Anarchy~Jax Teller

By demonhunter2000

310K 4.8K 237

"I'm not your average woman" Ace released a mock laugh at Tara's plain words. "Oh sweet heart your below Ave... More

Season Two


17K 315 17
By demonhunter2000

Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked

Money don't grow on trees 

I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed 

There ain't nothing in this world for free

 Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back

 Though you know, I wish I could 

Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked 

Until we close our eyes for good

"Look All I'm saying ace is that if you keep hanging around douche bags like Jax Teller you're gonna get put back in jail" Ace release a dry laugh as Kevin spoke. The short stubby man had been following Ace around the small 24-hour gas station. 

"Trust me Kev it's not Jax who will get my thrown in jail I can promise you that I can get in trouble all on my own" Ace tells the man as she shoves two old taquitos into a small brown, paper bag. The shirt man shook his head mumbling as the ground shook as the light brightened.

"What the hell?" Shoving Keven aside Ace walks quickly to the glass doors her heels clicking on the broken tile as she walked. 

"Holy shit" bright flames flung everywhere making small the small flicker of light form the distance grow larger and more noticeable. Grabbing her cell Ace was quick to press redial. 

"Are you seeing this?" The question flew from her lips as Jax's husk voice answered the phone.

"Head back home Ace I'll call Clay and check things out" Ace mumbled an "okay" before swinging the glass door open ignoring Kevin's calls for her. Shaking her head Ace was quick to mount her bike before speeding off to Teller-Morrow.

"Some days, you're the Beemer. Some days, you're the goddamn deer" Jax's smooth voice floated into Ace's ear as she walks out the office. The boys rushed around the teller morrow parking lot. Each machine fixing their own project. spotting Jax and Chibs next to a broke down car with a deer hanging out the windshield.

"Some yuppie creamed her up at the streams" Ace snorted at Chibs word making herself known. the two men give her a smile as Jax throws an arm around her shoulder.

"He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?" Ace asks a smirk on her lips. The men chuckle as Jax throws a wink her way bring her closer to him for a spilt second.

"How the hell you want me to get it out of there?" Half-sack asks making Jax throw him a shit eating grin. Jax removes his arm from aces shoulder quickly walking towards a toolbox on the truck.

"Oh, come on Jesus' man" The prospect complains as Jax held up a chainsaw his grin growing into a smile.

 "Just pretend it's carve-your-own-steak night at Sizzler" Jax's suggestion made the Prospect frown. Ace chuckles bumping into Chibs as they watch the scene in amusement. 

"I don't eat meat man" Ace gasp at the prospect's words making Chibs laugh. Half-sack ducks down a blush forming on his cheeks at Ace's shocked face.

"Try some of Ace's brisket and you will change your mind" With that sentence Jax and Chibs walked away as Ace and Half-sack argued about when she could feed him her recipes. 

"You got to try it Kid" Ace says brushing her fingers in Half-sacks hair playfully. Half-sack smiled while shaking his head, Ace gave him a playful wink before the woman marched up to Jax, leaving Half sack to watch her walk away.

"Hey ma" Ace hears Jax greets as she reaches him. She was quick to grab the phone from Jax making the man glare as she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hey Gemma!" she manages to squeak out as Jax wrestle her for the phone.  Jax snatched his phone back and began talking to his mother trying to shove Ace away from his phone as she attempted to grab it back.

"Hi Ace" Gemma's voice blare through the cell phone's speaker making the girl smile. Jax shoves the phone on speaker wrapping his arm around ace to pull her close.

"Did you go to storage?" Gemma asks through the phone. Ace could tell the woman was driving due to the noise in the background.

"Not yet" Jax answers making Ace throw Jax a look.

"I hope there's something you can use. Haven't looked through that baby stuff in years. Ace would you mind going with him there is so much stuff" Gemma asks knowing full well Ace was listening.

"Yes ma'am" Ace agrees a teasing smile on her face.  Jax throws a thankful smile at Ace before focusing on his phone call.

"You two still coming to dinner tomorrow night? I'm picking up steaks from German" Gemma asks making Ace beam at Jax causing him to let out a low laugh.

"Oh, you know it Ace can't wait practically foamin' at the mouth" Jax teases making Gemma laugh as Ace swats Jax's shoulder.

"You should bring Chibs and that new kid" Gemma tells them.

"New kid doesn't eat meat" Ace pips in leaning up onto the tips of toes.

"Don't patch him in. Can't trust anyone who doesn't eat meat" Gemma says Ace could tell there was a smile in her tone.

