The return of Enderlox (Editi...

By Angelderpichar

1.2K 22 6

This is my first story so sorry for anything wrong. I know it says return but eventually you'll get to know... More

Chapter 2 The Trio Is Coming Back
Chapter 3 The return and memories
Chapter 4 part 1/2 The full memory
Chapter 4 part 2/2 The call and reunion
Chapter 5 The annoucement
Chapter 6 The call and capture
Chapter 7 The capture
Chapter 8 What happened to the three
Chapter 9 The call and the potion
Chapter 10 Merome and Bodil666
Quick A/N
Chapter 11 The Battle well mini battle that is
Chapter 12 Another visit from Angel? Or something else
Chapter 13 The cuts and another plan
Chapter 14 Questions are asked
Chapter 15 Captures
Chapter 16 Just Plain Merome and Seto just Seto
Chapter 17 Wither's stress and Bodil's training
Chapter 18 The return of the forgotten clan
Chapter 19 Seto's awake
Chapter 20 War has begun
Chapter 21 A new plan?
FINAL CHAPTER Chapter 22 The end is now here

Chapter 1 Enderlox is coming back

426 3 1
By Angelderpichar

Ty's POV

Mitch, Sky, Husky, Seto, Jason, and I soon started coming back to Sky army base after having a pain looking for Jeffery gladly we did found him when we did. We were all joking around intill a mysterious purple orb or something like that had flashed out of nowhere. No one dare went to take a step or two to the thing. So I just walked to it and touched it and second before I heard Seto shout "NO DON'T!" but it was too late.

Seto's POV

I shouted "NO DON'T!" but I realized it was too late. Before purple smoke surrounded Ty fear filled his eyes and that was the last glimpse of Ty before he transformed. Sky and the others including Jeffery (he cares too.) ran to the smoke cocoon thing. But I had to use my magic to levitate them back to where I was. "WHAT THE HELL SETO!!" Sky shouted at me all I was thinking was what to do when the transformation is complete.

Sky's POV

I was confused and angry at Seto we could have helped him. "Don't do it again alright. I'll tell you what happened later just wait intill the smoke clears." Seto said "W-w-why?" I asked by that time the smoke cleared.

A/N: I know Sky's ended early but it will start with him in the next chapter.This is short sorry I'll try to make the next longer.
Edit: Hope you guys won't mind some notifications here or there with me re-editing the story!
-Angel Out!

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