Reject, A Werewolf Mini-Story...

By BearGoRawr

40.5K 1.5K 115

No one should be able to see the future. The future should just be experienced first hand, not anticipated be... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A/N: Exciting News!

Chapter 1

4.5K 133 5
By BearGoRawr

Marina's POV

My bones have never felt so delicate. I could hear then crack like stiff boards every time I moved. As I closed the cupboards I got a good look into myself in the glass.

I looked horrible.

My once alive face was not deathly pale and bony. My once bright silver eyes now were dull and almost lifeless. Even my blackish-brown hair that was once long and glossy how was short and brittle. I look at my pitiful appearance more and wonder.

What did I do wrong?

5 years ago

"Happy 12th birthday Rina!!" My mom smothered me in yet another wet kiss as my older brothers laughed along with my dad. My eldest brother's mate, Kristy, was here as well taking a lot of photos on her new phone.

"Mo-om!" I cried, wiping my cheek with the back of my sweater before my other brother told me to blow out my candles and make a wish.

I wished that my family would be happy forever.

But wishes are bogus.

It was barely an hour into our small party when everyone was mind linked that there were rouges in the area and that everyone had to prepare for battle. Somehow they got into our boarders.

My father was the beta and it was his duty to defend the pack, even before his own family so he took off to leave the rest of us in the panic room.

"Mom," I mumbled, fearing for my life, "Somethings not right." I had the strangest feeling in the back of my mind. I couldn't explain it but something back was going to happen and it was going to happen soon.

"What do y-" My mom started but she suddenly let out a deafening cry, startling everyone. She curled up into the floor, bawling her eyes out as everyone tried to calm her. "Your, you, Westly is dead!" She cried about my father.

Everyone became deathly quiet, only the sounds of my mother's cries was the only thing audible.

"D-dad's dead?" My other brother, Jackson, stuttered, looking devastated.

"Be strong Jack, dad wouldn't want you to cry. Especially in front of Rini." Our eldest brother, Devon, patted Jackson on the back comforting him.

I on the other hand was in a complete trance. I didn't even notice the panic room door being pried open until my brothers started screaming at me as a pair of massive arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from my family.

"Found you little seer." A deep voice sent chills down my spine as I struggled against the hold. Only to be dropped when my mother tackled my captor to the ground.

"RUN!" She screamed, fighting off the man who I couldn't see the face of.

"MOM!" Jackson cried, fighting against Devon's hold as Kristy lead me away from the battle. I was still shocked, not feeling any part of my body even when my feet started to move.

Jackson had shifted into his large brown and black wolf, and Kristy helped me get on him and she boarded as well. Devon had also shifted into his even bigger brown and black wolf as Jackson began running into the forest, Devon acting as the back-guard.

**Mom's dead.** Was the last thing Devon mind-linked us before we reached the cave that was the designated area for young pups and women when the pack is under attacked. We met up with the alpha's son, Vernon, who looked as devastated as Jackson.

"M-my parents are dead." Vernon whispered to us. Devon and Jackson had already shifted back and were comforting him as Kristy went back to her mate's side, leaving me to cope by myself.

"This is all your fault." I heard Jackson. I looked at his bare feet before he roughly yanked my hair so I would have to face him. His eyes were filled with unmistakable hatred, my poor self quivered in fear of him. 

"Get off of her!" Devon shoved Jackson who kept an iron grip on my chocolate locks. I let out a cry of pain as my brothers started fighting with each other. I hit the ground roughly, watching what was left of my family throw punches at each other.

"You heard the rouge! He was looking for her!" My brother, who moments ago was giving me such a loving look, was now glaring straight at me from under Devon's hold. He struggled against Devon, trying to grab at me to no avail.

But suddenly all the attention was on me.

Ever single pair of eyes were focused solely on my small form.

"Is that true Marina?" Vernon's voice trembled. His fist balling up until his knuckles were white. He stalked closer to me, his eyes boring holes into my fragile soul.

I was too shocked to reply, frozen in fear of the accusing glares I was receiving.

"Breakfast bitch, where is my coffee?!" A loud obnoxious voice came from the dining room area, breaking me from my thoughts. I frantically grabbed her mug and poured the freshly brew coffee into it, doing it so fast that it spilled over and scalded me. I inhaled sharply to muffle my actual pain as I added 2 sugar cubes and a small amount of milk just how I know she likes it.

I quickly did everyone else drinks, which were mostly orange juice, and hurried into the dinning room to dish them out.

Once again the owner of the obnoxious voice, Lucy, was sitting next to Vernon with Jackson sitting on the other side of him.

I placed everyone's cups and mugs in front of them, getting no acknowledgements in return. And returned to the kitchen to finish everyone's breakfast, cooking for werewolf teens is actually quite hard.

At some point my hands got so weak that I dropped a plate, letting it shatter onto the floor into a million pieces.

"Fucking bitch can't do anything right." I heard Vernon say. My cheeks heated up as I heard laughter coming from the dining room. "Better not mess up our breakfast!" His voice echoed in my ears, causing an involuntary whimper.

I started picking up the shards with my bare hands, getting several cuts that were certainly hidden with my crusty skin. I noticed soft hands picking up the shards as well and looked up to see Kristy helping me clean. She looked so tired, probably from being separated from her mate for so long.

"Devon is going to kill me if you get hurt." I whisper, grabbing the shards from her and ignoring the cuts I got from doing so. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kristy observing my hands with a emotional stare.

