The Maria's Beautiful Creatur...

By MilkTaeandKooki

353 20 3

"Don't you see it Jungkook?" his voice slightly raising " He is your weakness" "No " was his only response. ... More

Beautiful Creature.
I'm Sorry
Shut up and kiss me⚠️


67 6 2
By MilkTaeandKooki

"What took you so long Jeon." Laughter filed the room before the group of 8 men came out of hiding. 1 holding a knife to Tae's neck.

"Jackson" Jungkook's voice laced with venom but he didn't move from his spot, he didn't want to lose control, not when Tae's life was on the line but he didn't know how long he could keep his beast tamed for anymore. He was beyond pissed.

"O boy, you got you a screamer here don't you?" He smirked " They weren't  kidding when they said he was sheltered, poor boy screamed after every slice. He was in pure agony" he continued "You know he kept calling for you. Kookie it hurts. Make it stop." Jackson mimicked Tae putting pressure on the blade, enough to draw a drop of blood.

"Poor bitch actually thought you were coming to save him. But don't worry we kept him nice and safe. He was real comfortable....." He looked at Jungkook straight in the eye a small smirk played on his lips " Alllll 9 of us."

That's it. That's all it took before Jungkook let go. He gave all control over and let his body be consumed by the beast. It's been a while since he's been out. 2 years to be exact, and he was hungry.

He began attacking one by one, dodging bullets and fighting using only his fists. He wanted each and every one of them to die by his hands.

His guards stood still frozen in fear. Not by the enemy. But by their own boss. It's been a while since they saw him like this and the newbies were practically shaking.

During the fight Jungkook was stabbed in his side, this caused the guards to go on alert and raise their weapons but they were quickly stopped by a certain silver haired man.

"Lower your weapons." The head guard spoke quietly but loud enough for only them to hear. He didn't want to draw attention to them, he knew exactly what Jungkook was like when he was in a state like this. If they intervened Jungkook would hurt them or worst.

Jungkook was dangerous. No one has ever been able to bring him back to normal when he's in this state, they would always wait it out until he is satisfied and slowly retakes control of his monster. That was until he met Taehyung. Everyone was shock to say the least.


It was 5 months after Taehyung came, he never left Jungkooks side the entire time, not like Kookie mind in fact he preferred having Tae with him at all times. They were both currently in a meeting at a partner company when everything went down. Tae was placed comfortably on Jungkook's lap, wearing slim fit jeans and one of Jungkook's dress shirt which was 2 sizes to big. The sleeves were folded to meet his elbows and a white silk cloth covering his face showing only his eyes.

Jungkook were listening to the presentation but he was also playing with Tae's fingers under the table. His head place at the nape of Tae's neck taking in his strawberry flavoured scent. 

They were disturbed by the sound of guns going off. Jungkook pulled Taehyung closer protecting the startled boy.

Aside from owning the largest Mafia in the world Jungkook was also the owner of JEON Corp. The biggest chain of night clubs around the world. Jungkook never got involved with anything that didn't concern him. It was his biggest rule especially when getting involved meant endangering his love. He swiftly picked Tae up, holding him bridal style, Tae nuzzled his face into Jungkook's chest as he was carried out of the room.

Jungkook took the secret elevator down to the parking lot ignoring all the screams that could be heard throughout the building.

"Don't move." He heard the sound of a gun loading as the elevator doors opened.

"Mr. Jeon.  Where do you think you're going? We've been looking for you everywhere." The male said.

"Kookie I'm scared." Tae whimpered clutching onto Jungkook tighter. Despite being a skilled fighter he's not allowed to use those skills unless he's alone and in danger. Jungkook doesn't want him getting hurt when he could protect him.

Jungkook merely nodded putting Taehyung on his feet, straightening his suit. Tae went behind Jungkook clutching onto his hand. Jungkook once again tried to walk past as he didn't want to get involved but he was stopped by the guns. They pushed Jungkook back to no avail, he stood firm. Tae on the other hand stumbled a little causing him to trip on his own feet and fall.

The 3 men with guns suddenly stopped, no longer focusing on their target but rather on the small boy. Jungkook turned around to see Tae on the ground, his vail off revealing his face to the strangers.

