City of Serpents - Sweet Pea...

By figure8ght

74.1K 1.7K 220

After your best friend Jughead Jones becomes a serpent you become closer with the 'dangerous' gang. When you... More



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By figure8ght

    "Hi I'm here to see Mayor McCoy." I said stressfully to the woman at the front desk.

    "I'm sorry Sweetie but the Mayor is really busy right now maybe you could come back-"

   "No, no this is important. Tell her it's Y/n Andrews. Please." I begged.

    "I'll try." She sighed. The woman picked of the phone next to her and typed a couple digits. "Hi I have a girl out here names Y/n Andrews who says she needs to talk to you about something important." The women sat for a second and nodded. "Okay I'll send her right back there, have a good day."

    "So?" I asked anxiously.

    "Go ahead." She nodded.

    "Thank you so much!" I said before running to the Mayors office.

     I opened the large door and saw Mrs. McCoy at her desk.

    "Hello Y/n." She smiled nicely at me. "How are you?"

    "Not so good." I sighed. "Mayor McCoy, this morning you wrongly arrested all of my friends and my boyfriend."

    "The Serpents!" She said shocked.

    "Mayor, I can 100% assure you that the Serpents did not sell the jingle jangle to Reggie and if a Serpent did give it to them it was a rogue." I said quickly.

    "How can you be so sure about this Y/n." The Mayor asked me.

    I waited a second before taking off my backpack and opening it up, pulling out my leather jacket.

    "Oh my god Y/n!" She placed her hand on her heart. "Tell me why I shouldn't arrest you now Y/n."

"Pat me down McCoy, ask around town, test me, search my bag or locker or bedroom." I said sliding my jacket back in my bag. "I'm clean."

"You may be but your friends may not be."

"With all due respect Mayor, how long do you really think you can lock them up? You have no proof, just the word of one crack head jock. Reggie didn't say he got the Jingle Jangle from a Serpent, he said it was a gang member that could have been a Serpent."

"And how exactly do you know this?" She questioned.

"All my friends, my 'brother', my 'dad', and my friends parents were there." I explained. "Mayor McCoy, don't forget that you don't just represent the Northside, you are the Southsides Mayor too. And I'm sure it wouldn't look great for your re-election if you have 'arrested several innocent teenagers for no reason.' On your resume. So please Mayor McMoy, I'm begging you. Let them go, don't process this, let it ride out. Keep their records clean. I know you can only hold them until tomorrow afternoon. Just stall this until then.

"You know some of your friends had Jingle Jangle in their possession?" She smirked.

"You know Reggie had Jingle Jangle in his possession?" I smirked back. I got her.

"I'll see what I can do Y/n." She half smiled at me.

I made my way out of the Mayors office and went to head to the station until I realized.... Tall Boy. Tall Boy had sent out an emergency message that we had to work shit out with the Ghoulie. Knowing the Serpents could get out in the next day or so could greatly impact that. I took my phone out to call Jug but he didn't pick up.

    Assuming that Jughead would be at Pop's I began to sprint to the Diner. When I opened the door I saw Archie alone in a booth.

    "Archie!" I yelled out of breath.

    "Y/n!" He said jerking his head around. "Are you okay?"

    "Archie, where is Jughead?"

    "He said Tall Boy wanted to parley or something." He answered quickly.

    "Do you know where?"

    "No, no he just-" He tried to explain.

    "Archie, I-I gotta go. I'll call you!" I bust through the doors and made a call.

    "Hog Eye?" I asked loudly. "Hey it's Y/n. I need you to tell me where the Ghoulies hang."

    "What? I mean they hang out at this trashy bar at the edge of Riverdale and Centerville-"

    "Thank you!" I said quickly before hanging up and running towards Centerville.

    It took a while since Centerville was on the complete opposite side of town than Pop's. I was tired and out of breath but I kept running. Finally I saw a nasty, trashy bar so I took my jacket out of my bag and slipped it on. My fingers ran along the outside of my pocket to make sure I still had my switch blade in case anyone tired to start something.

    "Hey baby." I heard a cocky voice say in front of me.

    "Fuck off." I said back to him.

    "Why so feisty Sweetie?" He laughed.

     I turned around the show him the Snake shaped in the form of an 'S' on the back of my jacket (i know Jughead is the only one with an 'S' but I just like it better than the circle so you know.)

    "Ah, what's a Snake doing on my territory?" He said coldly.

    "Back off!" I heard a stern voice say behind me. It was Tall Boy. "Leave her alone! Come on Y/n."

    Tall Boy never liked me, I knew this, every one knew this. He doesn't like that I'm a Northsider so it meant a lot for him to have my back. I saw Jughead behind him with his pocket knife out.

    "Jughead!" I yelled and ran to him. "I've been running all over town for you."

    "What! Why?" He asked as he put away his blade.

    "The Serpents, I think I convinced McCoy to get them out. Did you parley?" I asked.

    "No. We didn't." He began.

    "Good! Okay Juggy where are you going now?" I said quickly.

    "Nowhere?" He said but it felt more like a question.

    "Okay good cause you're gonna help me get Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs bikes back to the trailer park." I told him, finally slowing down my speed.


    "If Ghoulies find out they are locked up and see there bikes at Southside, they won't have bikes anymore." I explained.

