Worlds Colliding (The Vampire...

By heartofice97

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All Rights Go To The CW. The Vampire Diaries characters and plot lines are not mine, nor or the songs used to... More

characters & outfit links
character theme songs, ships, trailer
chapter 1 - The Return
chapter 2 - Brave New World
chapter 3 - Bad Moon Rising
chapter 4 - Memory Lane
chapter 5 - Kill Or Be Killed
chapter 6 - Plan B
chapter 7 - Masquerade
chapter 8 - Rose
chapter 9 - Katerina
chapter 10 - The Sacrifice
chapter 11 - By the Light of the Moon
chapter 12 - The Descent
chapter 13 - Daddy Issues
chapter 15 - The Dinner Party
chapter 16 - The House Guest
chapter 17 - Know Thy Enemy
chapter 18 - The Last Dance
chapter 19 - Klaus
chapter 20 - The Last Day
chapter 21 - The Sun Also Rises
chapter 22 - As I Lay Dying

chapter 14 - Crying Wolf

983 21 41
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Tyler: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "Vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the parking lot, Mason jumped onto the car, onto the ground, jumping over Carter, in between him, Tyler and Kacie. His eyes were glowing amber gold.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Since then, werewolves can only turn..."

From 1.10 "The Turning Point", outside the high school, up in the sky above Tyler, there was a full moon.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "On a full moon."

From 1.06 "Lost Girls", in Stefan's room, Damon put his hand in the sunlight, making his skin sizzle

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "And vampires are weakened by the sun."

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House's living room, Alaric was explaining the Sun and the Moon Curse to Damon, Kaylin, Nicola and Jeremy. "The werewolf part of the curse..."

From 2.02 "Brave New World", in the Lockwood Study, Kacie opened the box, revealing the moonstone inside.

Alaric: (voice over from 2.06 Plan B) "Is sealed with the moonstone."

From 2.09 "Katerina", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Stefan, Elena and Alex sat on the couch.

Liv was leaning against the back of the couch.

Nicola and Kaylin were sitting in chairs on either side of the couch.

Rose, Damon and Cristian were standing, facing them.

"Klaus is the real deal," Rose told them.

"Okay, so you're saying the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after my sisters?" Liv asked. 

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in Alex/Elena's room, Alex and Elena were meeting with Elijah.

"Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals," Elijah told them. "But I'm here, and I'm prepared to offer you a deal."

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in Stefan's room, Stefan, Damon, Kaylin and Nicola were talking.

"Do you trust Elijah?" Stefan asked. "I don't trust him. He's an Original. He can't be trusted."

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Martin apartment, Luka put the moonstone on the desk.

Jonas picked the moonstone up.

Bonnie: (voice over from 2.13 Daddy Issues) "Elena told me you're both working for Elijah."

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the Town Square, Jonas and Bonnie were walking.

"So don't lie about it," Bonnie told him.

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the Lockwood Mansion's foyer, Tyler, Kacie and Carol stood inside, facing Jules on the outside.

"I'm Jules," Jules told them. "I'm trying to track down Mason."

From 2.12 "The Descent", in the Grill, Kacie, Tyler and Jules sat at their table.

Jules looked at Tyler."I know you're a werewolf." She looked at Kacie. "And I know that you're not one just yet." 

Kacie raised her eyebrows. She pulled her arm away from Jules. "Do you know where Mason is?"

Tyler pulled his arm away.

"He's dead, Kacie," Jules told her. "You wanna know who murdered him? Your little vampire-infested town did."

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the RV, Eliza and Caroline were in the cage, with a metal plate in the middle of the cage to separate the to of them.

Brady aimed his gun at Eliza.

Eliza backed into the bars of the cage behind her, terrified, but there was no where to hide.

Caroline tried to stop him. "No, no, no, no, no!" Brady shot Eliza in the knee, making her scream. Eliza laid on the cage floor, crying. Brady shot Eliza in the shoulder, making her scream. Caroline screamed, crying. "Stop!"

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the woods, Cristian, Kaylin, Damon, Stefan and Tyler faced Jules.

"Give us Caroline and Eliza," Kaylin told her. "Without a full moon, it's not an even fight, and you know it. We will take you."

"I'm not so sure about that, bad girl," Jules told her, whistling through her fingers. 

The rest of her pack walked out of their hiding places, surrounding Cristian, Kaylin, Damon and Stefan, all holding stakes and crossbows. 

Cristian, Kaylin, Damon and Stefan looked around.

Werewolf 10 shot an arrow into Cristian's chest, making him stop. Cristian gasped in pain.

Kaylin stopped fighting when she saw, angry and in denial. "No!" Jules shot Kaylin in the back with six bullets, making her fall to the ground. Caroline and Tyler each had one of Eliza's arms over their shoulders, helping her outside. Jules rushed toward them, pushing Eliza to the ground. Eliza landed painfully and weakly on her stomach, her wounded shoulder and knee scraping against the dirt, crying out in pain, nearly screaming. Jules pushed Caroline against the RV, putting the gun to her back. Brady flipped Damon to the ground, having a stake posed at his heart. Werewolf 9 pulled the stake out of Stefan's stomach, raising it to stake Stefan in the heart. Tyler saw all of this, and he didn't do anything. Kaylin struggled to stand as they were all about to be killed. "No!"

The remaining werewolves, including Jules and Brady, suddenly were in pain, holding their heads, screaming, falling to their knees.

Eliza looked up from the ground, trying to push herself up, gasping at the pain in her shoulder, stopping. She looked around, her voice shaky and breaking. "What's happening?"

Jonas walked into view. He was casting a spell on the werewolves, making them all fall unconscious.

Stefan and Damon stood.

Caroline helped Eliza stand, wrapping her uninjured arm around her shoulders.

"Elijah made a promise to Alex and Elena," Jonas told them. "I'm here to see it's upheld."

From 2.13 "Daddy Issues", in the RV, Brady, Jules and Tyler were talking.

"I don't get what Mason was even doing here in the first place," Brady told them.

"Because of this rock he was trying to find," Tyler answered.

"What rock?" Brady asked.

"A moonstone," Tyler answered.

"Where is it now?" Brady asked.

Tyler shook his head. "I couldn't tell you."


Day One 

Morning - Woods

The dead werewolves laid in a pile next to a bonfire outside of the RV.

Brady carried another body of a dead werewolf over his shoulder, placing him on the pile.

Jules was watching the fire burn the bodies.

Brady looked at Jules.

Jules looked up sadly.

They walked toward another werewolf by the RV.

"Go ahead," Brady told him. "Tell her."

"Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer that screams, 'I should have known better'," the werewolf told them.

"What is it, Stevie?" Jules asked.

"When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked," Stevie told them. "There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot, vampire chick Kathy, and he didn't want anyone to know."

"All right, just get to the point, Stevie," Jules told him in annoyance.

"That is the point, Jules," Stevie told her. "It's the Sun and Moon Curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it, if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, the moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse."

Brady looked at Jules. "We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town."


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


Forbes House - Guest Bedroom

The guest bedroom had two beds, a window seat, and three sleeping chairs for slumber party nights.

Caroline was sleeping on one bed.

