Pack yourself a toothbrush, d...

By louistomlinsonthanks

166K 6.3K 22.1K

Au where Louis is getting married and he has to be happy but he just doesn't feel that his fiance is that ONE... More

Chapter 0
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
akanshya talks
Bonus :)

chapter nine

6.2K 266 1.6K
By louistomlinsonthanks

"shit" I heard Harry mutter before we pulled apart abruptly. He seemed uncharacteristically panicked and that made my ears freeze.  I could barely even make it out because my heart was beating at the rate of a bullet train into my ear.  I spin around in a millisecond to find Niall with a slightly open mouth and wide eyes, staring at us with his arms crossed over his chest. Like, he caught us doing something scandalous, 

I coughed because, shit, I only know how to make awkward situations more awkward. This trait of mine runs in the family. My father once pulled up drunk in a funeral and he was supposed to make the eulogy speech. Let's just say it did not end well and our aunt did not invite us for Christmas the following three years. 

Harry tried to compose himself and appear innocent but his cheeks were furiously blushing and his pupils had blown up to the size of golf balls, his lips were bitten into and swollen. He looked obscene. This scene was anything but innocent and we both were anything, but composed. His hair was separated in tufts from when I had grabbed on to them. 

I tried to take cover behind his large frame, which it fortunately provided. My hands were shaking, I didn't say a word, for I feared that I might choke on my own spit and die. What am I going to even say ?

How could I be so fucking stupid? Kissing in an open corridor where anyone can walk in anytime? This is all my fault. Now all of Harry's friends will freak out and ask all sorts of questions. And they'll never understand Harry and mine arrangement and  we'll have to leave early. I just barged into their lives and now I'm literally ruining their plans and vacations and I'm like the shittiest person on the planet right now-

"Um" Niall's cheeks were little pink "Guys, before you say anything at all. I just wanted to say that even though I've known Louis for only a week or so, I always thought you guys will be hot  together, not that you are  not individually, and I am just happy that you guys are dating and-"

"We're not-, you know, dating" Oh so now, my mouth seems to work. Niall's eyebrows shot up to meet the level of tension in the air. 

"Yeah, um, we're just figuring thi-this out, whatever this is" Harry stumbled, absent mindlessly rubbing his arm. He seems embarrassed, more than anything. "It's too early for, you know-" 

Niall takes a moment to contemplate the situation and then gives a sharp nod, "That's perfectly aright, you know." He smiles, "Take it however you want. I just think you guys complement each other perfectly. Like,  I've know Harry for years now and I've never seen him humming. He hums absentmindedly all the time now, and I think he's unaware of  how happy he's recently been. And I think it's you." 

 I blushed fiercely, unaware of the fact that I was even capable of doing that. My entire face was on fire.Harry gently placed an arm around my shoulder. "I've been aware of that" He rubbed his thumb in circular pattern "been aware of the reason, too." 

What ? Did he-

"You guys. Harry shut up, Louis' all red" Niall's eyes were twinkling. and Harry playfully punched Niall's chest and Niall lets out a fake cry of help. 

"Hey, fuck off" I quip in, even though he's probably not wrong. I'm sure if I happen to gaze at my reflection in a passing window or a mirror, I'd probably be faced with a beet root version of my face. I could feel the blood rushing into my face. 

"So which one of you is, you know, the one-" Don't ask who tops. Don't ask who tops. Don't ask who tops. "who doesn't fucking text back ?" Niall questioned, serious with his expression. and I couldn't help but bark out a genuine laugh because, honestly, who would think of such a question, but Niall. 

"I'm serious !" Niall argues. 

"Louis left me on read last time." Harry fake pouted and sent a stink eye in my direction. He mimed stabbing himself in the chest with a dagger. 

"Because you texted me a stupid knock-knock joke right after I told you to never share your really dry sense of humor with me." I mimed twisting the dagger in his chest. "Niall, tell me if this is funny. I'm quoting Mr. John Mulaney incarnation here. Knock knock."  

"Who's there ?" Niall questioned, brimming with enthusiasm. 


"mustache who ?"

"I mustache you a question a question, but I'll shave it for later." I groaned, quoting Harry off the top of my memory. Niall looked like he was about to drop down to his knees and weep into his palm "So ?"

"Let's just say if I hear the word mustache again, I'll be forced to hang myself." He settled. And I smiled smugly, looking pointedly at Harry. 

