The Legend of Korra (Book 2:...

By Mintink_Productions

966 19 4

This is my complete second season of The Legend of Korra. This is my series, this has to do nothing with the... More

Book 2; Fire, Episode 1: Six months later
Book 2; Fire, Episode 2: A Day of Trouble!
Book 2; Fire, Episode 3: A Legendary Break Out!
Book 2; Fire, Episode 4: The Next Element
Book 2; Fire, Episode 5: A New Foe! 1
Book 2; Fire, Episode 6: A New Foe! 2
Book 2; Fire, Episode 7: The Republic City Meeting
Book 2; Fire, Episode 8: The Avatar Love Begins
Book 2; Fire, Episode 9: Tarrloks Plan
Book 2; Fire, Episode 10: The Attack on Air Temple Island!
Book 2; Fire, Episode 11: The Awakening of Death! Part 1
Book 2; Fire, Episode 12: The Awakening of Death! Part 2
Book 2; Fire, Episode 13: The Devastation
Book 2; Fire, Episode 14: The Sacrifice
Book 2; Fire, Episode 15: The Lost Containments
Book 2; Fire, Episode 17: A Faitful Encounter
Book 2; Fire, Episode 18: Forbidden Lies to Death
Book 2; Fire, Episode 19: Lost and Old to a New Plan
Book 2; Fire, Episode 20: Is this the End of the World?

Book 2; Fire, Episode 16: The Hunt of a Avatar

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By Mintink_Productions

"Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world."

The Legend of Korra Episode 38

"Is this the end?" I.I'm so scared so no flashbacks."

In Republic City the citizens were running around everywhere screaming as one jumped onto a boat. "Come on let's get the avatar she lives on air temple island." Said a guy. Everyone cheered and swam across the lake. In the temple Tenzin was resting as someone threw a stone brick threw the window. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Exclaimed Tenzin. He picked up the stone brick and took the note off and read it and gasped as he looked outside.

"Where is the avatar?!!" Exclaimed one of the citizens. "I am not handing over Korra to Tarrlok." Said Tenzin. "You better or we'll burn down this whole island." Said one of the citizens. "Actually you can't due to the security." Said Tenzin. A guy threw a pitchfork as Tenzin air blended it away. "Team do it." Said a citizen. Two tough men jumped out of a plane and smashed Tenzin onto the floor. "KORRA RUN NOW!!" Said Tenzin. "Goodbye Mako and Asami." She said. They waved goodbye as Korra went into the water and the citizens busted into her room as Mako and Asami blocked the window.

Korra kept swimming through the water as she poked her head above water and saw Air Temple Island on fire. "No Tarrlok did all this I.....I failed Republic City." She said. Suddenly something came out of the sky and hit Korra under water as she got knocked to the bottom of the sea and then she closed her eyes. "Korra I will help you." Said a voice.

Tarrlok sat at his base as he got an alert call on the radio. "Do you have the avatar?" He asked. "No she got away unfortunately but we did get her three friends." Said a citizen. They dropped the three as Tenzin opened his eyes and glared at Tarrlok. "These three will do now get back to finding Korra." Said Tarrlok. "Ok." Said the citizen. He left the room as Tenzin ripped the tape off his mouth and Tarrlok sat down smiling. "So Mr Tenzin I'm going to ask you one last time for Korra or I'll kill your family." Said Tarrlok. Tenzin gasped and then he looked down sadly and glared.

On a lost island Korra lied on the sand asleep as she started to open her eyes and a cat walked toward her. "Aww hi there little kitty." She said. The cat transformed as it became a little kitten. "Huh?!" She exclaimed.

Producer: Anthony Dehaven
Story maker: Anthony Dehaven
The Legend of Korra S.2 Episode-16

The owners of The Legend of Korra are Nickelodeon.

To Be Continued..........

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