Eliza was sleeping on the other bed.

Alex was sleeping on the window seat.

Elena and Bonnie were sleeping in two of the three sleeping chairs.

Elena's phone started to ring, waking the girls.

Caroline covered her head with her pillow. "Go away!"

Alex groaned, grabbing her pillow, throwing it toward Elena to wake her.

Elena looked up, looking around, realizing her phone was ringing. She crawled to the dresser, answering her phone. "Hello?"

Caroline, Eliza, Alex and Bonnie were incredibly annoyed with being woken this early.

"Shh," Bonnie told her.

"Elena!" Eliza complained.

Elena crawled toward the door, leaning against the doorway.

Stefan's voice was on the other line. "How was the slumber party?"

"Good, and much needed," Elena answered. "The only one missing last night was Kacie." She took a moment of silence to feel guilty and to turn her tone into flirting. "When can you and I have one?"

Stefan was in the Salvatore Boarding House, in his room. "Mm. That can be arranged."

"Okay," Elena told him. "Now. Today. Take me far, far away."

"Even with everything that's going on?" Stefan asked.

"Because of everything that's going on," Elena answered.

"And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?" Stefan asked.

"Uh, this has everything to do with that," Elena answered.

"Well, in that case, where would you like to go?" Stefan asked.

Elena smiled.


Salvatore Boarding House - Hallway

Andie and Damon walked downstairs.

Andie checked her watch, pulling on her jacket. "I'm late. This is such a crazy day." She looked into the mirror at the bottom of the stairs. Damon picked up her scarf from a table nearby. "I'm, uh, covering the Historical Society's High Tea."

Andie had a bandage over her bite mark on her neck.

"Oh, thrilling," Damon told her sarcastically.

They walked down the hallway.


Living Room

Damon and Andie walked in.

"Yeah, it's for some visiting writer," Andie told him. "He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze."

"Writer?" Damon asked. "What's his name?"

"Uh, Elijah Smith," Andie told him.

Damon scoffed. "Smith? He's using Smith?" Andie looked at herself, yet again, in a different mirror. Damon placed the scarf around her neck, tying it. "Okay. You have your story straight in your mind, right?"

"I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off, and I really like you," Andie told him. "You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest."

Damon smiled, placing his hands on either of her cheeks, compelling her. "And you're falling hard."

"You might be the one," Andie told him.

"Perfect," Damon told her, opening the front door. Cristian was standing outside. Damon looked at Andie. "Have a great day, honey."

They kissed, pulling away.

Andie walked outside, nodding to Cristian. "Oh, hey, Cristian. Later."

Andie got into her car, driving away, leaving.

Cristian looked at Damon, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"My new girlfriend," Damon told him. "Andie Star, action news."

"It's not called action news," Cristian told him. 

"I know," Damon told him. "I just like saying it. Come on." Cristian walked in. Damon closed the door behind him. Cristian was holding the 'gift' from John in 2.13 Daddy Issues. Damon turned to face him. "Speaking of girlfriends, where's yours?"

"Jenna found out Liv snuck out last night, so she's in even more trouble than she was in before," Cristian told him.

"Ooh, terrifying," Damon told him sarcastically. "I can only assume that Little Liv isn't thrilled to be in house arrest."

"The guy who put her like that is the one that gave me this," Cristian told him. "John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah." He unrolled the dagger from its cloth. "Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white oak tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that."

Damon took the dagger. "So you think it's a setup?"

"It could be," Cristian answered. "Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him." Damon walked over to the bar to pour them both a drink. "Liv said Jenna and Alaric were roped into doing this Historical Society thing at the Lockwoods."

"Where Elijah's the guest of honor," Damon told him, turning to face him. "Cristian, tell me you're not gonna kill him at the tea party."

"No," Cristian answered. "That would be stupid." He took his glass from Damon. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met."

Damon was impressed. "What do you say? Shall we tag team this?"

Damon and Cristian smirked, clinking their glasses, drinking.


Mystic Grill

(Song:) All I Know - Free Energy

Bonnie, Caroline and Eliza were sitting at a table.

Caroline looked at Bonnie. "Okay, so tell us about this big, witchy plan you've been cooking up."

"We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to," Bonnie told them.

"No, we don't," Eliza agreed.

"So, I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows," Bonnie told them.

"And he's not gonna tell you anything," Eliza told her.

Bonnie smiled smugly. "I didn't say he was gonna have a choice."

Caroline looked past them.

"What?" Eliza asked.

Bonnie and Eliza followed her gaze to Matt.

Caroline smiled a small smile, waving.

Matt walked away, leaving.

Bonnie and Eliza looked at Caroline.

"What was that about?" Bonnie asked.

"Uh, I don't know," Caroline told them. "I thought that we were... I don't know."

(Song Ends)



Jules was waiting outside the RV, gazing off into the distance.

Tyler approached.

"Tyler, hi," Jules told him.

"You're still here," Tyler told her.

"Is that all right with you?" Jules asked.

"That guy last night made it pretty clear that you needed to go," Tyler told her.

"And we will soon," Jules told him. Brady and Stevie approached them. Tyler looked at them nervously. "Listen, we kind of need your help with something."

"We need you to help us find the moonstone," Brady told him.

"Somebody needs to explain to me what the big deal is about a rock," Tyler told them.

"That rock helps break the curse of the Sun and the Moon," Stevie told him.

"I don't know what that means," Tyler told them.

"It's an old curse placed on both vampires and werewolves," Jules told him.

"Vampires break the curse, they're free to walk in the sunlight," Stevie told him. "But we're stuck only turning at the full moon, AKA werewolf Armageddon."

"But if we break it, they're stuck as night-walkers, and we can turn whenever we want," Brady told him.

"AKA, werewolf domination," Stevie told him.

Tyler sighed, not knowing what to believe.

"Tyler, if we can turn at will, that means we never have to turn at all, not if we don't want to," Jules told him.

"I'd never have to turn again?" Tyler asked.

"There's more," Brady told him. "Stevie?"

"If those vamps are gearing up to break the curse, they must have also found the Doppelganger and the Wraith," Stevie told him.

"What are those?" Tyler asked.

"A Doppelganger is a replicant of oneself," Stevie answered. "A Wraith is an evil twin shadow person. We're betting Mason's hot, vampire chick Kathy knows all about it, so we need you to help us find Kathy. I--I have a picture. Mason brought her to the bar once. No one liked her. She was a vampire. Bad news." He looked through his phone for the picture. "Right--right here. The girl next to Mason."

Stevie showed the picture of Mason and Katherine to Tyler.

Tyler looked from the picture to Stevie skeptically. "That's Elena Gilbert."

"You know her?" Jules asked.

"She's my ex-girlfriend's sister," Tyler told them. "Alex Gilbert. Of course I know her."

Jules and Brady exchanged a look.


Mystic Grill

(Song:) All I Know - Free Energy

Matt was busing a table.

Caroline walked toward him. "Hi."

"I'm--I'm working," Matt told her, starting to walk away.

Caroline followed. "Yeah, I can see that, but can you work and talk?"

Matt turned to face her, making her stop. "What do you want, Caroline?"

