Breaking The BadBoy

By xxCloudDreamerxx

2.5M 68.1K 22.1K

A broken girl afraid of love finds a boy who doesn't know the meaning of love. A BadBoy and a Broken Girl. Lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: The Break-Up
Chapter 18: Tell Me A Lie..
Chapter 19: I wear my heart on my sleeve
Chapter 20: my scars
Chapter 21: Breaking
Chapter 22: Confessions
Chapter 23: taken
Chapter 24: Missing Her
Chapter 25: hope?
Chapter 26: Heartbreak
Chapter 27: Goodbye
Chapter 28: A New Beginning
Chapter 30: Out of Reach
Chapter 33: Being the best
Chapter 34: Danny!
chapter 35: Rebels
Chapter 36: Ours
Chapter 37: Serendipity
chapter 38: spilled ink
Chapter 39: The Letter That Changed Everything
Chapter 40: The Unbearable Truth
Chapter 41: Peace of Mind
Chapter 42: You Never Really Can Fix A Heart
Chapter 43: Free Fallin'
Chapter 44: How the Lost get Found
Chapter 45: In the arms of friends
Chapter 46: Dreaming with a broken heart
Chapter 47:....In Love
Chapter 48: I will wait
Chapter 49: Grinch
Chapter 50: Christmas
Chapter 51: I am happy
Chapter 52: 10 years later

Chapter 29: New Interests

39.7K 1.1K 194
By xxCloudDreamerxx

"So why don't we go out for Indian tonight?" Tyler suggested.

"I'm actually going out." I told him.

"With who?" Tyler asked instantly.

"A new friend, Robbie." I blushed. "Well I'm going to go and get ready."

"Wait Marl, I feel we should talk about this." Tyler said and I laughed.

"Ty I don't need another big brother talk. I'm still trying to get over the one you give me before I went out with that idiot." I laughed looking at JC and he snarled back.

"M-R that's not it." Tyler sighed. "It hasn't been long since you and Brody broke up, are you ready to start dating cause you told us you weren't."

"I'm not." I sighed. "You wouldn't believe the way Robbie asked me out but I just want a friend."

"Then I guess you better get ready." Tyler smiled.

I smiled at my brother for understanding then ran up the stairs to get changed. I changed into a black skirt and a floral blouse with floral heels. I fixed my hair, curling it more and fixed my makeup up then took my phone and handbag then went back downstairs.

Tyler and JC met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok be safe and keep your phone on." Tyler told me being protective.

"I will." I groaned.

"You look beautiful." JC told me and i smiled at him.

"Okay I won't be long." I told them and then left the house.

I told Robbie that I would meet him at the coffee shop but when I stepped outside I found him on the porch holding a single pink rose. This boy was so spontaneous. luckily the door was closed so Tyler and JC didn't see so they couldn't ask a thousand questions.

"How did you find out where I lived?" I asked him smiling.

"The same way I found out your name." He smirked hut didn't reveal his secret.

He handed me the rose and I smelt it like girls in the movies would do.

"It's beautiful." I blushed.

"It reminded me of you." He told me. "You look very beautiful. "

"Should we go?" I asked.

Robbie held out his arm for me and I linked mine with his and we began walking to the coffee shop.

"So Marley-Rose now that we're going out...."

"As friends." I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes as friends." He frowned.  "So can you tell me why before I sang to you,  you wouldn't give me the time of day?"

I had nothing to lose anymore. Why shouldn't I tell him the truth...

"I'm recently out of a serious relationship, it was very recently and the relationship was very serious." I replied to Robbie.

"How serious?" He asked me.

"I guess we were engaged." I sighed.

"Wow really?" Robbie asked.

"Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my first time engaged either." I bit my lip nervously. I wanted to be truthful. "I get if you want to run while you still can."

"I wouldn't run from you." Robbie told me. "You're too good to lose."

"That's not what they thought." I shirred "I'm sorry I'm sure you don't want to hear about this."

