Miss Cute | Vkook

By Taelakookies

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Jeon Jungkook is a talented wealthy guy who attends a private school. He got everything everyone wants excep... More



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By Taelakookies

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I can't believe what just happened. It all happened so fast I couldn't- It's too unbelievable! Did we really just kissed?!?? Did he say he loved me?!?!? I must be imagining things and I'm literally screaming inside my head over the excitement. I have to do my own things so that I can somehow reach the dorm before Jungkook but my legs don't move. I'm extremely shocked and I can't think straight.

I touch my lip remembering what it feels like to be kissed for real! He just stole my first kiss and it was the first time someone confessed to me. Woah even my cheeks are heating way too much! I start to walk aimlessly, just going anywhere for now. I cup my cheeks, smiling uncontrollably like a fool, then I start to chuckle and laugh by myself feeling so happy and I don't even know why. Does it mean I like Jungkook?

My heart beats against my chest making it hard for me to breathe properly but it doesn't matter because I'm happy and i think I like Jungkook romantically. I'm not even sure because I never loved someone before i was always alone and mistreated by everybody. soon my soft chuckles of joy turned into bitter chuckles of sorrow when I remind my stupid self that Jungkook doesn't love me...he loves Sara. The night get's darker as I walk and my tears start stinging my eyes and I start to cry alone in the night. I find a bench at a park and I release all my distress here where no one will see me. my eye vision gets blurrier and more tears roll down my cheeks probably messing all of my makeup.

I still hold the bag Jungkook gave me to open and I wonder what it is. He bought it for himself but...He gave it to me. I sniff and clear the tears away only to have new ones appear and I open the box of the jewelry. I feel my heart hurt with guilt and love when I see that it was the necklace I wanted. Why does he have to be so sweet? He is killing me with so much kindness it will hurt so much when I he finds out Sara doesn't exist! This makes me more than ever want to protect my secret but it has got to end. I have to tell Jungkook hyung the truth...

" Sara doesn't exist." I mumble to myself standing up from the bench before drying my tears. I walk a bit more my feet killing me from all that walking and my spine is aching. I stand at the edge of the sidewalk and I signal for a taxi.

When one stops by I enter and give him Pep's address. He drives while creating random conversation that I would so often hum.

" Say, you are really pretty miss." He says eyeing me from his eye mirror ( is that how you call it? XD) I lower my skirt that showed a bit of my leg and I clear my throat before staring at the window. I feel uncomfortable and I need to go back to my original clothes. This man is a taxi driver he wouldn't do anything to me right?

He stops the car right in front if pep's apartment and I pay him the money before getting off again.

" You should call me sometime, pretty girl.
" The driver winks at me before driving off again. I roll my eyes in disgust and I go inside the apartment to get the rest of the suitcases plus removing all this makeup and the girl stuff before taking yet another taxi. After I do all of that stuff I take the chance to put on the necklace and hide the diamond part under my shirt.


I get off of the car right away. No man stared or talked to me weirdly because I wasn't cross dressing. I feel so much better and relieved when I'm my usual self. I drag the suitcase across the sidewalk almost reaching my dorm. Each step closer only made me feel awful, I didn't want to face Jungkook. I know he is not gonna feel shy or act weird around because he believes it was Sara whom he k-kissed and not me! but it was me! Aish Sometimes it is so confusing but the main point is....He kissed me and now I feel different. I can't go on like this I have to tell him sooner or later because eventually he will find out my secret.

As I continue dragging my suitcases and become closer to my dorm I spot a silhouette in front of the steps. Finally I reach the entrance and notice that the person is Jungkook. The sight of him made all of the hairs on my skin stand up and my heart begins beating rapidly.

" Taehyung!" He says going down the steps. His voice sounds rough and worried and he has a black bag hanging on his arms. " Where have you been?" He then angrily asks staring at me intensely and it isn't helping my current feelings because i'm still in the shock phase.

" I..."