"Devon isn't here. Besides if he knew what was happening to you he'd kill me for not protecting you." Kristy gave me such a sad look, even though she was trying to sound playful. "He's coming back tomorrow for your birthday you know." She tried to cheer my up but she doesn't know that my birthday was actually today, a lot of people forgot my birthday was today.

"Really?" I was still excited to see my older brother. The only brother who still cared for me.

"Yup." She said, popping the 'p.' "And as soon as he's hears about you he's going to help you transfer packs."

"Who is transferring packs?" A chilling voice made both of us freeze. We exchange nervous looks before slowly turning to face the new alpha.

I haven't eaten a proper meal in what seemed like years; so my body and wolf have been a little more than weak, meaning my senses have dulled down to the point where I'm basically a regular human.

"Vernon!" Kristy spun around and signaled for me to finish up with making the food. "What are you talking about?" She tried to sound genuine but my brother's mate sucks at lying.

"Who is transferring packs Kristy?" Vernon asked more slowly, more eerily.

"No one who matters to you." She snapped back, taking the role of overprotective sibling that Devon had taken before going off on his meetings with other pack leader's to make alliances. Usually alphas go on those meetings but Vernon made the wise, and inconvenient for me, decision that Devon should go instead since he's older and more experienced with other alphas.

Devon was finishing his final alliance agreement today, marking the 13th alliance over the past 3 years. He's only been home once every month or so and spends most of the time with his mate, never noticing how much I've been degrading.

"I am the alpha of this pack, need I remind you?" Vernon made a low growl, "Either way whoever leaves or enters this pack has to get my permission remember?"

I freeze after turning off the fire, finishing off the bacon that I could barely smell. I forgot about that small tiny detail.

"So who is it?" Vernon got closer to Kristy, towering over her 5 foot 7 frame. He knew exactly who she was talking about and is only trying to agitate me.

"It's me," I squeak, my voice barely audible but Vernon heard me loud and clear. "As soon as Devon is back I'm leaving all of you." I look straight into the cold golden eyes of my alpha. "And I'm never looking back."

Vernon's eyes softened only for a brief moment as Lucy's voice shattered our eardrums.

"Where's the fucking food?!" She screamed. A few shouts of agreement could be heard and I quickly broke my staring contest with Vernon to tend to all the dishes.

I briskly shook my head at Kristy who tried to grab the large platter of scrambled eggs as I brought everything to the table, letting all the werewolves devour it, not leaving a single bite for me.

I made brief eye contact with my so-called older brother who shoved his face with some eggs before avoiding my pleading eyes. He was never good with hiding his emotions.

I headed back to the kitchen to figure something out. All the food was out on the table and I had to wait to clean it up before everyone ran off to school.

Jackson and Vernon were seniors in high school along with a few other wolves like Lucy, and everyone was excited for them. I knew Kristy was secretly excited for Jackson especially despite everything else.

I looked at the clock. I wasn't allowed to go outside the pack house but I was tutored online with a program Devon set me up with ever since Jackson told him that I 'was too weak to go outside to school.'

Just a few more minutes until everyone leaves.

Most of their parents were actually slaughtered that day, leaving the children to the women and the young teens to defend our territory. Hence the intense search for alliances.

I watched the clock until everyone left, including Kristy who worked at the hospital as one of the nurses in the magical creatures wing.

As soon as the last truck left and the house was empty I hurried to Devon's office to start my online course. It was only a few hours of work and instruction that I finished way too quickly, giving me time to have my own mini-celebration. It was really the celebration of knowing my wolf. I'm finally 16 and that's usually the time where our wolves start speaking to us. Prior to that age we could just shift, not knowing the full capabilities of our wolves.

**Hello?** I tried to mind link my wolf. My body has been so weak that this almost gave me a headache.

**Hello.** A quiet voice responded, making me almost scream with joy. I actually had a wolf, and right in time! 

**I'm assuming you're my wolf?** I ask sheepishly, shutting off Devon's private computer and hurrying downstairs to see if there are any scraps for me. Probably not.

**Well of course,** I could almost envision a smile, **My name is Claris, and I am honored to be your wolf Marina.**

I look at my distorted reflection in one of the dirty spoons, trying to figure out what is no honorable about me. Because all I see is a weak and pitiful little girl with a dead look in her eyes.

**You are strong Mari,** Claris had already given me a nickname, **You might not see it yet but you will soon.**

**Do you know of our ability?** I start collecting the dishes, remembering if anyone sees them, they'll report it to Vernon and it's another beating for me.

**You mean your ability?** She clarified, **Yes, I do.**

**What am I Claris?** An unconscious tear fell from my eye as I picked up the last of the plates, feeling a little stronger now that I have Claris.

**You are a seer.** She answered, I finished putting everything by the sink and started washing all of it, watching my crusty hands wrinkle further. **Able to see the future, no matter how far.**

**Then do you know what I've seen?** I ask, remembering a vision I had a few days ago that still haunted me.

**Yes, and I am proud of the actions you've taken to keep your pack safe.** I heard her make a small growl, **No matter what they have done.**

**Let's just hope it works. The lives of my pack depend on it.** I finish scrubbing the last plate and rinse it off fully. **I just hope Devon and Kristy won't be too hurt.**

**They have each other, they'll get over it.**

**Thank you Claris.** I smile and go through my very small wardrobe to find a decent outfit for Devon's arrival.

**You're welcome Marina.**

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