”

            I sat there, at Lauren’s kitchen table tears silently streaming down my face, feeling guilty.

            “It’s so unfair…it’s so fucking unfair…”

            “Kyungie, I- I’m sorry…” I sobbed.

            “No, I’m sorry Jongin, It just all hit me and I can’t control what I say when I’m upset you should know this…” He chuckled a little and I heard some more shuffling.

            “What are you doing Kyungsoo?” I asked.

            “I’m laying in bed, I haven’t gotten out of it today, not yet. I’m glad you called me Kai. I have to go okay?” his voice cracked, and it pained me to not be there.

            “Okay Soo, don’t stay in bed all day it’s bad for your health.”

            “Okay, bye.”


            And there I was holding the phone to my ear waiting for a dial tone or something to signify that he hung up but I could still hear his breathing, I smiled softly and hung up the phone instead.

            I leaned back in the chair and ran my hands through my hair groaning. This is what it has to be like, I thought to myself, there’s no fairy tale ending for me; only pain. So much pain.

            Kyungsoo’s words flowed through my head as I finally decided to make myself some eggs. He was right though, it’s wrong of me to be alone when I’m dying but I just don’t want the last thing I see to be their sad faces when I die, I want them all to be happy without me, and besides I don’t want them to witness me die, that would be horrible. But what I do plan on doing is before I die, I’m going to call them both and tell them how I feel, and make sure they are happy. That is my only wish, is for them to be happy.

*Sorry guys it took so long to update, and it's kind of a short chapter I know, BUT I am going to try and update more frequently, I Love you guys!* 

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