"Uh, I want to talk about what we were supposed to talk about last night before I had to cancel on you," Caroline answered. "I want us to clear up the weirdness. I just want us to talk about us."

"Now you're just making it worse," Matt told her.

Caroline placed her hands on either of her cheeks in confusion. "Uh, I--I don't know what's going on, Matt."

"Where were you last night when you were supposed to be with me?" Matt asked.

"I..." Caroline trailed off.

"And don't say you were with Bonnie, because Bonnie was here, Caroline," Matt told her. "I saw her."

Caroline was speechless. "Oh."

"Yeah," Matt told her, turning around, walking away, leaving.

Caroline watched him go guiltily.

(Song Ends)



Alex walked down the steps behind the Grill, looking around, waiting for someone. She was holding her phone, sitting down, setting her phone on the stone steps beside her.

A moment of silence passed.

Tyler arrived, sitting next to Alex. "You really sure it's safe to meet secretly with a werewolf when you're surrounded by vampires who want me dead?" 

"Tyler, I'm so, so sorry," Alex told him. "I had no idea of what Damon did to Kacie. I swear to you."

Tyler looked at Alex, nodding. "I believe you."

"Where is Kacie now?" Alex asked.

"She hates everyone," Tyler told her. "She was lied to and manipulated. So was I."

"I was only trying to protect you," Alex told him. "Both of you. That's been the one thing on my mind since the first day I found out, was keeping both of you safe, and both of you alive. You can hate me or be angry with me like Kacie is. I wouldn't blame you. But that's the truth." She sighed. "I'm so sorry. From here on out, no more lies. Anything you'll ask of me, I'll answer honestly."

"I only want to know one thing," Tyler told her, looking at her. "Did you know about Mason?"

Alex looked at him guiltily, swallowing. "Not at first."

Tyler nodded, looking away. "Jules wants me and Kacie to leave with her."

"But you can't," Alex told him. "Ty..."

"I already told her I wanted to keep Kacie completely out of it, because she's not turned," Tyler told her. "But she won't leave without me."

Alex hesitated. "But you're not gonna leave with her, are you?"

Tyler slowly shook his head. "I have no idea what I'm gonna do. I might not even have a choice, just to make the killing stop. I just wish there'd be a way for me to make sure that Kacie stays safe."

"She'll be safe," Alex told him. Tyler looked at her. "I promise you that. This is a long story that you don't really have the time for, but... Elena and I made a deal with a vampire that keeps everyone that we love safe and alive. He has a witch that helps him keep that promise he made us."

Tyler nodded in understanding. "So the guy with the powers, the witch, the one who saved them, he was the witch that works with the vampire you made a deal with."

Alex nodded. "And he saved Stefan, Damon, Kaylin, Cristian, Caroline and Eliza, and he didn't hurt you. He kept you safe. He'll keep Kacie safe. I promise you that. I don't want you to leave. But, like you said, if you don't have a choice, just to make the killing stop.... I can promise you that Kacie will be okay." Tyler looked at her. Alex looked at him guiltily with tears in her eyes. "I don't know what else to say."

Tyler held his hand over Alex's phone on the stone steps between them. "There's nothing else to say."

Tyler stood, stealthily taking Alex's phone, turning around, walking up the stairs, putting her phone into his back pocket without her noticing, walking away, leaving.

Alex sighed heartbreakingly, seeming to have been expecting this response, folding her arms across her knees, lying her head on her arms, crying silently, alone on the stone steps leading to the alley below and the ground above.


Gilbert House - Foyer

Stefan and Elena had bags packed and ready to go.

"Ready for our romantic weekend?" Stefan asked.

"Beyond ready," Elena answered. "Let's go before John shows up and pretends to be a concerned father."

"Mm, I'll go put these in the car," Stefan told her, opening the front door, starting to walk out. Elena's phone vibrated. Stefan stopped. Elena pulled out her phone, seeing that she had received a message from Alex reading 'Need to talk. Where are you?' "Uh, please tell me there's nothing wrong."

Elena sent a message to Alex.

Headed to lake house w Stefan. U okay?

Elena looked up at Stefan, but got a reply from Alex before she could comment.

All's good. Never mind. Have fun.

Elena looked relieved, sending a text back.


Elena looked up at Stefan. "Nothing's wrong. Just Alex." She smiled. "Come on. Let's go."

Stefan and Elena walked out together, closing the door behind them.



Tyler looked down at the texts he had exchanged with Elena via Alex's phone. "Alex's gonna be at her family's house. Elena's going to Dunham Lake. They have a lake house up there."

"Nice," Brady told him. "Let's go."

Brady walked away, leaving.

Tyler hesitated, not knowing what to do.


Gilbert Lake House - Outside

Stefan's Porsche pulled up to the lake house.

Stefan and Elena got out.

Elena looked up at the house, sighing.

Stefan walked closer, looking at her in concern. "You all right?"

"I'm good," Elena answered. "I just haven't been back here since before..."

Stefan sighed. "Oh, my God. Elena, listen, just say the word, all right? We'll get back on that highway. We'll go anywhere else."

Elena smiled a small smile. "I've always loved it here. I want it to stay that way. I was just... having a moment."

"Okay," Stefan told her, holding her shoulders gently.

Elena smiled.



Elena unlocked the front door, walking in. She looked around nostalgically.

Stefan walked up the porch steps, standing awkwardly outside.

Elena placed her bags on a counter, looking at Stefan. "You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good."

"Oh, that's great, because I'm, uh... I'm stuck," Stefan told her.

Elena realized. "Oh, my God. You can't get in."

"Not gonna be a very romantic weekend unless you, uh, invite me inside," Stefan told her.

"Stefan, I can't," Elena told him.

"What?" Stefan asked.

"My parent's left this place to John Gilbert," Elena told him. "He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I--I completely forgot." 

"You're kidding me, right?" Stefan asked.

Elena looked at him seriously. After a moment, she started to smile. "Stefan Salvatore, I hereby invite you into this home."

Stefan walked in. "You are such a liar."

Stefan picked Elena up from the floor.

Elena giggled. "Hey, hey, hey!"

Elena wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him. Stefan carried her over to the counter, sliding his left hand down the right side of her body, sitting her down on the counter. They continued to kiss. 


Lockwood Mansion - Living Room

The Historical Society's Tea Party was commencing.

Elijah and Carol were talking, sipping tea.

"Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book?" Carol asked. "There's such a wealth of history there."

"No,I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia," Elijah told her. "Lots of research. Strictly academic."

"That's fascinating," Carol told him. Kacie walked through the crowd, looking around. Carol noticed her. "Kacie."

Kacie sighed, walking closer. "What?"

"This is the guest of honor for the tea party," Carol told her. "Elijah, this is my daughter, Kacie."

Elijah offered Kacie a hand, smiling a small, knowing smile. "Nice to meet you."

Kacie shook his hand. "You, too." She turned to Carol as if Elijah wasn't there. "Have you seen Tyler?"

"Not after earlier, no," Carol answered. "He left before the party."

Kacie sighed.



Damon and Cristian walked in.

Damon saw Carol, Elijah and Kacie talking, walking closer.

Kacie saw Damon, walking away instantly.

