The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

4.8K 156 24

"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 29: Blushes

46 2 0
By Peace_life_Nh

I feel like doing a past chapter for Thomas point of view. I don't know yet. But here ya go twenty-nine. Past Chapter.

Read if you dare.

Before he ran through the doors.

I bit the inside of my cheek.

The bell of the store rang on this freezing cold day and all I wanted was something warm.

Then I saw it.

Hot chocolate. The register guy gave me a grimace.

"How much is the hot chocolate?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Darling he will kill me if you ask how much anything is again." He said tensely but smiling.

"Is he paying you at least?" I asked. He nodded. I gave a half a smile. More a grimace like what the hell?

"But why?" I asked leaning against the counter. The older man just sighed shrugging. I sighed as well. Giving him the same look.

"You're special." He winked. I smiled. Aw thanks.

"That's what he says." He said to me. I bit the inside of my cheek. Probably blushing.

"Tell him I said thank you. But I really can't take his money." I said. The guy soon got tense.

"I will tell him you said thanks. But the money. I can not say to him." He said raising his hands. I furried my eyebrows.

"But you must," I said smiling. Please tell him. I will get in trouble if any of my parents find out I've been just taking from a convenient store and not giving them cash.

"No, you must darling." He said. The ring of the bell interrupted us. As a man came in a hood over his head. I smiled.

"Speak of the devil!" I exclaimed. But once the guy raised his head it wasn't him. I slouched back seeing an average looking guy. Brown eyes littering his features.


"Sorry, not you," I whispered biting my lip. I sighed looking at the register guy.

"You think he'll come today?" I asked shuffling around. The guy shrugged again. Rubbing his gloves together.

"I thought he'd be here before you came." He stated. Oh well. I walked to where there was warm coffee and hot chocolate. Pouring the hot chocolate into a cup. Grabbing a top. Swirling it around. Going back to the register guy.

"Thank you. Tell him I said thank you as well." He nodded giving me a toothy smile.

"Have a good day now, Darling. Stay warm." He acknowledged as I walked into the frigid air.

"Thank you." I walked down turning the same corner I always do to leave. I scrunched my eyes. Seeing all the darken brittle leaves on the ground with a bright red thing.

I spotted a red with a green stem on the ground.

A rose.

I immediately smiled yet worrisome at the fact it was out of nowhere. Gosh. My heart was beating fast.

"Thanks." I hummed to the rose. Taking it with me on my journey home.


I don't know why I was thinking about the mysterious guy. I just was. Why is he doing this?

'It's not that big of a deal don't worry about it'

Alright fine. My mind still thought of those piercing blue eyes. Who is that? But when Thomas texted me out of nowhere it all kinda faded.

My sister was with her godmother and Luke was god knows where. I was at my father's house sadly but no one was home.

"Does he love me? Does he love me not? Does he love me does he love me not? Does he love me does he love me not?" I plucked all the rose petals thinking of a dreamy illusion. With a man to finally give interest in me. Just kidding. I wasn't even fucking serious. Don't worry.

"I'm so delusional." I picked up the roses going to the kitchen to throw them away.

Television on.

Thomas had texted me he was coming over. I had just assumed with Luke.

When he told me to open the door I put my monotoned voice. Plain look. Just in case my brother was with him.

He had a bright toothy smile. His cheekbones were ignited. He was pale probably due to how cold it was. His hair was slick back.

"Where's my brother?" I asked Thomas staring at the empty-handed boy. He shrugged smile diminishing.

"Am I on Luke patrol from now on?" He asked. Rubbing his gloves together back en forth. I laughed rolling my eyes. He took them off.

"There's like no one here I don't know if you wanna come in or not," I said. He gave me a look. Then sat down on the steps of my house. I went and sat next to him.

"It's freezing Thomas." I hummed. He nodded placing his head on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes smiling. Seeing the frosted up orange and green leaves littering the ground. The cloud filled sky. 

"We can go inside. I've had a long day. How have you been?" He asked curiously but tiresome.

"Been alright schooling and all," I said. He scoffed.

"I understand." He exclaimed.

"How's college?" I asked. He raised his head smirking.

"Tiring. Just a bunch of cunts partying doing coke. Snorting Vicodin and popping Adderall." My face twisted at the surreal things he said.

"I meant classes, Thomas." He looked at me with an "oh" expression.

