Between 2 Hearts [Goldie X Fr...

By Uncooked_Ham

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(This story does NOT contain ANYTHING from the real game. The past in the game doesn't exist in this story. E... More

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 1
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 2
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 3
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 5
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 6
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 7
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 8
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 9
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 10
Bewteen Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 11

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 4

774 10 17
By Uncooked_Ham

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



I woke up to my alarm again. I leaned over and turned it off. I rolled back to where I was before and opened my eyes a bit. I seen freddy still sleeping. I gave a soft smile at him and put my hand on his. I lost my smile and took my hand off of his. I sighed and sat up in my bed. I looked over and looked at my bag. I rubbed my head and groaned quietly. 'I really don't want to go to class with Charlotte again. After what happened yesterday.. I couldn't.. I wonder if I could switch classes..' I thought to myself. I looked at my clock and it was 7:00am. I turned my body a bit and put a hand on Freddys side. I shook him gently. "Freddy.. Freddy wake up.." I told him. He groaned and opened an eye half way. "It's time to get up." I told him. He moaned quietly and rubbed his eyes a bit. "Heh get up sleepy. I have to as well." I told him. He grinned and sat up. "Are you gonna tell your teacher about Charlotte or what?" He asked me. "Um.. I was thinking about trying to switch classes.. but tell my Councelor what happened." I told him. "Good idea." He replied. We both got up off my bed and got our stuff ready.
We went to the kitchen and had breakfast.

We soon finished everything and headed to the front door. I grabbed my keys off the key holder and opened the front door. "Have a good day at school guys." I heard my dad say. I looked to the side of me at him and turned my head away quickly. I rushed out the front door completely leaving Freddy. I walked to the car and unlocked it. I got in and put the key in the ignition. I looked over at freddy as he walked to the car. He opens the door and got in. "What was that?" He asked. "What was what?" I asked. "You never ignore your dad.. what's wrong?" He asked. I sighed and buckled myself in as he did as well. We both shut our doors as well as I started the car. "It's no big deal.." I replied as I backed out of the driveway. I heard him sigh and just stay silent. I drive down the roads just staying quiet. Radio was off, freddy was just looking out the window. I looked in the rear view mirror for a second and back at the road. 'Come on goldie.. you have to tell him one day..' I thought to myself. I looked over at him real quick and back at the road. I stopped at a red light and waited for the cars to pass by. I tapped my finger on the steering wheel as I waited impatiently. "Um.. Freddy?" I asked. "Hm?" He did. I sighed. "I.. I have something else to tell you.. but.. I don't know if I can.. I know you won't want to be my friend anymore.." I told him sadly. "What do you mean Goldie? What could possibly ruin our friendship?" He asked. I stayed quiet and shook my head. I pushed on the pedal again and drove away.

We reached the school and I parked the car in a stall. I turned it off and sat there for a second. "Goldie?" Freddy said my name. I looked at him. "There is nothing you can say that'll make me dislike or hate you. You're my best friend and like a brother to me. You know I love you and wouldn't do anything or say anything to hurt you. You can trust me. Okay?" He told me sweetly. I looked away slowly. "Let's go.. we're gonna be late." I told him. "No we're not. Come on." He said as he got out. I got out as well and grabbed my bag from the back. We both shut the doors and I locked them. "Come with me." He said as he grabbed my arm and made me follow him.
He took me to the office building and took me to my Councelor. We stopped and stood outside the door. I looked at him. "You're gonna Tell her what happened yesterday. Okay?" He told me. I lowered my ears and nodded. "Goldie?" I heard her say my name. "Go..!" He motioned me in. I sighed and walked in. "Sit." She told me. I did.
"What can I help you with today?" She asked me. "Um.. I wanted to see if I couldn't switch classes.." I told her. "What's the reason?" She asked. "Um.. my.. partner came over to my house yesterday after school to do a project with me and.. she tried forcing sexual actions on me.." I told her embarrassed. "What?? What's this students name?" She asked. "Um.. Charlotte.. I forget her last name." "What class do you have with her?" "US government.." I replied. She looked around on her computer. "Aha. Found her. I'm gonna give her first period teacher a call." She told me. I nodded.


"Hello? Mr. Conway? It's Mrs. Perry. I'm so sorry to interrupt your class time but I would you please send Charlotte Hunt to my office please? Okay. Okay thank you."

