By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

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Chapter One: The Truth and The Beginning of a Journey
Chapter Two: Creating A Warrior
Chapter Three: Uncles
Chapter Five: Time To Get Ready
Chapter Six: Being Strong
Chapter Seven: Good-bye to Originality of Evil
Chapter Eight: A Break
Chapter Nine: Unexpected
Chapter Ten: Hope
Chapter Eleven: The Glory and the Pain
Chapter Thirteen: Happy Ending

Chapter Four: My First Ball

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By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

  It was beautiful. My dress was a cherry red satin that didn't have a corset like the other girls. It covered above my bussom and was tight in a good way all the way to my hips where it flared out and went to the floor, in a wave. I had been ordered to pull most of my hair up on top of my head, while some of my curls dangled down my neck. The combs that held my hair in place were diamond crusted combs, and all the jewelry I wore matched it.

  "It was a gift. From Harry on our wedding day." Mama said, coming into my chamber in her dress. She looked lovely in her dress. It absolutely completed her in a good way, and made her look younger.

  "It's beautiful." I tell her, my hand flying up to it.

  "Don't touch. It's going to come out if you keep playing with it. Okay, now before my brother comes up here with steam coming out of his eyeballs why don't we go down there and show him how beautiful you look." Mama says, holding out a hand for me to come with her.

  "Why don't you go down there? I'll be down in a second." I promised. Mama smiled and walked downstairs like the royal she is. I took a deep breath and looked myself in the face. "You can do this."

  I pulled papa's sword off the my bed and put it so that I could wear it with no one knowing. I turned away and walked down the wide stairs to find mama and Uncle Alexander waiting for me at the bottom. They were paying attention to themselves until I showed up, and I saw a wierd look cross Uncle Alexander's face, but it went away far too fast for me to make out what it was.

  "You look stunning." Uncle Alexander said as I reached the bottom. I blushed and looked down at my feet.

  "Thank you. That means alot. Shall we go?" I asked sweeping my hand towards the awaiting doors. Uncle Alexander placed my arm in his and mama also. I smiled my thanks and walked out the door to two carriages. I removed my hand from Uncle Alexander's and went to the last one. I had to ride alone because they wanted everyone to believe I was by myself until the big finale when I stopped the fake king's speech and told him out. I wasn't going to admit it to Uncle Alexander, but I was scared. I didn't want  to be locked up in a dungeon and I definetely didn't want to see Prince Edward's face when he realizes what I have done. I looked straight out the window to see that while I was wrapped in my head, we had already reached the castle. It was huge, in a very grand way, but it stinked of darkness, and hatred. They may have made it looked beautiful, but it seemed that the castle didn't like his royal fakeness. The stewardess opened my door and helped me out of the carriage. I smiled at him, and saw his eyes widen in shock and awe, but he never said a word. I guess the stewardess isn't used to someone being nice to him. I stood taller, like I was royal (which I was) and walked into the castle. I stopped at the huge staircase and looked down. I saw people twirling on the dance floor, holding each other close and some wheren't dancing at all. It was very dream like. 

  I moved away and began to walk down the stairs. As I walked down the stairs, everyone began to quiet down. I looked out to see that everyone had turned to watch me. The guys eyes held a little disbelief and admiration while the girls also held disbelief and a hint of envy. I guess I had become the most beautifully dressed girl here. I didn't see Edward, so when I reached the bottom step I went to get a drink with people still staring at me and some actually went back to dancing. I was happy that they had started dancing because that left me alone to drown in my own sorrow. I watched as the stupid ice Queen Merelda came up off  of her thrown and walked over to the middle of her little stage.

  "Hello lady and gentleman! As you all have been told, this is a ball for my nephew, Prince Edward." as she said his name he came sweeping down the stairs with a girl covered in pink and she looked like she was happy there. I felt cold rage go up inside me, so he had moved on faster than I thought that's fine by me. I felt his eyes rest on me and I did not look towards him, no badly how much I wanted to. "It is an honor to host this, and now we shall do the royal waltz, so would you all grab a dance partner and go onto the floor please. I hope you enjoy it."

  "May I ask you to dance?" A young man who has a smile that would touch any girls heart had she not been in love already. 