"I don't know boring. Not really doing my best." He said. Lifting his head from my shoulder. This time I sighed

"Same," I said solemnly thinking of chemistry. He turned his head staring at me. Making faces, silly faces.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned. His lips curled into his infamous smirks. I bit the inside of my cheek. Face most likely blushing.

The wind was blowing strays of both our hair. He was just staring at me. I blinked my eyes.

"Thomas." I tapped him lightly. He smiled. Then shut his eyes shaking his head. I blinked my eyes scrunching my eyebrows. He coughed.

"You're cute, Trinity. Don't let anyone hurt you." I laughed. Looking at him like he was actually crazy. Rubbing my hands together.

"Jokes I see." I chuckled winking. He nudged me.

"I'm serious, Trini." He said. I rolled my eyes. Blushing furiously. Staring at my neighbor's red car next to the overgrown grass.

"Why are you doing this? Stop." I said smiling. He grabbed my hands. Making me turn my head to him.

I nodded my head. Like yes, Thomas what is it?

"Trinity. Come on trust me." He begged. I shook my head. Releasing my hands. Standing up.

"I'm cold Thomas let's go inside," I said. Opening the door. I heard him scoff.

"Alright let's change the topic." He said abruptly. Walking to the door. I turned around.

"I like this Jacket," I said to him. That trench coat really suited him. He was already face to face with me by this time. He smirked.

"I'm sure you like it when it's off too." He poked my nose. Walking in before me. I was blushing shutting my eyes. Fuck.

He's gonna ruin me.

'You're gonna ruin yourself.'

Thanks, self-conscious. I walked in shutting the door locking it. Walking past the living room through the dining room. To my room. Where I saw Thomas get all comfortable.

Laying on it.

His coat was on Serenity's bed.

"Damn you were serious when you said no one was here." He said accent showing. That made me blush even more. Oh God, why did you do this? I sat on the edge of the bed rolling my eyes.

"No, I was telling the truth," I said fiddling with my fingers. Taking my coat off hanging it up. I felt better with it off.

"Come here." I turned my head laughing at Thomas.

"Where do you want me to go?" I said Staring at the small bed and how he took up all the room. He patted to a space right next to him. I shook my head rolling my eyes.

I took my shoes off.

"You're something else Thomas," I said honestly.

"Are you gonna come or not?" He asked. He was running his hands through his blondish brown slick back hair.

"Sure Thomas move over." He did. I crawled over.

"Hey, Trini what's that over there?" He pointed. I turned my head seeing just my television then screamed.

He had picked me up and put me on top of him.

"Don't do that!" I screamed at him. He was just laughing. Running his fingers through his hair. Teeth smirked. I moved over but he kept me still. I scowled at him.

"I can't hold myself up too long." He bit his lip. Staring at me. I felt self-conscious his stare was—

"Sit then."

"What?" I blinked my eyes rapidly.

"I weigh a lot," I said. He burst into hysterics. Fuck I can't do that.

"I go to the gym and pick up two of you all the time." His eyes looked very seductive. I kept blinking my eyes nervously.

"I dare you." He narrowed his eyes smirking. I gulped moving over so I could sit. I always do dares.

"You're fine Trinity." He hummed. I gulped again sitting. He put both his hands out covering his mouth. Hazel eyes widened.

"Congrats you did it!" He said smirking. Cheekbones intensified. I bit my lip asshole. Jerk.

"Shut it shut it," I said as he clapped.

"Stop it, Thomas." He started whistling. I was giving him a playful glare. His hazel eyes sparkling. In the pinkish room.

I grabbed his hands away so he couldn't clap anymore.

"Stop Thomas," I said seriously. He lifted up his body staring at me. Eyes centimeters away.

His lips kissed my hands letting go. Then he fell back down on my pillow. I smiled.

"As you command your highness." He stated. Smirking. My grin widened. Right after a buzz was felt my grin died down.

I thought it was my phone but I never keep it on vibrate. Maybe I forgot. But as I saw Thomas move. His hands took his phone.

"Let's see who this is." He said. His hands went fiddling. I got completely turned off. Probably the blonde. He moved his phone from his facial expression changing.

He pulled his hair. Something's wrong. He shook his head.

"No no no. Let's see who that was." I said what he said. I didn't really care who it was. I was just curious. He cringed back. Huffing.

