The Night Crawler

By RakaParamita11

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23 years old Ashley Richardson, a young brilliant woman who love to study about forensic suddenly thrown into... More

Welcome !
Chapter 1 - The Promotion
Chapter 2 - The Disappointment and The Flight
Chapter 3 - The Invitation
Chapter 4 - The Old Friend
Chapter 5 - The Victim
Chapter 6 - The Conference
Chapter 7 - The Annual Ball
Chapter 8 - The Colleagues
Chapter 9 - The Creatures Between The Dark
Chapter 10 - The Mysterious Woman
Chapter 11 - The Estate
Chapter 12 - The Time Traveler
Chapter 13 - The Lovely Mother
Chapter 14 - The Thing is Real
Chapter 15 - The Prideful Man's Mate
Chapter 16 - The Mortuary

Prologue : The Encounter

255 10 6
By RakaParamita11

The real man smiles in trouble,
Gathers strength from distress,
And grows brave by reflection

- Thomas Paine

London, 1875

He looked at his reflection in the large vanity on his room not impressed by his looks or whatever he was wearing for the debutante ball event tonight. He seems doesn't have any choice than followed her lovely mother to join the little family trip. He had already skipped two almost three debutante balls this year and his mother was trying to make sure he never skip this one.

The debutante ball was held by the famous and notorious Lady Amhurst from Manchester in a mission to searching a potential husband for her daughters. The old lady was known for her habit to throw a big party without even consider how much she will spent – many of them almost choked him after listened the amount of money she had spent just for one ball.

He lifted up his chin to observe his frock coat, it was black with a leaf patterns on every side of his double-breasted vest on the inner outfit. Match up with his black jet high waisted pants.

He decided not to wear any cravat but when he turning back he bumped into her mother. She was beautiful lady with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes although those eyes were already added with crinkle in the corner it was still mesmerized him. His hair was nothing like her mother, it was black like the night and his eyes were not light either, followed his hair color. Same old monotone color which he never like.

She was wearing a peach-like color straw bonnet with daisy flowers in the top back of it, beautifully decorated along with a dress which was similar in color wrapped her like the second skin and the bustle flaunt her hip appropriately.

"Oh, lord look at you Horace" she squealed in happiness as her eyes smiled with a mirth "All women will worship you if you just keep dressing like this"


He never like the idea of being worshiped by women in this century. To the worst people always expected that the oldest son from a big successful business mogul family like Harrington will be married with the daughter from honorable family. Those family with viscount, earl, baron or even duke titles attached on their names.

Horace's mother was trying to introduce him with the daughter of Earl Pembroke twice and the other famous honorable family in case he was interested in one of them but he never interested which always scared her.

"Just remember you already 31 years old and not married yet" she warned him "I swear to you Horace there is no one stay alone without married in this age and you makes me worried!"

She forced him to face her as she tried her best to tied his cravat. The height difference makes it more difficult so he slightly bent over to his mother.

"I am already old, Horace. All your obligation for me right now is giving me a grandchild as soon as possible"

She patted his chest, sighing deeply while staring at him in disbelief "and you are my only child, you know that, who am I supposed to ask about grandchild if it's not you?"


Horace was also the only child of Harrington family. His father decided to make more children after he was born but the last two of them were miscarriage.

Too bad he doesn't want to get attach with anyone right now. Not this age, not this year, not with those spoiled rude rich girls on the social events he had attended to. He was hopeless, not even one woman could steal his attention.

He was ready. With a final touch he wears his favorite top hat before she escorting her mother to the carriage in front of the house. Together they went inside and as usual his father refused to attend the charity ball. He always refused to come since his last unborn child was miscarriage about six years ago.

The funny and happy man such Martin Harrington was turned to be moody and having this difficult problem to control his anger since the accident. He mostly spending time in his room with no one could disturb him and every time Horace meet him inside the house he was either drunk or looks disheveled. The death of his child was nightmare for him, Horace tried to talk to him but for six years he never succeeds. It was like his life was ripped away from him.

Does his father even care for him?

He kept talking with her mother about the recent business on south America. Tobacco and tropical crops always fascinated him. He was focusing his business on silver and iron mines but after his visit on the land he wanted to try expand his business into different way with different goods. He never felt so challenged in his entire life, the business could be a fail since there is only rich people who willing to buy the cigar but he will try to have the breakthrough of making it less expensive than the other brands but with the same quality.

The carriage came into a halt when they were in the end of the conversation. His mother wrapped her hands in his folded arms as they walk inside the mansion. The house was bigger than their own as Horace decided to invest most of his income to build his own kingdom in their business. Bigger house is not his top priority right now and he definitely not planning to invest it with his future bride either.

They came inside the mansion hall by walking through white marble staircases greeted by the ball servant as he read their names to announce it to another attendee. Music flows through the hall invaded many spaces as people talking to each other with a glass of wine on their right hand. They slipped into the crowd, slowly squeezing between bodies before his mother stopped on her track to greet someone.

"Melanie Harrington" Samuel Lindberg spoke "I never know you will make it to this ball" a surprise audibles in his tone.

Another business mogul.

Lindberg reach for his mother's hand and give her a small tipped kiss on her knuckles "and you are beautiful as always"

Horace could be wrong but he saw clearly that his mother was blushing from the compliment.

"and this?" Lindberg look at Melanie and then at him, inquiring an information about their relationship.

Horace never showing his face on the social event after he came from South America. He was there for almost seven years, living with mosquitos and savage people whom they called Indian and soon after that back to his country with fully tanned brown skin. Enjoying himself at home and never came out except about business for almost a month. Estranged from the elite society he was sure he didn't have any acquaintance at all more or less let alone a friend. It is not strange people don't recognize him after this years, he probably changed a lot.