"Hey, hey" Harry grunted, now "I'm funny, alright ? You bet your ass you opened that door faster than a screen door in a hurricane" 

"When we're alone, he gets quite the comedic streak. It's so much fun being woken up to a joke that would make an infant cry." I argued. 

"Okay, let's keep the fight for your married life. Chillax" Niall butts in to dwindle the tension that just seemed to be growing rapidly. 

"Chillax is not a word, as is Vibey" Harry growled at me. 

"That it is !" I growl back. Harry has been at my back for the last three days over the use of Vibey by me during scrabble. He's literally after my arse with his dictionary waving in the air. Last night, he hit me in the head with it. Who even owns a dictionary. or plays scrabble anymore. 

"Oh and who made it ? It was you, sir." He argues "That's not how it works in the real life. You can't make up words when every you feel like. Because it that's how it works, then Louis, you are a globbosmaximusbitch."

"But it is a real word !" I stomped my foot, temper flaring up with every passing millisecond "Niall, tell him !"

Niall's face was ridiculously humorous "Gee, you guys behave like wee kids. You were literally  dry humping  each other against the wall ten minutes back and now you're fighting like five year olds during recess. Stop it !"

dry what-

"We love to fight" Harry grinned, propping an arm over my hip "Don't you see how hot Louis looks when he's all worked up, his accent gets thicker too. Proper Donny chav."


"You're a fucking loser" there's a smile on my face I can't fight off. 

"You both are ridiculous. Fucking cunts." Niall laughed. 

And now comes the weird part, 

"Niall, can you not tell the other guys till we've figured out everything?" I spoke, possibly the longest sentence my mind could fathom at the moment. Niall simply nods and breaks into an adorable grin.

"Tell other guys about what ?" He spoke, signing a mime of zipping up his lips, locking them and tugging slightly to check the lock and then, throwing away the key behind him.  I smiled. I had an unavoidable urge to just hug Niall till his ribs break in. 

"They're setting up a bonfire outside. Grab your jackets and meet us" He winked and moves along "And guys, the walls are paper thin, so.." He laughed. Harry and I rolled our eyes to the back of our head as we heard him whistling at the far end of the lobby and skipping down the stairs. 

It's not like anything was going to happen before Niall decided to comment, anyways. 

"So this room then?" I asked Harry, eyeing the door in front of us, Room No. 28. Why's there a room number in a house? I peer back at Harry who just shrugs "Lucky number" and I nod because, okay, your house, your choice. 

I fumble around with my hands because they're twitching for a warm contact amidst the chilly air. 

"Want to test if the rooms are indeed paper thin?" Harry smirked as he used his key to open the door. I didn't get it as first because Harry's not supposed to be suggestive. He's supposed to be clumsy and awkward and shy. Did he want to play loud Bring Me The Horizon songs and disturb other? Or? and when realization hit me, I elbowed him hard and made my way into the room.

The room was wooden with pine wood floor and ceilings. Warm, flowery wall papers adorned the walls. A cozy looking king sized bed with extra blankets took up the central space of the room. It faced a large window that gave us a view of the beautiful mountains with daisies sprawled across them. They'll be ladled with snow in a couple of hours, probably. The space above our bed frame were covered with photographs of a baby. 

"Who's that?" I asked leaning close, examining the photograph. It was a photograph of a baby whose face was smeared with baby food and it was smiling gleefully and reaching out for the camera. Adorable. I love babies. 

"That's me. This used to be my room whenever we came here" He leaned close to me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile at the picture of baby Harry who looked like a baby straight out of a Pampers commercial, you know, the cute infants with soft butts and toothless grins ? 

My eyes flickered over to another one where toddler Harry was grabbing on to a teddy bear and smiling at the camera adorably, his head tilted to one side. An older girl stood behind him who resembled him eerily. She, too, grabbed on to a Barbie and smiled. 

"Who's that ?" I enquired. And Harry turned back to see where my vision was headed. 

"Oh, that's my sister Gemma." He shrugged "She lives in Italy now, with her husband Matt. We used to be close when we were kids but then, I mean, we drifted apart because we got busy with our own things and all" I nodded along and bit my lips because I suddenly missed my siblings. I missed Lottie and Fizzy and the twins and the buzz that seemed to be a constant in our household because of them. Growing up alone with five women really teaches you some things. 

"Do you have any siblings ?" Harry pursed his lips. 

"Yeah, I have four sisters and they're all younger to me and my mum's expecting twins next year through surrogacy" 

"Oh wow" Harry looked genuinely amused "That's quite a number. Must be fun." 

