Abducted (on hold)

By JanisRoss

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


123 3 1
By JanisRoss


Kia was like every other teenage girl.

She was the only biological child of her parents.

She did have an adopted brother that she loved.

She hated her mom, but was a total daddy’s girl.

She was doing this project for school about DNA, and needed her birth certificate as well as baby pictures.

Her mother claimed they had gotten lost when they moved.

She started to get curious.

How could they lose all my pictures?

That didn’t make any sense.

She wondered if she was adopted.

That would explain a lot.

Kia looked nothing like her parents.

When she did the DNA test she freaked out because hers didn’t match her parents.

She went home, and asked her mother about it.

Her mom broke down, and started to cry.

Told her that she had been abducted.

Kia couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Who was her real mom?

Did she have a family out there looking for her?

She asked her mother if she was the one that abducted her.

She told her no that it was her sister, and she only found out on her sister’s death bed.

Kia asked why she didn’t turn it into the police.

Her mother said by that time she couldn’t let her go.

Now Kia was left with so many questions.

She wanted to find her real mother.

She needed to know who she was.

Where she came from.

She couldn’t just stay being abducted.

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