Burning Willow

By rain9939

78.3K 2.3K 237

"You were the moon. All this time. And he was always there to make you shine." "Was he the sun?" "No, honey... More

Foreword and Cast


426 22 2
By rain9939

"What was so important you forced me to take the first flight here?" A burly man in his late 40's took off his hat and hung it by the door. The sun shown bright and early the next day as the four of us waited in Chase's apartment. "Which, by the way, was an hour after midnight."

"You," he pointed at Chase. "Have some explaining to do."

His skin was the colour of chocolate, his eyes dark. He had a small white beard too.

"Chief." Daniel greeted him with a firm handshake. "Good to see you again."

"The boy who passed the EST's with flying colours." Chief Inspector Anderson smiled. Then he turned to Chase. "And the boy who copied all his answers."

Chase coughed. "I believe you haven't met Kylie and Maya yet." He introduced us.

He smiled at Maya in greeting, but when he turned to me, a flash of recognition sparked through his eyes. "You're..."

"Zachary Brien's stepdaughter." I shook his hand. "Wow, I didn't know I was that famous."

He laughed. "Don't flatter yourself, it's my job to know Zachary Brien." He said.

He sat down on the couch, and each of us took a seat. Since there wasn't enough space, Chase dragged a chair from the dining table and flipped it around, resting his chin on the back.

"Now I understand neither of you are in the best of situations." He said. From his briefcase, he pulled out a notepad. "Someone want to tell me what the hell's going on?"

When neither of us spoke, he sighed audibly. "Okay, for a minute there, let's pretend I'm your shrink, okay? Each of you tell me what's going on, through your own eyes."

He pointed at Daniel. "You go first."

Daniel gulped. "Why me?"

"Cuz it would save Chase a chance to lie. Plus I trust you."

Daniel's eyes flickered to me and Maya, then turned to Chase. A look passed between them.

"Okay." He sighed. "Since you already know our... previous affiliation to Downtown,"

"Previous?" I squeaked. "Mind elaborating?"

Daniel let out a breath.

Chief Inspector Anderson said, "These two.. got in a whole lot of trouble back in Chicago. And Chase, well, he was known for a certain reputation. UFL tried to recruite him, and so the affiliation."

"UFL?" Maya asked.

"That's the official name for downtown." Daniel explained. "United Fronts Liberation."

"Like a political party?" Maya frowned.

The chief licked his dry lips. "Exactly."

"But if they're a political party... Why haven't we ever heard of them?"

"The government makes sure they're kept well away from the media's eyes. They're not very..." He searched for the right words. "Liberal."

"How ironic." Chase pressed his lips together.

"Wait... this is crazy. You're telling me a political party is doing all this? Going around killing, and threatening to kill people?"

"The political party is just a cover up." He said. "It's run by mafia, and what we believe is to be a terrorist group--"

"So why doesn't the media portray them negatively, rather than not portray them at all?"

"All that would be doing is causing more havoc and panic." The chief replied. "Our infrastructure is already lower in the ranks, and half the states make less than 30k dollars a year. And don't even get me started about the increase in crime rate... sorry, Daniel, please continue."

"You've heard of Freya Reed, right?"

"Yeah, you boys mentioned her in your phone call, and I did my homework. Are you absolutely sure a member of the UFL killed her?"

A chill went through my spine. Sitting here, on a warm sunny day, talking about terrorist groups and murders.

Damn, Kylie. Way to go.

"Yes." Chase said.

"And Chelsea Grayson too." Said Daniel.

Maya turned to Daniel. "How do you know that?"

"They day of your party... one of the UFL members found out. They planned a shooting."

Daniel's words went over my head. I blinked.

"They did what?!"

"All important business and congressmen of the state in one place? They wouldn't pass up an opportunity like that." Chase said.

"But we stopped it." Daniel cut him off. "I hacked into one of their backup servers and changed the date and location."

"Wait... they were planning a shooting?" My heart was racing. I suddenly got up. "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT IT?!"

"What good would that have done, other than get you all worried? You would have cancelled it, and then they would suspect a flaw in their system." Chase said.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now?!" I screamed at him. How he could be so cold and emotionless right now was beyond me.