    "Okay, okay. Good point. Tall Boy! Wanna help?" He yelled to the man behind me.

    "Sure." He said in his deep voice.

    Jug, Tall Boy and I went to Southside and got their bikes, riding them back to Sunnyside and putting them under a tarp. When we were done Jughead took me on his bike over to the station. We went in and up to the counter to ask to see our friends but a loud voice stopped us.

    "Come on guys, they're back here." Keller said opening a door at the back.

    "Thank you Tom!" I smiled at him but my smile faded the second I saw all of my friends locked up.

    There were about 10 of them in each cell and there were three cells plus one with only a couple people. The cells were large but it was a terrible sight. The room was loud and chaotic.

    "Sweet Pea!" I called out.

    "Y/n!" I heard a yell from the other side of the loud room.

    I saw Sweet Pea in the last cell on the left with several other Serpents with him. I ran over to the cell.

    "Oh Sweets." I said grabbing his hand through the bars.

"You look good Princess." He chuckled. I looked good realizing I had my Serpent jacket over my Vixens uniform.

"Is now really the time Sweets?" I looked up at him.

"It's always the time." He said softly as he looked down at me.

"Sweets, I went to the Mayors office and talked to McCoy-"

"She's the one who threw us in jail Y/n." He rolled his eyes and pulled away from the bars.

"No Sweets no!" I grabbed his arm to keep him from getting away from the bar. "I'm getting you to hell out of here, okay?"

"How Y/n, what can you really do?" He said coldly.

"Babe-" I spoke sadly and softly. "Trust me." He stayed silent. "What's the first law?"

"No Serpent stands alone." He recited. "Okay Princess, what do you got?"

"Jughead?" I turned around to look at him and nodded.

"Attention!" He yelled and the whole room fell quiet. "Y/n is gonna tell you guys how we are getting you out of here."

"Thanks Jug." I began. "Okay guys, McCoy hasn't processed any of you, meaning none of you have any new marks on your records, but that also means that you're in a legal limbo. Luckily since you are all minors and they can't make an official charges since they have no evidence that you sold Jingle Jangle. If you had anything in your locker you could get kept longer and with marks but if they aren't punishing the Northsiders for it they can't keep you too long."

"And come on guys, Jingle Jangle, really?" Jughead said as he looked around. "That shit kills you."

"We can teach them ethics later Jug but what's important right now is getting you out and not going to war with the Ghoulies. You can only be kept until tomorrow unless they find anything substantial against all of you which is nearly impossible." I stated. "Where's Toni?"

"Right here babe." She said from the first cell.

"Okay T." I said going over to her. "They pat you guys down?"

"Yeah but not very well." She said taking a pocket knife out of her pocket.

"Sorry T." I said as I held out my hand for her to put the blade in. She gave it to me and I told Jughead to get the rest. "Before your out they'll put you through detectors and pat downs. If they find you with keys or knifes, even lighters, your stuck here for another week minimum."

"How do you even know this stuff?" Toni asked me.

"My 'moms' a lawyer." I explained. "I've been trained in this shit since I was 5."

"Damn girl." She chuckled.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes playfully. By this point everyone else had gone back to what they were doing before. "Where's Fangs? He okay?"

"He's over there." She pointed the to last cell on the right.

"Fangs!" I yelled once I get to the cell. Fangs made his way to the front and smiled when he saw me. "Hey Fangs." I smiled as I hugged him through the bars.

"Hey Y/n. We are getting out of here right?" He asked softly.

"You heard me buddy." I smiled weakly. "I'm getting you outta here."

"What's happening with the Ghoulies?"

"Tall Boy wants to negotiate with them, make a deal. You know 'end a war' or whatever."

"The Ghoulies will never parley, especially not fairly." He sighed.

"And we won't let the Serpents roll over." Jughead said as he approached us. "In unity, there is strength!" He shouted.

"In unity, there is strength!" The entire room repeated.

"Come on Y/n, lets split." Jughead said while stuffing blades and keys in his pockets.

"Okay Juggy, give me a sec." I looked up at him. "Later Fangs."

    "You gonna say bye to him?" Jughead said nodding towards Sweet Pea who was in the cell across from me.

    He was leaning down so his arms were between the bars. His hands were clasped together and he looked down at the ground.

    "Yeah." I said, Jug nodded and headed out of the room. "Pea?"

    "Yeah baby." He looked up.

    "I can't wait until you're out of here." I leaned against the bar.

    "Princess it hasn't even been a full day and you already want me." He winked as he placed his hand on the small of my back. It sent chills down my spine. "How about when I get out of here you spend the night with me?"

    "Sounds good Sweets." I giggled as I bit my bottom lip.

    "Hey Princess?" He spoke softly.

    I looked into his eyes, I felt his arm come up and cup my face. He pulled me in and kissed me through the bar. It was one kiss then, two, three, four, five. I eventually pulled away from our kiss and look him in the eyes.

    My fingers traced the square ring on his finger. Swiftly, I pulled it off and tucked it in my pocket.

     "What was that for?" He asked.

     "I need all the luck I can get." I smiled.

     "Good luck." He smiled back. "Now go with Jones."

     "Bye Sweets." I said before jogging away and saying a quick goodbye to Toni and a couple others.

Word Count: 2105

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