Living with the Mason's

By _JC_12_

6.1K 175 39

Ari's mother gets a job transfer. Her mom and father if to New York but can't pay for Ari. So they send Ari t... More

1- I'm moving?!
2- You have 9 boys?!
The boys
4- Wake up mission
5- What are those rooms for?
6- my new room
7- New friends?
8- meet the rest of us

3- meeting the Masons

692 21 8
By _JC_12_

The first thing I saw was a little blond boy. I'm guessing he's Connor, because he looked very small.

"Mommy!" He cries, when he saw me and Amanda. He ran over to her and squeezed her around her legs.

"Why were you gone mommy!" He finally looked towards me. He leans over to his mom and whispers

"Why is there a pretty girl in our house?" He asks her, his eyes wide. Amanda chuckles and I blush.

"She's going to be living with us for a while Connor." Ok. So he's Connor. I thought so.

He looks down shyly.

"My names Ari." I tell him, crouching to the ground so that I'm at his level. I smile at him.

"I'm Connor." He says.

"How old are you Connor?" I ask him, even though I already know.

"I'm five." He tells me, holding up his hand and shaking me the number. I giggle.

"How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen."

"Your the same number as Aiden!" He shouts. I laugh again.

"Yep. I guess so." After I say that, I hear a bang from above.

"I heard my name!" Someone shouts from the second level.

He appears at the top of the stairs.




I'm don't normally pay attention to the way people look, but he



He jumps down the steps, two at a time, his blond hair swinging.

When he makes it to the ground, he complains to Connor

"You cheated! You pushed me into the lava pool!" Im guessing that they were playing some type of xbox game.

"There's no rules in minecraft Aiden!" Connor replies, laughing. The boy- Aiden- smiles.

He looks up. When he sees me, his face becomes confused.

"Is she one of the boys hookups?" He asks Amanda. My eyes widen.

"No!! Aiden! This is Ari. I'll explain everything in a bit. Go gather the others and bring them to the family room." He studies me for a minute while I stand there uncomfortably fidgeting.

Finally, he nods and walks out of the entryway with Connor.

That's when I notice how amazing it is.

The house.

The walls are a beautiful golden color, and there are banners going down the side of the stairwell.

It's amazing. High ceilings. A large crystal chandelier hangs above us.

"This is so flipping awesome" I mumble. Amanda laughs.

"Let's get you settled in dear. John should have or things in your room by now." I nod and we begin to walk to the right of the stairs.

"Uh... is my room downstairs?" I question. Se giggles.

"No silly. It's upstairs. We're just going to ride the elevator. My back isn't good enough to walk up all those stairs." I nod. Wow. They have an elevator. In their house. I am so going to get lost.

We climb into the elevator and she presses 3. There are 5 floors. Wow. It starts moving up.

A few seconds later, the door opens and we step out.

"Your room is this way dear." Amanda tells me, walking towards a door that's a dark blue. The walls in this hallway are golden like the ones downstairs, but a little bit lighter.

Once she opens the door, I walk inside. It...

It's empty?

Besides two dressers, there is nothing in the room. He walls are white.

Amanda smiles apologetically at me.

"I'm sorry it's not furnished. I didn't want to do anything to the room that you wouldn't like, so I thought I would just let you choose everything."

"That's okay. So what's my budget?" I ask, walking towards my bags which are sitting next to one of the dressers.

"Unlimited" I stop.

"I can't let you do that. You can't pay all that money on me." I shake my head.

"I'm going to" she tells me.

"No your not"

"Yes I am. You are my guest." I sigh.

"Fine. I just don't want you to go out of your way for me," I smile a little.

"But thank you." She walks over to me and hugs me.

"I get it sweetheart. Do you need help unpacking?" I shake my head again.

"No thanks. I don't have much."

"Well, if you don't have much, then we need to go shopping sometime soon! Once your done settling in, just come downstairs to the family room. Go to the elevator, click 2. It's the large glass doors." I nod my head.

"Ok. I'll see you in a little bit Ari." She smiles once more before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. The door on my side is painted white.

About 15 minutes later, I finished unpacking all of my clothes and anything else I had brought.

I walked out of my room, shutting the door quietly behind me.

I looked around. The hallway was empty and silent.

I couldn't see the elevator anywhere.


I walk randomly to the right.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

I pull it out and see a text from Josie and Fraya (group chat)

J: you in Cali yet?

F: how's it goin?

I start to type.

A: everything is effing great. They have a huge mansion that I can't find my way around. My parents just pretty much abandoned me for who knows how long, and guess what? THEY HAVE NINE FLIPPING BOYS!! NINE!!

J: holy crap.

F: ages?

A: 2 are younger than 11. One is 13. Another is 14. A dif is 16. I think somebody is either 17, 18, or 19. 22. And 24. Oh ya. And there all hot.

F: damn.

A: sorry guys. I gotta go. They are having a 'family meeting' about me living here. And I can't find my way there.

I've kept walking, not even knowing where I'm going.

Suddenly, I trip over a small object.