"Damon, leave Kacie alone," Cristian told him.

"I'm just gonna have a little talk with her," Damon told him, walking away.

Cristian was about to follow.

Jenna intercepted him. "Cristian, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for Kacie," Cristian told her. "Liv and Alex were worried about her lately."

"Yeah, a lot of people have been worried about Kacie lately," Jenna told him. "Listen, were you with Liv on the night of Founder's Day?"

"Why?" Cristian asked cautiously.

"Because John has this insane story about what Liv may or may not have done that night, and I'm not sure I believe it," Jenna answered. "I mean, Alex, Elena and Liv all swear that she didn't, and I don't know if it's just to protect her or not. It's nearly impossible to tell if one of them or if John is lying."

"You didn't find out yourself?" Cristian asked.

"There's no record of it, and the Sheriff says she doesn't have a single deputy that's willing to vouch for John's story," Jenna told him. "It's as if it never happened."

"Then it probably never did," Cristian told her.

"Then why would John go through all of this trouble to get Liv into more trouble?" Jenna asked.

"Because he doesn't like me or the family that I come from," Cristian answered. Jenna considered this. "Excuse me." Cristian walked away toward Elijah and Carol. "Excuse me, Mrs. Lockwood, but have you seen Damon or Kacie?"

"I just did, but I don't know where they are now," Carol told him. She looked at Elijah. "I want you to meet Cristian Hunter. Cristian is a boyfriend of Liv Gilbert, a girl from one of Mystic Falls' Founding Families."

Cristian nodded. "Mm-hmm."

Carol looked at Cristian. "Speaking of Liv, where is she?"

"She couldn't make it," Cristian told them. He looked at Elijah. "Such a pleasure to meet you."

"No," Elijah told him. "Pleasure's mine."

Cristian and Elijah shook hands.


Mystic Grill

(Song:) Manipulating Woman - Ladyhawke

Luka was playing pool.

Bonnie approached him with two coffees in hand. "I come bearing coffee gifts." 

Bonnie handed one of the coffees to Luka.

Luka took it. "So you're talking to me now."

"I found out what your dad did, saving my friends from the wolf pack," Bonnie told him.

"Well, had I had known that's all it took..." Luka trailed off.

Bonnie smiled.



Caroline and Eliza were sitting at the table, watching Luka and Bonnie.

Jeremy approached. "Hey. How's it going?"

"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked.

"Eliza called," Jeremy answered. Caroline looked at Eliza. Eliza shrugged. "I wanted to help." Jeremy looked at Eliza. "How's it going?"

They looked toward Luka and Bonnie.

"She's selling it, and he's buying it," Eliza told him. "She's giving him the sex smile."

"I meant after... last night," Jeremy told her.

Eliza looked at Jeremy, nodding hesitantly. "I'm good. Far as I'm concerned, it didn't happen."

Jeremy looked to the side, nodding once, noting that Eliza was in denial, looking at her. "All right. I get it."

Caroline looked between them with a knowing smirk, looking away.



Luka and Bonnie at the pool tables.

"What do you say?" Luka asked. "You want to play a game?"

"Yeah," Bonnie answered.

"Yeah?" Luka asked.

Bonnie nodded. "Yeah."

Luka started to set up the game. He started to stumble. He placed his hands on the pool table to maintain his balance. "What's happening to me?"

Bonnie kept Luka standing. "You'll be okay." Jeremy, Caroline and Eliza walked over to help. "Why don't we go over here?"

Bonnie started to lead Luka around the pool table.

Jeremy reached them. "I got him. I got him." He pulled Luka's arm around his shoulders, dragging him away from the eyes of the patrons. "What kind of witch roofie was that?"

Bonnie smiled, impressed by her own witchy works. "Strong one."

They walked away, leaving.

(Song Ends)


Gilbert Lake House - Outside

(Song:) You Wait for Rain - Kyler England

Elena stood outside on the dock, wrapped in a blanket.

Stefan approached her from behind. "Having another moment?"

Stefan wrapped his arms around Elena from behind, kissing her on the cheek.

Elena smiled, placing her hands on his arms. "Jeremy broke his arm diving off this dock when he was six. My dad taught me, Jer, Liv and Alex how to fish right off the edge over there. So many memories. Do you ever think about us, what our future will be like, our memories?"

"I think there are a lot of conversations to be had about our future, about the kind of life we could have together," Stefan told her.

"Now there's a box that we shouldn't open," Elena told him.

"Oh, we can open it," Stefan told her. "Whenever you're ready."

"No," Elena told him. "I'd rather just be here... now."

Elena stroked Stefan's arm with her thumb.

"You know, this is a future memory," Stefan told her. "It's where your boyfriend whispered to you that he loved you." He whispered in Elena's ear. "I love you."

Elena smiled.

Stefan kissed her on the cheek.

Elena grabbed onto Stefan's arms, making their embrace tighter.

(Song Ends)


Lockwood Mansion - Hallway

Kacie walked away from Damon. "Stay away from me."

Damon followed her, keeping in step, acting as if he was enjoying himself. "Now, you're either scared, or very, very pissed." He turned to face Kacie, making her stop. "Or both."

"Mm, I'm gonna go with the second option," Kacie told him. She shook her head. "'Cause I'm not scared of you."

"And that makes you very stupid," Damon told her.

"Or very brave," Kacie told him. "I know what you are, what you did to me at the bonfire, and roadside, when you compelled me. And I'm guessing Vicki Donovan's death wasn't an overdose."

Damon let his smirk fade, still seeming amused, grabbing Kacie's arm, pulling her into another room.



Damon pulled Kacie inside, closing the door behind them, turning to face Kacie. "Now, I know you're not threatening me."

Kacie crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe I am."

Damon stepped closer, smirking. "So you're remembering everything?"

"Just enough to know it was you who attacked me and Vicki at the bonfire," Kacie answered. 

"Ah, yeah, well, that was because Stefan compelled you to forget, not me, and even Vicki remembered when I got her to think really hard about that, so..." Damon trailed off. "Doesn't surprise me there."

"How come you're the only one that I can actually talk to about this?" Kacie asked. "Every time someone brings it up, or I try to talk about it, I can't."

"Because I'm the one that compelled you to keep your mouth shut," Damon answered. "Duh. Why can you be compelled now if you're possibly capable of turning into a werewolf?"

"Because I haven't triggered the curse yet," Kacie answered. "And I don't want to." Damon became serious, looking at the vervain bracelet Kacie was wearing, pulling it off, dropping it onto the desk before it could burn him. "What the hell are you--"

Damon compelled Kacie. "Stop talking." Kacie stopped, looking into Damon's eyes in a trance. "The compulsion I did to you after the car wash? It's done. You're officially un-compelled. You can talk to who you want about what you want. Unless you make a move to expose us or to hurt any of us. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Kacie answered. Damon took Kacie's bracelet off the desk, holding it by its clasps, putting it onto her wrist again. Kacie was pulled out of her trance, taking a deep breath in surprise, disoriented. Damon turned to leave. "Wait." Damon looked at Kacie. Kacie looked at him in confusion. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I shouldn't have done it in the first place," Damon answered, walking out, leaving.