" You left your sister claiming that you're sick and went home. but when I called, you weren't in the dorm! and when I arrive you're still not here! where did you go?" Jungkook keeps on raising his voice making me flinch and I feel lost, I don't know what to do or say, I had everything planned out but after that kiss I forgot everything. " Well? Are you gonna say anything?"

I still didn't respond and i have my head down staring at my feet. "Are you even sick?" He puts his hand on my forehead and I smack it away as I feel myself growing angry. He always has to mention Sara!Sara!Sara! over and over again! I should have suspected something but I didn't.

" T-Taehyung."

" Leave me alone and just mind your business!!" I yell at him and I push past him before He sees the tears coming out of my eyes. I run inside and Immediately lock myself in my room. I know this is my fault and that I shouldn't bend my frustrations towards him but I'm stressed and I feel hurt.

<><>xX Jungkook Xx<><>

Before going inside the dorm I go inside the store real quick to buy some medicine and other stuff for Taehyung who is sick unfortunately. I hope that he feels better with this. Along the way back to our dorm, Just calmly walking the dark streets I smile to myself recalling my wonderful day. I don't think she'll return my feelings but at least I confessed and that is off my shoulders.

I unlock the door to our dorm and I enter feeling happy and excited to maybe tell Taehyung about my day with his sister. ' Poor guy must be sick in his room.' I think to myself feeling worried again.

" I'll make him a hot chicken soup." I smile to myself pulling out the ingredients from the kitchen. I go to his room to check up on him but he is gone. Okay...Maybe in the bathroom.

" Taehyung? Are you in there?" I knock on the door but I get no reply. " Taehyung~ Are you playing hide and seek?" I knock again but still silence.
" If you don't answer amma enter~" I play with my voice smirking at the thought of Taehyung panicking and screaming if I actually enter.

The door most be locked but I turn it anyways just to scare him a bit but the door actually opened and the bathroom is empty as a dried out pool. Confused I scratch my head and look for him in my room but still nothing. Then the closest, behind the couch, every crook of the kitchen, the living room, under the beds, everywhere. I feel my heart beating in fear scared that Taehyung is not safe and that he is In the hands of harm.

I wear my sweater and throw myself outside to search the streets for him. " Taehyung!" I yell for his name over and over. I feel so scared for him where is he?!!?

" Taehyung!" I continue yelling running through the streets passing people and cars. Jungkook no luck I decide to wait in front of the building for him. After waiting for 18 minutes I decide to call the cops but then someone appears in front of me.

" Taehyung!" I yell his name glad to see him. I go down the steps and I notice his condition which wasn't bad at all! He doesn't even look sick! I feel
Kinda disappointed in him because I think that he is lying to me. All for what though? And where did he get those suitcases? Where was he while I was out here scared for him?

I kept on asking Taehyung questions and he just stood there speechless. He looked guilty of something which got me more alarmed. In the end it results in him screaming at me and running away inside the dorm without his suitcases.

" Taehyung!" I call after him but of course, he doesn't turn back. Getting angry myself I pick up his suitcases and bring it inside. I throw away the medicine angrily inside the trash bin.
Why does he have to be mad at me?! Isn't he the one doing wrong? But he is right I shouldn't get into his business!! Maybe I shouldn't care for him at all!

I cook the dinner for today chopping the food and then I start to think. ' Maybe I shouldn't have been hard on him.' I think to myself. ' I saw him with suitcases maybe he had to go through a hard time going back to his home to get his stuff back.'

" God I'm awful. I should apologize." I mumble to myself and pick up the tray with the chicken soup to take it to his room. I enter, Immediately spotting him laying on the bed.

" T-Taehyung?" I say putting the tray on the floor before sitting besides his bed. I feel my heart hurt as I stare at him sniffing and crying in his sleep. " I'm sorry." I silently mumble before wiping away his tears. I decide to let him sleep for tonight. Tomorrow I can apologize properly when he wakes up.


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