"Yeah, we're a bunch. It's nice though because, um, we always got each other's back no matter what. Like, even if everyone turn their back on you, you'll always have seven people who love you endlessly even if they are obnoxiously loud sometimes.Or most of the time." 

"It must be nice and chirpy. A household with two kids gets kind of , like, a fight zone sometimes. Gemma and I would always quarrel about the pettiest of things and I'd always try to copy her because I  thought she was so fucking cool or couldn't help but feel like I'd never really live up to her reputation as the talented Styles kid."

He shrugged. 

"I mean, quarrels of that kind usually  happens between my sisters but since, I've always been the only guy in the family, I've somehow managed to steer clear out of drama. But, you should see my sisters Felicity and Charlotte, they'd literally burn the house down if one of them used the other's hair drier without asking. Phew" 

Harry laughs and shrugs "Been there, done that" 

I laugh too. 

"Harry, if your family owns this literal, ginormous mansion, I presume they're very rich, you're very rich. Why do you bother to live in that crammed up air conditioner vent?" 

Harry frowns and shrugs casually. "because it's not mine. My step dad and my mum payed for this, they own this." and he continues, "I don't want to live off my parent's money. I want to move into a better apartment when I'll be able to afford one with the money I've earned and saved. It's no fun when everything has been handed down to you, you never ." He gladly answered back and plopped himself on the bed. 

His answer made me feel like someone was nudging my heart with their elbow. I've been sitting at the other end of a silver spoon, being fed by the said spoon since eternity without even realizing it. My house ? Paid for by a job Janet found for me. My schooling ? Paid for by a job Janet offered to my mum.  Who was I without Janet Calder ? Who would I be if we hadn't crossed path ? 

"Haz?" I spoke, treading carefully with that nickname, I had practiced saying that in my head for hours. Haz is better than Har, at least. Hazza. 

"Lou" He answered back, in a heartbeat with a warm smile permanently drawn across his face. At the light outside twinkled, Harry seemed to twinkle along with it. He's so beautiful, it's palpable. 

"Can you pass me a sweater?" Maybe I was going to say something else; maybe not.. 

"Sure thing" He got up from the bed and leaned over my bag, zipping it open and carefully pulling out a coffee colored thick sweater. 

 "One of yours, I mean" I said quickly, recollecting the prior events. I want to wear Harry's clothes, just like I want Camille to know that she can take that shirt and shove it up her arse. Harry gave a knowing smirk and moved over to his own luggage, he scrounged through it and passed me a lilac sweater that I was particularly fond of. 

"It's my favorite one" he smiled "The color would look beautiful against your tan skin"

"Thank you, curly." I tousled his hair. 

I wore an extra pair of socks because my feet were literally freezing, they felt like two cold cinder blocks. Harry threw on a soft yellow sweater and a Gucci trademark sweatpants. 

"Nice Gucci" I teased, Harry hates owning expensive things if he did not pay for it, I could tell. 

"Thanks. Gemma got me this for my birthday last year, I hate that a pair of these costs almost my whole apartment rent for a month but I love the brand so much." He shrugs "It's a love hate relationship, between Gucci and I"

I would buy them for you, Curly, I would buy them all for you. 


"If I hear Niall sing Hamilton in the shower again, I'm joining him in the shower so I can drown him" I can make out Liam's voice sprouting up from the group and I try to fight a smile because they're all so warm and close and funny. This is what friendship must mean. To pull each other's legs but to always have each other's backs. 

"Hey, at least I don't scream along in harmony with a vacuum." Niall fired back, grabbing at his beer bottle tightly. I could see him reddening from a mile away. 

"It makes chores easier! Sophia tell him to keep quiet or, so help me god, this bonfire's going to witness a human roast." Liam growls, looking severely upset. He crosses his arms over his chest and pouts like a toddler who's just been denied a lollipop. 

"That's the fourth time this week you've brought up cannibalism, should be worried ?" Harry added and the group laughs. Laughter echoing through the pine wood. 

"Fuck you, Styles." Sophia rubs Liam's back gently and laughs along. "I don't like any of you, you all smell weird and you don't wash properly."

"And you're a five year old." Zayn fired back, sipping into his beer. 

"Where do you wanna sit ?" I whispered to Harry as we stood awkwardly by the bonfire. We were, of course, the last ones to arrive because it took Harry precisely eleven minutes to get his hair ready after I supposedly ruined it. 

