Bad Boy And Good Girl: Kiss M...

By zevka_

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Grayson Leech, 17 y.o - a young independent good looking guy. He along with his 3 friends are the school bad... More

Chapter 1: I am back, London
Chapter 2: She's Cute
Chapter 3: Beautiful Name
Chapter 4: Shhh...
Chapter 5: It's Cold
Chapter 6: Meet My Family
Chapter 7: Taste Like Yours
Chapter 8: One Day With The Boys
Chapter 9: Dance With Me
Chapter 11: Don't Tell Him
Chapter 12: You're Mine
Chapter 13: Kiss Me Slowly
Chapter 14: I Can't Do This
Chapter 15: Sorry
Chapter 16: One Call Away
Chapter 17: I'll Save You
Chapter 18: I'm a Loser
Chapter 19: Good Bye
Chapter 20: I Miss You
Chapter 21: Hello Beautiful
Chapter 22: I Love You, Brother
Chapter 23: Don't Run Away
Chapter 24: My Everything

Chapter 10: Paris

94 1 0
By zevka_

- Cassiela POV -

I saw him with a girl leaning on him like they seemed so close. He was just dancing with me earlier, oh yes did I forget, he's a bad boy. What can I expect?

Suddenly I became not in the mood, as the music get louder, the people get wilder, and I want to go home as soon as possible. Finn offered me for a ride, the night still young, but we decided to leave early as Finn said he will go out in the morning


Edward asked me if I'd go to Paris with him for a music festival this weekend.

"So you're in? I'm going to buy the ticket" he said

"Yes, but I will not join the festival thing.. but I want to buy things"

"Great then shopping sounds good for you"

Finally it's Friday. I skipped school as we're leaving in the morning by train. It will take about 2 hours ride. It's not only me and Ed but Elliot, Jacob, and the other one named Liam. I've met earlier with the first two, and the first time for Liam.

We stayed at an apartment in the heart of Paris. I shared my room with Ed, and the boys in another bed room. It's 11 am, we're leaving the apartment look out for something to eat.

"What would you like?" Ed asked me as looked down the menu

"Steak-frites, and can we share the salad?" I respond

"Yes sure" Ed replied

"I'll go with Escargot" Liam said

"Me too, it's been a while not having the snails" Ed said

"And some baguette please" Liam added

While Elliot ordered chicken marengo and Jacob with Steak-frites too. Ed, Jacob, and Elliot were having conversation. Liam was playing with his phone, and so I did.

"Have you guys met each other? Why so quiet?" Jacob said as looking to me and Liam

"I'm not sure" I said as making a glance to Liam

"Yeah but you don't remember, do you?" Liam said as looking at me

"Once he visited us when in the US" Edward explained

"Sorry I don't remember" I said

"No problem" Liam smiled

Honestly, I did not notice him. Liam has beautiful green eyes, brown hair, and looking very neat. I find him the most good looking but no more than my brother, yes Ed is best for me. He looks kinda cool and smart, with attitude. Like how he talked to the waiters, very polite, and he speaks French too. I'm kinda jealous as Edward also speaks French very well, as mom she's half French and half Italian, Ed learnt it from Grandpa when he was still there. But I speak a little Italian, thanks to Grandma.

"Anyway, will you join us to the festival?" Elliot asked me

"No, I'll go shopping instead" I said

"I'll be so lonely then" Jacob teased, as rolling his eyes to Edward

"You're not her type, trust me" Ed responded

"Nice one Jake" Liam making funny face

"I heard about you from Ed, really I did not expect, I mean, you look even adorable than from his story, I'm just wondering, any boyfriend? Elliot asked

Everybody burst to laugh.

"Hey what's so funny?" Elliot said with confused face

"Well.. thank you Elliot, I .." before I could finish my sentence, Ed raised his voice

"She's taken, ok case closed" Ed said with a smirk on his face

I did not complain as Ed told them about boyfriend thing, I know he's being protective.

After lunch, we separated the path, they're going to the festival and me heading to Saint-Germain. I did not shop for fashion but I bought cheese from Fromagerie, chocolates, and also went to supermarket.

It's 10 pm already, and they have not come yet. I don't think I will wait for them.


It's almost 7 in the morning, woke up with my brother beside me. He must be tired. I have no idea what time did he come back.

I took a shower, dressed up with a white tshirt and black skinny jeans, my favorite outfit. I walked out to the kitchen slash living room, found Liam was opening the fridge. He turned around as I step out from the bedroom

"Bonjour" Liam said 'good morning' in French

"Bonjour" I replied, as took a seat on the sofa

"Tu es si belle" he said as walked towards me

"Pardon? The only French I know, bonjour and oui" I sighed

He smiled as sitting beside me.

"Are you hungry?" he asked nicely

"Yes" I nodded

"Let's find something for breakfast"

We walked few blocks from the apartment and found a place named La Creme de Paris, it's 8 am as we looked the open sign turned, how lucky we were. Liam ordered Crepes with Salmon and Emmental cheese while I went for Galette with Mozzarella and Tomato Confites.

"How was your shopping? I can't find anything but cheeses in fridge" Liam said as stared to me in the eye and smiled

"Great, I went to a Fromagerie in Saint Germain, I will buy more today"

"May I accompany you?" Liam asked politely

"You guys still have one more pass for today right?"

"We won't go, our favorites performed yesterday. And, Ed has a date with French girl that we met at festival, Elliot and Jacob, they will go sleep the whole day for sure and we'll go out to a bar tonight"

"Oh well yes it's so Edward"

A notification popped on my phone screen. It's a message from someone in London

Grayson: Good morning Princess, how's Paris? I miss you

Me: How did you know I'm in Paris?

Grayson: Because I'm your number one fan :)

Me: Oh really?