She hung up the phone and looked at me. "Um.. what do I do?" I asked. "Stay seated. Now. Sweetie what is your name again? Full name." She asked me. "Golden Freddy.." I replied. "Okay thank you hun." I nodded. I set my bag down beside me and rested my head on my hands. "Oh wow." She said shocked. I looked up at her with my eyes. "You have almost perfect grades. You have a GPA of 3.87 in your last three years. Oh wow. You had a 4.2 your freshman year. Good job Goldie. I'm proud of you for working so hard." She told me. I grinned at her. I lost it quickly when my eyes filled with tears. I looked down at the floor and felt my tears fall. "Goldie?" She asked my name. I accidentally let out a quiet sob. I covered my mouth trying to hide it. I heard her get out of her chair and walk to me. She grabbed my bag and put a arm around my back. "Come on sweetie. Let's go talk somewhere more private." She told me and made me stand up. She reached over and grabbed a couple tissues and handed them to me. I took them and wiped my eyes. She lead me out into the hallway and walked me down it. We stopped as she peaked into another counselors room. "Hey keep an eye out for Charlotte Hunt for me. I need to take this young man to a private room." She told him. "What's happening?" He asked as he stood up. "She tried to force sexual actions on him." He opened his eyes widely. "I'll be glad to deal with her. Yes take him to a room alone. I'll come check up on him in a minute." He told her. She nodded and made me follow her again. "Right this way hun." She lead me to a door and opened it. "I'll be right back okay? Do you want me to call your friend you was with earlier?" She asked me. "Um.. no.. it's fine.." I told her. "Okay. I'll be back in 5 minutes." She said and shut the door. I looked around the room and it was pretty blank. Except for a table and a few chairs. "Why do you have to be so emotional Goldie.. you've been this way your entire life.." I told myself quietly.

I jumped when I heard the door open again. "So sorry to bother you Goldie but I wanna ask you s few questions. Is that okay?" That male counselor came in and asked. He had Charlotte with him as well. "Um.. okay.." I replied. He came in and sat her down. He sat next to her across from me. "I don't know why we are doing this. We are both 18. It's not like it's illegal." She told him. "It is when you force someone to do that. If they aren't accepting of it or want it, it is illegal. Also known as rape." He told her. "I don't care if he's a male. Females do it to. Not as common but it can happen. And you basically proclaimed rape on this young man." He spoke loudly to her. "But I didn't do anything to him physically." She told him. "Goldie. What did she do to you?" He asked me. "Don't be shy or nervous." He said once again. "She kept getting on my lap and getting really close to me. She didn't do anything exactly but-" "it doesn't matter. If she did something physical or if she tried. It's the same thing. I will not allow this in my school." He told her and slammed his hand down on the table. I looked behind me when my counselor came in. "Goldie can we please call the young man you was with earlier? Was he one of the witnesses?" She asked me. "Kinda yeah. He wasn't there but.." "I'm still calling him. What's his name?" She asked. "Freddy Fazbear." I told her. She nodded and walked out.

"Now! What you did was wrong and unforgivable. Once again, I don't care if he's a male or 18. If he didn't want it, especially if you aren't his girlfriend and he doesn't know you, it's considered rape." He told her. She crossed her arms and just looked at him. "That's not possible. It's the other way around sir." She told him. "No. It's more rare but it happens to males as well." He told her. "Let's just wait till his friend gets here." He told us. "Why? He wasn't even there." "I'm pretty sure he knows more about this young man then me and you combined. I feel like we can trust him." He told her.
We waited in silence till freddy and my Councelor came back. Didn't take too long till they arrived. They came in and the Councelor shut the door behind them. "Sit down freddy." The other counselor told him. He sat next to me and looked around. "Um.. why am I here?" Freddy asked. "Freddy. Is it true that Charlotte performed sexual actions on goldie?" He asked him. "Um.. well.. I would say yes cause I came to his house yesterday and he was crying. His dad told me that he was really upset for some reason so I came as quick as I could. And that's when I found him crying on the floor.." he told them. The counselor looked at Charlotte. "You know what. You're expelled." He told her. "What?!" She yelled. "Yep. I'm not dealing with this. You're lucky I don't call the police." He told her. "No! This is nonsense! I'm getting expelled cause of a stupid idiot?! A dork that didn't want to do anything?!" "If I was you, I'd point those words to someone who deserves them. And that someone is you." He told her. 'Damn..' I thought. "Let's go." He told her and stood up. "No! I'm not going! I've worked so hard to get to where I am now! You can't just expel me because of this! This is Goldie's fault!" I perked my ears. "It's not Goldie's fault! He's not the one that tried to have sex with you without your permission!" Freddy yelled at her and stood up. The counselor grabbed her arm and pulled her out. "You'll pay for this goldie! I don't even know why we are doing this! Did you tell everyone that your freaking gay?! Huh! Maybe that'll change everything!" She yelled as he shut the door and pulled her out. I felt my heart start to pound. I looked at Freddy with my eyes. He just sat down slowly. "Goldie?" He asked. "I'll leave you two alone.." my counselor told us and walked out. I looked at him slowly. "Y- you're gay..?" He asked softly. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Is.. this what you wanted to tell me?" He asked. I nodded sadly. I lowered my head and looked the other direction. I felt him grab my hand and hold it. "Goldie you should have told me.. what had made you think it'd ruin our friendship..?" He asked. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'm going to class now.." I told him. "What? Why? Goldie we need to talk about this.." he told me. I quickly turned around and walked to the door. I felt him grab my shoulder and turn me around. I looked at him quickly. "There's nothing to be discussed! Leave me alone freddy!" I yelled and ran out of the room and slammed the door shut.