Kacie watched him go in confusion.


Living Room

Alaric watched as Cristian and Elijah walked into another room.

John approached Alaric. "What's Cristian doing with Elijah?"

"How would I know?" Alaric asked. "You're the one that's trying to keep Cristian away from Liv, and if you want him to stay away from Liv, then you better hope that he has other things to do."

John looked at him, unamused. "Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Make it's time we tell her. I mean, she can't stay in the dark forever."

"You're a dick," Alaric told him.

"I don't think you should sleep over anymore," John told him. "It's inappropriate with children in the house, and that ring that Isobel gave you? That's mine. I'm gonna want that back."

John smirked, walking away, leaving.

Alaric watched him go critically.



Cristian and Elijah were talking.

"What can I do for you, Cristian?" Elijah asked.

"I was hoping we could have a word," Cristian told him.

"Where are Alex and Elena?" Elijah asked.

"Elena's safe with Stefan," Cristian answered. "Alex's safe at her house with Liv. They're laying low, you know. Bit of a werewolf problem."

"Oh, yeah, I heard about that," Elijah told him.

"I'm sure you did, since it was your witch that saved the day," Cristian told him.

"You are welcome," Elijah told him.

Cristian sat in a chair. "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here."

"Why don't you just stay focused on keeping the Gilberts safe, and leave the rest to me?" Elijah asked, turning to leave.

Cristian appeared in his way. "Not good enough."

Elijah gripped Cristian by the throat, rushing to push him against the wall. 

Cristian gripped his throat. 

Elijah pulled Cristian's hand off his throat, crushing the bones in his hand. "I'm sure around these parts, you're not used to being out-strengthed." He let go of his hand. "How dare you come in here and challenge me?"

"You can't kill me," Cristian told him. "It's not part of the deal."

"Silence," Elijah told him, grabbing a pencil lying on the desk, stabbing Cristian in to the neck. Cristian grabbed at the pencil, groaning in pain. Elijah let him go, pushing him against the wall. Cristian removed the pencil from his neck, holding his hand against his bleeding wound. Elijah pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the blood off his hands. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect." He handed it to Cristian. Cristian used it to place over his wound. "The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Alex and Elena safe."

Elijah walked out, leaving.

Cristian watched him go, glaring.


Gilbert Lake House - Kitchen

Stefan was prepping dinner.

Elena was watching from the couch, a glass of wine in hand. "My dad did all the cooking, too."

"And your mom?" Stefan asked.

Elena smiled. "She sat right here and watched. She couldn't cook, either." Stefan smiled, chopping an onion. Elena turned around, looking at the fireplace, turning to Stefan. "Fire's dying."

Stefan looked up. "Oh, yeah. I'll go get more wood."

Stefan walked toward her.

"I got it," Elena told him.

"No, no, it's cold outside," Stefan told her.

Elena stood, walking closer, placing her hands on his chest. "So, I'll get a jacket."

Elena turned around, walking away.



Elena walked in. She looked at the vanity. She picked up a bottle of perfume, uncorking it, smelling it.

Stefan walked in.

Elena put the cork back in, placing the perfume bottle on the vanity. "My mom's perfume." She turned around, walking toward the closet. "Jenna was supposed to pack all this up, but... she kept putting it off." She turned the light on in the closet, looking inside. "I don't blame her." She took one of the jackets off the hanger, turning to Stefan. "Here." She tossed the jacket to Stefan. Stefan caught it. "Bundle up." Stefan pulled the jacket on. "It was my great-granddad's." Stefan popped up the collar. Elena admired him in it. "And you look very hot in it."

"I look hot in your dead great-granddad's jacket?" Stefan asked.

Elena smiled. "Beyond hot." 

Stefan stepped closer, kissing her unexpectedly. 



Stefan and Elena stepped inside, kissing. He backed her into the wall of the closet. 

Elena pulled away. "Stefan, it's my parents' bedroom." Stefan smiled, kissing her. Elena gave in, smiling, wrapping her arms around his neck, her back tapping the wall, making a hollow thud. Stefan pulled away, looking at the wall. "What?"

Stefan rapped his knuckles on the wall. "Huh."

Elena turned to watch him. "What?"

"This is hollow inside," Stefan answered.

Elena stepped aside.

Stefan broke off one of the panels, removing the rest with ease.

A hidden door was behind the wall.

"What is it?" Elena asked.

"It's a really good hiding place," Stefan answered, breaking the lock off the door, opening it. He flipped the light on.

There was an arsenal of weaponry for hunting vampires, and several journals.

Elena was in shock. "Oh, my God."


Forbes House - Living Room

Bonnie and Jeremy were kneeling next to Luka's unconscious body.

Caroline and Eliza walked in with candles.

"We only have, like, an hour or two before Eliza's and my mom gets home, and these are all we could find," Caroline told them.

Jeremy stood.

Eliza handed Jeremy the candles in her arms, one by one.

"Place these evenly around the room," Bonnie told them.

Caroline handed the remaining candles to Bonnie.

Jeremy and Eliza placed candles around the room evenly.

"How does this work?" Jeremy asked.

"Um, I'll put him in a trance and ask him questions," Bonnie answered. "It's like hypnosis."

"You sure you're strong enough for this?" Jeremy asked.

"That's what the candles are for," Bonnie told them. "I'll draw power from the flames."

"I'll get the matches," Eliza told them.

"I got it," Bonnie told them, closing her eyes, using magic to light every candle in the room.

Caroline turned around, smiling.

Eliza looked around in amazement. "Never gonna get used to that."

"You've never seen anything like that, have you?" Jeremy asked.

"Other than Bonnie burning Katherine's picture and sending a note to Alex and Elena..." Eliza trailed off, shaking her head, pressing her lips together. "Mm-mm."

Caroline smiled, putting her hands on her hips, looking at Jeremy. "Oh, come on. She's a human in a town of witches, vampires and werewolves, and thinks this is awesome. That's pretty hot and you know it."

Jeremy smiled.

Eliza was confused, trying to find words to say, but was unable to.

Bonnie looked at Jeremy. "I need a bowl of water."

"Yeah, yeah," Jeremy told them. "I'll--I'll go get it."

Jeremy walked out, leaving.

Caroline and Bonnie looked at Eliza, smiling.

Eliza looked at Caroline. "Okay, what was that? 'It's hot'?"

"He is so crushing on you," Caroline told her in a whisper. Eliza sat on the floor to Luka and Bonnie's right. Caroline sat across from her. "At least it's better than Bonnie with traitor witch here."

"I'm not into Luka," Bonnie told them. "It's just... he understood me." She looked at Eliza. "But you've known Jeremy since forever, and you've been crushing on him for at least half that long." Eliza looked at them in surprise. Bonnie nodded. "Yeah, we noticed, Eliza." Caroline nodded in agreement. "Pretty much every one noticed, except for Jeremy himself, because he was always into Vicki, or into Anna. But now he's into you."

Eliza looked down. "I wanted this for a long time. It's just, after last night..."

Caroline took Eliza's hand. "You cannot base everything off of everything that happened last night, Eliza. That's not how it's gonna be all the time. Okay? You just gotta take the good with the bad, and Jeremy is the good in the bad of this situation."