  "Why sure." I say holding out my hand which he took happily. 

  We walked onto the dance floor and stood at opposite sides as the music began.  As we bent in a greeting the boy smiled at me and I smiled back. We took one step back and  came forth, then we turned in a circle with only one hand touching, and finally we closed the distance spinning, twirling, and moving like every other dancer. 

  "You are by far the most beautiful girl here, my lady." the boy said.

  "Why thank you kind sir." I said, and he spent me out which ment we had new dance partners. I ended up with the prince. I caught my breath but he began to move and I had no choice but to. It felt right to dance with him this way. He didn't seem to care that I was rigid until he whispered.

  "If you don't stop being rigid people will begin to think you don't like my prescence." 

  "People aren't looking at us." I say, relaxing anyway. He stepped forward and I stepped back. He stepped to one side, twirling us one way and then letting go of one hand so that I spun out and back.

  "On the contrary people are staring because I am the prince who has stolen the most beautiful girl at this ball." the prince says smiling at me.

  "Oh, pinky tootoos must have run off." I say, and for that he pulls me closer then spins me out and back.

  "She was a requirement. I had to dance with her for a while, and I didn't expect you to come here looking so tempting. I wish I had told you earlier. Eliza I love you." Edward whispers, love shining in his eyes. No! This wasn't supposed to happen!

  "You can't just say those things Edward." I tell him, as we twirl in one way, to me everyone has melted off of the dance floor.

  "I'm not just saying-" the song is at it's end so we have two more things to do, so he shuts up. He moves left, then right, a twirl, and then stops. I pull away and draw back towards him and he spins me around and then we dance a little while more together and as the last note rings out he spins me one last time and then dips me. I hear applaudes and I look out to see that in reality Edward and I were alone on the dance floor. Everyone had melted out so that we could dance alone. I guess we were that good.

  "You owe me one more dance." Edward says as he pulls me up. I smile at him and nod my head. He takes my hand and we wait for the next song.

  It starts of faster then the other one, but we get into it faster then we thought. We just begin to twirl around and dance like a normal person would at a ball.

  "You never said it back." Edward tells me.

  "What?" I ask, stalling.

  "Today you told me you loved me, and I didn't say it back because I didn't know. I tell you that I love you and you say I'm just saying it. Why didn't you say it back?" Edwards says.

  "I can't. Edward you know I love you. I meant it when I said it, and I still mean it, but you don't know what your getting yourself into. You were supposed to not love me because in I don't know a few minutes an hour, I will hurt you. You just have to forget you ever said that." I tell him, a tear falling from my eye. Edward catches it.

  "I mean it, Eliza. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make me stop loving you, and I don't want to. You won't hurt me, Eliza." Edward says with so much conviction that a few tears come out faster than I can hold them back.

  "Edward, I promise you one day you will meet someone who'll be the everything you need and want. You will hate me and you will have to fight me, but know this I will always love you, no matter what happens to me." I tell him. I know that there is alot of people here so I lead him off of the dance floor and into a dark corner, where I kiss him. This kiss might be my last kiss forever and I just wanted to make sure it was perfect. I kissed him with as much passion and absolutely no control. He kissed me back with the same amount of passion and love. I swore that I wouldn't fall in love and hear I am, in love with the one person I never expected to love. I pulled away only to kiss him again three more times.

  "Hello lady's and gentlemen." I hear a man's voice boom. It's time.

  "We have to get out there." Edward says already leaving.

  "Go ahead. I'll be out there in a little while." Edward kisses me and leaves me their by myself. I look after him and when he has dissappeared from sight I go out to see why Micheal has stopped. It turns out Micheal was only waiting for Edward to be up there with him and his wife.

  "Well now that the entire royal family is up here. I just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure to be your king for 18 years." As he goes on I look out at mama who nods at me in encouragement but I see the rage in her eyes. This is the guy that broke my family apart. This is the guy who killed my father with no regret and would have killed me if they hadn't put an orphan boy in my place. These two had no remorse for anyone. I felt a huge rage go through me and I welcomed it so that I wouldn't feel the  pain and regret for Edward. "It has been a blessing to have such a great nephew when I couldn't have children. My brother left a," I broke him off.