I walked slowly to where we all hang out. I soon turned the corner to the area. I seen everyone there. Freddy was just taking to Chica and foxy. I took a deep breath and walked to them. Freddy looked at me sadly. "Are you Okay Goldie?" Chica asked me. I nodded as I set next to her. I looked at all of them and then at the ground. "Do you want me to get you something to eat goldie?" Foxy asked. I shook my head. "I'm not hungry.. but thank you foxy.." I replied. I looked over with my eyes when I seen freddy handing me an apple. I looked up at him. "Eat. I know you're hungry.." He told me. I took it from him and just held it. "Eat it goldie.. your hand isn't the one that's hungry." He told me. I set it down on the bench beside me. I covered my eyes with my hands once again. "Goldie?" I heard Chica asked. I felt someone grab my arms and pull them down. I looked up and seen Freddy on his knee looking at me. "Goldie I know somethings bugging you. Please tell me what it is.." he said softly. "Did you tell Chica and foxy already?" I asked. "Tell them what?" He asked. "That I'm.. gay.." I told him quietly. "Oh.. no I didn't. Do you want me to?" He asked. I just looked at him. "Um.. I have something to tell you guys." He told Chica and foxy. "What is it lad?" Foxy asked. "Um.. Goldie's.. Gay.." He told them. "What? You are?" Chica asked and looked at me. I looked at her and nodded. "Aw goldie. Do you have a crush on anybody?" She asked. I blushed and nodded a bit. "Who lad? It's okay.. you can tell us." Foxy told me. "I.. I can't.." I replied and turned my head back to the front. Freddy was still on a knee in front of me. I looked at him with my eyes. He put a hand under my chin and lifted my head up. He gave me a sad look and lowered his ears a bit. "Do we know this person?" He asked. I hesitated but nodded. "How well Goldie?" Foxy asked. "Very well.." I replied. "Is He in our view?" Freddy asked. I nodded. They looked around a bit. "How far away is he? How many feet do you think?" He asked. "Mm.. like.. one.." I replied and looked at him. He looked down at the ground and thought for a moment. He gasped and perked his ears a bit and opened his eyes widely. He looked at me as I looked down at the ground again. He put his hand under my chin again and lifted my head up again. I looked him In The eyes as he looked into mine. He leaned forward a bit and kissed my cheek. My heart literally skipped a beat. I leaned back quickly and let my mouth hang open in shock. He blushed and smiled at me. "Awwww! That's so sweet!" Chica said. Freddy grabbed my hand and stood up. He took a step by me and sat next to me. He put the back of his fingers by my ear and ran them gently down my cheek. "I've always liked you too goldie.. more then just friends.. but I was always so scared you'd say no.." he told me softly. I couldn't even breathe anymore. "Well go on goldie! This is your chance!" I heard foxy say. I slowly rose my hands up and set them on his shoulders. He put his on my waist. I lowered my ears and closed my mouth. He lowered his as well. We both leaned closer together and slowly closed our eyes. We both met and went into a deep kiss. I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders more as he wrapped his arms around me more as well. "Daww!" I heard Chica do. I even heard other voices say that as well. We slowly broke the kiss and looked at each other. I jumped and hugged Freddy tighter when I heard some people clapping and cheering. Freddy did to. We looked around and was honestly amazed so many students and even some staff was so for this. I blushed and smiled a bit. I looked at Freddy again and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine and just held me close.
We both let go when the bell rung. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and kissed my cheek. We both stood up and grabbed our bags. "Okay lovebirds. Let's get to class now." Chica said to us. I blushed and kissed his cheek before leaving. "I'll see you later Goldie. did you want me to come over again today?" He asked me. "Of course. Did you want to ride home with me?" I asked. He nodded. We both turned around and walked to our classes.


I just waited in my car again. I picked out a song once more and set the iPod down. I looked up and seen Freddy walking here. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He reached the car and opened the door. He got in and shut the door. He set his bag in the floorboard and buckled himself in. He looked at me and leaned over. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I leaned over as well and rested my head on his shoulder for a bit. I felt him put a hand under my chin and lift my head up. He kissed me on the mouth again and held it there. I put a hand on his cheek and held it. We broke the kiss and I took my hand off his cheek. I sat back up again and started the car. I backed it up and drove out of the school. I usually like to drive with one hand. If I'm turning then I use both but if it's straight lines, I keep one hand off the steering wheel. I felt freddy grab my hand and hold it in the middle of the seats on the gear shift. "I love you Goldie.." I heard him say quietly. I smiled a bit. "I love you too freddy." I replied and held his hand tightly.