Eliza looked up at Caroline and Bonnie, nodding barely.

Caroline smiled a small, reassuringly smile, letting go of her hand.

Jeremy walked in with the bowl of water.

Bonnie took the bowl, putting it on the floor in front of her, but behind Luka's head.

Luka was starting to stir.

"Looks like he's waking up," Jeremy told them.

Bonnie dipped her hands into the water, placing them on either side of Luka's head, closing her eyes, starting the non-verbal spell.

The flames on the candles flared up intensely.


Night - Gilbert House - Liv's Room

Liv pulled on Cristian's jacket, pulling her hair out from under the collar of the jacket.



Liv opened the window, climbing out silently and stealthily, sitting up on the roof for a moment, looking back toward the door to her room as if she was making sure no one was going to catch her, standing. She walked toward the edge of the roof, turning her back toward the night, arms raised at her sides, letting herself fall to the ground below.

Cristian caught her in his arms. "Sometimes, I really have to question your sanity."

Liv smiled. "I knew you would be there to catch me."

Cristian didn't put her down, and Liv didn't make a move to get down. They looked at each other for a moment, smiling, kissing passionately. Liv slowly turned to face him without breaking the kiss, lowering herself to the ground to continue kissing him. They pulled away after a moment.

"I talked to Jenna earlier," Cristian told her. "Apparently, she doesn't believe John about you, and she couldn't find anyone to prove his story. I think you're going to get an out-of-jail free card."

Liv looked at him, realizing. "And I have you to thank for that, don't I?"

Cristian shrugged slightly. "I didn't really have to do all that much. But I did help out a little."

Liv smiled. "So she's gonna let me off the hook?"

"I'm pretty sure she will," Cristian answered.

They smiled. Liv wrapped her arms around his neck. They kissed in the front yard with the lights of the house on.


Mystic Grill

Kacie was sitting at a table alone.

Alex walked in. She saw Kacie, hesitating, sighing, walking closer.

Kacie looked up. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry," Alex told her. 'About everything. About Tyler, about Mason--"

"Did you know he was dead?" Kacie asked.

Alex looked at her in guilt, sorrow and regret. "Kacie..."

"Did. You. Know?" Kacie asked. Alex hesitantly nodded. Kacie took this in. "Did you know what Damon did to me at the bonfire, and after the car wash?"

"I knew that he hurt you, but I didn't know about the compulsion," Alex answered.

Kacie was angry, betrayed, and hurt, standing. "Whatever, Alex. And you don't have to worry about the compulsion anymore. Your boy Damon took it away for you." Alex looked at her in confused surprise. "So, you can stop hating the vampire that's in love with you. And I can talk about it now to whoever the hell I want unless I make a move to expose or to hurt them. But, see, the thing is, I don't want to talk to any of you. You all lied. You all manipulated all of us. So..." Kacie shook her head, backing away. "I don't ever wanna talk to any of you again."

Kacie walked away, leaving.

Alex watched her go, heartbroken, guilty, holding back tears, and not knowing what to do.



Liv and Cristian were walking along.

"So, how did it go?" Liv asked.

"Today was a bust," Cristian answered.

Liv looked at him. "How's the throat?"

"Sore," Cristian answered.

"That Elijah's one scary dude, but with nice hair," Liv told him.

Cristian looked at her in amusement. "He's gonna be hard to kill."

Liv nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job." She took Cristian's hand, twining their fingers together. "You're gonna need more info."

"I'm out of sources," Cristian told her.

"Well, if what you did to get me out of trouble works, and Jenna lets me walk free, I can be there to help you," Liv told him.

"Liv, I don't want you getting hurt," Cristian told her.

Liv shook her head. "I'm not gonna get hurt, Cristian. You can make sure of that."

Liv and Cristian from their intertwined hands to each other. They smiled, continuing to walk.


Salvatore Boarding House - Library

Kaylin was drinking, standing at the table, turning to face Damon and Alaric, pointing at Damon. "So, you de-compelled Kacie, took away her suffering, after this long of letting her think she was losing her mind, because Alex gave you a talk and put you in your place?"

"You're enjoying this a little bit too much," Damon told her. "And are you drunk?"

"Yeah," Kaylin answered. "So? Hey, you guys want one?"

Kaylin turned to pour them some drinks.

"Where's Nikki?" Damon asked.

"Working out," Kaylin answered. She turned to face them, looking at Alaric. "Careful, there, Ric. Little Nik may just put you out of business."

Alaric smirked.

Kaylin walked closer, handing Alaric and Damon their glasses.

They clinked their glasses, drinking.

Alaric looked at Damon. "What's up with you and this news chick?"

"Ooh, she's got spunk, huh?" Damon asked.

"Just don't kill her, please," Alaric told him.

"If he did, who would report her death?" Kaylin asked.

"It's not funny, Kaylin," Alaric told her.

"Oh, come on, Ric," Kaylin told him. "It's a little funny."

Alaric ignored her, looking at Damon. "Just don't do it, all right? She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies." He took his phone out of his pocket to check the time. "Oh, God. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up." He stood. "Cristian went through the trouble of practically erasing what Liv did on Founder's Day before Jenna found any one to verify John's story so that Jenna would let Liv off the hook."

Kaylin smiled. "Aw. So sweet."

"Don't worry," Alaric told them. "I'll, uh, show myself out."

Alaric walked out, leaving.



Nicola walked downstairs. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, hearing a thumb coming from down the hall, looking down the hallway, but she didn't see anything.

Something rushed around her.

Nicola backed away quickly, reaching for the sword on the wall.

The rushing blur pushed Nicola away from the sword, to the floor, making her land badly.

Nicola groaned in pain, standing, backing to the wall behind her, letting the stake in her sleeve slip down to her hand.

The rushing blur rushed toward Nicola.

Nicola staked the rushing blur in the heart.

The rushing blur had glowing gold eyes, revealing him as a werewolf. The stake was still in his heart. As he died, the glowing gold faded from his eyes.

Nicola pushed the dead werewolf's body to the floor.

Stevie and another werewolf appeared on either side of Nicola, grabbing her arms, making her drop the stake, restraining her.

Jules walked closer with a shotgun, followed by a group of werewolves. "Hey, Nicola." She looked at the body. "Killing a werewolf with a stake. That's something I've never seen before."

Nicola struggled harder. "Jules."

Stevie laughed, struggling to restrain Nicola with the help of the other werewolf. "She's feisty. And strong."

Stevie pushed Nicola into the other werewolf's arms.

The werewolf wrapped his arms around Nicola's chest and stomach tightly, restraining her.

Nicola saw Alaric's dead body on the floor with a knife in his chest. She was in denial, looking worriedly for the ring on his finger. She saw the Gilbert Ring, closing her eyes in relief. She opened her eyes, struggling against the werewolves. "Kaylin!"



Damon and Kaylin had heard Nicola call her name, exchanging a confused look.

They heard Nicola's voice. "Damon!"



Damon and Kaylin walked into the hallway.

Stevie fell down from the rafters above them with wolf-speed, falling onto Damon, making him fall to the floor.

