Ninjas (Naruto Fanfic)

By AngelicDemons9700

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Ayame has been put on team seven when she becomes a Genin. She has the Ten Tails inside of her and knows many... More

Chapter 1: Survival Test
Chapter 2: A Real Mission
Chapter 3: Chunin Exams?
Chapter 5: The Chunin Exams Part 1
Chapter 6: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 1
Chapter 7: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 2
Chapter 8: The Second Part of the Chunin Exams Part 3
Chapter 9: The Sound Ninja Attack
Chapter 10: The End of the Second Exam
Chapter 11: Preliminaries... Jiraiya is back!
Chapter 12: Training with Pervy Sage!
Chapter 13: Three Demons!
Chapter 14: The End of the Chunin Exams!
Chapter 15: The Battle with Gaara!
Chapter 16: Road Trip with Pervy Sage!
Chapter 17: Learning the Rasengan!
Chapter 18: The Fifth Hokage's arrival and Sasuke's Retrieval!
Chapter 19: Orochimaru's hideout!
Chapter 20: Prison Break!
Chapter 21: Taking out Raiga!
Chapter 22: Sea Monsters!
Chapter 23: Returning the Favor! Naruto and Ayame's Departure!

Chapter 4: The Ten Rookies

1.3K 44 13
By AngelicDemons9700

Ayame's P.O.V.

" Hey you with the attitude. Hold on." I heard Rock Lee's voice. We all turned around.

" What do you want?" Sasuke asked, annoyed.

" I want to fight right here and right now." Is this dude wanting to die? I asked myself.

" You wanna fight me here and now huh?"

" Yes," He jumped down from the deck thing, " my name is Rock Lee. You said it was common courtesy for a challenger to give his own name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha." He pointed at Sasuke. 

" So you know me?" Sasuke's eyebrow's shot up.

" I challenge you. Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha clan and how great they are. I want to see if it is true," He really is signing his death certificate if he's talking about Sasuke's clan, " I figured you would be a good test for me and also," he looked at Sakura while saying this part and she kinda got creeped out. His cheeks were bright red, " Oh Sakura, I love you." She let out a scream of terror and to be honest I don't blame her. She started shivering.

" You're hair style is horrible and those eyebrows are so bushy. You're such a weirdo!" She exclaimed.

" You are an angel sent from heaven," This guy just doesn't stop. I shook my head. He sent a kiss flying at her which she dodged, " That was a good move, but let us see you dodge this." I decided to move away from her so I wouldn't get hit. He sent so many kisses it had to be impossible to dodge all of them. She started freaking out some more. She did some weird gymnastics movements and then bent over backwards and ended up dodging all of them.

" Hey, keep your creepy little Valentines to yourself I was dodging for my life there!" She exclaimed. He dropped his smile.

" You don't have to be so negative Sakura." He said.

" You've heard of the Uchiha clan yet you're challenging me? You must be even more psycho then you look if that's possible. You wanna know more about my clan? Then I will teach you the hard way," Oh no I knew this was gonna happen.

" Bring it on." Lee got in a fighting stance.

" Hold it!" Naruto said. I turned to look at him, " I get him first. This weirdo is mine."

" Go for it." Sasuke said. They are clearly stupid. This guy kind of reminds me of uncle Gai. I call Kakashi and all of them my uncles, but no one really knows that I'm the fourth hokages daughter so I am not allowed to call them that anymore. I made sure not to go near them all of the time so I wouldn't call them uncle.

" Naruto," Sakura said warningly.

" What it'll take me two minutes to have this guy begging for mercy." 

" No thank you the only one I want to fight is Uchiha."

" Oh yeah well I've got news for you. Sasuke can't compare to me. Believe it!" Naruto ran at Lee. Without even really trying he knocked Naruto's punch down and to beside him with only his finger tips. Naruto caught himself on his hands and twisted around to kick Lee, but Lee dodged using the leaf whirlwind. Wait, that's Gai's technique! Naruto went spinning into the wall behind Lee.

" Just accept it you have no chance against me. You see Sasuke out of all the top leaf genin I am the best," I scoffed at that. He may be good, but he hasn't seen me, " fight me and I will prove it to you." Sasuke smirked.

" This'll be fun. Lets do it." I felt something bad was going to happen before hand so I took the liberty of putting the jutsu formula on Sasuke and Naruto so I would be able to use my teleportation jutsu.

" There's no time Sasuke we have to register by three o'clock Sasuke that's less than half an hour." Sakura cut in.

