...and The Chase Begins.

By Mystery_itself

514 74 37

Searching for a girl who left him heartbroken. Lucas would do everything in his power to know the answers. More



33 9 4
By Mystery_itself

READ THE IMPORTANT NOTE [ At the end of chapter ]

Chapter 1- He is upto something.


A black limousine stooped in front of georgery headoffice's gate. When papparazi saw that the man whom they are waiting for hours now have come they ran towards the car but they could'nt get the chance to go near the limousine as four bodyguards stopped them by extending their arms.All are well built,muscular and in simple word dangerous. They came to realize that the bodyguards are not going anywhere and they also couldn't get the opportunity to go near the limousine, they started shouting and yelling.

A bodyguard opened the door of a black limousine and the man the papparazi is waiting for almost five hours stepped outside. He've wear a black armani suit which is giving him the look of a powerful man,his white shirt under the suit jacket wrapped around his well built body perfectly in case if he have to drop his suit jacket he still would going to look smoking hot. He pulled out a pair of Sunglasses and wore it another bodyguard came behind him and closed the limousine door. This man need security and why not after all this man is Lucas Gregory ,C.E.O of georgery enterprises and future of it. The moment Lucas stepped out of the car papparazi started firing questions

"so sir we've heard that you are going to meet Asian tycoon overseas for a project.is that true?" a reporter asked

"Sir you have come back here after a month.any particular reason?" another asked .

"sir is that true you are going to tie a knot with Kim jolie ?" another asked.

"Lucas is it true that-" another reporter cut off when Lucas glared at him"Mr- Mr georgery" he said and Lucas nooded. In these 2 years of working as C.E.O he have realized that no one and when he said no one that means no one is going to address him by his first name.

A man in suit came beside Lucas and whispers something the man is his person assistant he is in his twenties and a very charming man . Lucas nooded his head and they started walking towards the company all his bodyguards successfully escorted him in the building.

When Lucas entered the office the whole office turned silence there was pin drop silence and that's what he wants. The building i made by his great-grand father when he opened this shipping buisness in Newyork .After him Lucas grandfather became the head than his father and than he himself. He had no intention to be a C.E.O he always want to be a singer or a football player but for him fates have always different ideas. Whenever he thought that he is going to do this or that his plans crushed by someone.

His father handed over his buisness to him two years back. The moment he completed his studies at brown university his father called him and hand over the company to him. Lenervo Gregory (lucas's father) is a man of actions his actions speak louder than words so no one can dis obey him not even Lucas and two years back he was not in the state to argue with his father at that moment he wants his father to hand over his buisness to him because for him he is doing to this for only person because .

she always wanted him to be a succesful buisness its not like that she don't like his music or his football skill but just because he never told her.she always wanted Lucas to be a succesful buisness man and for him he is not obeying his father order he is obeying camy's wishes. Because he can do anything for her and another reason is he knows if he want to found camy he should have money otherwise he is not going to find her so this is the reason behind he didn't argue at that time .

But now two years later everything has changed, his intentions has changed , his goals has changed . Now he is no more that Luke which camy like to call him now he is Lucas georgery the top multi-millionaire of Newyork. yes,he still wants to find camy but not because he wanted her or love her, he just wanted to find her because she is the only women who ever ditched her. She is the women he once love and she is the women who left without answering her question, he wants answers from her just answers , or so he thought.

But deep inside he still love her no matter how much he tried to hate her everyday .He still love her, her eyes,her face , her lips and most importantly her voice. Whatever he say or do he wants her back . Not because he just want answers. yes, he want answers but he also want her ,the only person he truly love.

Lucas entered his office with his bodyguards and his PA which is located at the 47th floor of the building,the top floor. His office is the correct definition of luxury. He turned around and ordered his bodyguards to wait outside than he turned to Jackson

"Why they can't meet me here?" he asked in a authoritive tone.

"Mr.georgery they want to meet you at Mexico because our next building is going to establish there. They want to examine the plot by themselves." Jackson answered.

" So you are trying to say that they think we are going to give them false information about the land?" he demand to know.

"No sir they just want to examine that land by themselves they trust our company but they-" Jackson cut off when Lucas spoke up.

" In short they don't trust my words nor my company." he concluded the whole situation himself when Jackson didn't answer he continued "Cancel the deal." by hearing cancelling of deal Jackson came to realize that he have to inform Lucas otherwise he is going to cancel the very important deal.

"sir, I think you should talk about this matter with your father he knows why they did that." at his words Lucas looked at him in confusion than realization downed over him. His father is behind all this of course he is . He always want to mess and humiliate him and this is the very big opportunity!!!. He thought he nooded his head at Jackson and Jackson exited his office leaving behind a very furious Lucas.

"what the hell he wants now?" Lucas muttered under his breadth before typing his father's number on the phone and dialing. His father instantly picked up.

" I think you should terminate Jackson . He is not doing his job very well , he told you now. Didn't he? .I was waiting for your call now by nearly 10 minutes .I think I was wrong to think that he is going to tell you sooner but he took ten minutes. Your previous PA was Much better than him if she was here than she told you at the instance you asked her about this matter but Jackson, he wasted my bloody ten minutes." Lenervo Gregory answered with a smirk.

Lucas muttered some curses under his breath before speaking

"what you want now?"

