Broken: A Why Don't We fanfic

By garlandhollie

82.1K 1.5K 361

You are Jonah's sister and you have been having suicidal thoughts, you were ready to give up and ended up doi... More

PART 1 - Leaving
PART 2 - Moving
PART 3 - Secret Love
PART 4 - Official
PART 5 - Announcement
PART 6 - Suicide..
PART 7 - Gone
PART 8 - Miracle & Surprise
PART 9 - Tour?
PART 10 - First time
PART 11 - Forgivness?
PART 12 - Stolen & Freed
PART 13 - Christmas Eve
PART 14 - Christmas
PART 15 - shopping
PART 16 - Back Home
PART 17 - Pool Day
Thank You - Not an Update!!!
PART 18 - Trust Fund Baby Shoot
PART 19 - Argument
PART 20 - Video Games & Jonahs New Lover
Part 21 - Tour Day 1
Part 22 - Tour Day 2
PART 23 - Half Way Through USA Tour
PART 24 - The surprise
PART 25 - The Surprise (2)
PART 26 - Wedding Plan
PART 27 - The Marriage
PART 28 - The Apointments
PART 29 - The Honeymoon
PART 30 - Bella & Harry
PART 31 - Ariel-Mae Besson
PART 32 - Pancakes :)
PART 34 - Melodys Birthday
PART 35 - Opportunity
PART 36 - Shes Walking!
PART 37 - FortNite
Part 38 - Europe!
Part 39 - The Date
Part 40 - Broken...
Part 41 - Back Home.
Part 42 - Surpises :)
Part 43 - Double Trouble
Part 44 - Unexpected
Part 45 - Pre-versary
Part 46 - Anniversary - Part 1
Part 47 - Anniversary - Part 2
Part 48 - Who next?
Part 49 - What next?
Part 50 - We Were Why Dont We

PART 33 - Shopping Trip

771 17 1
By garlandhollie

(Corbyns P.O.V)

Jack: oh god, Zach we're not coming for you
Zach: who are we coming for?
Jack: Melody remember? That's why she's not here?
Corbyn: it's her birthday this weekend!
Zach: OH YEAHHHH, What are we getting her?
Jonah: we are each getting her something
Zach: so like, can I get her a pig?
Daniel: omg Zach, 1) where are you gonna find a pig here 2) you want something that will touch her heart
Zach: I can't do that
Corbyn: why not?
Zach: well I'm not cutting her open and placing something on her heart that's gross
Everyone: *Faceplams* ARE YOU STUPID?!?
Jonah: something that will make her happy
Jack: like something that will show how much you love her, as a friend or whatever
Daniel: Ok, let's separate and when your done wait by the car.
Everyone: Ok!

Everyone went they're separate ways and I knew exactly what I was getting Melody.

(Melody's P.O.V)
I was at the mall with Corbyn looking around when we went in this expensive Hewlett shop so Corbyn could talk to a friend of his that works there about something. I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't mind so I just looked around and spotted the cutest necklace ever. It had a diamond in it and was shaped like a star. It also said that the meaning of it and why it was made is so when someone wears it it makes them feel like they should reach for the stars and anything is possible. The diamond represents the shine that the person has in them and will show others they do when they can't themselves. But I thought deeper about it. I thought about what it meant to me; You don't have to be perfect to be a star, or to be loved. No star is perfect. So why should I be? Also I always loved stars and space, and when I found out Corbyn did too we clicked. It was a moment I'll always remember.

(Corbyns P.O.V)

Corbyn: Hey Bro
Callum: Hey, What brings you here today?
Corbyn: well, I'm a couple weeks time it's my girlfriends birthday, her over there, and I really wanted to get her the best present ever and I know that your good with presents for other people two I wanted to come to you.
Callum: I see, is there anything that she like?
Corbyn: yeah, a lot of things, she loves Hewlett which is another reason I came here.
Callum: well it's good you did, turn around.

I turn around to see Melody looking at something in one of the glass cases. I couldn't determine what it was but luckily Callum could.

Corbyn: wow, she seems to like the look of that, do you know what it is and how much it costs?
Callum: fortunately I do. It is a small star pendant consisting of the most expensive diamonds on earth.
Corbyn: that means the price is high then, come on hit me with it.
Callum: $950, 500 basically $550 away from $1,000,000 (1 million)
Corbyn; oh wow.
Callum: I have an alternative that is slightly different and a lot cheaper.
Corbyn: can I see it?
Callum: sure I'll be right back

Callum came back with an alternative that came out at only $5,750 but it just wasn't the same compared to the original. I had to do it.

Callum: I have more alternatives if you want to see them
Corbyn: you know what, no it's fine, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Callum: what? Really ?
Corbyn: yeah, I have to make this special for my wife and it wouldn't be the same.
Callum: want to know something?
Corbyn: what is it?
Callum: that pendant has been on sale for over 1 year and your the first ever person to buy it. Anyone else went for an alternative.
Corbyn: that's cool.
Callum: well if you'd like to do some paperwork with me, well be able to get it for you in the next week or so.
Corbyn: perfect, Bye Callum!
*end of flashback*

I went to the jewellery shop and saw Callum. He knew I was coming and had everything set out. All I had to do was pay him the money.

Callum: nice to see you again
Corbyn: I would say the same but I'm about to spend just under $1 million dollars of my money
Callum: True
Corbyn: but it's going to be worth it.

I payed for the necklace and left the store. I went to a couple other stores and bought Melody a few other things like some of the hair treatment stuff she usually buys to treat her hair and a couple of hoodies as an opening present. I then waited in the car for the boys. All the boys were in the car about 10 minutes later and had all their presents for Melody.

The car was full and Melody sure was being spoilt.

>At Home<

Corbyn: be quiet, well all put our presents in Jacks room as melody never goes in there.
Zach: she never goes in my room
Jonah: but we don't trust you.
Zach: thanks
Daniel: be quiet.

We walked in and Melody was on the couch asleep. On the tv was playing a movie which melody was watching whilst being cuddled up in a blanket with Teddy And Sparkle who had also fallen asleep.

Everyone put their presents for melody in Jacks room and decided it was time for bed so everyone went to bed but I went downstairs. Teddy and sparkle had woken up and came running to me so I stroked them before heading to Melody. I picked her up baby style and carried her upstairs to bed. I kindly tucked her in and got in bed myself. Teddy and Sparkle later on the end of the bed and we all fell asleep.

It was only 3 more days till Melody's birthday and to be honest I couldn't wait.  I'm pretty sure I was more excited than Melody but I knew for a fact that she would be getting more excited each hour of the days before.

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