We reached my house again and I pulled into the driveway. I turned the car off once again and got out. I grabbed my bag from the back and shut that door. I looked down at the keys and pressed the lock button. I jumped when I got grabbed. Freddy hugged me tightly and practically lifted me off the ground. "Haha what are you doing silly?" I asked him as he set me down. "Just wanted to hug you." He replied. I giggled and grabbed his hand. I walked to the front door and opened it. I hung the keys on the hook as Freddy walked in and shut the door. "Dad I'm home..!" I called out again. I sighed. "Ugh he must be gone again." I told Freddy. "Hm. Did he say he was going somewhere today?" He asked. I shrugged. "Are you hungry or anything?" I asked. "Eh a little." "Want a granola bar?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen. "Sure." I grabbed the box off the counter and handed him one. I got one for myself and set the box back down. "Let's go outside." He told me. I nodded and followed him.
We got to the back door and walked out. We walked to a tree and sat down underneath it. We both ate our granola bars and just sat back and relaxed a bit.
I looked up at the door when I heard it open. My dad walked out and to us. "Hey guys." He told us. "Hey dad.." I replied quietly. He came over and sat down in front of us. "Let me guess. You told freddy?" He asked. I nodded. "And let me guess again. You liked freddy." He assumed. I nodded. "And I'm assuming freddy likes you?" He asked. We both nodded. "Do your parents know you're gay freddy?" He asked him. He nodded. "Yeah.. I told them last year.. I was just scared to tell Goldie. I guess I thought the same thing as he did cause he was scared to tell me as well." He told him. "Well I'm proud of you son. Both of you." He told us. I perked my ears. "What? You are?" I asked. He nodded and patted my lap. "You're my son. My happiness. And whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. And at this point, Freddys already like family with us. I trust him." He told us. "Aw.. really?" I heard Freddy ask. "Of course bud. We've both known you since you both were kids at a very young age. You accepted Goldie for who he was and you protected him when things got in the way. You've been such a great friend to Goldie. There's no way I could ever repay you." He told him. "I think the only way you can repay me is to.. just let me be with your son. I.. I love him with all my heart. From day one of meeting him.. I felt something.. I knew I had to meet him. I felt something just pulling me to him. And when I started getting older.. especially when I reached 19 years old.. I knew I loved him. But I was just scared.. I just didn't say anything cause he was underage and I didn't want to get in trouble. Especially with you.." he told us. "Aw buddy don't worry about it. I would have let you been with him a long time ago but I just figured out that he liked you recently. But now you are 20 and he's 18. I can't stop you from doing anything now. You're both adults now, you're almost done with high school. It's time for both of you to make your own choices and who you love." He told us. I looked at Freddy and smiled. He grabbed my hand and held it. "Only thing I won't agree with right now is getting married. Wait a little while so both of you know it's official. At least till my Goldie reaches 20?" He told us. "Daadd. I'm only 18 right now. I'm not ready to get married." I laughed a bit. "I know Goldie.. I.. I just.." He said sadly. I lowered my ears a bit. "I'll always be your little boy dad.." I told him. He looked up at me and smiled softly. "Proud of you my son. Just think. A few more months and you both will be out of high school. Are you boys excited?" "I am. Finally get to sleep in." Freddy said. I laughed. "Same." I replied. "Okay. I'll leave you both alone for a while. Don't have too much fun while I'm not here." He said jokingly as he got up. "Haha we won't." I replied as he walked back into the house. I watched as he walked inside and shut the door.

I looked over at freddy with my eyes and grinned a bit. He was just playing with a leaf. I quickly got on my hands and knees and crawled to him. I threw myself over his lap. He looked up at me and giggled. "I thought your dad said for us to not have too much fun." He told me. "We're not. I just wanted to get a little closer to you." I told him. He blushed and put his arms around my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders as well. I leaned my head down and forward and kissed him again.
I broke it and smiled down at him. He smiled at me and tilted his head a bit. I got off him and sat next to him. I put a arm around his waist and just held him close to me. He had put his arm around my shoulder and just held me as well.

(Weekend/Saturday)(at the park)