Harry was leaning on the snacks table, eyeing the half filled bowls of crisps before grabbing some Doritos. His hair did look great, now that he brushed it furiously and arranged it carelessly around his forehead. 

"Next to you" he whispered right back, voice muffled by the fist full of Doritos in his mouth. and I swear, I tried my hardest to not let my heart flutter, but it did nonetheless. It meant the universe to me.

He could have pointed out any space, by the tree, beside the snack table but when he said next to you, it meant he could sit anywhere as long as I'm beside him and-

roses are red, violets are blue, where do you wanna sit, next to you. Louis, you are a cringe compilation on you tube. That's all you are. 

"Here, beautiful" Harry handed me a warm bottle of beer. This was the only situation where I found warm beer acceptable, because drinking a cool one right now would literally knock off my teeth and make them tumble down my throat. 

"I know we came here to see snow but like, can it not be this cold ?"Niall huffs, rubbing his torso furiously. His lips were so pale, it almost matched his skin tone and hair. He looked like a ghostly snowman-human crossover. 

"I think it's going to snow in a few hours" Harry spoke, rubbing his arms, teeth chattering a little "The weather reporter said it might be one of the bad ones, we've got enough supplies, right ?" 

"I don't want to miss it, but the rate at which the temperature is dropping is alarming" Perrie spoke for the first time. "I mean, Louis is almost blue" She said, looking at me with serious concern. I bring out my hands and notice my fingernails are turning slightly violet around the nail bed and they felt like blocks of ice. 

Oh shit. I don't want to be in a situation where I'll have to chop them off, so I shove them deeper into my pockets. Perrie's eyes flicker at me with worry, I try to brush it off "It's not that bad, I'm not used to the cold-"

"I'm cold too. I wish someone could be a gentleman here and pass me a jacket" Camille called out at the group. She was literally wearing just a cardigan, and in an ugly brown shade, too. No one volunteered to offer her anything and Niall had to fix his palm over his mouth to avoid giggling right into her face. 

"This is an abomination !" She sighed exasperatedly at everyone's reluctance. 

So is that hairdo.

Harry sighed softly and proceeded to remove his denim fur jacket. My jaws were clenching involuntarily. It's nothing. He's a gentleman, of course, he'd offer his jacket to a lady who's cold. It doesn't mean anything-

He moved towards me and placed it over my shoulder gently, "The tip of your nose is blue, Lou." He chided and helped me into his jacket. Somewhere near the bonfire, I heard Camille's hopes and dreams sizzling into the fire. Her entire being just got roasted like the marshmallow on the end of Zayn's stick.  

"Then don't wear a cardigan, Camille. You know it was about to snow, it's your own foolishness." He spoke and I swear I heard Niall snorting beside me. Camille's mouth dropped to an "O", she seemed furious beyond the word itself. 

"So" Perrie spoke up suddenly to cut the tension in the air "Harry and Louis, are you guys like, dating?"  

What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening. Call. An. Ambulance. 

"What-" I laughed stiffly and turned to Harry is a jest. He looked clueless too and I could feel Camille's eyes boring into my soul. In fact, everyone was looking at us like they just got a whiff of a secret. 

"I meant, are you guys romantically involved ?" Perrie elaborated, smiling graciously at us. My intestines were frozen. Do something, Tommo, crank up the lie machine. Bring up some ideas, everyone's looking at you. The longer you take, the worse it gets-

"Can you believe this ?" I laughed some more and turned to Niall for help but he was too busy looking at me for the same. 

"Some people genuinely, haha, they genuinely, seriously think we're dating, haha" My face might look constipated. I was battling internal agony. I have no clue as to what I should excuse myself with, so I ended up straight up mocking the question. This is beyond horrible. 

"So, you're not ?" Perrie speaks again. Perrie please, help me god, stop police interrogation. I swear she's going to cop out a Lie Detector next from her magnanimous purse. 

"No-" Harry mutters, placing his hand on my shoulder gently "we're just really good friends" He did not have emphasize "really" that way. That just sounded twenty times sketchier that way. Lord help me. 

"But haven't you two kissed ?" Sophia jumps in. Do they stalk us ? What is happening ? Is TMZ upon us ?  Where are they getting all these questions from ? Are we that obvious ? Or, heaven forbids, did they see us ?

"No, uh-" Harry awkwardly removes his arm from my body. This has to be the worst bonfire story in the history of bad bonfire stories. 