"That's what I said" Ace tells the woman making her laugh.

"HEY ACERS, WE NEED YOUR HELP OV'R HERE" Tig's booming voice calls making Ace sigh. Throwing a look towards Tig across the parking lot the girl smile and nods. 

"See you 'round Gemma" Ace says as she turns and strut towards the two people watching Half-sack cut into the deer.

The crowd in the hospital dispersed as Ace strides in her mouth sat into a frown, her eyes held a glare making everyone take a step back allowing the tatted girl through. Ace was known to have a temper around town.

"Hey, I came as soon As I heard" Ace mumbles to Gemma as she approaches her. the woman hugs shortly before focusing on Jax speak to a female doctor.

"Whose bitch, is she?" Ace nods towards the nurse that Gemma's glare resided on. Gemma disliked a lot of people, but Ace pitied the ones she hated. 

"That would be Tara Knowles" Gemma says making Ace nod remembering the stories Jax told her about Tara. 

"Want me to gut her cause I will" Ace asks her eyes latched onto Tara. Gemma released a small laugh before shaking her head.  Ace grins walking towards Jax ending their conversation. 

"Hey, I came as soon as I heard" Ace repeats softly and was soon embraced by Jax. Jax squeezes her tightly thankful to feel her comfort. 

"I need your help with something" Jax whispers in her ear. Ace nods against his chest before they break away. Her eyes quickly leave Jax's face meeting Tara's eyes. 

"Ace Winchester" She introduces herself offering her hand to the doctor. Tara gives her an awkward smile has she grasp her hand.

"Tara Knowles" she introduces herself in a strong voice. Ace throws her a smile before she picks up on Jax's conversation behind her. 

"Take care of Abel we got something to do" Over hearing Jax speak to his mother Ace throws a wink at Tara before walking after the blonde Teller

"JACKSON" Gemma yells standing from her chair as the two pushes through the gang. Ace sticks to Jax's right as they pass through throwing a nod Clay's way.

"Watch after them" Clay's order was the last thing Ace heard as she left through the hospital doors.  Jax was quick to swing his leg over the bike and get settled reaching his hand out he gripped Aces Leading her to the back of his bike. Ace followed his arm sitting behind him before wrapping her arms around Jax's torso pulling her body flush against his back. even through his anger Jax smiles at the feeling. Looking at the woman's hands Jax noticed she still had axle grease from her hours of working on cars. He vaguely heard Bobby and Chibs start their bikes after him.

No words were said as Ace and Jax climb off his bike. Ace held her head high as she and the three men walked into an over run bar. Ace stepped forward swinging open the two-way doors. The bar was dusty men stood around acting as if they were to be scared of.

"Jax" The man's attention fell on her as his name slipped through her lips. Her headed nodded towards the door as she strutted towards the pool cues gripping it in her hands. Jax smirk holding his hand out to catch it as she tossed the stick to him. 

"Sell crank to my pregnant ex-wife?" Jax asks holding the pool stick high. Jax was quick to swing the pool stick into the Nord's head connecting with a harsh crunch. The man grunted as he fell to the ground allowing Jax to stand over him. Jax continued to swing the cue until it snaped in half. Ace watched silently her gun raised to the man's friends watching their every twitch. A spark twinkled in her eye as she watches Jax punch the daylights out of the Nord.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you made your point "Chibs mumbles pulling Jax away from the bloodied man.  Jax's chest rose and feel quickly with each breath as his feral eyes connected with Ace's calm ones.

"Stupid peckerwood shithead" Jax spats at the man as Chibs pulls him from the bar towards Ace.

"Enjoy your lunch. Shish ke balls are on me" Bobby says looking at the broken pool stick stuck in the man's crouch as he walks out. Ace looks towards the man's friend before her eyes focused on the man.

"This was a lesson you need to learn stay the fuck away from the people of Charming" Her words spat out like venom as she spoke. The woman gave the men one last look before marching out the door Jax clutched in her arms.

"You okay" Ace asks as they exit the bar.

"Yeah, I'm gonna find Ope" Jax tells her making Ace nod before casting her eyes to Chibs.

"I'll ride home with Chibs you stay safe, okay?" Jax gives her a small smile before nodding. Ace sighed as she watched him drive away.

"You ready lass?" Chib's assent caught her attention. Ace nods walking towards his bike. The woman stared in the direction Jax left before throwing her leg over the bike.

"Yeah, let's go" she says wrapping her arms around him.

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