"I-I'm sorry kookie. I t-tripped." He said looking down his eyes glossed over. Jungkook quickly dropped his tough exterior looking at the male with soft eyes. The men were even more shocked at the man now standing before them.

"It's okay baby. Come here." Tae quickly got up running into kookie's embrace. He placed a hand of Tae's cheek wiping away the single tear that escaped Tae's beautiful hazel eyes. "I'm the one sorry. I should've been more careful." Jungkooks stroked his face.

"It's okay kookie I forgive you." Tae sniffled placing a kiss on Jungkook's lips, then deepened it forgetting they weren't alone.

"Mhmm" they pulled apart looking at the man who dear to disturb them. They couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing. First they saw the most beautiful creature on planet earth then they saw THE JEON JUNGKOOK making googly eyes at said creature.

"Kookie I wanna go home now." Tae said getting Jungkook's attention.

"You know I can't leave them alive now don't You? They've seen you." Jungkook caressed Taehyung's cheeck his hard exterior making its way back as he looked at the men.

"I would never imagine the JEON JUNGKOOK in such a state." One of the men laughed " You're whipped. You've gotten WEAK."

" I have?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

Soon more men surrounded them. The elevator came down surprising Taehyung grabbing him behind Jungkook.

Tae was scared now. At first he saw 3 men, he knew Jungkook could easily take them down, but he didn't because they could also easily harm Tae while he was occupied. Now there were atleast 14 men around them.
Jungkook was running scenarios through looking for the best way out without Tae being hurt.

They all saw Taehyung's face now. It was impossible for anyone of them to leave that parking lot alive.

"Wow. What a beauty." The man who grabbed Taehyung and touched his faced looking at the beautiful creature.

Taehyung was scared. He unconsciously released his tail and fox ears from hiding.

"He's a hybrid. That's hot. Even better." The man said causing bile to rise in Tae's throat.

Jungkook stood there looking at the scene unfold before him. He HATED when other people touched his property but he also wanted to see what Tae would do. They won't be alive  in the coming minutes so why not see how far they are willing to go.

The man grabbed onto Taehyung's tail drawing a moan from the younger male. His fox tail and ears were always the most sensitive so he kept them hidden away from everybody but Jungkook.

"You like this don't You? Aren't you a little slut." He smirked again. Taehyung's eyes filled with tears. He felt violated, no one was allowed to touch his tail except kookie. "You want all of us don't you, you want us to bang you while your little boyfriend watches don't You?" He touched Taehyung's tail again causing his tears to finally stream down.

They all looked at Jungkook. His gaze fixated on the foxy boy.

"It hurts." The room went deadly quite as Jungkook's whole expression changed to grim. "I don't like how he's touching me daddy." Tae whimpered.

Jungkook's eye went black. Before they knew what happened Jungkook threw a knife sticking it in a man's throat, he took the gun and began shooting down the inexperienced men one by one.

In less than 2 minutes most were dead. One more left.

The man holding Taehyung.

Jungkook swiftly made his way to them blocking bullets. In mere seconds he stood infront on the man pulling Taehyung away as he dropped his gun and began throwing punches at the stranger.

The man was out cold. He was already dead. But Jungkook didn't stop. He kept punching and hitting. He lifted the man by his neck throwing him across the room, kicking him repeatedly.

"You dear touch what is mines..." Jungkook growled out.

Taehyung has never seen him like this before. In that moment he didn't know what was worst, being held captive by strangers or seeing the man he loved like this. Jungkook's security swarmed the place securing all the exits and entries preparing their guns, Tae quickly hid his face with the cloth. He knew Jungkook would get angry.

"Master Taehyung." The guards stopped looking at the scene infront of them.

In the months they've spent together Junkook has never shown this side to Tae. He never had a reason to. But his security was all to familiar with the ruthless Mafia boss.

"Jungkook you're scaring me." Tae whispered it was almost a squeak but Jungkook heard it none the less. He stopped immediatly looking up at the shaking boy.

Jungkook stood up covered in Blood, his eyes slowly going back to normal. This was new. This was something his security NEVER saw before. They usually wait until he got it out of his system and came back to normal then they would clean up the mess. But this was a first for them. They knew Taehyung had a huge influence on Jungkook but they didn't know it was to this extent.

