By bratzcartel

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By bratzcartel

Everyone got quiet as Dion continued doing what she doing she wasn't going to just go off on Marianna's word but she was definitely going to ask Nasir about it.

"Marianna stop trying to be messy it's not cute" Milian said

"I'm not being messy I was on the phone with her and Nasir came over there and she hung up" she said smiling

Dion simply rolled her eyes "didn't Rodney cheat on you with one of your sisters?" She asked

"That's old news boo come up with something new" she said snaking her neck

"But you're still with him" she said eating at the table

Marianna had nothing else to say she felt some kind of way about what Dion had said and Dion did not care.

"Ok cut it out you two" Angelina said

A couple of hours later everyone was there and waiting for Nasir and Ricardo Dion was in the backyard talking to All the little kids that were there.

"Dion will you tell him two girls can't have a baby" Alesia, Ricardo's youngest daughter asked

"Yes they can how do you think Dessi has a baby" Alexandro said

"For the last time they aborted her" Alesia said stomping

Dion laughed "They adopted her and I think you guys should talk to your parents about it" she said

"Guys they're pulling into the driveway" Victoria yelled out the back door

Dion let out a sigh she'd been waiting for him to come back ever since he left but now she felt some way about what Marianna said.

She tried to shake it from her mind but she couldn't and didn't want to ask him about it because they weren't together and she didn't want to get her feelings hurt.

As Nasir made his way through the house he was greeted by his many cousins but he really wanted to see Dion.

"Whea Dion at?" He asked Milian

She gave him a look then pointed to the back door

Dion looked up while playing patty cake with another one of his cousins as Nasir came outside she kept a straight face even though she wanted to smile

She got up as he approached her for a kiss but she gave him a side hug and went into the house as the kids bombarded him.

"Did y'all talk Dion?" Milian said as she watched Dion come in the house

"Nope" She said popping the p sitting down in the living room where everyone was

"Tell all the kids to come in , I have an announcement to make" Ricardo said to his wife, Vanessa.

Once they were in Nasir and Ricardo stood in the middle of the living room with Ricardo's arm around Nasir's shoulder

"While I was down in the Dominican Republic I made a few business deals and me and my favorite nephew are opening two new clubs one there and one here"

Milian sighed and rolled her eyes making Angelina give her a look.

Everyone knew that Milian was jealous of how Ricardo would open businesses with Nasir and give him everything while Milian couldn't even get a loan to start up her own business

Ricardo thought she belonged in a kitchen or cleaning up for a husband but Milian refused to do that it was nothing wrong with it but she didn't see herself doing that and Ricardo should respect it.

Dion had successfully avoided Nasir for a few hours she decided to go in Milian's room to relax for a minute she was tired and it was around 11, which is when she usually went to sleep.

She stepped out on Milian's balcony because it was calm out there she felt relaxed, so relaxed she didn't hear the door open

"Dion" Nasir said

"Huh?" She said turning around

"Wassup witchu? He asked

"Um, nothing, nothing at all" she said trying to walk away but Nasir grabbed her arm

"Stop playin with me" he said

She looked down at her nails and bit her lip. "Well um I never mind" she said making him sigh

"Dion." He said

"Marianna told me that you were at Yuri's house"

"You believe her?" He asked

"I don't know, should I?" She said still looking down

She felt embarrassed talking about it and felt like it wasn't her place to question him about something when she wasn't his girlfriend.

"I went to ha house before I went to the Dominican Republic cuz she called me talkin bout she was puttin all my shit out on her porch so I went to go get it and we argued about some shit then I left" he said

"That's it?"

"Yea I wouldn't fuck ha if she was the last bitch on earth"

"But still why did I have to hear this from Marianna? and be all clueless when she said something about it." She asked

"I ain't think it was important and I definitely ain't know Yuri was runnin ha big ass mouth to ma cousin"

"Hmph" She said obviously still feeling some way about the situation

"Don't hmph me, I'm sorry I made you look dumb for a good luh 3 seconds because I know you said somethin back to Anna that had ha ass on fire" he said laughing

"I did." She said smiling as he pulled her in for a kiss but this time with tongue

"How was the trip" she asked pulling away

"Shit was all work, I'd ratha be hea"

"So about this new club you didn't bother to tell me about?"

"My bad I really ain't know until he just announced it I was takin care of the illegal business shit when I was thea"

"Nigga blow the horn on that bitch" Milo said sitting in the backseat

"Ain't yo license suspended nigga shut up" Deshon said

"Because ion do red lights what's the point?"