"Ms. Brien, you need to calm down. Get her a glass of water, please--"

"I'll get it myself." I growled. I walked over to the dining table. I didn't realize I was shaking. With my back to everyone, an angry tear managed to slip out before I shut my eyes and tried to relax.

"That doesn't make sense, though, does it?" Maya asked Daniel. "If you changed the date and location, how did that guy...?"

"I don't know." Said Daniel. "They probably send someone to check out the place anyways. It was a backup plan from their side. Caused plenty of havoc at the hall."

I slammed down the glass of water. Nearly a quarter of it splashed on the table. "And Chelsea died." I added coldly.

"Alright." The chief placed two of his fingers at the bridge of this nose. "The first step would be to get you guys into a witness protection program."

Daniel groaned. Chase rolled his eyes.

"It's winter break anyways, right?" He asked.

"In a couple of days, yeah." Said Daniel. "But that... isn't it too extreme of a temporary solution?"

"It's our only option right now. If I know one thing about UFL, it's that they don't believe in liabilities. And you my friends, have threatened them on more than one occasion."

"So this witness thing..." Maya began.

"We'll just be relocating you for a couple of weeks. I'll speak to each of your parents personally if you want, but it's much easier to just tell them you're going on a school funded trip."

"Going... where, exactly?"

"Those details won't be revealed to you until you actually get there."

"Somewhere in the states, right?"

"Usually. With most cases, there's too much risk to keep them in the states, but with you I don't think the department would want to extend the budget." He gave Chase a look which I understood as, given your criminal record and recent doings.

"If the risk isn't that great, what's the point of moving at all?" I asked.

"It's just safer." He said. "You boys should have contacted me the minute all this happened, but it's still not too late now."

"Wait, we know who Chelsea's murderer is now. If we catch him--"

"It's not that easy, Kylie." Daniel answered. "Downtown isn't run by one person. Especially not here. And stuff like this... you don't want to get involved until you have actual proof."

"But you do." I tried to reason. "You could override their mainframe."

"It ain't that easy, trust me we've tried." The chief said.

"Exactly. I worked for two days just to get that little peice of information. And even then, I couldn't trace it back to them."

"All this is crazy..."

"I know you guys are just kids." Said the chief. "That's why, I need you to calm down and think rationally. Our topmost priority is your safety.. but we can't post guards outside each of your house either. There's too much risk of anyone finding out. Especially the media." His eyes flicker to me. "Kylie...I understand your stepfather isn't the most desired businessman in the state right now, and because of that, you're at the most risk."

"I haven't even done anything wrong." I said exasperately.

"They won't care if you've never hurt a fly in your life." He turned to Chase and Daniel. "You two are certainly well known around here. Tell me... what's keeping members of the UFL from tearing down this door right now and shooting us all?"

"Nothing." Chase realised.

"Exactly. It's just a matter of time. This is why we need to get you out of here as soon as possible."

"How soon?" Maya asked.

"I can send in a form right now and get approval in a few hours. By that time... I want you all to pack the necessities."

"Wait... a few hours?" Maya shook her head. "No, I can't go. My ballet... it's in February. That's only three months away. If I go now..."

"You may not get the part." I whispered.

"Ms. Danton," the chief said. "Since you're in no real danger and serve only as a liability... it'll be okay for you to stay. But for the sake of your own safety... I would prefer it if you--"

"I don't wanna go."

"Maya." I took her hand and squeezed it. "There's always next year."

"Yeah." Chase turned to her. "You're choosing possible death over some pretty ballerina shoes?"

"Chase!" I growled.

Daniel didn't say anything. His eyes never left Maya's though.

"Fine." Maya said finally.

"Alright, good." Said the chief. "Daniel, drop these two home and then go pack. I want you all at the airport in three hours. Got it? Three. Not three and a half. Not three and five minutes. Three."

"What about our parents?" Maya asked.

"I'll speak to them."

Daniel took his car keys from his coat. "C'mon, girls."

