The Silent One: Sinners And S...

By MrzHyde_

645 29 0

Almost 13 years have come and gone. Alice hasn't aged a day, neither did Tate. He made Alice change him. Bein... More

Not Another Word
Let Him Die
My Hand
Where You Came From
Your Husband
Endless Journey
The Lost Children - Part One
The Lost Children - Part 2
Cursed Creation
My Hell
A Watcher
Something's Coming
Keep Her Safe
A Miracle
A Part of Me
The Sound of Wings
The Upper Hand
All Eyes On Me
A Message
Release the Beast
Let The Fun Begin
A Night to Remember
A Monster in Disguise
Save The Boy
Lights Out
Show Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Death Wish
Reunions and Departures (Part 1)
Reunions and Departures (Part 2)
A Promise
Kira's Plan

Crazy Train

19 1 0
By MrzHyde_

(Emma's POV)

After my father left the room, I turned to my friends. A smile spread across my face. When I held out my hands, Ezekiel handed me my sketch book and a pencil. My hands raced, as my eyes darted back and forth. I held my breath until the sketch was complete. On the page was an open window, a train track, the statue of liberty, a square with a clock on the inside of it, and a castle.

"What does that mean?" Ezekiel asked.

"It means we are going to New York City," Alec said, as he grabbed his book bag.

I grabbed my bookbag, and packed some extra clothes for us girls, along with a map, and my father's credit card. When he gave it to me, he told me to use it for emergencies. This definitely seemed like an emergency. Ezekiel packed his bag with clothes, snacks, and the special drinks our parents had made for us. Alec also grabbed some special drinks, clothes, his gameboy, and his sisters phone.

"Are we all set?" I asked, as I pulled my bag over my shoulder.

"I think so," Alec said.

"Our parents are gonna be so mad," Selene said nervously.

"This is my sister. I want to help her. Please help me find her," Alec asked, as he took Selene's hand.

She smiled and nodded.

"For Ali," I said, as I put my hand out.

"For Ali," Everyone repeated, as they put their hands on mine.

Out the window went Ezekiel and Alec. I made sure the girls went out before me. We sat on the roof, as the boys climbed down the gutters. Once on the ground, they grabbed a ladder from the garage. They sat it against the side of the mansion, and held it while we climbed down.

I looked back at the house one last time, before clenching my sketch pad and pencil close to me. Ezekiel grabbed my arm, and pulled me along. We grabbed our bikes from the garage. Alec rode on the back pegs of Ezekiel's bike. I rode Ali's bike, even though it was too big for me. Willow rode my bike, and Selene rode Alec's bike.

After a few hours, we finally reached the outskirts of town, and arrived at the Grey Hound Train Station. Ezekiel walked up to the dark main desk, and peeked in the window. From the looks of it, it was empty.

"They're closed! Now what?" He asked.

"It looks like we are hitching a ride," I said, as hid Ali's bike in the woods.

Everyone followed my lead, and hid the other bikes. I made my way to the tracks, and laid down with my head on the tracks.

"What are you doing? You trying to get your head chopped off?" Ezekiel asked, as he tried to pull me away.

I pushed him away, and motioned for him to be quiet. Then I placed my head back on the tracks. Willow copied me, and we both laughed. The vibration tickled our ears.

"What does that mean?" Willow asked, as she rubbed her ears.

"It's close. So, here's the plan. You guys remember how we flung my mother out of the room earlier? What if we used that same energy on the train?" I asked.

"We can stop the train!" Ezekiel said excitedly.

"Yes, bird brain, I was getting there," I said, as I rolled my eyes.

"Why you gotta be mean for?" He asked, as he followed me to a hiding place by the tracks.

"Cause I'm your sister," I said with a smirk.

(Ezekiel's POV)

I rolled my eyes, after she said that. She really irritates me sometimes, but she is my other half. My twin. I don't know what I would do without her. I guess I understand how Alec feels about Ali. I'd risk everything and anything to have my sister back. No matter how much she annoys me, that is my sister.

In the distance, I could hear the whistle blowing. It was approaching fast. The five of us stood with our palms out, ready to use all of our force to stop the oncoming train. It came strolling down the tracks. I closed my eyes, and pictured the front wheels in my mind. I imagined the breaks locking up.

To my surprise, they came to a screeching halt. It was dark enough for us to make our move. We ran quickly, and boarded the caboose of the train. It was empty, and we used it to our advantage. We took a seat, and pulled out our snacks and special drinks. Emma handed me the map, and I spread it out in front of us.

