Back in the Old Times

By Chat_noir987

76.8K 1.5K 3.8K

In present day (Y/N) didn't care about much. All that mattered was what party she was going to that night and... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Part 32

Chapter 1

8K 129 514
By Chat_noir987

"(Y/N) come on we're gonna be late!"

I looked out of my window and I saw my best friend Nikki waiting by her car. I hung out of my window and yelled down to her.

"I'm coming let me finish getting ready."

She rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Girl you said that ten minutes ago!"

I laugh at my friend and I shut my window. I walked to my closet and I picked out my favorite outfit. I picked out a pair of tight dark blue skinny jeans that hugged my legs. Then I pulled out a (f/c) crop top that hugged my body tightly. What can I say, this was my favorite outfit because it showed my flat and toned stomach that I worked really hard to get. So, of course, I was going to take every chance I could to show it off. Then I slipped on a pair of thigh-high black heeled boots.

I let my hair flow freely and I finished touching up my makeup. I heard Nikki blow the horn of her car again and I laughed to myself.

I grabbed my purse and lip gloss and then I ran down the stairs. I was almost to the front door when I heard my mother behind me.

"Really? You're going out to another party, and looking like that?"

I looked down at my appearance. There was nothing wrong with the way I looked. Sure I was exposing some skin but that shouldn't be a problem.

"Um, yea I'm going out with Nikki. Plus there is nothing wrong with my outfit."

She walked towards me and I stayed in my place. "(Y/N) I worry about you. I never raised you like this. Please stay home tonight and stay with me. You are all that I have left. Your father took almost everything away after the divorce."

She had tears in her eyes and Nikki kept blowing the car horn.

"Mom I can't stay. I have to go, I promise next weekend I'll stay home though."

I gave her a quick hug and ran out of the door. I barely gave her time to talk because I was out of there so fast. She didn't even get to tell me that she loved me.

I ran down the driveway and I basically jumped into Nikki's red-hot convertible. She looked at me up and down.

"Now I see what took you so long. And girl it was worth the wait, you look hot!"

I laughed at her and I punched her shoulder, "you have a boyfriend so shut up."

Then she pulled out of her driveway and started to drive down the New York streets. We were on the road for almost half an hour and I was growing impatient.

"Nikki how much longer..."

I whined like a child and she rolled her eyes.

"Child calm down. You'll get your alcohol in like five minutes."

I laid back into the seat and I looked around. There were big houses, or should I say mansions everywhere. Then Nikki turned the corner and eventually pulled up to the biggest mansion on the block.

The party only started ten minutes ago and there was already a huge mess. There was furniture on the front lawn, windows were broken, and alcohol everywhere. I was in heaven!

"Nikki I don't want to know who you had to kill for us to get in this party but I love you."

She laughed and we both got out of the car.

"I didn't have to kill anyone and it's my boyfriend's best friends party. So I was able to bring you as a plus one. Now go and party my child!"

"Sure thing!"

I ran off and instantly went to the drink table. Listen I don't have a problem, it's just being drunk is more fun than being sober. I scanned the table and I found the bottle of vodka. I grabbed a red plastic cup and I filled it halfway.

I took a quick drink and I felt the liquid go down my throat. I haven't had any alcoholic drink in a while because I was grounded and couldn't leave my room. Well, that's what I get for sneaking out.

Then I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around and it was Nikki. She led me to the dance floor and we stayed there for hours. Every now and then I would go back to refill my cup so that I could get more drunk.

At the rate I was drinking I was going to end up wasted and probably passing out before I even got back to the car. My reality soon started to slip away and I was acting crazy.

My vision was blurry and I lost Nikki in the crowd. I could hear her yell my name but I couldn't spot her anywhere. I then felt someone wrap an arm around my waist.

"Hey there. Are you lost?"

I looked up and it was a super hot guy. He was tall and had short dirty blonde hair. His eyes were the bluest I've ever seen and his smile...perfect!

"H-Heyy I-I'm not that lost. I just, I just need to find my friend."

