A Future From Hell

By Shinedownlover560

57.1K 1.3K 263

When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. Six months later, the Androids... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty *Bonus Chapter!!!*
Chapter Thirty-One
Back From the Future

Chapter Fifteen

1.5K 42 12
By Shinedownlover560

I stared in shock at the place where the Time Machine and Trunks had been moments ago. How could he do this? I though. He told me that he would let me come back with him!

I landed angrily next to Bulma. "Why did you let him go?!" I asked.

She sighed. "I tried to make him wait for you. Honest to God I did. But he wouldn't listen."

"So he doesn't want me with him?" I asked, angry and hurt.

Bulma's eyes widened. "No! That's not it at all!" She exclaimed. 

"Then what is it then?!"

She sighed again. "He didn't want you to get hurt again."

I didn't reply. Instead, I sighed and walked back into the house. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was six A.M.

Glaring at the clock, I went back upstairs and showered. I couldn't blame Trunks for not wanting me to get hurt. He was just looking out for me. I did the same thing when I went to fight the Androids alone.

I winced as I bent over to retrieve the brush that had fallen. Though I was able to walk now, my back still hurt. If I moved the wrong way, or if I moved to fast it hurt. And unfortunately, the running hadn't helped any.

After I was done dressing again, I walked back downstairs, starting on my daily routine. As I was getting the cereal out of the cabinet, I noticed the date. It was August 14th. Trunks and mine birthday. I sighed.

"Happy Birthday Trunks." I said, thinking of my lavender-haired friend.


As I waited for Frieza and King Cold to show up, I listened to the radio Moon had insisted was installed in the Time Machine. Thinking of her made me smile. Then I sighed. She was going to be livid when I got home later. I had promised her that she could come back with me. But I saw what she tried to hide. The pain that her injury still caused her. So, not wanting her to get hurt again, I left.

Sighing again, I stood up, glancing at my watch. Frieza's ship would be arriving in five minutes, and Goku still wasn't here. I started pacing. What should I do?

After a couple minutes, I glanced at my watch again. One minute. I felt for Goku's Ki. I found him. He was three hours away in space. I sighed once more, then frowned. Looking back at the watch, I had to laugh. Today was mine and Moon's birthday. I only wish we could be spending it together.

Capsuling the Time Machine, I flew over to where Frieza was in the process of landing. I could see the Z-Fighters beyond the ship. Mom was easy to stop with her blue hair. I smiled. She looked so happy. So care free. And I intend on keeping it that way.


 As the day wore on, I was getting anxious. It had been twelve hours, and Trunks still hadn't returned. I was in the living room pacing while Chi-Chi and Bulma were in the kitchen.

"What's wrong honey?" Chi-Chi asked, seeing my discomfort.

"Shouldn't Trunks have been back by now?" I asked.

Bulma laughed. "Moona, I told you that it would be a twenty-four hour trip. You still have twelve more hours to wait."

I sighed. Chi-Chi came over and gave me a hug. "It's okay sweet heart. He'll be back soon." 

Sighing again, I hugged her back. "I know. I'm just worried. What if something happened to the Time Machine and he can't get back?"

"Then we'll build another and rescue him." Bulma said. She put down the spoon she had and walked over to me. "I know your worried, and I am too, but just calm down. He'll come back, safe and sound. Trust me."

I nodded and pulled out of Chi-Chi's embrace. "So, are you gonna let me see what your doing in there?" They both laughed.

"Nope. Not til tomorrow." Chi-Chi said. I pouted.


"Nope. Now quit bugging us about it, or you won't see it at all." Bulma said, crossing her arms and walking away.

"Awww." I say, crossing my arms as well.

"Your just like your father." Chi-Chi said hopelessly. I smiled.

"Well thank you. I take great pride in that."

Chi-Chi nodded, smiling. "You should. Your father was a great man."

I hugged her again. As she walked away into the kitchen, the phone rang.