"Yea stay Inna back"

"Nasir tired as fuck ,on the phone with Dion all night" Deshon said looking over at Nasir who had his eyes closed and leaned back in the seat

"Everything I do, y'all make that shit about Dion "he wearin grey Dion made him sad" Shut the fuck up" he said sitting up

"why you tired?" Milo asked

"Don't worry bout that , why you not tired?"  Nasir asked

He was indeed on the phone with Dion and she wouldn't let him go to sleep until she fell asleep which was 7 in the morning.

"Yea his ugly ass in love" Milo said

"This the longest he went without pussy"

"I went 12 years without pussy"

They both smacked their teeth because he was talking about the first 12 years of his life.

"Nah I'm talkin bout adult years" Deshon added

"Ight lets just go get this money from these niggas and go"  Nasir said

"Why so you ca go to Dion house"

"I hate y'all niggas" Nasir said jokingly

Pulling up to the small trap house Nasir looked around his surroundings to make sure he wasn't being set up.

"I hope these niggas ain't on no dumb shit cuz ion feel like playin with nobody" Milo said

"Smartest shit you said all day" Nasir said walking in

"Joseph whea yo dumbass at?" Deshon yelled

"He in the bathroom" An unknown man said coming down the stairs

"Who the fuck is you" Deshon asked

"Associate of Joe Now you gone get this money or not" he said walking towards the living room as Milo and Deshon followed him

Nasir went up the stairs to the bathroom and heard noises come from a room. He usually didn't get in anybody's business but under the circumstances he felt he needed to open the door so he did.

"Fuck" he groaned throwing his head back as Joe sat with his back against the wall with his arms tied up and duct tape around his mouth

"Joe who the fuck is that nigga downstairs?" Nasir said untying him

"Some niggas tryna rob me it's 4 of them hoes" he said causing Nasir to shake his head

"Whea the rest?" Nasir asked as a gunshot went off

They both quickly pulled out guns as they walked downstairs

The unknown man was on the floor as Milo stood over his lifeless body

About 6 men came from the basement with large bags thinking they were about to rob Joseph of everything he had but they were wrong.
"Aight man just get some tighter security" Milo said dapping up Joseph as they left

"Man I hate these niggas" Deshon said getting in the car

Nasir stayed quiet he had a busted lip because he had to take two of the biggest guys but overall he won.

He was still pissed though at the fact that he got his lip busted. His phone was dead so he put it on the charger and laid his head down since he was still tired.

"Dion callin you" Milo said looking at his phone

"Hello" he said answering

"What's wrong?" She asked noticing his tone

"None jus tired"

"Ok Liar But anyways you said you'd be done at 3 and its almost 5 sooo and I've been calling you so"

"You must be bored or hungry"

"Actually I made fries and ate them so I'm just bored"

"What that gotta do with me?" He asked jokingly

"Nothing , nothing at all"

"I'a see you in a few"

"Few what? Hours? Minutes"

"You'll see" he said

"This is why I hate you"  she said making him laugh

"Aight bye" he said

"Bye" She said hanging up

"Y'all niggas ugly" Milo said

"Yo baby momma ugly" Deshon said

"Fa the last time that ain't my fuckin baby momma I neva even fucked that bitch"

"So why her baby name Milo jr" Nasir asked

"Because the bitch is crazy she tried to fuck me for 4 dollars and I tol ha no like bitch ion pay fa no sex especially not no 4 dollars and then she had a baby she ask me to come to the hospital I said no then I hear ha talkin bout it's my baby and his name Milo junior and shit" Milo said as everyone laughed

"Mannnn y'all niggas funny" Nasir said

"Speakin of baby mommas I gotta go to court because my baby momma tryna put me on child support"

"Which one?" Milo asked

"Amaya nigga you know it ain't Deja"

"Why it cant be Deja, y'all fuckin again" Nasir asked

"Nah Deja not that type of person she let me see Imani with no problem we'on argue none of that"

"Co-parenting uglah" Milo said laughing

"Nigga you think everything funny" Nasir said laughing

"Why she need child support"

"Because ha bumass wanna be in designer clothes knowing she ain't got no job"

"She be lookin fresh as hell on instagram" Nasir added

"I give ha money to buy shit fa Amari and pay rent and she spend shit on herself"

"Triflin ass bitches, that's why I ain't gettin no bitch pregnant till I feel like she the right one"

"Dion'll be pregnant in December" Milo said laughing

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