American Assassins

By Art_geek14

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In the future of North America a group called the Unions have taken control of Canada and are getting stronge... More

Chapter 1: Kimberley
Chapter 2: Ronnie
Chapter 3: Kimberley
Chapter 4: Ronnie
Chapter 5: Kimberley
Chapter 6: Ronnie
Chapter 7: Kimberley
Chapter 8: Ronnie
Chapter 9: Kimberley
Chapter 10: Ronnie
Chapter 11: Kimberley
Part 2: Training Begins
Chapter 12: Kimberley
Chapter 13: Ronnie
Chapter 14: Kimberley
Chapter 15: Ronnie
Chapter 16: Kimberley
Chapter 18: Kimberley
Chapter 19: Ronnie
Chapter 20: Kimberley
Authors Note:
Chapter 21: Ronnie
Chapter 22: Kimberley
Chapter 23: Ronnie
Chapter 24: Kimberley
Chapter 25: Ronnie
Chapter 26: Kimberley
Chapter 27: Ronnie
Chapter 28: Kimberley
Chapter 29: Kimberley
Part 3: The Journey
Chapter 30: Ronnie
Chapter 31: Kimberley
Chapter 32: Ronnie
Chapter 33: Kimberley
Chapter 34: Ronnie
Chapter 35: Kimberley
Chapter 36: Ronnie
Chapter 37: Kimberley
Chapter 38: Ronnie
Chapter 39: Kimberley

Chapter 17: Ronnie

98 1 0
By Art_geek14

I drive home in the car with Saige, Ivan, Blake, Danni and Jason.  Kimberley has to stay back at school to serve detention.  Jason sits in the passenger’s seat and Logan is driving.  I sit in the back with Saige and Danni.  Saige sits in the middle while Danni and I take the window seats. Ivan and Blake sit in the way back by their windows.  Blake is playing on his phone or texting his girlfriend, Irene. 

                “So how was school for everyone today?”  Logan asks. 

                “Pretty good for me,” Saige starts.  “I got an A on my math test and I have only a little bit of homework.”

                “Good job, and Danni how about you.”  Logan asks but keeping his eyes on the road. 

                “I just had a normal day nothing special.”  Danni says.                        

                “And you Ronnie.”  Logan asks. 

                “I got called to the office across the street because the police had to check me for ‘drugs’ and any other ‘weapons’.”  I say putting air quotes with my fingers. 

                “What? You had to go over?”  Logan says surprised as he comes to red light.

                “Yeah, the teacher said that I needed to go down to the office.  When I got there two police men were there.  One of them was named John and the other was named Ricky. He was shorter than the other one but he was nicer.”

                “Put their names aside, did they do anything to hurt you?”  Logan asks worried.  I just grin.  “No, they just patted me down and walked me across the street to see Kimberley.  Jason and Blake were there.  I was just there so they could confirm that I didn’t have any weapons on me.”

                Logan sighs as the light changes to green. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

                “Logan they weren’t going to hurt me.  If they were to do anything bad to someone it would probably be Kimberley.”

                “She got lucky with warning from them.”  Blake adds still texting on his phone. 

                “What do you mean?” Logan asks looking at Jason next to him.  Jason was listening to his songs on his phone with only earphone in to listen to the conversation.

                “Well, the police were going to probably throw her in jail for a couple days.  Luckily, since this was first time she’s ever gotten in trouble they let her off with a warning.”  Jason says to Logan.

                “Yeah, but she still has a month of detention.”  Blake points out.  Jason looks up and shrugs. “Yeah, I guess so.” 

“Personally I would’ve chosen the week suspension.”  Ivan joins in.  I almost forgot he was back there.  He is so quiet. 

“Why?”  Saige asks.  “At least this way she won’t miss anything this way and she can do her homework.”

“Yeah, but a week’s suspension.  Jason and Blake can bring home the stuff she needs for that day then she can do it, and if she needs help, I’m sure Blake or Jason could help her.  Right guys?” 

                Both don’t answer.  Ivan rolls his eyes and hits Blake softly on the shoulder.  “Hm, sorry what?  I wasn’t listening.”

                Jason rolls his eyes and looks back.  “Yes, Ivan, I would, but Logan chose detention for her.”  Ivan looks over the seat towards Logan, “Why?”

                “I thought it would be better for her.  So yes, as Saige said she wouldn’t miss anything and it will give her some time to finish her homework.  I thought it was pretty fair deal.”

                “Hey, Logan, sort a changing the subject here,” Saige starts, “Did she say anything to you when you came in?”

