Hetalia Q&A

By leajamjam

2.8K 22 82

A Q&A For all your favs! More

Hetalia Q&A
AN note
Aftermath of before question...it needed to be done
Mi Sorella is amazing...it's just fact!
Another question from Crysgirl1
Sicily! Whoot!
I am a horrible person for forgetting her...*le sweatdrops*
Been a while since she asked...oh well!
Belarus and A friend
Pirates, Kisses, and Brawls Oh my!
Well this is an interesting question
Dancing with Sicily!
Killing America?
Opinions and New People!
Oh dear...
Chibi Siberia and the Ghost Admin
ANGEL! (Warning: It contains sexual references {rated mid-high T for Teen})
When Sadness Strikes Us
Trespassers and Heroes!
Angel is going to have to explain some things to the younger countries...
The continents pay us another visit!
The Continents Scare Us From Time to Time...
Angel the confusing questioner
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNAF and A Confession...of sorts...
Oh yeah, NY's in trouble...
Angel's tour of New York with her tour guide...NEW YORK!
Okay, so...
A Surprise in this Chapter
Ugghh...Sorry everyone...I still love you all tho!
Angel the angel is brilliant in every way
Important Announcement
Happy Early Valentine's Day!

Wars with Canada and Siberia

44 0 2
By leajamjam

Me: Okay everyone! Here is a letter from Angel! Speaking of which... *looks around* Where is she?!

Canada *tries to hide from Maria* have you gotten into an argument that turns into a full blown war?

Me and Romano: YES!

Feli and Canada: Well...

Me: Okay, this is what happened-Mattie and Feli were fighting about which is better, maple syrup or pasta, and the next thing me or Romano know, there's a war happening.

Romano: We kept it on the down-low because, well, it was a stupid thing to fight over.

Feli and Canada: WHAT?! WHY?!

Romano: Everyone knows that tomatoes are the best!

Feli: NO, PASTA!


Me: *groans* Thanks alot Angel. Now I have to seperate them again...or...RUSSIA!

Russia: *pops up behind me* Da?

Me: *jumps* SHIT! *twirls around* *points* Break them apart.

Russia: Uh...da, okay... *goes over and tries to pull them apart 

Me: *smiles evilly* Next we have a letter from ShyMapleLeaf

Sarah-chan: *smiles Innocently/Evilly at Matthew* Privyet!! I'm Russia's Sister, Siberia!! Call me Sarah-chan~ We have three questions for you guys!! To everyone (Including you Maria), is there a chance that a State or Nation can be a Queen Angel or something? Piri: Kuya Spain, Kuya America, and Kuya Japan, Why do you have to kill my Natives and People just to get Power?!?! Venice: Ciao!! Si, I'm an Italian state...So reactions everyone? It can either be Good or Bad~ *hides her Mafia and Pirate Mode to herself* (Sorry for the long questions.. )

 Me: Oh, you're fine!~

America: And trust us, Middle Italy is trying to get a country names after her.

Russia: *has gotten Feli, Romano, and Canada to stop fighting* Privet sister Siberia!

America, Spain, and Japan: *pales* W-well...

Me: They don't have a good answer, so don't worry about it.

Romano, Feli, and I: *glomps Venice* CIAO SORELLA!

Germany, Spain, and Japan: How many sblings do you three have?!

Russia and Belarus: THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!

France, America, Canada, and England: *pales* Oh no.

China: Ai-yah.

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