"I wouldn't of asked if I didn't want to know." Robbie smiled. "Tell me about it, nothing you can say will change my opinion of you."

"The short version is I loved JC my brothers best friend, he wanted to marry me, he left me, I moved, met Brody,  he wanted to marry me, he left me, I moved." I said simply.

"I see a pattern forming here." Robbie chuckled. "So third time lucky?"

"No." I laughed at his flirting attempts.

"So this guy Brody is the reason I can't take you out on a real date?" Robbie joked as we came to the cute coffee shop.

"Yeah I guess." I sighed.

"I'll get your order." Robbie told me and i found a table.

Robbie joined me a few minutes later with a coffee and a double sized chocolate chip coffee.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"So do you still love Brody?" Robbie asked me.

".....Yes." I admitted. "I fear I always will. He really hurt me but I'll always love him."

That was true, no matter what Brody did, I wouldn't stop loving him. I wanted to make things work with Brody but he didn't and I couldn't stick the pain anymore.

"Why did you two break up?" Robbie asked me.

"He said he didn't love me like he used to. I knew he wanted me but it was too hard for him, he let me go..." I replied.

"A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets." Robbie told me.

A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets... Robbie was so wise that he even came out with something like that. He didn't know Brody nor did he know me very well but he understood, he didn't judge me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked Robbie.

"Ask away love,  I'm an open book." Robbie smirked.

"Why did you take an interest in me, try so hard to get me?" I asked him.

"You ruined my favourite shirt and I want revenge." Robbie shrugged and I laughed. "No seriously though I guess it was like love at first site, you were beautiful and your cute little laugh. I guess you just enchanted me. There was something about you that of course I wanted but I think needed to. I've seen your scars and I think we could be each others anchors. I tried so hard because I knew I wanted to be with you since the start."

Robbie was a stranger...that's all he was but I think he could be more... I still definitely do not want a boyfriend but I think he could be a very good friend.

"You have scars?" I asked him.

"On the inside, I lost my parents two years ago, they were the only family I had..." Robbie told me.

"I lost my parents too." I said and took his and to offer him support. "Was it a bad accident?"

"Accident? It was no accident Marley-Rose, they left me, abandoned me." Robbie told me. "They were alcoholics who never wanted a child. They were there in the morning when I left for school but when I came back, them and all their stuff was gone."

That was horrible... Maybe we could help each other. I took Robbie 's hand and smiled at him.


"Wanna go see a movie?" I suggested with a sigh.

"No." They replied.

We were all sitting in Jakes living room trying to decide what to do with ourselves, we were all here except Brody.  We haven't seen much of him, none of us knows what to do since Marley left, we're all walking around like zombies. She won't even call me back or reply to my texts. I wish she never left. I know I may seem like an awful friend but I hate Brody, I do blame him for leaving, I think we all do. New relationships are forming,  my sister and Jake, Nelana and Jamie are getting close and i guess I'm just feeling left out even though I still had the others and I'm sure they feel like I do, lonely. We miss her...

"Hey." Drake walked into the room

"I thought you had work at home to do." Zayn said to Drake and Drake sat down where there was room.

The room was packed, even Lucy was here, she's actually becoming tolerable, I even think she misses Marley-Rose too.

"Yea I did but it was too loud at my house." Drake sighed. "Who's Taylor Rayne?"

"Ahhhhh!" Lucy screamed and we all jumped. "I hate that girl!"

"She's a new girl why?" Jake asked Drake.

"Brody's hooking up with her."Drake shocked us all. "That's why I left, they were too loud."

"That idiot! How could he do that to Marley?" Sarah-Jayne exclaimed.

"His brains are in his pants S-J. " Lucy told my sister. "But that girl is poison."

"Why?" I asked her.

"She's evil! She spent fourteen months in a juvenile centre. While Mary Manson was in gym class, Taylor flushed her clothes down the toilet. She put hair removal in Jenny Rivers shampoo after swim practise. She soaked Peach Dawsons contact lenses in a chemical from the science lab and when Peach put them in, it temporarily blinded her!"  Lucy told us all.