                Logan doesn’t respond for a minute or two.  His expression on his face was blank.  “We had a talk, I grounded her and-“

                “Did she flip out?”  I blurt out.  Danni chuckles once like it was a funny comment.

                “Why, do you ask?” 

                “Because one time when she was in fencing class, she accidentally went a little crazy with the sword almost stabbing a boy in the eyes.  Then she wouldn’t listen to the teacher.   Our parents were furious and they grounded her for a week from TV.  She flipped out!”

                “Well, she might’ve got a little hot headed.  And may have said some words she may have or might not have meant.”

                “Like what?”  Danni asks curious leaning forward. 

                “It’s none of your concern right now.  She was just mad that’s all.”

                “Did she say something to hurt you?”  I ask.  Jason turns around looking at me.

                “Just, give him some time.  Besides,” he turns back around, “whatever happened between Logan and Kimberley should stay between them.”  I perk an eyebrow wondering when Jason became so wise.  

                “No, it’s just I hope she didn’t mean what she said.”

                “We can’t help you if we didn’t even know what she said.”  Blake says looking up from his phone finally.

                Logan, tightens his grip on the steering wheel and sighs, “She says her life is one big hell hole and she said she hates me.”  The voice’s tone makes me realize his feelings are hurt a little.

                The whole car stops what they are doing and looks at Logan wide eyed.  “What, she doesn’t hate you Logan.  That was the anger talking.”  I say. 

                “I know,” he says softly. 

                “Logan she’s a teenager.”  Blake says.  “Teenagers always say stuff they don’t mean.  I remember I said I hate you to my parents one time.  But we soon get over it.  She will to and she will apologize.”

                “Don’t make her.”  He says back to Blake.  “I think she’s still mad at you for stopping her.  But I thank you.  You did the right thing.” 

                Blake just shrugs.  “Hey what are cousins for?”  Jason grins looking down at his phone and changing the music. 


                We pull into the drive way and drive until we stop at the mountain.  Platinum Mountain has other condos surrounding the grand lodge.  Some are vacant and others are occupied by people who still have their parents with them or we use them for people who want to have friends over.  They can stay in there instead of the grand lodge. 

                Logan pulls into a parking spot in the parking lot and turns off the car.  “Alright everyone out.” 

                Saige, Danni and I get out and pull down one of the seats for Blake and Ivan to get out.  Snow starts to fall as we walk up to the lodge.  Danni looks down at her watch and freaks.  “Oh crap!  I’m late for my training with Crystal.”  She swings her backpack over her shoulder, “See yah later guys.” She shouts not looking back and takes off running. 

                Saige leans into me and whispers in my ear.  “Does she seem annoying too you.”  I nod my head. Danni was like the little annoying sister you couldn’t get rid of.  And that’s why she is counted as our sister.

                “Yeah, she’s practically like a sister though.  I mean we’re all family here right.”  Saige nods in agreement.  “What did you get for homework?”  She asks. 

                “Uh, math, because I had to go to the office you know.”

                “Right, well when you’re finished come on down and train with us.”  Saige says running inside the doors to meet her and Ivan’s mentor Wendy.  I grin, what else am I going to do?

                Logan looks at his watch, “Man, it’s almost three, I have to go pick up Kim.  Be right back.”  Before he takes off Jason grabs his arm.  Logan stops and looks down at who’s holding his it, then at Jason.  “Maybe I should go do it.  You need to wait for Ronnie to get done with her homework.”

                “Jason, its fine.”  Logan says.  “Besides I’m pretty sure Frank, would like to see you.”

                “Frank, can wait.  It will give me more practice on driving anyway.”  Jason says smiling.  Logan just stares at him.  “Come on Logan, we all know she is at an edge with you right now.  I think it would be best if I go.”  Logan still doesn’t change his expression then sighs.  “Alright, just be careful on the roads.”

                “I will,” he pulls the keys to his car out of his pocket, “thanks Logan.”  I see him walk to his car and get in. Then I walk inside the lodge.  I walk straight to one of the couches in the lobby and sit.  The lobby was crawling with people, some relaxing or some just passing through. Logan comes up next to me and sits down.  “So, do you need any help?” 

                I turn my head a tiny bit and smirk.  “I might, I’ve been having trouble lately in math.”

                I open my hard cover book and pull out the note book I left in there to keep the page our homework was on.  I place my book on the coffee table in front of me and open my notebook. I flip through the pages to find the one with my already started homework.

                “Logan,” someone called.  I look up and so does Logan to see James walking towards us.