"Are we going in the right direction?" Alec asked me.

"It seems like it," I said, as I handed him a candy bar.

I watched as he took a big bite, and laughed at the chocolate mess on his face.

"Want some?" Alec asked Selene, as he held it up to her.

She smiled and shook her head.

"No thanks. Chocolate makes me sick," She said as she placed her hand on Alec's hand.

I looked at Willow, and she smiled at me, before returning to the conversation she was having with Emma. Her entire body tensed up, before she started drawing again. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, as she fell backwards. I rushed to Emma's side, while she laid there. Her body trembling, as if she were having a seizure.

"She needs to drink. Someone, quickly hand me a bottle!" I yelled, as I waved my hand frantically.

Willow sat next to me, as I held Emma's head in my arms. She poured the thick, red mixture into Emma's mouth. Slowly, she regained her composure, and her body was no longer shaking.

"What happened?" She asked, as she sat up slowly.

"You went under, Emma. These visions you are having are not good for you," I said.

"They help us though, Zeke. It's not like I can control them anyway," She said, as she stood up, and walked over to a corner to sit by herself.

I wanted to make her feel better, but I fear there was nothing I could do. I didn't have any special abilities like the rest of them, or at least I didn't seem to have any. I was just me. Willow put a hand on my shoulder, and gave me a sad but reassuring smile.

(Alec's POV)

I picked up Emma's sketch book, but I was not prepared for what I was about to see. Her drawing abilities were getting better, and her visions were getting darker. I showed Selene the picture. A dark hole, and inside the black abyss, was a face that I feel like I've seen before. A man with eyes that could burn a hole into your soul. Selene and I shared a worried expression.

"I'm scared, Alec. What if we can't do this?" She asked me.

"I promise, I will protect you. All of us. I'm not going to lie, it will be dangerous, but it's nothing we cant handle," I said with a half smile.

I looked back at Emma, who had her knees up to her chest, and her head buried in her hands. I couldn't imagine seeing the things she sees. Do the images go away, when she stops drawing? Or do they haunt her?

The trains whistle blew, and the train came to a sudden halt. I hopped up to gaze out the window. We had entered another town. A dark town. It was almost eerie. I didn't like it. There was something about this place. Something off.

Selene grabbed my arm, and pulled me back. I turned around, to see a growling Willow. There was something here. Something that didn't want us here. When I looked back at the window, two eyes were staring back at me. They sparkled like fire, yet also cold and dark.

I held my breath, as I backed everyone against the opposite wall of the window. Within a blink of an eye, it was gone. Or so I had thought. The door of the caboose, was ripped off of its hinges, and the black creature approached us on all fours.

"Don't... move," I said under my breath.

"That would be my phrase," A voice said from behind us.

The voice scared away the creature, and caused us to turn around. A tall man stood in the doorway leading to the next car. He showed no emotion. I couldn't tell if he was angry, or if he was surprised.

"What are you doing on my train?" He asked, as he narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sorry mister. We are lost, and in need of a ride," Selene said, as she stepped forward.

"Why didn't you say so? Where are you kiddos heading?" He asked with a smile.

When he smiled, I could see his teeth. He had what resembled fangs.

"Vampire," I whispered under my breath.

He looked at me, and I froze.

"Aren't you quite the observer," He said, as he bent down.

We were face to face. I could smell his hot breath. It smelt like rust. Like blood.

"You'll have to excuse my brother. We're actually on our way to New York, sir," Emma said, as she elbowed me.

He stood up, and clasped his hands together.

"That's just where we are heading. Come on, follow me, before the train starts to move again," He said, as he opened the door.

I was the first to follow him, with the others following behind me. Car after car. Until we finally came across a full car. Woman and men were dressed in fancy ballroom clothing. They all stared at us, as we made our way through. I could sense that they were not human. Not a single one. I swallowed hard, and continued walking.

(Selene's POV)

This looked like something from my nightmares. Their faces changing with a blink of an eye. One moment they are normal looking, the next they looked like monsters. I held Alec's hand, as I followed close behind him.

"Aren't you a little cutie?" A woman said, as she reached out for me.

"Don't touch her!" Alec yelled, as he smacked her hand away.

The woman cackled, as she pulled her hand back.

"Now, now, everyone. These are special guests. Play nice," The man said, as he stopped.

"Special guests? It seems like we are more of a buffet to them," I whispered to Alec.

"You think we want to eat you?" The tall man asked, as he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. You tell me," I said, as I lifted my head up.

My mother always told me to show no fear, because showing fear means you are weak. That will let other creatures take advantage of the situation.