  "Your a liar!" I shouted. Everyone gasped and turned to see who had said that. I didn't care I walked to the middle where everyone turned to stare at me. I saw the look of surprise on all the royal fakenesses and I didn't care.

  "Excuse me young lady? Who are you?" Micheal asked.

  "You know that night that suddenly ended a man who was everyone's favorite king? I was there. I was one month old and I had my place taken by a two month old boy orphan because the brother of my father had come to slay him. Do you know how hard it is to ask your mother where your father is and find out that they're dead? Do you know how hard it is to hear your mama cry at least four times a year because those are the most precious days she got to spend with her husband. I know you killed my father, and for that I have declared something. You are not the king, and now that I'll be 18 in a month I will get my throne and castle back. This is my father's house not yours." I tell him.

  "You have no proof." Micheal says with a scared look in his eyes.

  "As a matter of fact she does." mama steps forward, taking her hat off. I heard people gasp and immediately lower themselves to the floor. "Nice to see you again Micheal, Marelda, and Edward. Edward I'm very sorry I dragged you into this. I just had to keep my baby girl safe."

  "Aranza? You- you can't possibly be alive." Micheal stutters.

  "On the contrary, you never found me, that doesn't mean that I wasn't alive. And you might wanna tell your wife that it's time to cover that big mouth of hers. She really isn't the best person to tell a plan to." Mama says with that old royal hint in her eyes. "Now, I advise you to get off of my throne and leave here without a battle drawn between us." Mama is scary when she wants things. Micheal looks a little taken aback by her accusation and demand. Marelda looks like she's just seen a ghost, and Edward looks exactly like I thought he'd look, like he just lost something important. He doesn't look at me, not once.

  "You have no proof. Aranza you are not the heir of the throne, and you were only married, I can still have this throne." Micheal says, with that self ritouesness thats all around him. I step forward a few steps and say exactly the right words to see his faith be shaken.

  "She picked you up while I put Edward where you had been. I'd turned to see you smiling up at your mother as she leaned down and kissed you. I'd finally felt lonely and with a groan I lowered myself to the floor and began to cry. I have no idea where you were, but suddenly you're mother was holding me as I cried. In that moment I'd saw everything I wouldn't be able to do without either of you." Tears began to come out of my eyes and I felt a little shaken. "Those are the exact words he wrote in his letters, and he also said something else that I have heard since the day that fake queen told my mother that our lives as royalty were over, especially if the baby they found was a girl."

  "And what would those words be?" Marelda asked with ice in her voice. I could tell she was ready to fight someone which is just as good. I have my sword.

  "The Sun and Moon Shine Over You as You Take Back What Is Rightfully Yours." some of the people in the crowd had begun to say it, like they've heard it before. I looked around and saw as one by one people began to lower to the floor in the salute of royalty. Mama's hand entangled with mine as we both watched the miracle around us. It was beautiful. I'd know showed how much I was of a royal and everyone knew it. I looked up at the podium to see a stunned family. Micheal and Marelda's eyes also held a hint of hatred and I knew that no matter what we said or did, they weren't stepping down from their spot on the thrown.

  "Enough!" Micheal shouted, but no one rose until mama and I nodded our heads. "I will not have a runaway queen and her daughter come in here and take my throne. I will declare war, and I will kill the two of you."

  "On the contrary your bastardness, you would have to go through our army, and don't worry you will get your war, and my neice will get her throne." Uncle Alexander said from next to the throne of Edward. Edward did not look at him, he looked at me.

  "This is it, isn't it?" he mouthed. I nodded and I saw his eyes darken in pain, and a new bout of tears started again.

  "I'm so sorry." I mouthed at him. He didn't answer.

  "This is nonsense." Marelda got off her throne and walked to stand in front of my mother, who stood in front of me. "You filthy daughter of a dutch. You are lucky I didn't hunt you down and kill you."

  "And you are lucky we did not lock you up. Marelda I am a daughter of a dutch which means I'm not filthy. You are the filthiest of any commoner I've ever seen, and I love every commoner I have ever met." Mama spit at her. Marelda backed away in outrage and turned around. I thought she was leaving so I moved a little too far away from mama, and when I heard a nasty scream, I turned around to see the most horrifying seen in my life.

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