Cigarettes and Hickies [n.h]

By _killerqueen_

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[ONE DIRECTION] "The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you." ... More



779 35 15
By _killerqueen_

For three weeks, Niall and Ocean went about their lives as though they hadn't ever met.

For three weeks, the grey clouds in the sky shadowed over the city with a blanket of gloom and sadness, rain was pouring down with no sign of ever stopping. Wind thrashed at trees, violently knocking things over and yet a girl with silvery-blue hair had her window open and was finding peace amidst the tumultuous atmosphere. It brought her peace, because the sound of the whistling wind was overpowering the will of thinking about things.

Niall was with the rest of his band mates at a radio station promoting their new song Midnight Memories. They were talking and laughing about things he soon forgot on his way back from the venue, his mind was rather thinking about one specific person that simply refused to leave his mind. When he thought of leaving her, three weeks prior, he had thought that he was going to be able to forget about her. But boy, was he wrong.

Two can play at this game, he had thought. But as he sat obnoxiously laughing at something Louis had said, he didn't have a clue as to what to do in order to keep his word. It upset Niall to know that Ocean merely teased him for her own benefit. He knew the girl was unpredictable, and for that reason it upset him that he was still surprised she had done what she did. And it upset him even further, that he still wasn't willing to give up on her.

For a big part of those three weeks, Niall had furiously tried to come up with a plan on how to avenge the girl he was beginning to go insane for. But when the radio station the boys were listening to in the car cringingly played their song Story Of My Life and the line "But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds," came up, he couldn't help but to think of the conversation they had shared.

"I know you're not going to least not yet." Niall had said.

"You're chasing the clouds, love." She had replied, running her tongue over her front teeth as though settling on her judgement as she stared at him coldly.

It was like lightning had struck. Suddenly Niall knew exactly what to do. What did Ocean hate most in the world aside from Niall? For something to not go her way.

So, he was to go and see her. She clearly didn't want to see him, but if he stayed away, she would win! And Niall wasn't set to let that happen.

"I'm a bloody genius!" He said aloud, the words leaving his lips before he could bring them back again. All members in the car suddenly turned to him.

"Alright Niall, what have you been smoking and why haven't I had some?" Louis was the first to say as Harry laughed beside him.

Niall twitched as his cheeks took a shade of red. "Just thought I'd state the obvious."

Zayn squinted his eyes as he began laughing and one of the security guards sat with them followed suit.

"Something's going on with you, mate. Something you ain't telling us." Louis found himself saying, he looked at Liam with whom he had discussed the matter with previously and waited for his approval to carry on. Liam shrugged, clearly interested in what Niall was hiding, but unsure if it was the right time to tell them. "Spit it out, c'mon." Louis added, the curiousity makng the words leave his mouth easily.

"Nothin'," Niall mumbled, twitching again.

"Allow him, man." Zayn then added, now clearly realising that something was indeed up with Niall. "He'll tell us, like, when he's ready."

"There is nothin' to tell!" Niall emphasised trying to hide the lie, "I'm clearly a genius, there's no denyin' it."

Harry spilled the water he was drinking over himself as the whole car began to roar with laughter.

"Yeah, you're clearly on something." Louis muttered once they reached the hotel and they got out of the car. Harry spudded Niall as he joined him up the small steps to the lobby, and laughed at what he had said. Louis, however, was stubborn to let the topic go even when Liam had again told him to leave him alone. He sighed when he was forced to accept that they would find out eventually.


Meanwhile, Ocean sat doodling over her Marlboro cigarettes box as tears ran down her face. Jasper's soul was haunting her and telling her that everything was fine, though Ocean wished she were dead. And as she drank her pain away, she realised she couldn't get drunk enough to get him off her mind, until the burning end of her midnight cigarette flashed a tempting thought into her head. 

She realised she didn't want to wake up from this.

She ran to the toilet, shutting the door abruptly behind her and stared at herself in the mirror. She was completely lost. As she looked at her pale face, she noticed she was becoming thinner; her cheek bones were becoming more prominent and her eyes wider, even her freckles were becoming more noticeable. The blueness of her orbs almost dazzled her as she turned away not wanting to see the faint life left in them.

With the back of her hand, she wiped her tears away and went to the small first-aid kit Scarlette had stored at the back of the towel shelf, and took out the small pair of scissors inside it. She was tired of pretending, and tired of being on her own. She needed him. She craved him, but she knew he could not be by her side.

"Jasper..." She breathed before forcing the scissors over her wrist, making blood ooze from the cut. Ocean bit her bottom lip in pain, but carried on doing it until the pain became blissful.