"Oh, I see." I winked. He gave me a scoff raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I know you see me." He said. I shook my head. Grinning.

"No." I exaggerated. Poking his cheek.

"All your hoes." I winked. He started laughing. I tried moving but he kept me steady. Sitting up again.

"If by hoes you mean you. Even hoes are plural." He said poking my nose laying back down. I poked both of his cheeks. Bending down so I was face to face with him.

"I know you have hoes, Thomas," I said staring into his eyes. Then looking at his pinkish red lips.

"I would never consider you a hoe." I rolled my eyes. He was smirking. I sat up again. Ready to get off him.

"You know what I mean Thomas." He touched my hands. Taking one.

"I only like to be messing with you Trinity."

"What about the blonde Thomas?" I said abruptly. I didn't realize my jealousy would've sprouted out like it just did. I bit my lip.

"Just a phase." He murmured. Tucking my hair behind my ear. His yellow-brown eyes soothing my nerves. I had really never been this close to a guy.

Except for those random nights with him. He was the only one.

It still was getting me on edge.

In a good nervous way.

"How long till it ends?" I asked.

"It's already ended." He stated. I sighed. I remember what that other girl told me. Trust issues. I looked down. Shaking my head.

"Trinity." I looked up at his eyes. Dilated pupils. His long eyelashes. He had a very rough look plastered on his cheeks. He was shuffling through his pockets getting his phone. Sitting up.

"This." He said. Taking the phone putting it in front of my face. Then he threw it across the floor. I scrunched my eyebrows in shock.

"My attention is all on you." He said licking his lips. His eyes were telling stories. Of what could happen. Gold flakes poking in between dimming as it travels to the pupil.

"Only you." He barely said. Why is he doing this to me? The emotion of wanting someone. And he's not a totally bad guy. Maybe he is and I don't know.

'Don't ask why and join the ride.'

Doing everything on instinct then actually thinking of it.

I wish Thomas leaned in first. But I couldn't care either way feeling his lips on my own. I was having such a rough week. Thomas was making me forget everything. I was grateful.

As I opened my eyes and he pulled away.

I smiled running my hands through his hair. Then I stopped quickly. Realizing what I was doing. What the hell is wrong with me?

This is wrong. He's not even my boyfriend. What am I even doing fuck?

'imagine how many girls he does this with'

Sigh. His yellow eyes were hurting me now. As they stared at me tauntingly. Disappointment in not believing him.

"It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart." (Al Pacino)

Thomas said abruptly I tilted my head raising a brow smiling cheekily. Thomas cupping my cheek slamming his lips onto mine. I shut my eyes. Shocked. My arms wrapped around his neck moving our bodies closer. I felt his hands trail down holding my lower back. Correction bare hands under my shirt.


"Thomas." I let out breathy. His yellow eyes watery. He smiled.

Yikes, I'm so embarrassed.

'Why cause you're attracted to him?'

No cause I'm attracted to him.

'hahahah' my face was flustered I felt it.

"I could do that for days and not have a reason why," Thomas mumbled staring at me. My cheeks blushed. His hand went to cup my cheek again but I nervously got off him.

Too many feelings were going through me. I didn't wanna mess anything up. I was having anxiety. He let out a little cough before talking. I was fiddling with my hands.

Staring at the ground.

"Why are you alone again?" He asked out of nowhere. I shrugged.

"No ones home." I simply stated. He looked at me and chuckled.

"I can see that, Trini." He said smartly.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I mocked. My hair must look like a mess.

"Are you even allowed to have me in the house?" I widened my eyes once he said that.

"No no I'm not." Why didn't that scare me at all? That should've. I guess cause I didn't give if anything happened. I was having a good day.

'Lust filled day'

Indeed. I touched my hair again fuck.

"I'll be right back," I said. Walking out of the warm room to the cooler dining room to the hot bathroom. Looking in the mirror. Shit.

I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in. Having it fall to my shoulders. Barely was shoulder length. But oh well.

I smiled. Looking in the mirror. Jeez, stop that. I'm smiling like a loon. Until I turned my head in the mirror seeing a dark blue figure. I turned around moving the bathroom curtain.

Going to the blinds. Nothing.

What the fuck? Hm. Christ this paranoia. I shook my head.