We followed him out of the apartment and down the building, where his car was waiting in the parking lot.

None of us said anything during the ride. Since my house was closest, I was the first one out.

"You're going to be fine?" I asked Maya before I climbed out.

"I guess." She sighed."Just be safe, okay?"


No one was home. It was easier that way, really. I didn't have to see my dad's happy, non-guilty face. My mother's scrutinizing eyes.

I pushed my hair back and went into my room. Pack small. Pack light. Don't think about anything.

I pushed an old luggage back from my closet onto my bed. With my hands on my hips, I surveyed the room. How long would we be gone for? The entire winter break?

It would be easier to pack if we knew where we were going. But we didn't, so I decided to take a little bit of everything. Sweaters in case it's cold. Cotton shirts in case it's not.

Surpringly, I finished fast. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had kept my mind completely empty.

Just as I was lugging the bag down the stairs, my mom stepped out of the kitchen with her arms crossed.

"I didn't hear you come in." I said, avoiding her eyes.

"What's this I hear about a winter trip?"

"It's winter break." I said, climbing down the bottom step. "Our last winter break."

"Right, senior year." She said. "You didn't mention it before."

"Well we haven't exactly been on talking terms."

"Kylie," she uncrossed her arms. "I'm so tired of arguing with you."

"Same actually." I said, looking up at her. Her blonde hair was up in a tightly coiled bun. She was wearing a grey suit.

"I just don't... understand you sometimes."

"That's what you always say, mom. But have you ever even tried understanding? Trust me, I'm not that difficult."

She reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear. "You were never a difficult child."

"I know." I smiled smugly. "Now can I go, please?"

"Sure. Call me when you get there."

With the way she was acting, she knew - or thought she knew - where I was going and how I was going to get there. A shame. At this point, she knew more than me.

I resisted the urge to tell her she wouldn't pick up anyways. She hardly does.

Since there was so much time left, I decided to go to Chase's apartment again. God knows why. His attitude had already pissed me off.

I took a taxi, not bothering with my car.

Chase opened the door. He had changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt, and his hair was wet from a shower.

"Done packing?" He asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"Just about."

I followed him and closed the door behind me. The chief was sitting by the kitchen table, busy typing on his laptop.

Chase led me to his room, and I realized it was the first time I had ever been there. The room itself was spacious, with white-washed walls and dark brown cupboards. Everything else was either grey or white.

I expected it to be messy. Really messy. But the only pile of clothes sat on top of his bag, and there was a scrunched up piece of paper by his desk. Other than that...

"You don't own a lot of stuff, do you?"

"I move around a lot, so no."

As Chase finished packing, I sat by the edge of his bed. The lighting was fluorescent, but one of the two bulbs was dimming.

"I have a very strong feeling you're holding back on yelling at me."

"Why would I--"

"You looked pretty pissed off earlier."

"I still am."

"So why aren't you yelling?"

I shrugged. "I'm tired of being mad at you."


"Yup. I don't expect anything from you, either. That's why I don't have a reason to yell."

"You're saying I'm not worth your expectations?" He put the last of his shirts in and raised an eyebrow.

"You just have too many secrets."

"And that makes me bad?"

"That makes you shady."

"Fine." He pressed his lips together. "What do you wanna know?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were already involved?"

"Because I'm not. I thought I left it all behind."

When I pass him a look, he says, "Most of it anyways. And then you got involved with Chelsea..."

"I didn't know."

"I know."

"Why'd they wanna recruit you?"

"Cuz I'm bloody brilliant, that's why."

I laughed. "If brilliant makes a bunch of terrorists want you, then--"

"Why?" He asked. "Does being brilliant make you want me?"

"You're so full of yourself." I lean over and pat his head. "I'll want you even if you're not brilliant." I meant it jokingly, but it came out a little more serious than I intended it to.

"I thought I was shady."

"That can be forgiven."

"Really?" He looked at me, gave me his full attention. "What do I have to do?"

"Not lie."

"That's easy." He laughed sarcastically. I couldn't help thinking how good he looked when he did.

"You should smile more." I said. "It suits you." 

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