Blue eyes are shining bright...

By robbiewazup

38.5K 385 373

Y/n Kaiba grew up in the lap of luxury. He had everything he could ever want except a loving family. During a... More

Welcome to Beacon- who am I?
Academies clash- dimension jumpers
Duel academy- questions need answers
True forms revealed!- blue eyes become saphires!
The rainbow that was stolen
Black and rainbow- dragon and the kitty
The good, the bad, and the knight-ly
Bad news...
Schemming and double crossing- Yubel defects
Tournament time- it all comes down to this!

Dark hole- the spell card to change everything

5.5K 51 51
By robbiewazup

You think I've got it all? Everyone thinks I've got it made, well how come my only friends are the ones I pay? That's my life summed up frankly. Hi, I'm Y/n Kaiba, yeah suprise, Seto Kaiba has a son... kinda. I'm a clone he created to give himself a real challenge now that the pharaoh isn't around anymore. Pathetic reason to live right? To be someone else's duelling partner. Yeah well that explains my clothes. A failed clone gets failed clothes. Tattered and torn like me.

Luckily I'm resourceful and as long as I remain useful to my father Seto then I get to live like a king. Or at least... I did. Right now I don't even know where I am. Except its very red around here. Like seriously every tree is red. Maybe we should start where this all began.

*2 days ago*
I had just returned from an espionage mission for Kaiba Corp. some other company was developing duel disks at a lower price and Seto didn't like that. He uses me as his personal assassin/enforcer. Striking from the shadows when needed and being up front with my fists when I have to. I stride into Seto's office and throw the broken prototype duel disk onto his desk.

As it makes contact with his wooden desk he looks up from his computer
Kaiba: "I assume you were successful?"

Y/n: "would I be here if I weren't father?"

Kaiba: "I suppose not. Well done Y/n, you might have just saved this company once again."

Y/n: "one thing you should be made aware of. This duel disk is unlike anything I've ever seen before. It seems to have another setting called assault mode."

Kaiba: "assault mode? You mean that company were making their prototype to do things other than play a card game? What madmen."

Y/n: "let me demonstrate." I pick up the duel disk from the table and secure it to my arm, the duel disk materialises a black shadowy sword as it activates its duel mode. "Holographic card placement. These guys were really ahead father. But this is the icing on the cake!" I flick the switch on the side from 'duel' to 'assault' and grab the hilt of the shadow blade and wield it in my right hand as the duel disk itself projects a large shield

Kaiba: "what? Weaponised duel disks? Most interesting... should I ask why there is a red stain on the central part?"

Y/n: "the company's CEO wouldn't give it up so I clocked him round the side of the head, he's fine... probably."

Kaiba: "I'll have my top scientist reverse engineer the duel disk to help the company, and while they're at it, i'll get them to fix this prototype up. You seem quite attached to it."

Y/n:  "well having an easily concealed sword and shield available at any time is a real game changer. Yes I would like the duel disk once you're done with it father."

Kaiba: "I'll make sure it's returned to you by tomorrow morning. 8 hours should be enough time for my engineers to figure out how it works, if not I'll fire them for being incompetent."

I deactivate the duel disk and place it on the desk, then turn around to leave.
Kaiba: "Y/n." I turn my head to look over my shoulder at him. "If I were you, I'd work on your deck too. 'Cause the best way to test anything is to duel with it. So tomorrow you and me will try out this new duel disk of yours."
I walk out and close the door behind me.


I'm sat in my room, my deck sprawled across the desk as I review my cards, removing some and adding a few new cards. What I didn't tell father was what else I found on my mission, it seems the company had some experimental cards which were to be given to father. Created by Maximilian Pegasus himself. I guess the duel disk would have been a gift to Kaiba corp too. Still he doesn't have to know that.

With these new cards in my extra deck, plus this legendary card I 'burrowed' from fathers personal vault I should run circles around him in our duel!

Of course when he finds out I took this card he'll be furious, but I don't care. Once the duel's over I'll have a distraction waiting for him so I can finally make my escape from this hellhole and gain my freedom. I would leave right away except security is tighter than ever now we have this stolen technology on site. So once the test is complete the security will relax and I can leave finally.

*knock* *knock* *knock*
Y/n: "who is it?"

Scientist: "sir, I have the duel disk for you. I was informed to return it to you once we had repaired it and reverse engineered it."

I quickly gather up my cards and hide my new ones before opening the door. The man hands me the duel disk, new cleaned and resprayed to remove and scuffs and dents, I place it on my arm and secure it sliding my deck into the slot
Y/n: "thank you. When is the duel between me and father?"

Scientist: "whenever you're ready sir, he'll be waiting for you on the training ground."

Y/n: "thank you. Inform my father that I'm coming for him in 5 minutes, and he'd better be prepared."

