Gaster Gang ships

By mokkililcreator71

43.9K 746 24.1K

⚠️ Warning⚠️ This book is very old. Almost everything in it is written all thanks to google translator so you... More

Stars x WingDing(fluff)
Swap x Swapfell
Halp meh plez
Fell x B
Swap x B
Windster x Stars
Winding x Swap
Stars x B
Fell x Swap
Fell x Mari
WingDing x Midnight
Swap x Lazury Potion
Swap x Mari
I got a question
Bitty!Swap x B
Some of my drawings
Some of my drawings 2
Stars x Swap
X!Swap x Swap
Bitty!Fell x Swap
Bitty!Stars x WingDing
Fell x B 2(?)
Bitty!Swap x Stars
Fell x Swap 2 (Smut(?))
Stars x B {2}(another Smut|?|)
WingDing x Fell
SwapFell x Fell
Stars x SwapFell
StarLord x Fell
WingDing x Swap {2}
WingDing x Swap {3} (Lemon)
Star x SwapFell {2}(Lemon)
Time of the Apocalypse
Apocalypse Duet
Four of the Gang
Teens of the 21st Century
Unsuccessful Action
Afraid Of Death?
Female!Swap x Ghoul!B{Smut(?)}
Welcome to our modest family estate.
Cat!Stars x Puppy!Swap
Cats and Dogs
Three more pets
News From All Countries
My lil sis
WingDing x StarLord(special gift)
Swap x Fell(again)
Take a look
Take a look(2)
B x Stars
Fell x WingDing x SwapFell{Smut(?)}
Swap x Fem!B
My lil pet(art)
Mari's past
Soul Eater Au Update
Child!WingDing x Child!Stars
Child!Maestro x Child!B
Child!WingDing x Child!Swap
Child!Fell x Child!SwapFell
Some OC stuff/info
Child!Swap x Child!Fell
I made smth
We are very interesting creatures
A/N(nothin special)
Some SwapFell
Windster x Neko!Swap
Fell x Windster
My half-sister
For everyone
Happy(not very) memes
i feel very bad
Windster x Blindy
I'm sowwy
Windster x WingDing
WingDing x Child!Fell
Short Poem
Another art(sorry)
This is ME
WingDing x B
Ey ppl
Something special~
Omg, I just can't 😰😭
Maestro x SwapFell
StarLord x Maestro
Fell x Maestro x Stars(2 in 1)
Something weird but funny(no)
Repentance or eternal hurt?
I could not resist..
Very important
Fell x Uncomfortable! Heat! WingDing
Well, weirdest thing you've ever seen
Real life happened
Children's Bitter
My lil fun Fella
Ship Time!
Fusion!Gaster & My Pillow
I need to ask this
Some old stuff
One more old art
SwapFell x Swap
Our lil fam and some more
The heck is this...
Animal Gang
Animal Gang(colored)
New kitty kat & redesign
Well, weirdest thing you've ever seen part 2
Not really important news
Some rp arts
B x Fell
On rp again, yes..
"How was I born?"
Some more rp arts!
Oooooold arts
Criminal!SF x CafeWorker!Swap
I need help
Our height
I'm so so so sorry...
New OC, yeah.
Forgot something
More SG
More and more arts
Gift for Anny
Cop!Fell x Doctor!Blindy
Wha a lovely day :D
Cuz I can
No more love. Part 1(comic)
No more love. Part 2(comic)
Just something
My life story
Time for relay, let's play!
Sketch, yeah
Teacher SwapFell
New AU
SchoolAU update
Teacher!Fell x Teacher!Bond
AU update
AU update again!
Aaaaaart..... and AU update
Probleeeeeemmsss T^T
Teacher!Stars x Teacher!WingDing
Tell them the truth
Wing of help
Wing x Anny🌚
Wing x Anny🌚🌚
Wing's info
Meme, maybe, idk
*deep breathe* AAAAA-
Mafia!Astral x Mafia!Merger
SnekAU(I mean it) AU..?
Icevair's father!
Almost holidays
Uh...uhm....Happy Birthday to me...?
Here they are
I couldn't resist
I'm not sorry
Happy holidays


110 2 2
By mokkililcreator71

In this chapter, I just leave my little argument. Nothing special here. And I apologize for all this garbage, I just wanted to write this. Anyway, please enjoy.

Life is like a piano. In the beginning, such a beautiful, innocent, exciting melody plays, and then.. The instrument gradually becomes frustrated and the melody gets worse by the hour.

Your parents tried to fix the piano, but it didn't get better. By their methods, they only break the instrument more and then leave it.

"If we didn't succeed, then we'll let someone else fix this." they think.

Friends appear and try to repair it too. The real friends was very close to victory, but everything was broken at once; the rest didn't even try, just pretended to help.

"We did everything we could", they thought, although some were so close to fixing the instrument.

Soon you realize that no one but you can fix the piano. You try, you do everything in your power and..

Failure. Nothing succeeded.

But this is your instrument, right? You know it better than anyone and therefore you try again, remembering all that you know about it.

And so.. Congratulations, you repaired it! You could, because you know your instrument better than anyone else!

So it is in life. No one will fix your life, you, you and only you.

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