Werewolf 2 appeared behind Kaylin, kicking her into the wall. Kaylin turned to face him. Werewolf 2 pushed the grandfather clock down toward Kaylin. Kaylin rushed out of the way, making it fall to the floor with a loud crash.

Werewolf 3 jumped onto Kaylin's back, plunging a syringe full of vervain into her neck.

Stevie injected Damon in the neck with vervain.

Damon and Kaylin weren't as weakened by vervain because they had been drinking it to build up a tolerance and to prevent themselves being compelled by an Original.

Werewolf 3 was still clinging to Kaylin's back. Kaylin backed them into the wall, trying to get the guy off her, onto several walls, but the more vervain he put in her body, the weaker she became.

Damon and Kaylin fell to the floor weakly.

Stevie and Werewolf 3 removed the syringes from their necks, standing.

"Whew!" Stevie told them. "Damn, you're both strong. Took the whole syringes."

Werewolf 1 pulled Nicola into the hallway, restraining her.

Nicola saw Damon and Kaylin on the floor, struggling to get to them. "No!"

Nicola took a deep, angry breath, backing into Werewolf 1, making them both back into the wall with enough force to make him let go.

The werewolves surrounded Nicola.

Nicola looked around, trying to make a move.

Two werewolves grabbed Nicola from either side, retraining her.

Nicola struggled.

Stevie laughed. "You just don't give up, do you?" He nodded to Alaric's dead body on the floor. "Grab that one. He's dead." Nicola struggled fiercely. The werewolves held her tighter. Stevie looked at Nicola, smirking, looking at the werewolves restraining her. "Let's keep this one." Nicola glared at him for talking about her like she was a pet and not right in front of him. Stevie looked at Damon and Kaylin on the floor. "She's a very good way to get those ones." He raised one hand to touch Nicola's hair, still looking at Damon and Kaylin. "We'll take real good care of her. Won't we, fellas?"

Damon and Kaylin glared from the floor, weak from vervain.

Stevie chuckled, stroking a piece of Nicola's hair.

Nicola glared, kicking Stevie in the chest, making him back away.

The werewolves pulled her away.

Stevie laughed.

Jules walked closer, the shotgun over her shoulder. "Hi, guys. Nice to see you again."

Damon and Kaylin fell unconscious.

Nicola sighed in frustration.


Gilbert Lake House - Hidden Room

Elena removed a journal from a bookcase.

Stefan was leaning against the doorframe.

"These must be the other Jonathan Gilbert journals," Elena told him. "Jeremy, Liv and Kacie had one, but John said that there were others." She flipped through the pages. "His whole life's in here."

Elena looked around the hidden room in awe.

"I'll go get the firewood," Stefan told her. "I'll let you have a moment."

Elena knelt to the floor, grabbing a handful of wooden bullets.

Stefan walked out, leaving.

Elena continued to examine the weaponry.


Woods - RV

Brady looked at his phone. "We're good to go." He walked toward the table, where Tyler was sitting. "You up for this?" Tyler didn't respond or move. Brady sat across from him. "These people have done nothing but lie to you. Your ex-girlfriend, she's with the vampires now, the ones who killed Mason. They're the enemy, and if they break that curse, well... all of us are as good as dead. Are you up for this?"

Tyler nodded barely. "Yes."

"Good," Brady told him. "Because if you wuss out, you're gonna have me to deal with. You got it?"

Tyler nodded.


Gilbert House - Kitchen

John poured himself a glass of wine.

Jenna walked in.

John looked up. "Where is everyone?"

"Jeremy's with Eliza," Jenna answered. "Alex just walked out the door. Elena's at the lake house for the weekend. And I let Liv out."

"For what, good behavior?" John asked skeptically.

"John, I've asked around about your little story, and no one seems able to verify the facts," Jenna told him.

"So, you believe the three girls that tell you that Liv didn't do what she did?" John asked.

"I believe what makes sense," Jenna told him. "And right now, the Sheriff and none of her deputies are backing up your story. And I don't like you, so, no, I don't believe you. Yes, I let Liv out."

"With Cristian?" John asked.

"Yes, with Cristian," Jenna answered.

John nodded barely. "I always knew you were lax with them, but I didn't think you were negligent."

Jenna glared. "They wanted to get away from you. Okay? And so do I, so I'll be staying with Ric."

Jenna turned to leave.

"'Cause he's such a great guy, right?" John asked sarcastically.

Jenna bit her tongue, turning to face John angrily. "You are on dangerous ground."

"He's a liar, Jenna," John told her.

"What?" Jenna asked.

"Did he ever tell you what happened with his wife?" John asked.

"She died," Jenna told him.

John walked around the island toward Jenna. "Really? So they found her body?"

"What are you saying?" Jenna asked.

"Why don't you ask Ric?" John asked. "I'd love to her his answer. And if I'm telling you the truth about this, Jenna, you can be sure that I'm telling you the truth about what Liv did, and that she should stay away from Cristian. Have a great night."

John walked out, leaving.

Jenna turned to watch him go with a hint of skepticism.



Alex walked out of the house, down the porch steps, toward her car. She was emotional and shaky, dropping her keys. She sighed, kneeling to the ground to pick them up. She stopped when she looked as if she felt like she was being watched. She looked to the left, seeing no one on the sidewalk or in the street. She looked to the right, seeing no one on the sidewalk or in the street. She sighed, shaking it off, picking up her keys, standing.

In the reflection of the window, Brady was standing behind Alex.

Alex saw him, gasping.

Brady placed a hand over Alex's mouth to keep her from screaming, taking her away.


Salvatore Boarding House - Library

Alaric's body laid on the floor.

Damon and Kaylin were chained to their chairs, wooden spiked collars around their necks.

Nicola was chained to her own chair, slowly waking up, looking to be in pain.

"Morning, sunshine," Stevie told her.

Nicola slowly looked at Stevie, disoriented.

Stevie smirked, walking toward Damon and Kaylin.

Nicola tried to pull free from her restraints, but couldn't. She looked at Stevie and Jules. "Are these really necessary for me?"

"For a feisty little fire cracker like you?" Stevie asked. "Yes."

"This should be fun," Kaylin told them sarcastically.

Nicola looked weirdly at the wooden spiked collars around Damon and Kaylin's necks. "What the hell is that?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked," Stevie told her. "I saw this movie once, some torture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool. So I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull..."

Stevie had one chain for Kaylin, one chain for Damon, pulling the end of the chains forward, making the nails dig into Damon and Kaylin's necks, making them both groan in pain.

Jules and the two werewolves that had restrained Nicola earlier stepped closer.

"So I hear you have the moonstone," Jules told them.

Nicola closed her eyes. "Oh, God. Deja voodoo."

Kaylin laughed in agreement. "If you only knew the irony of this moment right now."

"Let me tell you how this is gonna go," Damon told them. "You're gonna torture me and Kaylin, or Nikki to get to us, we don't talk, someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason. Thanks to Cristian ripping out his heart."

Stevie wrapped the chains around his hands.

"This time, it'll be you or your niece over there," Jules told them, looking at Stevie, nodding.

Stevie pulled on the chains again, making the nails impale Damon and Kaylin, making both groan in pain.