"I'll get it." I told them, walking over to it and answering. "Hello?" I asked.

"Moona, it's Grandpa. Is your mother there? No body picked up at your place."

"Yea, we're both here. Sorry, shoulda called you."

"No, it's alright. Just as long as your both fine. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday!"

I smiled. "Thanks Grandpa."

"Your seventeen right? That means I have to pull your ears seventeen times when I see you tomorrow! And Trunks too!"

I laughed. "I'll have to remember to hide then."

Now it was his turn to laugh. "Is your mother standing close by? Can you put her on for me please?"

"Sure." I looked over at the kitchen. "Chi-Chi, Grandpa wants to talk to you."

"Still call her that, do you? Why not 'Mom'?" Grandpa asked. 

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess cause that's the first thing I heard some one call her."

Grandpa laughed again as Chi-Chi came walking up. I handed her the phone and walked away, giving her privacy.

"Hey Bulma, if I can't come in, then can you please hand me a Mountain Dew?"

"Sure." She responded, walking to the fridge. She came back and handed me my soda.


"Of course."

I turned and walked back over to Chi-Chi. She had just hung up the phone. "So what did he want?" I asked, taking a sip from my bottle.

"Oh nothing. Just something about tomorrow."

I sighed and started to walk upstairs. "I guess I can't know then."

"Nope." Came her reply. Sighing again, I made my way down the hall, pausing at Trunks' room. 

"Don't worry. He'll be back soon." I told myself. Taking a deep breath, I walked the rest of the way down to my room. The only thing I could do was wait.

Sitting up groggily in my bed, I glanced at the time. It was five-thirty. I groaned. At least another thirty minutes before Trunks got home.

Climbing out of the bed, I walked to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I came back, I climbed back into bed. I tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. I was too anxious for Trunks' return. Sighing, I rolled over, my back to the door. I watch the clock.

Five Thirty-Five.

Five Forty.

Five Forty-Five.

Five Fifty.

Five Fifty-Five.

At six, I suddenly felt Trunks' Ki. He was in the backyard. He had returned!

As much as I wanted to run down to him, to hold him in my arms, I couldn't. The stubborn side of me, the side that was still mad at him, wouldn't allow it. So I lay there, waiting for him to come up to me like I knew he would.

After a few minutes, there was a light knock on my door as it opened. Trunks walked in, knowing that I was awake.

"Pigeon." He said softly. Again, the stubborn side won, so I stayed silent.

Trunks sighed. He shuffled around a bit. There were two soft thumps followed by the quiet sound of his sword shifting. Suddenly, the bed beside me caved in as he lay down, draping his arm over mine and intertwining our fingers.

"I'm sorry Pigeon. Really. I just didn't want you to ger hurt." He paused. "Please turn around."

I sighed. Pushing the stubborn side down, I rolled over. His face was inches from mine, bathed in the pale sunlight that had started to show through my closed blinds. My breath caught. He looked beautiful.

Apology was written all over his face, worry showing in his eyes.  "I'm really sorry." He said again. I closed my eyes.

"I know. And I know why you left without me. But I was really worried about you." Then I paused. "And I felt alone."

He laughed softly. "Why did you feel alone? Mom and Chi-Chi were here, weren't they?"

I nodded, my eyes still closed. "Yea, but I was lonely 'cause you weren't here. I missed you."

I could feel him looking at me, waiting for me to open my eyes. Sighing, I gave in. He was smiling.

"I missed you too, Pigeon." He said, right before he kissed me. Shocked, I didn't respond. Then, slowly, I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

After a minute or so, Trunks pulled away. He was grinning from ear to ear. My heart thudded in my chest and my stomach twisted into knots. I had been telling others, and myself, for years that I didn't have any feelings for Trunks. Whenever they asked, I simply said, "We're just friends," or, "He's like a brother to me." Well, laying here in his arms, with him smiling at me, I can tell you that I take it all back. I do have feelings for him.

I can't lie anymore.

I'm in love with Trunks.

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