"She's worse than you!" Ryan exclaimed.

"How do you know all this?" Sean asked Lucy a good question.

"I know things, best you don't ask how." Lucy hesitated. "Anyway she did all that because them girls were connected to Brody, if they looked at him, if they sat beside him in class, anything."

"You should be a detective." Sarah-Jayne said stuttered, surprised at Lucy. We were all surprised.

"Are we really going to let Brody waste his time with a girl like that?" I asked them.

"Brody leant me his science book today for notes, he had a picture of Marls in it." Sarah-Jayne sighed.

"He's not over her." Sean sighed.

"Of course he's not but everyone in this room knows exactly what Brody's like." Lucy sighed. "Like I said,  his brains are in his pants."

"He was like this when Ally died, he acted out, didn't listen to anyone, he did what he wanted and he got with whatever girl he wanted to get his mind of what he was really feeling." Nelana told us.

"I think we all know what we need to do." Jake sighed.

"We need to get them back together." Sarah-Jayne said.

"And nothing will stop us." I added.


"Favourite movie?" Robbie asked me.

"The lion king." I replied as we walked down the street.

"Baby." He laughed at me. "What did you want to be when you were younger?"

"A princess." I told him and he rolled his eyes and I pushed him.

Our date as friends was going great.  Robbie is so amazing,  he's so funny and he knows all the right things to say. He would be a perfect boyfriend if I was interested...

"And what do you want to be now?" He asked me.

"A princess." I said again and Robbie laughed.

"Well then...can I be you prince?" Robbie asked holding out his hand for me.

I rolled my eyes and took Robbies hand. Robbie kissed my hand then spun me around and caught me in his arms like a prince would.  I laughed and moved out of his arms but kept hold of his hand swinging it.

Robbie wasn't a bad boy like Brody,  he was sweet. I've never been with a boy like Robbie before. I had only just met him but he had won me.

"I still can't believe you sang to me." I giggled.

"Do you need me to do it again." Robbie smirked then began singing. " If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever friendship never ends. If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give, taking is too easy, but that's the way it is."

"Robbie singing the spice girls greatest hits is not going to win me over." I laughed.

"You say that now Marley-Rose but the power of the spice girls never fails." Robbie winked at me. "I want you to meet my friends tomorrow, I think they'll love you."

"Robbie, I let go of a lot of friends when I came here, I don't plan on replacing them." I sighed.

"I'm not asking you to replace them silly but they're all dying to meet the new hot girl." Robbie laughed.

"Is that what they're calling me." I laughed.

"That's what you are." He smirked.

"I think I'm more than that." I smirked.

"Oh I know." He smiled proudly. "I'd like to think I've figured you out already."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah ok, ready to be impressed?" Robbie asked me and I rolled my eyes. "You obviously love Disney and animated movies so I think you would rather stay in and cuddle than go out and party. I think that you put up walls, you make people work for your Trust,  for your love. I think that you're scared of a lot of things and you don't like a lot of things about yourself. I think your previous boyfriend made you feel special and made you feel safe and I think that when he broke up with you, he didn't realise just how much you needed him really. I think you can get through things on your own but I think it's better if you get through it with a friend. I think family is very important to you and  you would never let anything happen your family. I don't think you'll get over 'Brody' soon but I want to help you try."

He got everything right. A stranger knew me as if we had been friends for a lifetime.

"Just who are you?" I crossed my arms.

"Hopefully you're next boyfriend." He smirked. "But for now, until you're ready, your friend."

Robbie walked me up to my porch where like a gentleman, he took my hand and kissed it. He deserved more than that. So I reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Robbie." I smiled. "I had the best time."

"So did I." Robbie smiled. "Goodnight Marley-Rose, I'll see you tomorrow."

I entered the house as Robbie was away.  Inside I locked the door and leaned against it. That was weird.... but even though I had so much fun, I couldn't get Brody of my mind....

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