" Relax this will all be over in five seconds." He is too confident in himself sometimes. He charged forward and they started fighting. Sasuke tried using his Sharingan, but Lee is using taijutsu not ninjutsu or genjutsu so his sharingan won't work. God Lee is fast. He kicked Sasuke into the air and started undoing the bandages on his arms. My eyes widened. This was the primary lotus jutsu! I used my teleportation jutsu and grabbed Sasuke then using it again to get to Naruto just as the bandages were pinned against the wall by something.

" All right that's enough Lee!" A turtle said coming out of nowhere. Oh crap that's Gai's summoning jutsu and I just used my dad's teleportation jutsu in front of Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, and Lee! All four of them and the turtle stared at me in astonishment. Gai appeared on the turtle and looked at me.

" You're almost as fast as the fourth hokage! How?" He asked, my eyes widening and I felt like face palming myself.

" I didn't know you were gonna be here uncle Gai..." I trailed off nervously when I realized another mistake I just made. I covered my mouth as everyone including Lee stared at me.

" Uncle?!?!" They all asked. Gai looked me over for a minute before realization dawned over him. 

" AYAME!!!" He shouted running over to me pulling me into a bone crushing hug, " It's been forever since I last seen you!" I put on a smile, but hoped I could just leave.

" Yea... Ummm don't you have a student to get on to?" I said hoping to get his attention off of me. He turned around and started getting onto Lee and they cried together. He watched us for a minute and Sakura freaked.

" He's looking at us!" She said and I sighed.

" So how is Kakashi-sensei? Do you know him?" Gai asked.

" Uncle Kakashi is fine." I answered. Wait. Oh shit this is the reason I avoided them!!!

" He's your uncle too?" Naruto asked. I facepalmed.

" He is my rival I have fifty wins and forty-nine losses which is one better then his." He appeared behind us and the others jumped. I swung my elbow back getting him in the stomach. He groaned in pain.

" If you didn't want that to happen you should have never of left your spot beside Lee." I said nonchalantly.

" How did he beat Kakashi?" Naruto asked surprised.

" The fact is, is that I'm stronger than Kakashi and faster," I scoffed knowing that wasn't the reason. He may be faster then Kakashi, but Kakashi is stronger and smarter. I sighed and then smirked.

" You say you're faster and stronger than Kakashi, right?" I asked. He nodded, " Then let's see who's faster between you and me." Before he could say anything else I threw my kunai that had my jutsu formula on it around the room. Might as well since my secrets already out. I teleported behind him throwing a kick to his back he caught my foot, but I counteracted it kicking him off of me and teleporting again. He looked everywhere as I kept teleporting. I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to see Sasuke.

" We don't have much time we need to go." I nodded and teleported to all of my kunai picking them up. Gai watched me closely.

" Lee accompany these fine ninja to the classroom. Farewell." He and the turtle poofed away. We made it to the classroom after signing in. Kakashi was standing outside of room 301. 

" What are you doing here Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto questioned.

" I came to see if you all came. If the whole squad wouldn't have came you wouldn't be allowed to participate in the exams. It's usually only supposed to be three man squads, but we're exceptional. Good luck!" We nodded and walked into the room. Naruto and Sakura looked around.

" What's this?" Naruto mumbled.

" Gee I guess we're not alone." Sakura pointed out.

" You don't say?" I asked sarcastically. Everyone stared at us and it was starting to get annoying.

" Oh man, I had no idea there would be so much competition." Sakura said looking at everyone. What the hell did you expect! 

" Sasuke where have you been?" Ino asked running up behind Sasuke and hugging him. He looked at me as if trying to ask for help. I let out a giggle, " Boy you have no idea how bad I was hoping for you to show up. I've missed those good looks of yours." Kill me now. Sakura let out a growl.

" Hey you porker back off he's mine!" Sakura yelled pointing at Ino.

" Miss forehead they let you in? You still got those big frown lines on your billboard brow I see." Oh god they just love to torment each other.

" Leave my forehead out of it!" Ok I have had enough. I grabbed Sasuke's hand pulling him out of Ino's grasp and towards me. Crap I used too much force. Sasuke fell forward into me his face too close to mine for comfort. I pushed him away and looked at the two girls who were glaring at me.

" Knock it off guys!" I snapped.

" Oh it's you guys. I knew it was gonna be a drag, but I didn't know it was gonna be this lame." Shikamaru said walking over to us with Choji.

" Wow thanks Shikamaru nice of you to put me in the category with them." I said sarcastically. He sweatdropped.

" I didn't mean you, Ayame." I giggled.

" So all the three stooges are here." Naruto piped up.

" Hey, you know what pipsqueak. Forget it you're a waste of time." Same old Shikamaru I thought to myself. Choji sat there eating his chips as if nothing was going on.

" Well well what do you know looks like the whole gang is back together." Kiba said walking over to us. I looked up at him and seen Akamaru on his head. I ran over to him and grabbed Akamaru before he could say anything and started hugging and petting him.

