Kings [A Medieval AU]

By AngelWingInspiration

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[Based on the universe from "The Gifts We Share"] "You're making everything more complicated." Tenebris is a... More

Chapter One - Two Opposite Kings
Chapter Two - The Royal Family
Chapter Three - Plans and Arrangements
Chapter Four - Intruder
Chapter Five - First Meetings
Chapter Six - Incident
Chapter Seven - Uncomfortable Talks
Chapter Eight - New Allies and Big Decisions
Chapter Nine - Fresh Air
Chapter Ten - One on One
Chapter Eleven - Late Nights and Hardened Hearts
Chapter Twelve - Escape
Chapter Thirteen - Library Conversations
Chapter Fourteen - Light in the Darkness
Chapter Fifteen - Visitor
Chapter Sixteen - What Happened After
Chapter Seventeen - Parting Ways
Chapter Eighteen - Confrontations and Hard Decisions
Chapter Nineteen - The Moment of Greatest Weakness
Chapter Twenty - Out in the Open
Chapter Twenty-One - New Beginnings
Chapter Twenty-Two - Tortured Mind
Chapter Twenty-Three - Breakfast
Chapter Twenty-Four - On the Road
Chapter Twenty-Five - Revealed
Chapter Twenty-Six - Viride
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Meetings and Libraries
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Departures
Chapter Thirty - The Breaking Point
Chapter Thirty-One - Clashing Kingdoms
Chapter Thirty-Two - Limited Time
Chapter Thirty-Three - Home Again
Chapter Thirty-Four - Talks with Mother
Chapter Thirty-Five - Finally Home
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Deterioration

253 25 24
By AngelWingInspiration

The next day of riding is only worse. Before an hour has passed Dan is slumped over the neck of his horse, eyes closed as he sways back and forth with the rhythm of the animal's walk. He doesn't notice the way Phil watches him, his eyebrows furrowed with worry. He can barely think, his entire body too hot and too cold. He coughs and buries himself deeper into his cloak, lungs aching.

Dan passes out for hours at a time. Unconsciousness is much more comfortable than being awake, so he tries to be asleep as much as his body will let him. At least when he's sleeping, he doesn't feel the pain that courses through his entire being.

He starts to slip into unconsciousness again, and before he knows it he's slipping off his horse's saddle and hitting the ground with a thud. The melting snow is cold against his burning skin, and part of him just wants to lie there forever. His horse's hooves shift next to his head and he lets his eyes close, too exhausted to stand. He can hear people talking frantically to one another, but it's like he's trying to hear them underwater.

Then, Phil is speaking clearly and he opens his eyes to see his boyfriend crouched over him, feeling his forehead with worry swimming in his blue eyes.

"My God, you're pretty," Dan mumbles.

"Dan..." Phil scolds gently, the worry only fading a little bit. "Come on, let's get you into a carriage and lying down."

Phil helps him up and guides him to one of the carriages, settling him into the small cot. Dan shivers and reaches out before Phil can leave, grabbing his wrist and leading the king to meet his gaze.

"Don't leave me," Dan pleads with aching lungs.

"Of course, Dan, of course. I'm staying right here," Phil replies, running his fingers through Dan's loose curls.

"Wanna kiss you but don't wanna get you sick," Dan murmurs, reaching up to trace Phil's jaw with his thumb.

The king of Divum leans down and kisses his cheek before straightening up again, looking over at the soldier that appears in the entrance of the carriage.

"Are we ready to go, your majesty?"

"We can proceed. I will stay in here with King Daniel," Phil replies.

The guard nods, bows, and closes the door. A minute later, the carriage jolts into motion and Phil takes a deep breath, settling onto the floor beside Dan's cot. The king of Tenebris reaches out and Phil takes his hand, watching as Dan falls asleep.

Nervous about how much Dan is shivering, Phil reluctantly pulls his hand out of Dan's grip and reaches under the cot, where a spare blanket is kept. He climbs into bed with him and tucks the blanket around them both, feeling Dan's muscles relax ever so slightly with Phil's arms around his waist. He still sounds like a whistle when he breathes, but at least he's not shaking like he was before.

For the rest of the day, Dan sleeps and Phil stays right beside him, trying not to worry too much and failing. When they stop for the night Phil forces Dan to eat before letting him pass out again, and the cycle continues until they get to Divum. Dan's condition only deteriorates, which in turn makes Phil more and more on edge.

When they finally arrive back in Phil's home kingdom, a doctor is summoned and a large group of servants move Dan up to his room. Phil nearly lashes out at them when they try to take Dan away, leading Chris to intervene. He leads Phil to his office and closes the door before turning to his king.

"What is going on?"

"He's sick. Dan is sick and I need to be with him right now," Phil replies, attempting to bypass Chris and get to the door.

"Stop. You are incredibly tense right now and you just need a moment to breathe," Chris states, stepping in front of the door handle. "Sit down."

Phil splutters. "I... uh, no... I... I have been taking care of him for days already. I cannot leave him now."

"The doctor is caring for him. You can go up to his room in ten minutes."

Phil stares at him for a moment before plopping himself down in the nearest chair. "Fine..."

Chris shuts his eyes and lets himself breathe. After regaining his composure, he moves to the chair next to Phil's and meets his king's watery blue eyes.

"Will you be alright?" he asks gently.

Phil shakes his head and looks away, tears trickling down his cheeks. He wipes them away, but more and more keep coming. "I'm sorry, Chris. I'm just... so scared that he's not going to be okay."

Chris nods and places his hand on Phil's shoulder. "I know. Just hang in there."

Phil scrubs away the last of his tears, and after ten minutes of obedient waiting he heads up to Dan's room. The doctor finishes up his examination and turns to Phil, lips pursed. Dan is already fast asleep again, sweat beading on his forehead.

"It appears to be an infection of some sort, your majesty. I can give him some herbs to help, but it's not looking too good."

Phil's heart plummets into his feet. "Can I heal him? Please?"

"Wait to see if the herbs help and then we can talk about utilizing your magic. Trying to heal something like this could put you at serious risk."

"Alright. Thank you, doctor."

"If you have any more questions, King Philip, do not hesitate to ask."

The doctor bows and exits the room. Phil waits for the door to shut behind him before moving to Dan's beside, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and kissing his cheek. With fresh tears welling in his eyes, he presses his forehead to Dan's and whispers against his skin.

"Please, please get better." 

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