Grayson: Hey come home quickly, don't you miss me

Silent moment. It took few minutes for me, texting Grayson. Liam was looking at me when I place my phone on the table a done replying.

"Boyfriend?" Liam guessing

I froze, I was surprised, I shook my head after few seconds.

"So.. may I join?" Liam asked before I could answer his previous question

"Yes sure, I'm leaving at 1"

We finished our meal. We walked back to the apartment, once we arrived he's leaving to meet his cousin that lives in Paris. It's 9.30 and the boys were still sleeping. But then, in couple minutes a bedroom door cracked open

"Good morning captain! How's your sleep?" I said as seeing Edward with his messy hair, a t-shirt and boxer

"Morning beautiful, ah I slept very late. Where's everybody?" Ed said as walking towards me

"Jacob and Elliot are still sleeping I guess. Liam said he's meeting his cousin"

"Oh he woke up early, anyway did you get something already?"

"Don't worry, I have my breakfast. I bought coffee for you, and some pastries" I handed him the coffee cup

"Thank you, what's your plan for today?" he grabbed the cup and took a sip

"I will leave at 1, I still have some on my list"

"We can get a delivery for lunch, I'll be out at 12, I have a date" a smile appeared on his face

"Good luck then!" Patted his shoulder before I walked towards the bedroom

I stretched out on bed for awhile, then walked out into the living room, having conversation with Elliot and Jacob while Ed was calling for food delivery.

Chinese food is always a good idea. Once finished the meal, Ed left for his date. Elliot was reading something, while Jacob watched the TV. I grabbed my bag and jacket from the bedroom, later a message received on my phone,

Unknown: I'm down the street, I will wait here. Liam.

How did he get my number? Not the first time, it's happening like many times. Guys are unpredictable.

I went out, and walked towards Liam. We headed to Saint-Germain first to get some more cheeses, and sweets. We ended up enjoying the view of Eiffel tower before the sunset. I sat down on a bench, taking out my phone to take some pictures, Liam was buying some drinks for us. I noticed that there were unread messages, it was Ed, he told me that he will be back late. The other message was from Grayson two hours ago, and 5 missed calls

Grayson: Hey, what are you doing?

I replied his message in seconds once I read it

Me: Catching the sunset at Eiffel

Grayson: What took you so long to reply with just a sentence? Why you did not pick up my call?

Me: I was out, my phone was in my bag

Grayson: With who? A guy? Don't you have time to check your phone?

Me: What's with the question?

Grayson: Just say it

Me: Yes, with someone, and it's none of your business

I think I'm being harsh with my words, but it stopped him. Seriously who does he think he is? What's with all those questions, it ruined my mood until Liam came back, with a bag of food and drinks on his other hand.

"Here you go" he handed me a soda bottle, and smiled

"Thanks" I said. He took a seat beside me and turned his head towards me

"What's with the face?" he asked curiously

"Nothing, I'm fine" I tried to forget about few minutes ago

"Good" he looked straight to the front, to the Eiffel

"It's beautiful, don't you think so?" Liam said

"Yes it is"

"You know first time I saw you, you were drinking in the kitchen iced water, you looked so thirsty after biking" Liam told me, out of blue, but it's like he has a lot of things to say

"And you looked so cute, and it has not changed until now" he added

"I'm sorry, I could not remember" I feel bad

"Hey why be sorry, you don't have to. It was when I visited Ed for a week in the US. You were always in your room anyway"

"It was long time ago"

"Yeah.. and I was really happy when you moved in to England, though I found out that you were actually staying in Calne. Whenever you're in London, you spent most of your time in your room as always, I rarely got chance to see you"

"So today is the day, you see me from the morning to the dark"

"Haha true.. but I'm not a stalker ok" he laughed

"Yeahh.. maybe a little" I joked

"Come on dear, I'm not" he replied, I nodded as smiling


- Liam POV -

Finally I got a chance to spend some time with her. Cassiela, my best friend's sister. I adore her a lot, ever since the first time I met her when I visited my best friend, Edward in the US. She was in the kitchen, drinking iced water, as she looked so thirsty, sweating from her biking trip.

She stayed in her room most of the time. A week was too short that I could not really see her. I get excited whenever Ed told me that he and his family would go back to England, though later I found out that she's staying in Calne in a boarding school. She came to London once a while but she's always in her room. I can count with my fingers that I saw her through small gap of her bedroom door.

I saw her pictures from Ed's and her Instagram. Can you tell I'm obsessed? I'm not sure, she's just so me. But I never show it to Edward, it will be very awkward. I date some girls, but never been so serious.

And today, I'm in Paris. Having breakfast, going out with her, she's so beautiful. I wish I could tell her everything, but I'm afraid that she will get scared. Ed said that she's taken, but I was not sure. I knew her past. She's so broken from her first boyfriend that cheated on her. It was not easy for her. I guess it's one of the reason that she chose boarding school, and she spent most of her time in her room. How fragile she is, I really don't want her to get hurt, just to be beside her, it makes me happy.


- Grayson POV -

It's been very cold and windy in London. I have a plan to hang out with my boys tonight. I did not see Cassiela at school yesterday, I heard that she went to Paris. Why she did not tell me? Who am I to her anyway. So, this morning I texted her, and this afternoon but she did not reply, I called her and she did not answer. I have so many thoughts, is she avoiding me? Being with another guy? At last, I was worried about her too.

I was waiting for her reply like I have nothing else to do. It gets me frustrated, when she said she's catching the sunset at Eiffel with someone, what's wrong with me!! I was really angry like jealousy burned my whole body.

I think I'm jealous. I have no power to reply, talking to her in this situation is killing me.

Photo source:

La Creme de Paris
2 Rue du Faubourg, Montmartre
75009 Paris - France

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