She didn't know how long she was doing it for or for how long her tears were falling down her face, but suddenly the door to the toilet was pushed open and her flatmate looked at her with a worried look casted upon her face.

"Oh my goodness," Scarlette mumbled as she rushed to her friend, taking the scissors from her hand with force as Ocean fought against it. "Ocean, what were you thinking?!"

After leading her to the couch, ignoring the blood trail behind them, Scarlette began to dial 999 trying to remain as calm as possible as the emergency helpline immidiately answered her call.

Ocean's surroundings were blurred from all the crying and she wasn't clearly registering what was going on. In her mind, Jasper was near; he was rubbing soothing circles on her thigh as his whiskey breath sprawled onto her mouth. Ocean was lost in the memory of his kiss; on a kiss that sent her world spinning.


Niall waited unitl the boys were busy doing other things to slip away from the room and get to his car. He ignored the bitter crispiness of the wind as it battled against him and got into his car, quickly turning on the engine and drving the car off and away from the hotel as possible.

He wasn't sure if his idea was any good. Sure, he would be going against Ocean's warning of staying away, but he didn't know if seeing her again would trigger a more violent character in Ocean. He wasn't afraid of her, not at all, but he was afraid of the damage she would end up doing to herself. A person like her needed some control and stability; he only hoped that in the three weeks he hadn't seen her she hadn't done somethingto herself.

A chuckle left his lips, as he still thought of her with kindness.

"What an arse," He mumbled to himself as he shook his head. The girl had probably forgotten him and he was still going back to attempt to reconsile with her.

But Niall couldn't help it. She was haunting him, his thoughts were always revolved around her and he was beginning to hate himself for them, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't rid them.

And as the darkness grew around him, avid thoughts of Ocean's mouth on his neck began to spring to his mind. And as he groaned in frustration that he couldn't let those thoughts leave him, he decided to put on the radio to see if the music would at least distract him from the thoughts travelling down to his groin.

But it was as though the music added to the images. He found himself thinking of the way her lips wrapped themselves around the tip of her cigarette and the face she pulled when she inhaled, and he couldn't help himself to think of the way those plump lips would wrap themselves around a special part of his body.

Fuck, he thought.

He hated her. Niall hated Ocean for what she had done to him, yet he didn't understand this attraction towards her. That's what was driving him mad.

He contemplated on whether or not it would be a good idea to carry on route to Ocean, as that would make it more tempting for him. But he couldn't help it, he wanted to give in. He wanted to give in to that bliss he felt when she was against him.

However, as he got to Ocean's road, after two hours of driving, he realised that a different sensation had washed over him.

An ambulance was parked right outside her building and the door to it was left open.

That ambulance could be here for anyone, he thought. But he somehow had a growing bad feeling about it.

He quickly parked his car, opposite the ambulance, and got out of the car in a haste. His breath was caught in his throat as he jogged across the road, and he noticed his palms were sweating slightly as he dreaded his thoughts would become reality. He didn't know why he was worried, the girl was getting hit in the face by karma, but as much as he disliked the girl, he couldn't bring himself to wish pain upon her.

He even allowed himself to think that deep down Ocean would think the same. She had to have felt bad about ending him up in hosptial, she just had to.

Apprehensive, Niall waited outside the buidling unsure if to go in or not. He knew the girl didn't want to see him, she made that very clear. But having seen the ambulance parked outside her building, he just thought he had to see her. What if something was wrong? He'll have to make an excuse as to why he was inside her flat, and then suffer the consequences of her wrath later. Either way, he had to see her.

So, he ran up the stairs the anxcious knot in his stomach growing as he passed the closed doors of the flats that were clearly unbothered by the medical team, and stopped short at flat number 13. Number 13's door was ajar and there were voices coming from inside, one of which belonged to the familiar voice of Ocean.

Niall swallowed the lump in his throat, as his theories were proven right, but didn't come in just yet wanting to think of the way he would walk in without angering the already-angry girl. As he thought of an excuse he began to hear their conversation.


A/N: I don't think this is the best chapter yet, but I'm slightly tired but I knew I had to write this. So I do apologise if it's quite rushed or shitty.

What do you guys think of Ocean? Do you still want to punch her in the face, or are you warming up to her?

I love reading your comments, they seriously brighten up my day. So please, please, please comment! Your feedback is appreciated as it encourages me to keep writing.

Please check out my 8tracks playlist to this fanfiction. I'm adding some new songs to the playlist.  It's regina george, and I have the same icon as here.

Instagram: @willyouzarryme

Twitter: @cherriesmoothie    /    @willyouzarryme

And one final thing: if you guys know how to do trailers, I would love to hear from you. Please DM me, as I really want a trailer for this fanfic.

stay fab xo

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