Lil blog thingy?

By a_worthless_human

96 15 1

I like just being able to write my feelings and just post them. I only have one person following me, that's... More

Straight crushes suck
Important info and people ect
Fuck off
He got bae. Cri
An adorable beaaann
I'm back!
tO LonDon wE Go
Hospital 'n shiz + Jam and Maria breakup
Fights and friends
During the sleepover

I darn goofed

9 0 0
By a_worthless_human

So, I'm super annoying.
Like, really annoying.

Usually I try and annoy Jam the most, because I want his attention and I don't know how to act around him. So I just annoy the shit out of him.

Today I was being E X T R A annoying. I guess it was because we didn't really have lessons. It was learning enhancement today, and we did a bunch of languages stuff.

There was an awkward moment when we were dance and had to put our arms on each other's shoulders (I put my hand on his waist though because he is so tall, and he said I should).

Anyways, I was jokingly pinching him whilst we were doing that part, then he tried to pinch my side. But he couldn't read that far and he accidentally pinched the side of my chest area. But I do wear a binder, so it wasn't that much.

Me and him just had a moment of blushing and then he apologized.

Also, he is the only person in my school that knows I am ftm. I told him a while ago. Everyone else thinks I was born male because I say I am (also they didn't know me before I transitioned because I wasn't in the school I am now when I came out.)

By the end of the day, he kinda got a bit mad. I was also a bit upset because he was talking to me in a really pissed off tone.

When I got home, I cried and sent him this.

So, yeah.
I goofed.

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