"Hey!" It a shouts. I pull myself off the ground and face the thing I fell over.

Well, not exactly thing. More like person.

"Who are you here for?" He asks.

He, as in the little boy.

It's not Connor. But he looks I younger than 13, so I'm guessing he's Reece, the 10 year old.

He has brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I think your supposed to be in the family room or something? Your mom has something to 'announce'. And I'm not here for anyone." I tell him

"Uh ok. Are you lost?" He looks at me quizzically.

I look down and nod.

"Yes. I can't find the elevator." I say quietly. He laughs.

"I'll show you around a bit. We should probably get to the family room though. If mom has to announce something, it must be important. We barely ever have family meetings." At that, he grabs my hand and starts pulling me forward.

A few minutes later, we reach the elevator.

"I'll get Luke to draw you a map of the grounds later." Reece says. Luke? I don't remember Amanda saying that she had a son named Luke?

"Is Luke your brother?" I ask him. He laughs.

"No. Luke is Jack's art teacher. He's really nice. But he's super old" Reece crinkles his nose. I giggle.

The elevator doors ding. They open and I step out, along with Reece. I see the large glass double doors automatically. They. Are. Huge.

"Let's go! Mommy will be mad if we're late!" He grabs my hand again and starts pulling me through the doors.

When we get inside, I gasp.

It's amazing.

The walls are a dark red. Tall ceilings. A bright crystal chandelier hangs down from it. I see a large leather couch in the middle of the room, in front a a large flag screen tv. I see and xbox one connected to it.

There is even a refrigerator next to the couch.

Nice, you don't even have to get up.

Then I see who's sitting on the couch.


And by everybody, I mean:

Gavin, Nathan, Jordan, Brady, Aiden, Jack, Brendan, Amanda, Mr. Mason, and Connor. I don't know who's who though. When Connor sees me, he smiles brightly and waves.

"Hey Ari!" He says, jumping from the couch and coming over to hug me. I squeeze him Back.

"Hey Connor." I reply.

"Want a soda?" He asks me, smiling a toothy grin.

I nod.

"Sure. Thanks." He walks to the fridge and opens it. Grabbing a root beer out of it, he tossed it to me.

I walk slowly over to the couch, Reece and Connor in front of me.

I sit down next to Amanda.

She smiles.

"Are you all settled in? Well, besides the room being unfurnished." I nod and give her a small smile.

"Thanks Amanda."

I look up at all of the boys, who are looking at me strangely.

I blush and look down.

Mr. Mason clears his throat.

"Everybody, this is Ari. She's going to be living with us for a while. Introduce yourselves." He commands them. All of the boys look surprised.

"What?" One asks. He's a blond with brown eyes.

"Yes. Now introduce yourselves. And be polite." He tells them.

A different boy walks up to me.

"Hi. I'm Gavin. I'm the oldest. I hope you feel comfortable in our household." Gavin has dark brown shaggy hair, tan skin, and green eyes.

I just noticed, almost all of these boys look different.

"im Ari." He sticks his hand out for me and i shake it. After that, he smiles warmly then walks out of the family room.

Another boy comes over to me.

"hey. I'm Nathan. hopefully the others won't give you any trouble." he smirks at the younger boys then follows Gavin. Nathan has pitch black hair and blue eyes. he's pretty much the oppposite of his older brother, with pale skin.

"I'm Jordan." I look back in front of me to see another boy. This one looks more like Gavin, with dark brown hair, tan skin, but Jordan has light brown eyes.

He walks away.

"Hey. I'm Brady." He looks like Gavin and Jordan also, but he has blue eyes like Nathan. He winks at me then walks to the door. I stand there blushing.

Another boy with black hair stands in front of me. He has green eyes.

"I'm Jack." He leans in to whisper. "Be careful around the others." With that, he leaves the family room.

The boy who said 'what?' Walks up to me. He has blond hair and brown eyes. Pale skin.

Wow, all of these boys look almost completely different.

"Hey. I'm Brendan. Sorry about my brothers." He smiles and follows the others out of the room.

Wow, doesn't everybody like to chat? (Sarcasm)

"And I'm sure you already know Reece and Connor." Amanda asks with a smile. I nod.

She frowns, looking around.

"Where did Aiden go?"

Reece answers.

"He left the room earlier. " Amanda shakes he head disapprovingly and I sit down again.

A few minutes later, a totally hot guy walks through the door again.

"You two met for about 1 minute, so Aiden, introduce yourself." Aiden walks up to me and looks at the ground.

"Hey I'm Aiden. Sorry, I had to go deal with... something." I nod.

"I'm Ari."

"So, I think most of the boys went outside to play basketball. Wanna come?"

"Um... I don't really know how to play basketball." I confess. He looks up and chuckles.

"That's okay. You can just watch or we can teach you." I smile at the ground.

"Okay." He smiles. Oh mah Gawd. He. Is. Seriously. Perfect.

Like, not to sound all cheesy or whatever, but he is totally dreamy. They all are.

"Come on" he starts walking towards he door. I slowly follow after him, still admiring the room. We keep walking until we get to their back yard, which probably took us about 5 minutes. The yard is huge. Ginormous.

