Don't Let Me Forget

By sweet22boy88

11.1K 204 44


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

4.5K 27 6
By sweet22boy88

Chapter 1

   Tear drops fell down my face as I heard the screams that came from my heart. Love, this is what I have learned, and this is what I have lost. I had the love of my life standing right beside me, but he was taken away from me with one swift shot. How could someone take away the love of my life, my lover, my rock, my shoulder to cry on, my breath, my heart, my life. All of this was what I had waited for. I waited for so many years to have all the things that I wanted, but now it was all being taken from me. I could still feel his heartbeat when the EMTs showed up. I rode with him holding his hand on the way to the hospital.

All of a sudden, his heart stopped beating, and I had lost him. The EMT shocked his heart trying to get it to start beating again, but had no success. Suddenly, we arrived at the hospital, and then took him out of the ambulance and rushed him to a room. My heart just stopped for a moment. What a life of love to live, and then to lose it all.

Austin’s POV


I slowly opened my eyes. They were so heavy; it was like having ten pound weights on them. I looked around and noticed that there was a woman standing over me. With my vision blurry, I could not get a clear picture of her face. I kept blinking to try to clear my eyes from the fog that plagued my sight. “Mr. Kendal, can you hear me?” she asked. I looked at her, and could now see her face clearly. “Can you hear my voice,” she asked again.

“Yes, I can,” I groaned.

“Okay, I am going to call the doctor in here and let him know that you are awake,” she said while walking out of the room.

            “Doctor? What doctor,” I asked myself? I looked around the room and noticed that I was in the hospital. I looked as the door opened and the doctor walked in.

 “Nice to see that you are awake,” he said looking at me with a smile. “My name is Dr. Aaron Luck, but you can call me Aaron if you like.” I smiled and nodded.

“Do you remember anything?” he asked.

I tried to think back to remember, but I had no clue as to why I was here. “No, I have no clue,” I answered.

 “Do you remember your name?”

I looked at him for a moment thinking that was a silly question. “Yeah, it’s…” I paused. What is my name? Why could I not remember my name? Who am I? How old am I? Where did I come from? Where are my parents? Do I have parents? My mind was swarming with all of these questions, and I could not answer any of them.

I looked at him, with fear gathering with every passing second. I knew that he could see the fear in my eyes. He grabbed my hand and said with a soft voice, “It’s okay. I promise everything is okay.”

I could not help but to stare at him with tears welling up in my eyes. I knew that he said that everything would be okay, but how? How would everything be okay if I couldn’t remember anything? I couldn’t help but to cry as I put a hand to my head. ‘There is a bandage there,’ I thought to myself.  What the hell happened?

“Austin,” Aaron said while still holding my hand. “Look at me. Everything is okay. Do you feel up to talking about it?”

I finally stopped crying long enough to concentrate. “Yes. I want to know why I am here and why I cannot remember anything,” I said with a choking sob. “I have to know.” I stopped crying and looked at him. He held all the answers to my past. Well, some of them at least.

“Austin, I am going to have to run a few more tests, but I believe that you have ‘Post-traumatic Amnesia’. This is generally due to a head injury; like a fall, a knock on the head, or something of that nature. . The extent of the period covered by the amnesia is related to the degree of injury. From the looks of it, it might be a while before you start remembering anything.”

I looked at him with just a blank stare. I was trying to soak all of this in, but was just in shock. I sat there a moment in shock and awe. “I… I have so many questions. Can you give me any answers?” That is the only thing that could come out of mouth.

“I will try to answer any questions that I can,” he said calmly, still holding my hand.

I would have jerked it back by now, but it was the only thing that I had to comfort me right now. “What is my name?”

“Your name is Austin Kendal.”

“How old am I?”

“You are seventeen, and if I am not badly mistake,” he paused for a moment, looking at the clipboard, “your birthday is just a few months away.”

“Do I have parents?”

He smiled at me with a soft grin, “Yes you do. They took a quick trip home and said they would be back in just a few hours. It has been a long three days for them.”

“Do you know their names?”

“Your Dad’s name in Andrew and your mother’s name is Marie. You have a little sister, her name is Sadie.”

            I could not believe what was happening. I woke up in the hospital with no idea who I am or was. This was going to be hard.

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