Me and Freddy sat at a bench under a tree. We had asked the others including Bonnie to come hang out with us for a while. Freddy told me he hadn't told Bonnie about "us" yet so he planned on telling him today. I looked over when I heard voices. It was Chica, foxy and Bonnie. They all were just talking to each other as they walked to us. They seen us and smiled as we smiled to them. I scooted a bit closer to freddy as they got closer so someone could sit next to me if they wanted to. They reached us and sat down. Chica has sat next to me and Bonnie and foxy in front of us. "Hey Freddy and Goldie. How's the last year of high school going?" Bonnie asked us. "Eh good and bad." freddy told him. "Bad?" He asked. "Charlotte." He replied. "Ah. Ugh. What'd that stupid idiot do now?" Bonnie asked. I looked at Freddy and he looked at me. "Um.. it's kinda private.. um.. if Goldie wants to tell you then he will but.." Freddy told him as he looked at me. We both looked back at bonnie. "Oh hell naw. What did she do to you Goldie?" He asked as his facial expression went from happy to angry. "Um.. I'm.. I'm embarrassed to say it.." I told him. "Don't be embarrassed Goldie.. it's not your fault." Chica told me and patted my back. "Seriously What happened? You don't have to tell me everything g but let me know something so I can hate her more." Bonnie told me. "Heh.. um.." I did shyly. "Let's just say she tried forcing him to do something that he didn't want to do.." freddy told him. "Oh naw squad that's not okay.." Bonnie said shocked but quietly. "Yeahh..." freddy did. "Okay let's forget about it for a moment.. let's focus on happier things now." I told them. "Okay. Welp I think you and Freddy have something to tell Bonnie now." Foxy told us. "Is it bad?" Bonnie asked. "Haha no. I just hope you'll still be friends with us after I tell you.." freddy told him nervously. "What is it? Why wouldn't I want to be your friends anymore?" He asked. "Um.. well.. me and Goldie.. well.. we're together now." He told him. Bonnie looked at us both. "What do you mean together? Like in a relationship? Freaking dating?? Boyfriends now???" He asked slowly then excitedly. Me and Freddy both leaned our head back. "Um.." freddy did. "Yes..?" I finished his answer. "Oh my gosh yay! Congratulations guys!" He yelled out as he stood up. He came to us and gave us both a hug at the same time. Me and Freddy and the others laughed a bit. "Wow wasn't expecting that." Freddy told him as he sat back down. "I honestly kinda knew you guys liked each other a bit. Even a few years ago. I seen the passion towards each other as you guys hung out." He told us. I blushed slightly and looked at freddy with my eyes. "Haha it's all good. Congratulations guys. I'm proud of both of you." He told us once more. "Thank you Bonnie. I really appreciate the support." Freddy told him. "I agree." I replied. "Well? I believe you guys but.. prove it." He told us and crossed his arms. I looked at Freddy as he looked at me. He smiled at me as I smiled back. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Aw you should have been there Bonnie. They had their first kiss yesterday." Chica told him. "Aw I missed it? Lame.." he replied. Freddy laughed quietly as he looked back at him. "It's okay. There'll be a lot more in the future." Freddy told him. He smiled at him. "So Goldie h-" "Hey golden bear!" He was interrupted by a males voice. I looked over and seen a few students from the school walking over. "Oh sh*t.." Freddy said quietly. "What? What's wrong?" I asked nervously as Freddy stood up and walked by me. "That's Charlottes boyfriend and his group of friends..." he replied. "Oh no.." Foxy said. They all stood up and so did I. I'm not gonna get into detail about his group of friends but apparently Charlottes boyfriend is here. He was also a rabbit. Black and white. "What's his name Freddy?" Chica asked quietly. "Jack.." he replied. He walked up to us with his friends. They stopped in front of us. Jack soon walked again and pushed Freddy and foxy out of my view in front of me and walked to me. He came to me and pushed me back on my chest. I fell back but got my balance. "What the hell is your problem??" He asked me angrily. "What? What'd I do??" I asked. "You got my girl expelled! The hell idiot!" He yelled again and came closer to me. "Hey calm down! It's not his fault! It's your stupid girlfriends fault!" Freddy yelled as he came by and turned him around to him. "No. My girl does nothing wrong. It's this idiots fault! He got her expelled!" "No! Your 'girl' tried to have sex with him! It's not his fault and the teachers weren't having it!" Freddy yelled and  pushed him back. Jack looked at me quickly with an evil look. I felt my heart sink as I lowered my ears. "I don't care." He said and walked back to me. I took a step back and lifted my hands slowly and to the center of my stomach area in fear. "You better stay away you idiot! I don't want to see you even in sight of her EVER. If you are, you're dead!" He yelled at me then started to walk away. "B- but-" "oh! And here's just a friendly reminder to make you not forget.." he said as he turned around again. He walked back to me. He grabbed my wrist quickly and cut my arm with a small knife. "Ah..!" I did. He pushed me back onto the ground then got on his knee and punched me in the face. "Stop!!" I heard Freddy yell. I quickly grabbed my arm trying to stop the blood. I looked up quickly and seen Freddy coming quickly to stop him.

Jack quickly got his knife and quickly stabbed me in the shoulder. I can't even explain the pain. I couldn't scream or anything. "Goldie!" I heard Chica yell as they all ran to me. The pain was so unbearable it was making my vision blur. I fell back and shut my eyes.

