Everything's Going to Change

By agentvalkyrie

138K 3.1K 1.6K

One moment can change everything. My name is Charlie Davenport and this is the story of the day I was adopte... More

A New Family
An Old Enemy
Custody Battle
Christmas Blues
A Mission
First Date
Dealing with the Past
Getting Better
Thank You!!
The Aftermath
Whatever It Takes
Back to Reality
Changed Future
Fight Goes On
A Resolution
The One Where the Story Ends

Infinity War

2.1K 51 56
By agentvalkyrie

"Is there not a single juice box in this entire house?"

        "Why do you need a juice box?" Steve asked me as I rifled through the refrigerator.

        "Because it sounds really good right now." Steve chuckled softly as he sat down and turned on the TV.

        "Well text Bucky and tell him to pick some up while he's at the grocery store." I did so and then walked over to sit besides Steve. "How's Wanda doing?"

        "She called me and said that they were heading out to the mission site a few minutes ago. She'll call me when the team's done."

        "God am I glad I got to stay home this time." Steve said with a smile as I snuggled into his side. 

        "Me too Daddy." We would have stayed like that the whole day, if not for his phone ringing. Steve sighed heavily and answered it, but the more he listened, the more panicked he seemed to get.

        "I'll be right over." he said immediately, leaping off the couch before hanging up the phone "Alright Charlie," he said turning towards me "somethings come up and I have to go. Bruce crash landed in New York and is rambling about a deadly alien, but don't panic. Everything's going to be OK, Bucky will be back shortly and he'll watch you."

        "Um... great?" I said slowly "Does the alien have a name?"



"Charlie, we got to go!" I sprinted downstairs to Bucky's frantic voice and tumbled down the last few steps to land in front of him.

        "What's going on?!" I asked frantically as Bucky helped me to my feet.

        "Steve called and apparently this Thanos bitch is bigger than we thought." he said worriedly "I need you to go pack a bag for a few days. Tony and Peter are up in space trying to delay the aliens. Steve's coming back from Wakanda and you're going to be staying with Shuri at her lab. It should be the safest place for you." I nodded and bolted back up the stairs, the whole time worrying myself sick. Tony and Peter were literally in one of the most dangerous places they could be, and there was nothing I could do.

        "Are you and Daddy going to be OK?" I asked timidly as I came back downstairs and walked with Bucky outside to wait for the quinjet to arrive. Bucky turned and smiled at me.

        "We'll be just fine Sweetheart." he said softly, pulling me into a hug "We have a lot of friends who are going to help us and this alien will be gone in no time." I giggled and hugged him back happily.

        "I love you Папа." I said quietly.

        "I love you too Charlie." Eventually he let go, as the quinjet gently touched down on the sand. Steve came out of it with a smile as I ran towards him. He'd only been gone for a day or two, but the three of us were so close that any time apart from one of them was too long.

        "It feels like you've been gone for months." I complained as Steve picked me up and hugged me tightly. He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead.

        "I was gone for one day." he teased, setting me on my feet and going to say hi to Bucky.

        "Exactly!" I exclaimed, watching the two hug and kiss "That's way too long." Steve rolled his eyes as we walked onto the quinjet.

        "But you survived," Bucky pointed out "and I'm not that terrible to be around!"

        "She was like this when you were gone for a few days." Steve called as he went to go check on the pilot who turned out to be-

        "Natasha!" I squealed, running over to the smiling woman who gave me a happy hug.

        "Hi Kiddo." she said with a laugh. After I let go she looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "You're growing up so fast!" she cried "What happened since the last time I saw you?!"

        "I did pushups." I said playfully "I can go into the double digits now." Natasha laughed and ruffled my hair. I made a face at her before walking to go sit by Bucky.

        "She's right." he said sadly "You've grown up a lot since I saw you. What happened to that tiny little girl who couldn't even shoot a Nerf gun?" I giggled and leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around me.

        "Her two amazing dads helped her grow up."

        "Wanda!" I cried as my girlfriend met me in a hug the second I stepped off the plane.

        "God I missed you!" Wanda said as she let go and kissed me.

        "Not as much as I missed you." I challenged, kissing her again. Wanda giggled and pulled me over to where Shuri was waiting. She waved when she saw me and resignedly gave me a hug with a small smile.

        "I need your assistance on something." Shuri informed me "We need to remove the stone from the android Vision's head and destroy it. I'll explain everything else on the way to the lab."

        "Got it." I said tersely "Let me say bye to my dads and I'll be right back." Before she could say anything, I'd already sprinted to Steve and Bucky who both hugged me fiercely.

        "Promise me if something happens, you'll get the hell out of here." Steve whispered "I can't lose my daughter, I refuse to let it happen."

        "You won't." I said calmly "I'll be fine." They both gave me one last hug each before I ran back over to Shuri and Wanda.

        "Who's ready to kick some alien ass?"

2 hours later

        "Wanda you can't go out there, there's too many aliens! It's suicide!" Wanda turned and smiled at me sadly before walking over to me and hugged me close to her.