Jungkook made his way over to Taehyung stopping infront on the small boy. His face blank, but Tae could always see past it, he knew Jungkook was worried about him. He ran, his arms circling the elders waist holding high tightly. His white shirt now also covered in the crimson liquid.

"I love you baby." Jungkook whispered only for Tae.

"I love you to Daddy." Tae said pecking jungkook's lips.

End of flash back......

Jungkook couldn't see straight. All he saw was Taehyung's blood. He felt nothing.

He quickly removed the blade from his side stabbing it into the man's neck. Even though blood was gushing out of his wound he managed to slaughter them effortlessly one by one. Jungkook was about to stab one of the men when he was stopped by the sound of a gun going off.

All eyes landed on the guard who had the nerve to disobey a direct command and shoot his gun. They looked over to see he shot the man holding a gun at Tae then at Jungkook.

Jungkook quickly killed of the man under him making his way towards the guard. No one was brave enough to stop him. All Jungkook saw in that moment was rage. Pure hatred. He heard the gun go of and made his way to the sound. He wasn't in control of his body.

"Jungkook he saved Taehyung. The man was about to shoot him." But Jungkook didn't hear a thing.

The silver haired man step infront the guard, only because he was thankful he saved Taehyung. Jungkook skillfully slammed the silver headed man to the floor. He began throwing punches which the older tried to avoid as best he could.

"J-Jungkookie."  Right as Jungkook was about to hit the silver haired man's face his fist stopped mid air. Looking up towards the beautiful creature staringback at him.

The guards imidiatly rushed pass only to be stopped by a loud growl.

"Don't touch him." Jungkook said lowly before making his way over to voice. He eyes still fuming.

"It hurts kookie. Please make it stop." Jungkook was quickly pulled back into reality, his eye returning to normal.

He gently untied the young male holding him tightly to his chest.

"You came." A small smile graced his beautiful face tears running down his face.

"You called didn't You." Jungkook placed a small kiss on Tae's head.

"They h-hurt me." Tae muffled voices could still be heard. It broke Jungkook to hear his pain. His tail rapped around Jungkook's waist.

"I know baby. I know. I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner." He rocked the younger as tears slowly slipped down his face.

The guards all turned around imidiatly. No one has ever seen the Joen Jungkook cry, and although it was like seeing a unicorn they didn't plan on risking their lives to see their boss cry.

Taehyung's body suddenly went limp in Jungkook's arms, his tail loosely falling to the ground. Everything went in slow motion.

"Tae?" He lightly shook the small boy.


"Come on baby you're scaring me." He felt the younger for a pulse but there was none.

"No no no. Tae come on baby."

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL JUST FUCKING STANDING THERE SOMEONE GET THE CAR!" Jungkook yelled at his men. His hard exterior making it's way back.

"IF THERE ISN'T A CAR WAITING WHEN I EXIT THIS BUILDING YOU'RE ALL DEAD." He growled out picking Tae up running towards the exit where there was a car waiting with doors open for them.

"Step on it. You have less than 2 minutes to get us to the nearest hospital." Jungkook said lowly looking at the driver before looking back at Tae.

The car sped through red lights, breaking all the speed limits before it arrived at the hospital. Jungkook came out with Taehyung running through the emergency doors.

"Tae? Jungkook? What's going on?" They were bombarded with questions by a tall blonde male doctor who also happens to be the owner of said hospital and one of Jungkook's closest friends.

"Jin help him please." Jin imidiatly called for a gurney to take Tae in.

"Wait here Jungkook you can't go in there."

"The hell I will." Jungkook pushed pass Jin.

"Please Jungkook let us do our job. It's the only way to save him." Jin held Jungkook's hand before walking through the emergency doors.

He's never seen Jungkook this worked up before. In fact he's never seen any type of emotion from the younger. This was a first.

4 hours later *spongebob voice*

The wait was agonizingly long. Jin finally came out of the room. All the guards stood up with Jungkook. Jin had tears in his eyes, his voicing slightly breaking.

"Jungkook............." Jin was pulled into a hug by his boyfriend who happens  to also work for Jungkook as his second in command. "Namjoon......"

"Take it easy baby. Breath." Namjoon tried to call Jin down.

"Jungkook, Taehyung's.................."

At that moment Jungkook's entire world stopped. He forgot to breath, he felt as though his heart would come out of his chest.


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