"That's weird, because when we were setting up the wood, Soph and I saw two male silhouettes kissing in the corridor and we figured it was you both" Perrie scrunches up her nose "Who were they, then ? Do we have two invaders living in the attic who are also gay lovers?" 

"Yeah, who were they ?" Niall teased and I suddenly had an urge to punch his face. 

"It was, uh, Niall and the pizza delivery guy" I blurted, pointing an accusatory finger at the pale blonde Irish lad. 

"What-" Niall blushed and wheezed simultaneously. He spewed out bear everywhere. 

"I mean, we all saw how he was eyeing that poor guy, didn't we ?" Harry added. 

"That guy was hot, what was his name again, Stanley- no, Staniel-that's a weird name." Sophia shrugged. "And Niall did stare at him with overtly large heart eyes" 

"Listen, guys, if someone is carrying seven large pizzas with them, you better look at them like they're the love of your life." Niall breathed out angrily and we all laughed. "But hey, a man isn't it for me. I'm straight."

"Don't knock it till you try it." Harry muttered and laughter erupted again. The air was suddenly light and happy again and the topic was dropped instantly. Everyone seemed to have an attention span of a goldfish around her. 

I sighed out of relief and tapped Harry's knees and he tapped across my fingers. 

"Uh" Liam spoke, "We have something to say if all the meaningless banter is over with" He looked at Zayn, who lazily got up from his half sleeping position and sat at the edge of his chair. It was only now that he seemed aroused or even, attentive. He tapped out his cigarette on the chair and crushed it on a beer bottle cap.  

"Yeah" Zayn spoke and rubbed his hands together artfully. "This is kind of important."

 "So, we sent in our improvised version of the song to the records label on Tuesday and they absolutely loved it. They especially spoke highly of the changes prescribed by you, Louis" He smiled at me "And, he wants us to present him a demo album by end of November, If he likes it, we've got a deal." Everyone cooed and clapped. 

Harry whistled and winked at me. Fuck, that wink made me forget the words I was going to say as congratulations. 

"The problem right now is that, we have to present him another song by next week but we've got no time to write one. Zayn here, obviously lied and said we're ready with one because, let's be honest here, those people in the label are straight up stinky arseholes. I mean if anyone has any idea or anything at all, we should get the song done in three days, otherwise-" He left his statement open ended.

Everyone kept quiet as they analyzed the situation. I debated whether I should say what I was thinking, or not. I mean, I should help them out, right ? What if they thought it was lame of me ? They wouldn't. But would they ? Screw it, I threw out my self confidence issue and spoke up,

"Um, actually, I have a ready song. It's almost done, you can listen to it if y'all want" I offered softly. 

"What?!" Liam's face lit up like a Christmas tree, his puppy eyes all but vanishing into thin air "That would be great! Let me fetch the guitar. You can play, right?" He stood up. I nodded. He disappeared and came back within literal seconds. I picked up the mahogany Hobner like it was an ancient artifact. It scared me. 

I strum the guitar gently once, feeling insanely pressurized as I feel all of their warm stares on me. Nervousness fills up my stomach; I've never been an extraordinary, or for that fact, an okay singer. My voice is kinda weird, it's not manly, it's high pitched. I've been told many times that it's not very pleasing to the ear.

I start anyway because they're all waiting for me to do something.I try to focus on how the strings feel on my finger and how they sound to my ear. It always calms me down, the rhythmic vibration of the strings against the pad of my fingers. I play the opening chords slowly and I start,

" Make a little conversation, So long I've been waiting to let go of myself and feel alive so many nights I thought it over, told myself I kind of liked her, but there was something missing in her eyes"   

every one was so quiet, it made my stomach tie itself in complex knots. The fire crackling between the circle was the only thing that accompanied my voice. 

  "I was stumbling, looking in the dark , with an empty heart, but you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough? baby we could be enough"

my hand work furiously through the guitar. The song builds up. 

"And it's alright, calling out for somebody to hold tonight, when you're lost, I'll find the way I'll be your light, you'll never feel like you're alone"

I stop the strumming. 

"I'll make this feel like home" I end the song and everything's quiet for a second  and I'm almost scared to breath and ruin the perfect silence. But then, the air is filled with the sound of thunderous claps. 

They're clapping for me. Wow. I might retreat back to my room and cry into my pillow a little. I've never performed in front of a crowd that consist of more than four people. And I've never used songs that are vulnerable to me. 

I blush furiously at their reaction and place the guitar beside me, not looking up at all. I don't want to meet anyone's eyes right now. 