"Ahhh. Well aren't you a quick one. Watch your tone missy, or I just might eat you. Although, I like my blood aged like fine wine," He said with a smirk.

I squinted my eyes at him, but Alec squeezed my hands. I coward down, as I looked to the floor.

"Awe. No glum faces. We have a celebration to go to. Get them dressed for the occasion!" The man yelled, as he raised his hands into the air.

Before I knew it, we were all separated. I looked for Alec everywhere, but I was surrounded by women, who were holding dresses and ribbons. One woman pulled my hair, causing my head to jerk back. While another woman put makeup on my face, I struggled to pull away.

"Not too dark, or she'll look like a hooker," One woman said, as she wiped the lipstick off of my face.

After my hair and makeup was done, they undressed me. I fought so hard, but there were too many. When one woman pulled a dress over my head, I was blinded, and couldn't see anything for a moment. My head popped out, and I got smacked in the face with powder. I began to cough, as I waved my hand in front of my face.

"Isn't she just a darling little thing?" Another woman said.

I looked around for the others, but I was surrounded. They were all trying to pinch my cheeks. One woman actually did manage to pinch my cheek. So, I slapped her. My little nails scratched her face, and she snarled at me.

Just before she could do anything, someone grabbed my hand, and pulled me away. We ran through the crowd of creatures trying to grab us. After hearing a scream, I turned around, just in time to see Willow being grabbed by two females.

(Willow's POV)

They picked and poked at me, while dressing me up, as if I were a doll. Once I'm dressed, the ladies stood around me pointing and laughing. There mocking tones and gestures angered me. As I fought the urge to bite them, I put my hands on my hips, while the beast inside me forced out a growl.

My attention was suddenly shifted to the commotion going on behind the strange women. After seeing the others run past, I stood on my tip toes to look over the crowd of women. All of them ran past me, with Selene being the last to follow. I hollered her name, to get her attention.

She looked back at me, and alerted the others. Ezekiel ran past the creatures trying to grab him, and pulled me away from the ones that dressed me. We are running as fast as we could, while looking back at the creatures, who were closing in on us. I turned around, just as Zeke stopped running, causing me to run into him.

In front of us was a woman dressed in all black. She was smoking a cigarette from a long cigarette holder. After taking a long drag, she bent down and blew smoke in my face. I coughed and stuck out my tongue, while waving my hand in front of my face.

"Lady, you need a breath mint," I said with a sour face.

The other kids let out a group chuckle, but stopped abruptly, when she quickly turned her head in their direction. Their smiles faded once again, as the situation returned to its seriousness. She squinted her eyes at all of us, as if she were trying to read our abilities and characteristics.

"Is something funny to you, children?" She asked as she straightened her posture.

None of us said anything, we just looked at each other. Waiting for someone else to say something, but it never happened.

"Cat got your tongue?" She asked with a smirk.

"No, we just don't talk to strangers," Alec said as he took a step forward.

She lifted her chin up and stared down at him. Narrowing her eyes him, as if she had seen him before.

"You remind me of a little prince I used to know. He grew up without his mother, and his father tried to court me. Of course I was forced into an arranged marriage, after becoming a widow. Luckily my daughter had plans of her own, and took matters into her own hands. She had fallen for the little prince's older brother, together she and the older brother killed the King and ruled the kingdom after I fled the clan. Though, while I was with the King, the little prince would cling to me. For a while I felt blessed with a second child, a son. I couldn't stay with the King just for him, so I said my goodbyes, and havent seen him since," She said, while puffing her cigarette.

"Cute story, but we want off of this train," Emma said.

"You're not trying to leave my little party yet, are you?" She asked, as she took another hit of her cigar.

"We're not dolls or toys. We are human beings, and deserve to be treated like it," Ezekiel said.

She bent down, and took a long sniff, before standing up straight.

"You're definitely not humans, but you will make a delightful treat for the big man himself," She said with a chuckle.

"We're not food either," Alec said, as he stepped forward.

"But you sure are fun to play with," She said, as she moved her hands swiftly.

All of a sudden, the five of us were being tossed around, and flying through the air. I tried to hold onto Ezekiel's hand, but we were pulled apart. My head smacked off of the roof of the moving train, causing my vision to go blurry. I could still see their smudged faces, they were laughing and mocking us.

"I... Want... Off... Of this... Crazy Train!" I screamed letting out a growl.

(Pic is of the window of Emma's room)

(Sub pics are Emma, Ezekiel, Alec, Selene, Willow, and Esmeralda)

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