Lenervo smiled at his reaction. He knows his father too well!!. He thought

"Nothing son I want nothing .why you think like that?" he answered with a smirk.

"Dad I don't have time for this .okay? I've company to run. Just tell me what you want." Lucas replied with a irritated sigh. On the other line he heard laughter of his father which irritated him even more.

"Son belive me this time I didn't do anything. I just do that because I thought its better if they themselves saw that land so that we don't have to explain them about that plot briefly." his father answered with fake innocence. Lucas looked at the phone in confusion. This is the first time his father is not demanding anything.something is wrong and this time he have to found out that by himself!!. He thought. He cancelled the phone call without saying good bye or anything because in their son-father relationship the only words which is used is of sarcasm, anger or curses not endermanents,wishes or greetings. He throwed his phone at the floor and seconds later Jackson entered the office in hurry.

"Sir,they are on their way to Mexico. What should I tell them?" he asked in a hurry. Lucas thought about it.if his father has arranged this than there is something more than this but now his company has already given his words so now he have to be there.

"organise meeting with them and book tickets for us of Mexico." he replied to him with a growl. Jackson nooded his head and exit his office again. Lucas sit on the chair with a irritable sigh and thought his father is upto something but what is that? Before he could think of anything more someone barge into his office he looked up and saw him before he could say something the man said

"you son of bastard. How could you leave without telling me.you know as your bestie you should have called me and told me to come with you.you alone fly to France without telling your best friend ,you bastard." Marcos said to his friend. Marcos is best friend of Lucas from Kinder garden. He is always with Lucas at his bad and good. He always told Lucas to what to do whenever Lucas comes in problem and Lucas always saw him more than a friend for him. For him Marcos is like a brother to him after camy left Marcos have always with Lucas because he know how much Lucas loves him and whatever has happened five years back no one is guilty for that.Lucas turned his chair at his direction and saw Marcos and smiled

"Oh why Marcos you are jealous haa?" Lucas said with fake innocence.

"yes ofcourse!! I'm jealous of you mister how could you left without me to France." Marcos asked with fake anger and Lucas and he laughed they are seeing each other after a month as Lucas has some work to do in France . Marcos came towards his desk and sit on one arm chair.

"so what you did at France?" Marcos asked .

"Nothing much.just work." Lucas answered curtly not bothering to elaborate but Marcos has another intentions.

"oh c'mon tell me ." he said with a irritating sigh. Before Lucas could say anything more he heard a knock and he composed himself before answering.

"Come in." and soon Jackson entered the office and looked around amd saw Marcos

" Good morning Mr.bush." he greeted Marcos with a smile.

"Don't call me that again.whenever you address me like that I started thinking i'm geeting old." Marcos said directing towards "Mr. Bush". Jackson nooded his head and looked at Lucas with a smile.

"Sir,I've booked tickets and organised a meeting.anything else."

"No." Lucas relied curtly. Jackson nodded and exit the office.

"you are going somewhere?" Marcos asked Lucas.


"where to?' Marcos asked with a suggestive way and typing something on his phone.

"Mexico." this brought Marcos attention and he looked up at Lucas in surprise.

"You are going Mexico?" he looked asked with suprise.he is always like this whenever Lucas booked ticket to go somewhere he also wants to go with him.its not as he can't afford that he just like to be with his buddy.

"Yes...and before you could say something more I would like to tell you its not my idea that father of mine whom you like to call bastard has fixed all this. I have no say in this." I continued when he is about to protest. He looked up at me an hesitated for a moment before saying

"okay umm I have some work to do its umm its important I'm going now bye." he said before standing up from chair. Lucas looked up at him in confusion before realization downed over him.

"some chick?" Lucas asked in a suggestive way.

"umm..yes" Marcos replied while stretching his arms.

"okay." Lucas said .

"bye." Marcos said when he is about to exit lucas's office Lucas called him and he turn around.

"you are not coming with me?" he asked in confusion because this is the first time Marcos didn't tell him to book his tickets with him.

"umm no as I told you I have some thing to do." he said before exiting in his voice. Lucas would wonder what is wrong with him if he has not something much more important than this. Why his father organise meeting at Mexico? What he is planning? Now what that old man is upto?

"well i've to find it out by my own." Lucas muttered before getting busy in his work.


Important note:-


Read it before thinking something.

This is my second book after Newyork billionaire's love which is #109 in chicklit and #653 in romance and i'm so happy. Back to the "...And the chase begins" this is my second book and this book is full of surprises.this is the work of my imagination. All characters, plot of the story are mine including idea so all pleasure is mine. This is the very first chapter of the "...And the chase begins " so any suggestion,comment and vote will appreciated. And yes one thing more if any of you are thinking that the moments which I wrote in the prologue is the day when camy left Lucas so you are wrong that was just a memory and their will be more memories in upcoming chapter I just referred the day when she left him as "that" day so if any one of you are thinking this you are highly mistaken well that's it.

Couple of questions for my readers :-


1) - Do you like this very first chapter ?

2) - if not than what is your suggestion?

3)- whom you prefer to be Lucas and camy?

4)- Do you like Marcos?

5) - Do you my leading characters {Lucas and camy} ?

6)- Do you like where the story I going?

Please vote for it if you like it ofcourse.

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