Scientist: "very well sir."
I shut the door and take a deep breath. It's time to earn my freedom.

*timeskip, Kaiba Corp duel arena*

I walk onto the battle field. Steeling my gaze directly into fathers eyes, not wavering for a moment as I shuffle me deck and place it back into my duel disk

Kaiba: "well look at you, you seem pretty determined! You think you have a chance to win this time?"

Y/n: "absolutely."

Kaiba: "and why would that be? Would it be because you snuck into my vault and stole my legendary dragon Critas from my vault?!"

Y/n: "well you weren't going to use it."

Kaiba: "fine, but done expect it to save you!"

Y/n: "put your cards where your mouth is old man! Lets duel"
We both activate our duel disks.

Y/n: "I'm going first!" I smirk as I look at my hand "I summon my King of dragons in attack mode!"

Kaiba: "impressive start... oh wait not it's not! You didn't even use its effect to bring a card to your hand."

Y/n: "what would be the point when I already have the one I need! I activate the flute of summoning dragons! I call forth the two blue eyes cards in my hand to the field!" Now I'm gonna show you something that'll really amaze you! I use my two level 8 blue eyes in order to XYZ summon... come forth THUNDER END DRAGON!

Y/n: "now I'm placing a card face down and I'll let you go."

Kaiba: "where did you get that card?!"

Y/n: "you're not the only one who has connections father. Pegasus says hello."

Kaiba: "whatever, it wont save you! I draw! Those monsters are indeed powerful but not if I use this! A new spell card called dimension dark hole! Now instead of your monsters being destroyed and sent to the graveyard, they're all banished! What a shame you wasted so much time to come up empty handed! HAHAHAHA!"

As the spell card begins to coalesce under my monsters, sucking in king of dragons and thunder dragon too, something happens... the dark hole spell card begins to pull me in too! I can feel myself being pulled down!

Y/n: "what the hell?!"

Kaiba: "what the?! Stop the duel!"

Scientist: "we have sir! This isn't a simulation!"

I'm struggling to move, I'm inching closer and closer into the event horizon of the dark hole! As thunder end dragon is sucked down, I feel something grab my leg and pull me down faster and faster!

Y/n: "father!"

Kaiba: "Y/N NO!"

... then I begin falling, falling through darkness for a moment until blinding sunlight cuts through the void, sunlight becomes a crimson red as my eyes adjust to an entirely red forest of large trees, then it hits me... I'm plummeting towards the ground and fast! I look around my surroundings as I continue to fall to the ground... my vision is suddenly impaired by a sudden flash of bright light and as my body hits the tree line... I black out

*timeskip- Ruby's POV*

We were in the forest of forever fall, another field trip to collect samples of plants... great. Blake and Weiss had gone off with team JNPR to search one of the larger areas while me and Yang were trekking towards a clearing in the tree line.

Yang: "ugh! This is so boring! Where are all the Grimm! Shouldn't this place be crawling with them? I wanna punch something!"

Ruby: "we're here to get plants Yang... but I guess you're right, I haven't even heard a bird call since we got here."

Yang: "*sniff* *sniff-sniff* Ruby, somethings burning."

Ruby: "I can smell it too... over there! That black smoke! Let's go!"

Yang: "finally some excitement!"

We start sprinting towards the plume of smoke in the distance, as we do team JNPR along with Weiss and Blake start running out of the forest in the same direction as us.

Jaune: "what the hell is that thing?"

Weiss: "whatever it is, can't be good."

Yang: "what are you talking about? It's just smoke"

Nora: "no! We saw something circling above the smoke! It looked like a dragon, but it had loads of electricity coming off of it! It was all like ZAP KZZZK CRACKLE!"

Ruby: "we didn't see anything like that."

Pyrrha: "well whatever is there, be ready, it might be a brand new Grimm type never seen before."

We all reach the edge of the smoke plume, and there's an enormous crater billowing smoke and ash.

Blake: "what could cause this amount of devastation?"

Jaune: "maybe that dragon?"

Yang: "guys... theres something in that crater look."
We all look to where she's pointing and at the bottom of the crater, perfectly pristine is a glowing white stone sunk about a foot into the crater.

Ruby: "what is it?"

Weiss: "a meteor?"

Blake: "I've never heard of a glowing white meteor."

Pyrrha: "is it moving?"
As we all keep staring into the crater, Yang is as impatient as always and jumps in, sliding down the steep embankment down towards the stone.

Ruby: "YANG! Careful, it could still be hot!"
We all watch Yang gingerly places a hand on it, she stares curiously at it and she seems to try and look inside it, then she recoils in shock and shouts back up to us

Yang: "go get professor Goodwitch now!"

Ruby: "why what's wrong?"

Yang: "someone's in there!"

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