(Freddys POV)

I just stood behind jack in shock. I looked at Goldie and back at Jack. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around I quickly punched him as hard as I could before he could even speak.  He fell back to the ground but I didn't care. I ran to Goldie and raised him up a bit. "Goldie! Goldie wake up!" I yelled. I looked down at the knife and seen him bleeding to death. I looked back up at them as jack got up and walked back to his friends. They all seemed to snicker and walked off. I didn't care about them at this point. "Call 911!" Bonnie yelled. "I can't! I don't have a phone!" I told him. "Damn it!" I yelled. I looked around quickly and seen someone walking by. "Go tell them to call an ambulance! Hurry!" I yelled to someone. Bonnie got up and took off. I looked back at Goldie as I heard him groan a bit. I lifted his upper half up and pulled him gently onto my lap and held him close and tightly. "Shh.. it'll be okay goldie.. the ambulance is coming now..." I said quietly as I rocked him gently. I looked up at Chica and foxy as they just watched worriedly. I looked with my eyes as Bonnie ran back with the people. They were on the phone with the ambulance. Within a minute I heard a siren. I closed my eyes tightly as I held Goldie close to me.

I soon heard the siren right by us and felt someone touch my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked beside me. "Let us take care of him.. set him down gently okay?" The guy told me. I nodded and set him back on his back. As I did this he groaned a few times. I backed up  and then stood up. I noticed the people that called them had left. I didn't even get a chance to thank them. Maybe I'll run into them soon.. but Chica and foxy and Bonnie came by me as we watched them put Goldie on one of those beds. I couldn't handle seeing the blood drip from him as they did that. "Stop his bleeding! We're gonna lose him if we don't!" Someone yelled. My heart shattered at the sound of that. I felt someone put a arm around my shoulders. I didn't look to see who it was. I was too focused on goldie. I looked down at me and seen his blood on my arm and side and leg. I sighed and looked back up as they shut the doors. They turned their siren back on and stormed off. "Come on. Let's go to the hospital!" Bonnie told us. We all followed him to his truck. We all got in and followed the ambulance.

We soon reached the hospital and got out. The ambulance beat us. We ran to the front door and walked in. As we walked in I looked around and seen all the patients looking at me. I looked back down at me and held my arm with my hand as I walked to the person that you talk to in hospitals and pretty much anywhere like this. I stopped at the desk and rested my hands on it. The lady looked up at me and widened her eyes. "I'm assuming you're here for the patient that got stabbed?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay take a seat sir. They are busy with him right now." She told me and pointed at the chairs. I nodded and walked to a chair. "Oh sir?" She said. I stopped and looked at her. "We have a shower if you wanna rinse off.." She said quietly. I lowered my ears and shook my head and walked to the chair. I sat down and so did the others beside me. I looked up when I seen her walk to me. "Here.. at least wipe your arms a bit and hands.. I don't know what he has and we don't want to risk it.." she told me as she handed me some wipes. I sighed and wiped myself a bit. I threw them away in the trash next to me and rested my head on my hand. "We gotta call his dad..." Bonnie told me. "Do you know his number?" I asked him. "Yeah.. why don't you call him?" He asked me. I stood up and grabbed my stomach with a hand. "A- Are you sick?" He asked. I nodded. He stood up and walked by me. He looked down at the table next to us. He grabbed the pen on it and grabbed a sticky note and wrote something down. "Here Chica or foxy. Call Goldie's dad and let him know what's going on.. I'm gonna go with Freddy.." he told them as he handed them the paper. They nodded. He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. "Come on buddy.. it'll be okay.." he told me quietly as we walked to a bathroom. They did have bathrooms where multiple people could go in at a time and then they had a few where it was single. Bonnie opened one of the single doors and let me walk in. He walked in behind me and shut the door. He locked it and stood beside it. "You okay?" He asked. I shook my head. "If you gotta puke you can.. we're in here now.. I know it's shocking and scary.." he told me. I grabbed my stomach again. I looked down a bit and sighed. I backed up to a wall and slid down it. I put my knees up close to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. Bonnie came to me and got on a knee. "What are you doing freddy?" He asked me. I looked up at him sadly. "He just confessed his love to me yesterday.. and now.. i couldn't protect him or show him that love.. I feel so bad bonnie.." I told him quietly. "Oh freddy. It's not your fault. It's Charlotte and him being stupid. Don't blame yourself for it." He told me. I looked down and sighed. "I hope he'll be okay.." I told him. "He will. He's goldie remember? He's shy but he's tough. I'm pretty sure his parents named him Goldie for a reason. Goldie is a strong but sweet name for someone. He has a heart of gold and you know he's stronger then some would think he is. He's not gonna give up. I promise." He told me. I gave him a soft grin. "He's not gonna leave his freddy." He told me sweetly. I chuckled quietly. He held out his hand as he stood up. I grabbed it and stood up as well. We both walked out of the bathroom and back to Chica and foxy. We sat back down next to them. Chica was talking on the phone apparently. "Is she talking to his dad?" I asked. Foxy nodded. "He's freaking out. He tried to start his car and it wouldn't start. He was gonna take Goldie's car but he can't find his keys. Goldie brought them with him cause his house keys on them. I had grabbed them off the table at the park and they are in Bonnie's truck now." He told us. "Bonnie can you go pick him up?" I asked and looked at him. He nodded. He walked over to Chica. She handed him the phone and walked back as Bonnie took over. She sat next to me and looked relieved. "What happened?" I asked. "His dad just instantly freaked out and went into full panic attack mode. He was yelling and it sounded like he started hyperventilating and crying.." she said quietly. I looked back at Bonnie as he nodded his head a few times. He hung the phone up again and looked at us. He pointed towards the door and started to walk. I nodded at him as he rushed out the door. I looked down and back up as I seen someone walking to me. I looked up and it was the lady at the desk. "I'm sorry I forgot to get your name. What is it?" She asked. "Freddy.." I replied. "Okay thank you sir." She said and walked away.