Walking out the dimly lit bathroom to my pink-walled bedroom. Thomas was making himself at home I see. He looked up once I walked in.

"You just did that or was your hair always like that?" He questioned smirking. I chuckled.

"What do you mean?"I asked dumbly.

"My hair was always like this," I said trying to run my hands through it. Stopping realizing the tangled mess it was. Jesus ouch.

"I like you Trinity there's something about you that's.."

"Different?" I hummed. His cheeks grew bigger shaking his head. His whole stance lighted when I said it. I wonder if it was a bad thing or not.

"Unique." He said. I bit my cheek flustered.

"Wanna go to the movies?" He asked. A small grin formed. But slowly Stop.

"I would love to Thomas but it's already getting late." He smiled laughing shaking his head a strand of hair barely hitting his eyes.

"Not today that's fine. Tell me a day and we will do it." He said to me.

"Alright, we will." He had a little smile in the corner of my eye. I saw him blush as I blushed myself. I can't even.

We both laughed nervously.

"You'll get used to me Trini. All your blushing will stop soon." I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Hey, you act like I'm the only one blushing. Look in the mirror some time. Your cheeks get bright red Mister." I exclaimed. Winking.

"No, they don't Trinity." He frowned playfully. Running his hands through his hair.

"Oooo. Thomas, your cheeks are like a tomato right now. Jeez I know I'm pretty but—" He kissed my cheek randomly.

"Damn Trinity. Just a kiss on the cheek and your blushing mess." He was chuckling to himself. I bit my lip.

"I hate you, Thomas," I said smiling.

"I bet you do, Trinity."


When Thomas left sadly. I went right back to the store. Grabbing my coat, keys, and phone. The air was cold and it was getting late.

I speed walked all the way there. I have to tell him I can't do this anymore. The ring of the bell rang signaled through the air.

The register guy wasn't where he usually is.

"Oh hey, Darling." I saw the register guy down an isle fixing the shelves.

"Has he stopped by at all?" I questioned. The man stopped what he was doing shaking his head. A little nervously.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Boo." I jumped a little turning around. There the mysterious man is.

"I've been looking for you," I said.

"So I've heard." He said pointing to the register man.

"Sorry, Sir." He said afraid. I looked back at the hooded man. Reaching into my coat.

"Thank you for letting me get what I want you know? But I can't keep taking your money. Here I have like twenty bucks—" I reached in my pocket taking it out.

Handing it to him.

"Thank you, Sir," I said. Trying to give him the money. I saw his hands gloves over them. I looked up at his blue eyes. Squinting.

"Was it something I've done?" He questioned.

"No no. I just don't wanna take money from you." I said trying to make that statement clear.

"But I know you don't have it most days." He said. I gave a small smile.

"Thank you I appreciate that but I can't," I said looking down at the twenty in my hand. Trying to give it to him. I looked up at his eyes. They looked watery.

"Did he say something about it to you." I turned my head to see the register guy scared as fuck.

"No. God no. It's— it's my parents you see. If they found out I've been taking money from a boy— a man!" I laughed nervously. Looking down at his gloved hands. Biting my lip.

"They'll go crazy." I finished. I looked up. He nodded closing his eyes.

I looked down at his hands. I placed it there. Smiling nervously.

"Here thank you," I said. He didn't grip the twenty dollar bill. He let it fly down to the ground. I grimaced staring at the ground. Picking it up.

"Please take it," I begged almost.

"I don't need it." He simply said. Muffled but I heard it.

"I'm gonna leave it on the counter," I said. Walking placing it there. His stance was tense. I felt bad.

"Here I'm sorry I just—" I didn't know what to say. I was going to try and give him a handshake but that seemed too formal.

"Here let's just—" I motioned with my arms.

'Hug it out with a stranger. Goodness you're leading yourself to new depths' 

Shut the fuck up. I grimaced. Hugging the tall man. He hugged back. I let go.

"Thank you again!" I said while trudging out of the store. Gosh, that was so awkward. Walking home I felt in my pocket for my phone. Seeing a new message.

Private Number

Check your pockets.

I naturally did. On instinct.

Then I felt it the papery texture of it. I pulled it out.

The twenty bucks.


I'm gonna do the character selections I mean all I have to do is add the pics. I got chapter thirty almost done and etc.

Have a lovely day lol

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