He laughed at me trying to look around and point her out.

"Are you drunk?"

I giggled, "ya, ya maybe a littttle..."

"Come on let's get you some water."

I pushed myself away from him, "No. I'm fine being like this. It's more fun anyway."

Then out of nowhere Nikki comes running up to the random guy.

"Lucas did you see a girl about (height), (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair, and probably f*cking drunk right now."

He laughed and pointed at me. "You mean this girl right here?"

Nikki didn't even reply she just ran to me and tackled me in a hug. "Okay missy it's almost three in the morning. You've had enough to drink. Plus it's time to get you home."

She took the plastic cup from my hand and I whined. "Noooo, I don't wanna go Nikki. I wanna stay and party."

"(Y/N) that's all we've been doing and right now I'm cutting you off. Come on let's go."

She looked over at Lucas and told him goodbye and I did the same. She was dragging me by my wrist and I just tried to keep up. We were almost near the car and all of a sudden I felt my stomach turn and I felt something in my throat.

I pulled away from Nikki and I ran towards a bush that was close to me. I leaned over and I spilled whatever I drank that night into the bush. Nikki walked up behind me and slowly rubbed circles on my back to comfort me.

Once I was completely empty, I walked back to the car with Nikki and was ready to go home. I didn't buckle my seatbelt because I didn't want to be bothered by it right now. All I wanted to do was sleep for a million years.

Nikki started her car and she began to drive fast down the street. I felt the cool air on my face as she drove. I looked over at her and her eyes were full of tears.

"Nikki what's wrong?"

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked forward. " nothing (Y/N)."

"Nikki I can tell when you're lying. I mean you wouldn't cry for no reason."

"Heh... you know me too well. But I got dumped."

I sat straight up in my seat. "What! That stupid son of a b-"

Nikki used one of her hands to push me back down into the seat.

"(Y/N) it's okay."

I didn't fight back with her. If she said something was okay she didn't want to talk about it anymore. So I just sat there in silence. I heard her murmuring things to herself.

"I can't believe he did this to me. I should have been better."

I still didn't speak up. I just faced towards the outside world and felt the cold wind. I noticed that we were going faster and I looked over to see Nikki holding the wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white. I started to get a little worried but with some of the alcohol still in my system, I couldn't seem to care.

"Hey, Nikki we're going a little fast."

She didn't respond. She just pushed the gas pedal down further. We were now on a busy road and there was a big chance we would die if she didn't slow down. There was an intersection coming closer and Nikki still wouldn't snap out of her anger.

The light turned red and she didn't stop. The car rolled out to the middle of the intersection, but it didn't make it passed the light. Before we could make it to the other side a semi truck drove forward and crashed into the side of the car I was sitting in. I felt the impact on my side and I blacked out.

I flutter my eyes slightly open and I try to look at my surroundings. I was in the middle of the road surrounded by glass. I let my eyes scan more of the area and I see Nikki sitting near an ambulance. She was covering herself with a blanket while she was getting bandages out on her head.

My eyes move to the right and I saw where I was flown from. Nikki's red convertible was nothing but scrap metal now. The semi completely crushed the car and the windshield had a hole through it. And looking at the glass around me, I'm guessing I was thrown through it.

I try to push myself up but I have no strength at all. The police and paramedics see me struggling and they run to my side yelling, 'She's alive!"

Within seconds I had people surrounding me. I was lifted onto a stretcher and an oxygen mask was forced onto my face. Someone on my left was trying to clean up the blood on my body and the person on my right was keeping the oxygen mask on my face. Then the person at the end of the stretcher was pushing me towards the ambulance. I then heard my name being called.


I turn my head slightly and I see Nikki running towards me. The paramedics kept trying to push her away because they said I was dying and I needed help. I kept hearing her scream out to me.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry please forgive me! I'll be at the hospital to see you! I'm going to go get your mom! Please stay alive!"

I was pushed inside the ambulance and the paramedics were doing their best to keep my eyes open. Although it wasn't working, my eyes were getting heavier and heavier with each moment passing.

