Fights and friends

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So, I had an argument with Maria, because was being rude about Joseph and it just pissed me off, so yeah. Also, she never tells me anything anymore, and only hangs out with me if Joseph is there, so yeah...

Also, Martha and I were in beef for a couple weeks, but we're fine now, and we've been talking today. I'm going to her house tomorrow to sleepover. Also, our friend Daisy invited her to her party, which is exciting.

Daisy's parents are super rich and she has a hot tub, I'm probably not gonna go in though. Also, her parents are going to sleep in their van outside, so we'll have the house all to ourselves,  which is cool.

Also, we are going shopping the day after, which will be awkward since I don't have a lot of money. Oh well.

Anyways, that's it. BYYYYYYEEEE!

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