Eyes of Silver [A gay werewol...

By maxy_bax13

178K 6.4K 584

Luke is strong, lean, and handsome. His brown hair is soft and neat, his silver eyes glisten in the light of... More

Tomorrow at Six
His Eyes
Not Hungry
A Story to Tell
The Fire: part 1
The Fire: part 2
New Home
Finally Hungry
Hidden Talents
He's a WHAT!?
As Long As I'm With You
New Clothes!
A Night to Remember
Breathing Heavily (smut)
Wake Up
We Have Company
Stay Quiet (smut)
She's Back pt.1
She's Back pt.2
I'll Be Strong, For You
The Torture Begins
Welcome to Hell
This War Ends Now
Happy Anniversary (Epilogue)

What Is Your Problem?!

3.7K 153 1
By maxy_bax13

Grab your popcorn!


   Luke and I stand in the kitchen. I'm guessing Joseph is still asleep cause he hasn't come down this morning. I really hope Joseph didn't hear us last night, or else, I have a feeling, that I'm gonna be on more than just his bad side.
   Luke is pouring a glass of orange juice as I lean against the counter next to him. "Luke, can I tell you something?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. "Of course, BenBen." He says, taking a drink of his juice. "My ass hurts." I say, only half joking. I say it as I joke, but my ass really is a bit sore. Luke quickly turns around and spits his juice out into the sink and laughs hysterically. He sets his glass down on the counter and wipes his mouth off, trying to catch his breath. "Well, I hope it was enjoyable." He says, looking down at me. I walk up to him and kiss his cheek. "Very." I say.
   I kiss his lips once, then twice, then our lips attach and we begin to
make-out in the kitchen. Luke pulls me closer into his arms grip and I wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up and sets me on the couter as we continue to share a long, romantic embrace.
   We make-out for a while longer before we hear footsteps enter the kitchen. "Well, ain't that just sweet." Joseph says, leaning in the doorway of the kitchen. Luke smiles at his brother and sets me back down on the floor. "Good morning, brother. Did you have a good night sleep?" Luke asks Joseph. "Oh, yes. That bed is quite comfortable, although it did have a funny smell to it. It smelt like a...human." Joseph says, soon looking at me.
   I decide to speak since it's clear nobody else is, unless it's another complaint. "Oh, I used to sleep in that bed." I say. Joseph looks at me and raises an eyebrow. It's suddenly clear that I'm apparently not welcome to speak, so I nod and turn around to find something to distract myself so I don't have to be apart of any conversation, since I'm clearly not welcome when ever Joseph is around.
   Joseph is starting to get on my nerves, and he's only been here for a night.
   "And, I must say," Joseph begins, "That was some pretty loud creaking I heard last night." Joseph states. I suddenly go stiff and I don't move from his words. I just stay in my spot and decide to listen.
   I hear Luke turn towards Joseph. "Oh, yeah. I was...checking on the bed frame. It's been feeling pretty unsturdy." Luke says. Good save. I peak over at Joseph, who nods and walks over to Luke and places his hands on his shoulder. Joseph puts his lips close to his ear and whispers something that I can't hear. He glances at me and smiles before walking away from Luke. "I'm going to go get some fresh air. The smell if Human is all over this place." Joseph says walking towards the door. He looks back at me and glares before walking out and closing the door, and suddenly, I've had enough of this bullshit.
   I storm out if the kitchen. "Ben, wait." Luke says, trying to stop me with no prevail. I storm out and slam the front door. Joseph is walking into the woods and I try and catch up to him, and I finally do. "What the hell is your problem?!" I say frustrated. He turns around to face me. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about." He says, making me more angry. "Cut the shit. I know you don't like me, why?" I say.
   He smirks. "Like I just said, I don't know what you're talking about." He says smirking. He turns around and begins walking again, and I follow. "Oh C'mon. The looks, the glares, the not talking to me, the not letting me talk, the pretending I don't exist, that all gives the vibe the you definitely don't like me." I say. He quickly turns around and I see that his facial expression is as frustrated as mine. "Fine! Then I don't like you!" He yells. "Why?!" I yell back. He startes walking closer to me with an agnry expression and fast pace. I begin to walk backward, away from him out of fear and I trip and fall on my ass. "Because you are a human." He says, puting a finger in my face. "Not only are you human," He starts, "You are a male, and a male mating with my brother at that. It's unnatural." He says in between his teeth.
   I thought he was going to rip my head off before he turns away and continues walking. I finally get the strength to get up. "It was his choice, you know. Plus, your mother was human too once." I say. I say that and before I know it, his hands are at my neck and choking me as my feet are off the ground and I'm pinned to a tree. I grip at his hands, trying to pull them off, but they don't budge. "You dare talk about our mother." He says in an angry, deep voice. I then look into his eyes, only there are no silver irises, his eyes are pitch black. Black as night. It was almost as if he was under some sort of...spell.
   I begin to claw and dig my nails into this hands, drawing blood, but they still don't budge. My lungs begin to lose air and my vision goes darker as he squeezes tighter. "I might as well kill you right now. It'll do Luke a favor." He says. My heart beats fast in my chest and my lungs lose more air.
   My vision is about to go totally black until Luke comes by and punches Joseph in the side of his face, making him fall to the ground and releasing me from his grip. I fall to the ground and choke as I let air back into my body. I weeze as I try to breathe.
I look towards Luke who is now on top of Joseph, holding him down. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Luke shouts. My vision is still fuzzy and I feel dizzy. When I try to get up, I loose balance and fall back down to my knees. "I was doing you a favor." Joseph responds, soon pinning Luke to the ground and choking him.
   My vision soon comes back to me and I see whats happening. "Joseph! STOP!" I say, but he doesn't budge. I grab a rock and wack Joseph in the head. Joseph stops choking Luke and falls to the side, unconscious. Luke sits up and lets air back into his system, choking and coughing just as I did. "Luke, Are you okay?" I say, placing my hands on face. "Yes, I'm fine." He says, coughing between words. His head shoots up at me and places his hands on my face, looking around for any wounds or scratches. "What about you?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He says frantically. "Luke," I begin, stopping him, "I'm fine." I say.
   He stares into my eyes and then pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him back. He kisses my forehead and continues to hug me. We look down at Joseph, who is still unconscious and lying on the ground. "What do we do with him?" I ask. "Let's bring him back inside the cabin, and I'll have a long talk with him." He says, angrily. "Luke, I don't think he was doing this on purpose." I say. Luke looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" He asks. "His eyes were...black, like...all black, as if he was possessed or something." I say.
   Luke looks out into the distance of the forest. "Luke, something really bad is happening, and...I'm scared." I say. Luke kisses my forehead. "Don't worry, we'll be okay. I'll keep you safe." He says. He tightly hugs me as we stare down at his unconscious brother. I feel safe in his arms.
   Finally we decide it's time go back to the house. I help Luke try and carry Joseph back, when suddenly as we're walking back, an arrow shoots right past our faces and stabs into a tree. "Ben, we have to run." He says, not taking his eyes off the arrow. He looks at me and notices that I'm not moving, because I'm paralyzed with fear and shock. "Ben, run!" He yells. I snap out of my paralyzed state. Luke and I start to run faster, carrying Joseph with us.
   Soon another arrow is shot and we have to run to faster. The cabin in our sights. We're almost there. We're so close.


This getting so good! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll be updating soon!

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