"We're losing her."

I heard those words over and over again. I didn't want to die but I just wanted to close my eyes and rest. So I did just that. I slowly closed my eyes and began to rest.

I was then blinded by a bright white light. My eyes shot open and I wasn't in the ambulance anymore. I looked around and I was in a white room with all white furniture. I looked down at myself and I was laying on the ground in a long white silky gown.

I pushed myself up so that I was no longer on the floor and I rushed to the nearest mirror I could find. I wasn't bleeding, I didn't have any blood on me, any cuts or any bruise that I got in the crash was gone. I took a closer look at my face and I could tell I was different.

Instead of my heavy dramatic makeup, I had barely any makeup on and I looked natural. My hair was longer than usual and it wasn't full of hair products. I was natural and honestly, it was kinda weird.

I walked around the room looking at the furniture. I was in an office type room. Although I was all alone and I didn't know where to go.

Then the chair that sat in front of the desk started to turn on its own. I hid behind a chair and I watched as a figure made of light came into view. I shielded my eyes from the light and I walked slowly towards the figure.

"Excuse me, where am I?"

No answer.

"Hello? Do you understand me? Can you speak English?"

Still no answer.

I sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk. I saw as the figure started to write something down. I waved my hand in front of his or her face and they paid no attention to my actions.

"Can you please help me?"

They didn't answer. The figure just signed the bottom of a paper and handed it to me. I took it from its hands and there was nothing on the paper. What is happening?

I look back up at the figure and I see that it's a woman. "Be careful (Y/N)."

She gave me the kindest smile I've ever seen in my life. I returned the smile and then I stood from my chair to walk away. Although I was trapped in my place. I look down and I see that darkness was engulfing me. I tried to pry myself from it but nothing would work. The darkness engulfed me completely and I shut my eyes right to escape whatever I was going to see.

I kept my eyes closed until I felt something poking my shoulder. I opened one of my eyes to see a girl in a very uncomfortable looking yellow dress.

"Miss are you okay?"

Then a woman in a blue dress came running next to the girl.

"Peggy you cannot go running away from me like that."

She turned to look at her and she had a wide smile on her face. "But Eliza look I found a woman."

The woman named Eliza looked at me and her eyes soon filled with pity. I looked down at myself and seen that my white silky gown from the mysterious room was ripped and dirty.

Eliza put her hand out and I took it. She helped me up and she began to talk softly.

"I am Elizabeth Schuyler, but you can call me Eliza, and this is my sister Peggy Schuyler. Do you remember anything, do you need help?"

I thought really hard and I remembered everything. The car accident, the ambulance, the weird light figure, everything. Was I dead? Where am I, more importantly, when am I? This kind of fashion hasn't existed for over two hundred years.

"I do remember, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). But more importantly where am I and what year is it?"

Peggy walked up to me and examined my features, "Well we are in New York City. Also known as the greatest city in the world. Plus it's 1776. How did forget the year?"

I had to think of an excuse, "I guess I bumped my head just a little bit and forgot the year."

The sisters laughed and they helped me walk on my own for a few minutes. We continued to walk until we heard someone call for the sisters.

"Eliza, Peggy!"

Both of the sisters turned around and ran towards the mysterious voice and screamed, "Angelica!"

They shared a hug and then Peggy walked over to me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the woman in peach.

"Angelica this is (Y/N). I found her in an alley passed out and Eliza and I decided to help her."

Angelica looked down at me, "Are you okay (Y/N)?"

I nodded my head and she looked at my dress. She looked back up to me, "I think your dress could say otherwise."

All four of us laughed and Angelica then offered to buy me a dress at a nearby shop.

"Oh no, Angelica you can't do that. You don't even know me."

"(Y/N) it's okay. We have money to spare."

I sighed and allowed her to buy me a dress because I knew I wouldn't win against her. So Peggy linked her arm with mine and we began to walk down the busy streets to the dress shop.

Word count: 2774

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