(Few hours later)

Goldie's dad had arrived with Bonnie 30 minutes after Bonnie left to get him. We were all still sitting in the same place for almost 6 hours. Im so tired I can't even think straight. Bonnie had fallen asleep with his head resting on his hand. Same with Chica. Foxy was almost asleep but I couldn't sleep. And same with Goldie's dad. I looked down at his as I noticed him holding a plushy. I perked an ear and lifted my head up a bit. I looked up at him and back at the plushy. I didn't even realize he had it. I looked back up at him. He had his eyes shut and just took slow breaths. I looked down again but at the floor. I looked to the side of me where his dad was and seen tear marks on the floor. I gasped quietly as I lifted my head higher. 'I know he's scared.. Goldie's the only one he has now..' I thought to myself. 'If he loses Goldie... we might lose him..' I thought again. I straightened my body up and put my hands above my knees. I looked at the lady again and groaned quietly. I stood up and walked to her. "Um excuse me?" I asked. She looked up at me. "Do you know when we can go see my.. friend?" I asked. She sighed. "He lost a lot of blood hun. He's not okay right now. He needs to rest and not be interrupted. They just finished stitching his stab up and wrapped his arm where he was cut." She told me. "Do you know how deep the cut was on his arm?" I asked. "Deep enough to where he could have literally bleed to death. Even if he didn't get stabbed in the shoulder, he still could have died. The stab just made it worse." She told me. I closed my hands tightly and shut my eyes tightly. "Is He a close friend?" She asked. "He's.." I said quietly as I reopened my eyes sadly. "The love of my life.. I can't lose him.." I said sadly and walked away. I walked back to everyone and sat back down. I looked at his dad who was looking at me. "What did you ask?" He asked me. "When we could go see him.. apparently not anytime soon.." I replied sadly. He sighed. "Here.." he said as he handed me the plushy. I took it. "I'm gonna go take a walk outside.. hold this plushy so you can feel better. Goldie used to hold this when he was sad or scared. It's the last thing his mom gave him when he was sick before she passed. He cherished it and still does." He told me as he stood up. I looked down at it and rubbed it softly with one of my fingers. I lowered my ears and held it close to my chest. I felt him pat my shoulder before he walked away.