"This is my only son, Horace"

Lindberg opened his mouth wanted to say something as he shot his gaze to Horace with an accusing look "With Martin" he faltered.

"Yes, with Martin" his mother said, releasing her hand from Horace's arm. She was shifted uncomfortably while Lindberg can't stop staring at his mother's beautiful hazel eyes.

Horace only look at both of them without say anything, observing. He saw the longing looks and hint from both of their eyes that they were once a lover before they split up and had family on their own. People only marry off their children with eligible bachelor candidate which became a problem because they married not based on feeling with each other.


Mr. Lindberg just sending him a smile when his mother told him about Horace and his adventure in South America to expand their business.

"We never really met each other then, what kind of business did you thought might be suitable for your company?" Mr. Lindberg asked politely.

"For now, I think it's best if I starting it with cigar production since I got a ton of tobacco supplier back in South America, sir"

"Interesting" he complimented "It's very good to know that someone finally took interest on that kind of business like me"

"It's my pleasure to even develop the new idea for the production" Horace added "I will probably make it less expensive than the common one"

People was bustling around them, deep on their own conversation. Some woman stared at him, batting their eyelashes while keep playing with their fan as Horace tear his gaze away from Lindberg for a moment. His eyes catch a movement, a beautiful woman not more than nineteen years old with curly brown hair speaking secretly to her chaperone. She sometimes glance at him while walking slowly to where he was standing.

She wears red dresses, his hair was tied into one neat bun, beautifully decorated with hairpins which secured on her hair. She had beautiful blue large eyes, her lips were full and her nose was femininely small. She had gorgeous high cheekbone and her sharp eyebrows makes her facial structure more sharp and elegant.

"I suppose you never meet my daughter, Lady Sylvia Lindberg?" Lindberg interrupted behind.

The woman who catch his attention curtsied. He reached her hand and kiss her knuckles as a polite gesture "Horace Harrington, nice to meet you"

The woman who called Sylvia frowned "Never heard your name" she giggled.

"I just came from South America as the matter of fact" he smiled trying to hold the conversation because he thought Lady Sylvia was a lovely person and worth to talk to.

"It's nice to hear that. You are in business then?" she sneaking onto Horace's arm as he offered her to dance without even asking.


He threw glances at her mother, she seems happy and relieve that finally Horace decided to courting, look even more happy when he asked Lady Sylvia, a daughter from her past lover to dance with him. Horace didn't know what exactly he was doing. If they get to know each other better Horace bet his mother probably will announce their marriage very soon enough. He doesn't have any problem with anything. Lady Sylvia Lindberg was a lovely woman and men desire her, she will become a really beautiful wife and bear beautiful child. His child.

Horace smiled because of his own thoughts. Music starts to play in the background while he holds Lady Sylvia in his arms. He never thought he will married soon enough if he decided to pursue the lovely woman in his arm, the thought about getting married which irked him before finally took over and win his heart. Probably, married with someone is not that bad. Perhaps he could finally settle in and learn to love someone worthy of his attention.

They dance slowly, their hands tangled as they move their body. His hand on her back of her waist while Lady Sylvia's right hand on his broad shoulder. He talked comfortably to her. He made small jokes about business mogul and Indian while Lady Sylvia telling him about the recent marriage of Lady Anne, daughter of Earl Pembroke, the one whom Horace not interested to. He never thought she will forgot their courting so easily after Horace refuse to meet with her again.

He averted his gaze to his surrounding when they dance circling the hall. One particular man caught his attention. He was very pale; his hair was in mess and he saw a red stain in his white crisp shirt. Blood? His pitch-black eyes met with his as Lady Sylvia interrupted her.

"You seem distracted Mr. Harrington?" she said with concern. They still dancing in a slow motion.

He cleared his throat "Someone catch my attention" he smiled attentively while looking at her.


He glances over, looking for the man he saw before and realized he already gone. Lady Sylvia looked at him with questioning look before one horrified scream emanated through the air.

Lady Sylvia gasped, surprised for the interruption. People murmured, talking to each other in confusion. The music along with the dancer and social elite stopped entertaining themselves.

Horace quickly holding her wrist, searching for his mother and Lindberg while Lady Sylvia followed behind. He found them in the usual place when they were met before.

His mother was quite shaken because of the scream. She strokes her arms to soothe herself.

"Lady Sylvia it's better if you wait here" he said as he sends them one reassuring look.

"We will go together" Lindberg said, decided to leave his daughter with Horace's mother for a moment.

Quickly they ascended the double staircases, approaching the crowds who filled with gasp, murmur and cry. Horace excused himself to get closer to the incident and found a woman, sprawled in the floor with pool of blood. Her face was destroyed make it almost impossible to recognize the victim. Blood were pouring mainly from the back of her head and he found many claw marks in both of her arms and her chest.

People try to avoid the horrible images by stay away from the dead body in proper distance, afraid that the blood or whatever foul stain their expensive outfit. Horace kneeled beside the dead body, aware with people stare and he knew his action will create some gossip right at this moment but he doesn't care. He was medical student before he decided to continue his family business ten years ago.

He carefully observed the body, there is nothing useful for him to identify the body when one silver pendant on her neck catch his attention. He carefully looked at the family symbol which carved in the surface of the metal. The pendant was familiar but Horace can't exactly remember when he saw it and where.

"Pembroke" Lindberg said whispering from behind as he tried to holding his breath "It's Lady Anne Herbert from Pembroke"

Thank you for reading the first chapter as the first impression of my historical story. What do you think about the protagonist?

Please consider to vote and comment this story so I could gain my spirit to continue from it.

see you until next chapter :) 

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