" Oh hi Naruto." Hinata said. It is so obvious she likes him. Kiba watched me for a second. I smiled at him sheepishly.

" Sorry." I mumbled. I've always had a small crush on Kiba.

" Look at all of us. The ten rookies back together. You have to be good enough to make the cut. Right Sasuke?" I rolled my eyes as Kiba said that.

" Careful you don't get too over confident." Sasuke smirked casting me a glance.

" We've been training like crazy!" Kiba exclaimed.

" What do you think we've been doing picking daisies. Besides we have Ayame and she's so good that-" My eyes widened when I realized what Naruto was going to say. I clamped my hand over his mouth to get him to shut up so he can't tell my secret. They all looked at me weirdly and I sent them a smile, but it was ruined.

" Yea we have Ayame and she can tel-" Sasuke cut her off by clamping a hand over her mouth too.

" What's with you guys?" Kiba and Shikamaru asked.

" Oh nothing." I smiled at them. Choji stepped towards Kiba, but was staring at Akamaru as if he was food. Before he could take another step Shino stopped him. It looked like there was gonna be a smack down.

" Hey you guys," A guy with white hair pulled in a ponytail and glasses with a hidden leaf headband said walking up to us, " you might want to try keeping it down a little. I mean no offence, but you're the ten rookies right? Fresh out of the academy? I wouldn't go making a spectacle of yourselves," Does this dude wanna die, " Just cool it this isn't a class field trip."

" Well who asked you?!" Ino exclaimed, " Who are you?"

" I'm Kabuto Yakushi, but really look around you," all of us looked around and I tried hard not to laugh. Everyone was glaring at us, " you've made quite an impression. See those guys they're from the rain village. Very touchy they all are."

" They're not the only touchy ones." I halfway growled out.

" Maybe I can help y'all out a bit with my... Ninja Info Cards." Kabuto said taking out cards.

" What the heck are those?" Sakura asked.

" These are chakra en-coated cards with information that I've learned over the past years." He started talking on about everything and then Sasuke had Kabuto tell him about Lee and Gaara.

" One more person." Sasuke said.

" Okay who?"

" Ayame Akako." I jerked my head to look at him.

" She's our own teammate and is sitting right there!" Naruto exclaimed. Sasuke shrugged and Kabuto grabbed a card and spun it. 

" There isn't much. Akako isn't her real last name and oh umm her dad is the f-" I tackled him and grabbed the card putting it behind my back. They all stared at me for a moment.

" Who's your dad?" Sasuke asked.

" It's no one!" I said quickly putting the card in my pocket.

" What are you hiding?" Sasuke asked eyeing me.

" I'm not hiding anything!" I said rather quickly. Kabuto watched me and I wonder if he seen what it said. Something wasn't feeling right so I handed Kabuto his card back and I snuck a jutsu formula onto his hand. I went as far as I could from them and sat down. They started talking about how it was gonna be more difficult this time and then Naruto started being a dummy.

" I am Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna beat everyone one of you. Believe it!" He shouted. Oh god he's just trying to get us killed.

" Naruto!" Sakura growled putting him in a head lock, " he doesn't really mean that he isn't all right in the head." I chuckled. Everyone glared at us.

" If you have a problem take it out on me if you can, otherwise turn your heads the other direction." I threatened.

" Ayame!" Kiba said. They all kept staring at us.

" If you got a problem say it otherwise don't stare."

" Do you think we're scared of you!" Someone shouted. I shrugged at them just as I seen some running through everyone. No one would be able to see it and they were headed straight at my comrades. I used my teleportation jutsu and appeared in front of Kabuto before anyone could finish blinking and I blocked the kunai that one of the sound village shinobi threw. One of them landed in front of me and I sent a kick to his chest which made him go flying. Everyone watched as one of them started to throw a punch and it was a centimeter from hitting me when I grabbed Kabuto teleporting us to Sasuke.

" You're better than you look." The girl from the hidden sound said. A smoke bomb was then set off and I heard someone's voice.

" Alright all of you pipe down and listen up. It's time to begin," The smoke faded and my uncle Ibiki stood there, " I'm Ibiki Morino and I'm your proctor and from this moment your worst enemy."

" Uncle Ibiki." I mumbled in shock.


Naruto: Yay!! Another chapter has been completed! *Jumps in Joy*

Me: Calm down!

Kiba: Kathalee-

Naruto: I'm gonna say it this time, believe it! Kathalee-

Kakashi: Kathalee does not own Naruto!

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei, that was supposed to be my line! *pouts in corner*

Me: Get over it! They beat you to it again! Anyways peace out! Please vote and comment!

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