                James, Kimberley still sees him as an evil, all about himself person.  But he’s actually gotten a whole lot better.  He doesn’t beat up his apprentices anymore and he has forgiven Logan a bit.   He’s tried to reach out to Kimberley, but she pushes him and doesn’t want anything to do with him.  She just can’t let go that first day she met him.

                “Hey James.”  Logan says standing up hugging his brother in a manly, brotherly hug. 

                “And there’s one of the troublemakers.  Where’s the other five? Speaking of which where is mine?”  He asks looking around.  James wears a short sleeved black Nike top with brown cargo pants and boys combat boots.  On his belt he carries two guns, six knives and a sword.  Always equipped for battle. 

                “Blake, I think he went to go get changed.” I answer pointing my pen to the elevator.  “Saige and Ivan are training with Wendy, and Jason went to pick up Kimberley from detention.”  I nod finishing. 

                “Detention, for what?”  James asks looking at Logan.

                “Kimberley accidentally brought a knife to school in her boot.”  Logan confesses. 

                “What, how the hell did that happen?”  James asks surprised.

                “Long story.”  I say putting down an answer to problem eleven. 

                “Well how did she get by with just one detention?  A stunt like that can’t just be punishable for one detention.”

                “No, Kimberley is in detention for two weeks.  But I made a deal for her to do her homework in there so when she gets home she can work on her training.”  James mouths the word “oh” and nods his head in agreement. 

                “So what’s new Ronnie?”  He asks sitting next to me changing the subject.  “You know besides your sister skipping out on jail.”  He laughs.  I scoot over a little because of his breath.  The stench of alcohol lingers in his mouth.  He has a severe case of drinking lately.  He drinks all the time and is getting really annoying.  Probably why he’s being overly kind to me.    

                “Uh, nothing much.  Schools good, life’s a journey and, hey I’m living aren’t I.”  I grin opening my palms upward shrugging.  

                “Good girl.” 

                “Hey, what are we talking about?”  We all turn to see Blake walk up behind us putting his hands on the back of the couch. 

                He wears something similar to James but instead of cargo pants he just has on regular blue jeans. 

                “Blake,” James stands up walking around the couch putting his arm around his apprentice.  “How are yah?”

                Blake takes his arm off his shoulders, having a scrunched up look on his face as he smells the foul scent of James’s breath.  He steps away crossing his arms. “You’ve been drinking again haven’t you?”

                “Like one or two glasses but that’s it I’m fine.”  James lies leaning against the back of the couch. 

                Blake is still gazing at him and has his arms crossed.  “So you can stand upright and walk in a straight line.” 

James crosses his arms.  “Yes, as a matter of fact I can.”  He turns away from me, Blake and Logan and starts to walk towards the exit.  One step then another then another and he starts to turn to the right.  He takes another step, and another then swerves to the left.  Blake puts his hands down and grunts.  He walks over to James and slaps him across the face.  “Ever since you started this drinking problem, you’ve been loopy and drowsy all the time.  I can’t believe I’m even saying this,” he grumbles to himself, and puts his hands on James’s shoulders and shakes him wildly, “I want the old James back!”  He pleads. 

                “Hey, I will always be the mentor you have and love. Nothing will ever change that.”

                “You can skip the love part,” Blake mumbles off to the side.  “But, yes, I want the old you back, please!” 

                Logan pulls Blake off James then wraps his arm around James helping him to get stable.  “Easy James, maybe you should lie down for a bit.”

                “Yeah, a nap would be good for me right now.” He starts to crack up laughing at that last part.  “Oh, Logy could you read me a bedtime story.”  He cracks up again as tears start to fill his eyes.  He can barely breathe on how much laughing he’s doing.  Blake and I watch horrified at the man standing in front of us.   

                “Now, I truly am scared,” I mumble to Blake not taking my eyes off James. 

                “Really, try training with him, he’s more annoying than Danni.”  I roll my eyes at that comment, but I couldn’t complain.  Danni is nice mostly, but when she wants to be right, watch out.  She will fight you for that much, but hey she’s one of my best friends.  I learn to live with it.

                Logan walks over to us with a half limp half walking James around him. “I’ll be right back.”  He reassures us.  “I’m going to take James up then Blake you and I will go down to the training center and work on your training.  Ronnie you come fined us when you’re done.”  At that he walks to the elevator and pushes the button.  The doors open and he steps in.  

                Blake comes around and sits next to me.  “Ugh, I’ve got to be getting close to the end of my beginner training.  Then I probably can leave that asshole and get a real mentor.”

                “Yeah, you and Kimberley both.”  I smile at him and he smiles back.  Then he leans over and helps me finish my homework before Logan comes back down.


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