Except Harry, who's entire body had shifted to face me, somehow. He looks up at me with shiny eyes and I take in a sharp breathe. "It was the most beautiful song I've ever heard" He whispers quietly so only I could hear; for my ears only.

"Oh My God, that was a golden buzzer act. Simon Cowell would lick your feet and kiss the ground you walk on. What the hell, Louis?" Liam came over to envelope me in one of his bear hugs. He smelt like beer and pine wood. 

"What the fuck is your voice" Niall exclaimed and I almost panicked, lest he hated it but-"It's like, you sound like Appalachia, mate. Please be my alarm tone, I'd never be angry to wake up anymore. I-"

That's wow, that's like the weirdest but nicest compliment I've ever received.  Only Niall, of course. 

"Wow, is it about your girlfriend?" Sophia butts in and Harry's eyes suddenly flicker at me with a soft agitation in them. No, Sophia, you nincompoop, there's something missing in her eyes. It's not about her

"It's not about Eleanor. It's more about me, than any girl, really." I quickly whisper and I swear, I swear to fucking god, I can see Niall pinch Harry's arm. 

"If someone wrote a song about me with that amount of passion, I'd let them leave me at the alter. Scratch that, I'd let them bludgeon me to death, because wow" Camille's weird , nasally voice filled up the air and she grinned at me. No, thanks. 

"We all know you worship Charles Manson, you don't have to keep proving it" Harry rolled his eyes. Camille silently scrawled under her breathe. 

"don't start now, you guys" Sophia groaned and Perrie joined in unison, "We're focusing on Louis and his amazing song right now." Perrie quips in and steps forward to casually peck my cheek. She smells like an orchard during spring, fruity and summery. It's like a blanket of comfort.

"Louis, I think this just proves our decision was correct" Zayn spoke up, dusting his hands "That was an insanely beautiful song. I've never heard anything so raw, so passionately written. And it's been in the talks for quite a while but the boys and I have decided to form a band."

A band, wow.

"And we've decided to invite you in as well." Liam steps in and takes over "Look, I know we all have jobs and College to attend to, but we're doing so well. We just have to put in an extra effort and we can be successful. And even if we don't blow up, we'll do something we are passionate about. Won't we? C'mon Harry has even come up with a name."

Me ? In a band ? 

This has always been the fucking dream. Am I living in a simulation ? 

I rub my eyes. I can't believe this is actually happening. I must be on meth, really. 

"yeah, It'll be called,like  One Direction; One dream, One band, One Direction." Harry smiled, his eyes still shiny and somewhat hovering over my face. He's so close to me and he smells the nicest. I want to shove my face into the crook of his neck.  "What do you think?"

"I love it" Because honestly, I did. 

It was perfect. 



i still can't believe it's been three years (THOUSAND DAYS) without the band. I honestly don't know if it's a hiatus any more. Like, I think even the boys are not sure. They've not firmly talked about or decided upon a breakup OR a reunion and they're just going with the flow. 

but it just physically hurts to not have them around. And I wish I could be more mature and be happy with solo songs if they're happy with it and I love the solo projects, really. But One Direction is always the end game. The band is always better, happier, superior. Sorry but that's how I feel. 

I hope they're given a healthy atmosphere, zero work pressure and freedom of individualism if they ever return back as a band. The chances of a band beyond a reunion tour or a tour at all seems nil to me but atleast, we got to witness One Direction in it's prime years. At least, we got to see them rule the world like the kings they are. 

And if you didn't. If you joined after the hiatus, my god, let me tell you it was spectacular. The fandom was always buzzing. We were always busy live streaming concerts, crying over new outfits, picking apart obnoxious interviewers, leaking new songs, streaming albums, trying to break vevo records. 

Hey akanshya from the future, if you're reading this in 2020 or 2022 or 2025, just know that even if you're in your mid twenties now, please never be old enough to grow out of One Direction. Even if they're old news, even if K pop or any other new music genre has taken over the industry and removed all traces of one direction, please never forget this day when you were still in love with One Direction. Or March 2015 when you fell in love with One Direction. You're allowed to have other important things take over your life but please, please please never forget one direction. Get over the pain, take care of your self but never forget them. ever.

They've got you this far (March 3rd 2019) and they've always got your back. Through old songs, mvs, video diaries, spin the Harry, One Direction megamind, they've always got you. They'll always remind you of who you were, where you belong. I love you, lads. x 

Those were the days, man. 


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