".. *sniff* *sniff*.." "freddy?" I heard Bonnie's voice. I lifted my head up and looked at him. "It'll Be Okay." He told me as he woke up a bit more. He stood up and sat in the chair Goldie's dad was in. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him. I leaned into him and shut my eyes as I held the plushy close. I opened my eyes again when I felt someone touch my leg. I looked and seen that lady. I straightened up and so did Bonnie. "You wanna go see him?" She asked me. I perked my ears. "What? Really?" I asked. She nodded. "But.. what about his dad?" I asked. "I'll take you there and let him know when he comes back. Come on sweetie." She told me as she grabbed my hand and made me stand up. She let go and started to walk away. I looked at Bonnie before I followed her.
I followed her down a few hallways. We reached a door as she stopped in front of it. She opened it and let me walk in. She walked in behind me. All I heard was the heart monitor beeping and a few other machines going on to monitor Goldie. I looked over and seen him laying in a bed. My heart sank again. I took a step forward as she motioned me to hold on. I did. She walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder that wasn't hurt. "Goldie? Goldie wake up sweetie.. you have a visitor.." she told him calmly. I heard him groan a bit from pain. She motioned me to come by her. I did and just stood next to her by him. "Wake up sweetie.." she said and patted his shoulder softly. Even though his eyes were closed, I seen the pain in his eyes. He kept his head down to the side and just let it hang off the pillow a bit. I set my hand on a bar on the bed as I looked closer at him. His arm that was cut was all wrapped and same with his shoulder. He had a bruise by his eye where jack punched him. I looked at her when she moved back to let me get closer to his head. I took a couple steps next to his head. I set my hand on his head and gently pet him. He slowly but quickly but also weakly opened an eye halfway and looked up at me slowly and shut it quickly. He turned his head to the other side. "He's probably kinda out of it. The doctor had him take some medicine that'll help calm the pain but it also makes patients kinda like they are high. He'll come back after it wears down a bit." She told me quietly. "Have a seat if you want to. I'll go check for your dad and friends." She told me. I nodded as she walked out of the room. I grabbed a chair next to me and sat next to Goldie. I rested my arm on a bar and my head on my arm. I put my other arm over the bar and grabbed his hand. I just held it there. I lifted my head a bit and set the plushy on the shelf next to me. I rested my head back to where it was before and shut my eyes. I heard movement and opened my eyes quickly again. His face was facing me again. I lifted my head a bit as I watched him. He weakly opened his eyes and looked at me. "F- freddy...?" He said quietly and weakly. "Goldie..." I replied. "Where am I...?" He asked. "The hospital.. remember? Jack stabbed you in the shoulder.." I told him. "Oh.." he replied and straightened his head out on the pillow and looked down at the door area. I looked down at his arm again and back up at his face. "Does your arm hurt right now?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. I looked at the door when I heard it get knocked on. The nurse lady came in with everyone. His dad practically ran to Goldie and looked down at him. "Oh Goldie.. my poor boy.." he told him quietly. Goldie just looked up at him slowly. Bonnie, Chica, and foxy came in quietly and sat down in the other chairs. Another nurse came in and checked the machines and checked other things. Goldie's dad walked around and sat down as well. I looked back down at Goldie as he looked up at me sadly. "Okay goldie. I'm gonna give you a quick shot okay?" The nurse asked him. I noticed Goldie jump a bit as she said that. "It's okay.. I'm here." I told him as I held his hand firmly. He nodded and looked down at the nurse. She grabbed his hand with the hurt shoulder and put the needle there. He jerked a bit and looked the other way. I went back to rubbing his head with my other hand again. I looked up at her as she did that. "What is that for?" I asked. "It's to help his body heal better. Not faster but better. His shoulders broken and a few things broke there to so it's gonna take some time to heal." She told me as she finished the shot. She took it out and threw it away in those red plastic boxes. She put a bandage on his hand and cleaned up her area. "Hey can he lay down with Goldie?" The lady that sat at the desk asked. The nurse looked at her. "Come on. He's been here for 6 hours already and he's exhausted. He really cares about Goldie." She told her. She looked at me and grinned sweetly. "He can if he wants to. Just be gentle since he's really hurt. He is on that drug but he can still feel pain if moved wrong." She told me. I nodded as she walked out with the desk lady. I looked down at Goldie as I felt him hold my hand tighter. He looked at me and grinned weakly. I smiled softly at him. "C- can you freddy..?" He asked softly. "I.. I don't want to hurt you.." I told him. "You won't..." he replied. I sighed. Bonnie had gotten up and went by me. "We need to move you over a bit for him to lay next to you. Can you move at all?" He asked him. "Here." I heard his dad say. He got up and went to the other side of the bed. He gently put his arm under Goldie and pulled him to the side. He straightened him out and fixed the blankets and pillow. Bonnie lowered the bar and backed up. "Are you sure Goldie?" I asked once more. He nodded. I sighed and got on the bed carefully. I made my body face him and rested my head on the pillow. He put his cut arm above by his head a bit as he turned to his side a bit. He groaned quietly as he tried to move his arm with the broken shoulder. "Don't Goldie.. it's gonna hurt you even more.." I told him quietly. I looked him in the eyes as he looked into mine. I lowered his eyelids lower in sadness. I seen tears fall from his eyes and he looked down. I put my hand on his cheek and wiped his tears away. "Don't cry.. Freddys here.." I told him quietly. He looked up at me and put his hand on my arm with his cut arm. "Here goldie.." his dad said. He came over again and helped Goldie lift his arm up a bit. He gently set his arm on my side. He lowered his other arm to the side. I scooted closer to him and kept my hand on his cheek. He put his head closer to mine and put his forehead against my cheek. I felt his dad put the blanket on me as well and pull it up over us. He finished and sat back down. I looked down at Goldie as he shut his eyes slowly again. I smiled softly and gently kissed his forehead. I heard him sigh softly and seen him relax a bit more. I smiled and shut my eyes as well.

(My gosh.. poor Goldie :( honestly I wasn't expecting this part to take such a drastic turn but it did. Poor Goldie though. Hope he heals quick and feels better soon. At least Freddys there for him whenever he needs him. I wonder what he's gonna do about school now for the next week of two? :/

Also.. WHAT. A. JERK. Why did that dork attack Goldie when Freddy clearly said that it was his girlfriend that started everything?! He should break up with her instead of attacking an innocent person! I'm not saying he should attack her(that's messed up..) but at least break up with her. Goldie didn't deserve that. It wasn't his fault!) ~ kendra

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