They have a pool in the very middle, with a big slide and two diving boards. They also have a pool house, which is probably the size of my old home. Wow.

They have a Trampoline. It's a little bit away from the pool. It has a net.

Random dirt bikes and 4-wheelers are leaned against the house.

On the side of the mansion is a basketball court which at the moment is occupied with Jordan, Brady, Jack, and Brendan.

"Oh, you brought the new girl!" Brady exclaims. I chuckle under my breath and roll my eyes.

"Yep, so be nice!" Aiden replies smiling.

"You gonna play with us, new girl?" Brady questions, tossing the basketball to me.

I laugh and toss It back.

"I think I'll just watch this time."

"Oh come on."

"I'm good.

"Are you scared of a little competition?"

"You call that competition?" I retort grinning. He puts his hand on his heart in mock hurt.

I hear Aiden laugh beside me.

"Well she's confident." I hear Jack tell Brendan.

I take a seat over by the house. (Mansion)

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket again.

Fraya and Josie again.

J: r u done w/ yo lil fam. Meeting yet?

A: ya. I'm outside with the boys. They r playin basketball while I watch lol

F: take a pic! u said they were hot, I gotta see!

I chuckle but do as she says.

I hold my phone on front of me and snap the pic.

"I guess you like what you see!" Brady shouts to me, flexing. Wow. He's really cocky.

"I told my friends in living with 9 boys. They want a pic." I hear all of them laugh.

"Then it's selfie time!" Aiden exclaims. They all rush over to me, shoving each other.

I giggle.

They all crowd around me.

First we take a normal picture.

Then we take a pic with us all sticking our tongues out and putting up peace signs.

After we just take random ones where we all do whatever.

I show the pictures to them after they are taken.

"You have to send those to me!" Brady says grabbing my phone.

A few seconds later, he hands it back.

"My phone. no touch. You get hurt." I frown, telling him, cavemen style. He chuckles.

"Same here! I want those pics!" Brendan and Jack say at the same time.

"I take it that this is your 'subtle' way of getting my # and me getting yours?" I ask, smirking.

"Well, your pretty much family now, since your living with us, so you might as well get our numbers." Jordan replies.

My phone gets passed around to all of the boys before it is finally returned to my hands.

"Finally!" I exclaim when Aiden hands me my phone.

"God, you people take forever!"

After that, they go back go their basketball game.

I send the pictures in the group chat.

F: wow! U weren't lying! they r totes hot!

J: i agree with fray. But there r only 5 boys in the pics? I thought u said 9?

A: ya, they r hot. AND IM LIVING WITH THEM!! And the others r doing something else.

F: I can't believ u get 2 liv w/ dem! they r so fricken sexy!

A: oh mah gawd fray. U think every single boy is sexy! and it's gonna b hard living with them, I'll admit, every time I see them I freak out.

J: call us anytime Ari!! You may b states away, but we're still here for u!!

A: thanks guys!

F: I gtg. Moms calling.

J: same here. I have volleyball in 10 min.

A: cya guys ttyl! don't forget meh!

I sigh and turn off my phone, once again slipping it into my back pocket after I check the time.


It's gotten dark by now, but they have large lights set up around the court.

The brothers all walk over to me.

Aiden speaks first

"We're gonna go inside. Ya coming?" I nod and he holds out his hand which I grab. He pulls me up.

"I think Reece said that I'm supposed to get Luke to make you a map of the grounds?" Jack asks me. I nod sheepishly.

"Ya thanks. I'm probably going to get lost with or without a map though!" I laugh and the boys chuckle.

"Okay. I'll ask him for one tomorrow."

"K. Good game guys!" i compliment them. They looks surprised.

"You were actually paying attention?" Brendan asks in astonishment.

I nod my head.

"I don't exactly play, but I do observe." I smile and we all walk inside. We all part, besides me, Aiden, and Jack.

All of our bedrooms are on the same floor.

We ride up to level 3 on the elevator. Jack walks into his own room and just as Aiden is about to walk into his (which is right next to mine) I stop him.

"Hey Aiden?" I say. He turns to me.


"Thanks for including me today." He gives me a genuine smile, which I return and replies,

"No problem." I turn and walk into my empty room, only to shriek loudly.

"I'm so sorry dear! I didn't mean to startle you! I just came in to tell you that you are going to be sleeping in one of our fully furnished guest rooms. Tomorrow we are going to shopping for more clothes and furniture." Amanda tells me. I gasp in relief. She scared me!

"Thank you Amanda. Can you show me how to get there though please?" I ask. She chuckles but nods.

"This way darling." She leads me out of my future and we go to the end of the hall.

"Sleep well honey." Amanda says before leaving. I don't even turn on the light, I just shut the door and lay down on the bed. It's only 9:00 now, but I'm to lazy to go back to my real room and change out of my real clothes.

I pull out my phone and log into my Twitter. I randomly check things.

Once it's 10:25 so I set my phone down on a bedside table, and slowly drift off to sleep.

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