        "I have to Charlie." she whispered "I need to help them and make sure those aliens know that they can't mess with my beautiful girlfriend." I giggled and hugged her tightly.

        "Promise you'll try and protect my dads." I begged "I don't want to lose them."

        "I will." Wanda said fiercely "Just make sure you get that stone and destroy it." I nodded wordlessly and she pulled me into a long and lingering kiss.

        "I love you." I breathed.

        "I love you too."

        "Charlie, they're coming!" I snapped my head up to see Shuri holding off some of the aliens that were trying to fight their way into the lab.

        "We got to go!" I yelled, helping Vision to his feet. Shuri ran over and blasted the window open and we jumped out of it. Vision went tumbling one way and Shuri and I in the other. I let out a groan as I landed hard on the ground, but I immediately crawled over to check on Shuri.

        "I'm good!" she exclaimed when I tried to make sure she was OK "Are you alright."

        "I literally fell down the stairs before I came here, so this is nothing." I muttered, helping her to her feet "We need to get somewhere safe." We started to run, but a cry of pain made me whirl around. "Папа, Daddy!" I cried. Shuri tried to hold me back, but I broke out of her grasp and ran to the source of the sound. I know that Steve had told me to stay away from the battle, but I just couldn't stand by and do nothing.

        "Charlie, what are you doing here?!" Steve yelled as he shakily stood up once he saw me burst though the bushes.

        "I couldn't just run and hide!" I protested, tears welling up in my eyes. Steve's gaze softened and he gave me a quick hug before gently pushing me behind a tree and under a small cave of rocks where I safe and out of the line of fire. I stayed there, curled up into a ball, terrified of what might be happening. Suddenly, the Earth seemed to shake. Realizing now might be a good time to run, I bolted out of my hiding place and ran, but as I rounded the tree, I ran straight into a large figure.

        "Hello Little one." I trembled in fear and looked up to meet the gaze of a large, purple humanoid wearing a gauntlet, with an unmistakable aura of power.

        "You're Thanos." I whimpered. The man just smiled and led me over to where Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and the others had just finished taking down a group of aliens. They didn't even notice Thanos and I until I spoke up. "Daddy?" I called, trying not to start sobbing "Папа?" Everyone turned to face me and their eyes widened when they saw who was behind me.

        "Charlie!" Bucky and Steve cried. They started to run to me, but Thanos waved his hand holding the gauntlet and they went flying backwards.

        "NO!" I screamed, helpless to do anything. Thanos pulled me closer to him as I struggled to run to Steve and Bucky.

        "You will see them in time Little one." he said quietly.

        "Let me go!" I yelled "I need to help them!"

        "Why do they care about you?" Thanos asked curiously "They both can't be your father obviously, so what are you to them?"

        "I'm their freaking daughter who's adopted and going to be pissed off if you don't let go of me!" I snapped. This surprised Thanos so much that he let go, allowing me to run to Steve and Bucky who were sitting up and they both caught me in a tight hug.

        "I told you to stay out of trouble." Steve whispered, holding me close.

        "I'm sorry." I sobbed "I should have listened." Bucky rubbed my back soothingly as Steve kissed my forehead. We were so busy holding onto each other that we didn't see Thanos walking toward Vision who was lying on the ground. "Vision, run!" I cried. Thanos turned to glare at me and waved his hand, causing me to fly backwards and hit the solid ground hard.

        "No!" I heard Wanda shriek, her powers flying from her hands. At that point I kind of slipped in and out of consciousness, with Bucky and Steve hovering over me protectively. Nothing really stuck out to me about what was happening while Wanda was forced to destroy Vision, until Thanos reversed the time on Vision and grabbed the soul stone from his head.

        "We can't stop it." I mumbled, my head drooping onto Steve's lap. He held me protectively and just when we thought all was lost, a man who had to be Thor with all the lightning around him, flew in and buried a large blade into Thanos's chest. Of course, it was too good to be true and Thanos just pulled it out of him before snapping his fingers and disappearing. We all looked around in confusion, waiting for something to happen.

        "Charlie?" I snapped my head up and stifled a scream when I saw Wanda disintegrating into dust. It had to be because of Thanos.

        "Wanda!" I sobbed, trying to reach out to her, but it was too late. Tears were pouring down my face, and I turned to hug Steve and Bucky as others on the battlefield started to turn to ashes as well. Suddenly, a strange feeling washed over me. "Daddy, something's wrong." I said anxiously. Steve and Bucky both looked at me in concern, and I paled when I felt parts of me start to fade away.

        "No!" Steve exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug "Charlie, you're going to be fine."

        "Daddy I'm so scared." I whimpered, tears pouring down my face "I want to stay with you, I can't lose anyone else. I don't want to die!" Steve and Bucky were both crying as I started to fade more rapidly.

        "I love you so much Charlie." Steve whispered.

        "You're the best daughter anyone could have." Bucky said softly as they both held my hands "Everything's going to be OK, you're not going to die."

        "Can you hug me one last time?" I asked quietly "I want to remember it." They both immediately pulled me into a fierce hug and held me as I finally started to crumble into dust.

        "I love you dads, no matter what."

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