Café Red (Ziall)

De MusicIsSanity

37.4K 2.3K 220

He sees him everyday and he has him memorized like his favorite everything. Mais

Good Grief

Once upon a time...

3.9K 198 9
De MusicIsSanity

Author's Note: So, here is the first chapter. As mentioned in the prologue, each chapter will be short and pretty straightforward, kind of. I hope you all enjoy :-)

One month earlier.

                    Like every tale, Niall's had a beginning; one that consisted of being awaken by his annoying roommate too early in the morning; and one that didn't come with hummingbirds that sung in beautiful key. He was tired, having stayed up late the previous night; and the ache within his throat made him feel a little uneasy. It was another day of regretting he had ever moved out of his parents', but the damaged was done. He wanted to be independent and have a sense of freedom, though his current situation wasn't exactly something to brag about. If it wasn't the cold, leftover pizza from the other night or the toilet getting clogged up, it was that god forsaken crack appearing like some sort of monument on his bedroom wall. Niall had convinced himself that he was cursed, being punished for all those times he forgot to feed Kitty and suffered even more severe consequences for not having such a unique name for his kitten. He blamed his parents for bringing him into a world without a talent or the creativity to come up with one. He was a bore; plain ol', boring Niall Horan. He groaned, the sound of his roommate's music impacting his eardrums quite loudly. His pillow wasn't enough to block out Liam's inability to sing within great pitch. Then again, Niall could only blame himself for the day he ever thought it was such a great idea to put up those flyers, asking for a roommate that was financially stable. Liam was, but mentally wise, he wasn't. The music became overbearing, Liam showing no signs of caring if it awoke everyone within the apartment building. Feeling fed-up, like every morning, Niall tossed the duvet off of himself aggressively, and then stormed out of his bedroom in search of the nuisance. "Liam!" He called, Irish accent thick and laced with exhaustion and irritation. He couldn't grow accustom to his living conditions no matter how long he and Liam had been living together. He had an inkling that, that was the reason they had never genuinely bonded or built a friendship. So, when Niall said roommate, that was the beginning and the end. The blond, all five-feet and angry, snatched the radio's plug from the power outlet, causing a oblivious Liam to storm out of the kitchen; flustered; maybe a little apologetic.

                    An hour later, Niall trudged down the stairs of the apartment's entrance, unlocking his bike from the chain's confinement before hopping on and heading off. His hair swayed in the wind, his smile went on a mile long. Today would be the beginning of his first day at his new job - the last one being more of a pain in his ass than Liam; and that was saying a mouth full. It was a café, painted red on the outside, on the corner of sixth avenue. It had just opened less than a month ago, but quickly became an overnight sensation and one of Niall's favorite places to get away to and enjoy a peace of mind. Liam teased Niall, not being able to comprehend why the blond would choose that place as an employer, of all places; but Niall found it to be special. He hopped off of his bike, quickly guiding it to the bike rack.

                    "So, this is the blender. It's used for iced drinks, shakes, and smoothies only. We have the coffee machine right behind the counter. Make sure water is boiling at all times because it is sort of a big deal, and we try to get everyone's orders to them as quickly as possible. Condiments are on the table over there," the curly-haired boy pointed, "so the guests can just help themselves." Harry was his name; tall; husky tone; may look intimidating, but soft as a sweater. He was the manager during the morning shift; the one that told Niall he had potential during his interview. That compliment stuck with Niall all the way home, until Liam reminded him that it didn't take "potential" to spread some creme on a bagel. "Oh, and we do have some people who like to take more sugar and cream than necessary. I know it's free, but I find it absolutely greedy. So, be prepared to refill the condiments every hour or so." Niall nodded, trying to process everything. He quickly trailed behind Harry, trying not to step on the man's toes as well as trip over his own feet. "Usually, there's like three people working the same shift, but it's just you and I today. So, you may need to work at the register," Harry informed him. "I take it your good with math?"

                    "Y-yeah," Niall exhaled, feeling flustered and overwhelmed.

                    "Good . . . because I'm not. Ooh, a customer's here, have fun!" With those words of encouragement, or lack there of, Niall found himself at the register alone. The bell chimed and in walked a gentleman. Niall found himself stunned because, well, the man was stunning in all aspects of physicality. His trench coat was dark, but his eyes were lighter in contrast; and he had a brief case, making him appear important; and there Niall was, working the cashier of some fast food sort of place. The odds were stacked against him from the very beginning; however, he held it in, allowing that facade to come up for just a second. The man approached the counter, crooked smile and a relaxed physique.

                    "Hi, I'll take the plain bagel and a hot chocolate please - two marshmallows."

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