Nicola glared, struggling furiously, but couldn't break free.


Forbes House - Living Room

Bonnie sat behind Luka's head on the floor.

Eliza sat to their right.

Caroline sat to their left.

Jeremy sat across from Bonnie.

They were all facing Luka.

"How long is this gonna take?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know," Bonnie told them. "He's fighting me."

Luka fought the spell, trying to move weakly. "Please stop. Please."

Bonnie closed her eyes.

Luka closed his eyes, finally in a trance.

"There," Bonnie told them. "All right. Why are you walking with Elijah?"

"Klaus," Luka answered. "We both want him dead."

"You want to kill Klaus, too?" Bonnie asked. "Why?"

"Because he has her, and we have to get her away from him," Luka answered.

"Who... who are you talking about?" Bonnie asked.

"My sister," Luka answered.

"His sister?" Jeremy repeated.

"Why does he have her?" Bonnie asked.

"He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the Doppelganger and the Wraith," Luka answered. "He's forced generations of witches to help him for centuries."

"What has Elijah promised you?" Bonnie asked.

"If we help Elijah kill Klaus, he's promised to return her to us," Luka answered.

"And how do you kill Klaus?" Bonnie asked. "How do you kill an Original vampire?"

Luka started to fight the spell again. "He'll kill me if I tell you. Don't make me."

"It's okay, Bonnie," Eliza told her. "We can find another way."

"No," Bonnie told them, closing her eyes. Luka closed his eyes, once again in a trance. "How will you kill Klaus?"

"After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weak," Luka answered. "It's our only chance."

"After the sacrifice?" Caroline repeated.

"What do you mean, after?" Bonnie asked.

"Klaus will be vulnerable," Luka told them.

"But Alex and Elena will be dead," Bonnie told them.

"Yes," Luka answered. "Alex and Elena have to die."

Eliza, Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy looked at each other, all of them in denial, horrified.

Jeremy shook his head, his voice barely a whisper. "No."


Gilbert Lake House - Outside

Stefan dumped an armful of wood onto the porch, walking away.



Stefan opened the door, turning on the light, walking in to get more firewood. He stopped, sensing something, turning around.

Brady appeared behind him, having a gun, shooting Stefan in the chest with wooden bullets, making him fall to the floor and groan in pain.

Tyler walked in from behind Brady, holding Alex's unconscious body.

Brady turned to Tyler. "Keep him down." Tyler placed Alex on the floor. "If he moves..." Brady held the gun toward him. Tyler took it. "Kill him."

Brady walked out, leaving.

Stefan continued to groan and writhe in pain, looking at Alex worriedly.

Tyler aimed the gun at Stefan. "Don't move."

"Just let me get the bullets out," Stefan told him. "It punctured my heart. I need to get it out. I'm not gonna fight you."

Tyler paced around Stefan, keeping the gun aimed at him. He looked from Alex to Stefan. "I don't think so."

"Tyler, why are you doing this?" Stefan asked.

"I can't let you break the curse," Tyler told him.

"You know about the curse?" Stefan asked.

"You're liars, all of you," Tyler told him.

"No, I swear to you," Stefan told him. "We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that."

"Oh, yeah?" Tyler asked. "But I do." He shot Stefan in the leg, making him yell in pain. "I can't be like this forever."

Alex started to stir awake.

"Tyler, I'm just trying to save Alex and Elena," Stefan told him.

"They'll be fine," Tyler told him.

Alex looked up at them.

"They didn't tell you that part, did they?" Stefan asked. "Who are the liars now?"

"Tell me what?" Tyler asked.

"In order to break the curse, Alex and Elena have to die," Stefan told him.

Alex started to sit up.

Tyler looked at Alex uneasily, as if asking if it was true.

Alex tried to keep her expression clear of a reaction, giving the slightest movement in a nod.

Tyler looked at her worriedly, beginning to lower the gun.


Lake House - Living Room

Elena walked in, rubbing her arms due to the cold. She looked out of the open front door to call to Stefan. "Are you growing trees out there?" There was no response. Elena looked around nervously, beginning to inch closer to the front door. "Stefan?" 

Brady hit from view against the wall next to the front door outside. 

Elena quietly picked up a knife from the countertop, slowly walking toward the front door.



Elena slowly stepped outside. "Stefan, what are you doing out here?"

Brady came up from behind Elena.

Elena turned to face him, gasping in shock, stabbing him in the stomach with the knife.

Brady fell to his knees, groaning in pain.

Elena ran back inside.



Elena closed the door, locking it behind her.



Brady removed the knife from his stomach.



Elena ran up the stairs.

Brady kicked the front door open with ease.

Elena ran across the landing, into a room.

Brady walked in, closing his eyes. "I can smell you."


Guest Bedroom

Elena hurriedly removed her sweater, placing it on the bed. She quietly walked out.



Elena walked across the hallway, to the room across from the bedroom.



Elena walked in, closing the door softly behind her, covering her mouth so Brady couldn't hear her breathing.



Brady walked upstairs, the knife in his hand.


Guest Bedroom

Brady walked in, seeing Elena's sweater on the bed. He picked it up, smelling.



Elena quietly opened the door, sneaking down the stairs.



Elena reached the bottom of the stairs, looking up the staircase. She turned to run out of the house.

Brady used wolf speed to rush in her way.

Elena gasped, backing away.

Brady stalked closer.

Alex arrived behind Brady, shooting him in the back with the wooden bullets, three times, making him fall to the floor and groan in pain.

Elena looked at Alex in shock.

"Come on," Alex told her.

Elena and Alex ran toward the door.

Brady groaned in pain, forcing himself to stand.



Elena and Alex ran outside.

Brady followed close behind.

Stefan came out of hiding from the wall next to the front door, ripping Brady's heart out, killing him, letting the body and the heart fall to the ground.

Alex looked at Elena. "It's okay. It's okay. You're okay." She dropped the gun that she held. Elena and Alex embraced in relief. "It's okay."

Elena pulled away, running into Stefan's arms in relief. Stefan held her comfortingly.

Tyler walked out of the darkness.

Alex looked at Tyler, taking a deep, steadying breath.

Elena pulled away from Stefan. "Tyler?"

Tyler looked at them in regret, guilty and horrified. "I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. I didn't. It's just... I don't want to be like this anymore." Alex walked closer. Tyler and Alex looked at each other, both of them regretful, guilty and sorrowful. Alex wrapped her arms around him. Tyler returned the embrace. "Alex... I'm sorry, Alex."

"It's okay," Alex told him, resting her head against his shoulder.

Tyler and Alex continued to embrace.

Stefan and Elena watched, sighing in relief.


Salvatore Boarding House - Library

Damon and Kaylin were still chained to their chairs, the wooden spiked collars around their necks.

Nicola was still struggling against her chains.

Jules leaned against the shotgun in her hand. "You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage." Kaylin looked at her with feigned intrigue. Jules lifted the shotgun, aiming it at Kaylin. "Where's the moonstone?"

"Get over it, honey," Kaylin told her. "You're never gonna get it."

Jules looked at Stevie, nodding to Nicola.

Stevie stepped closer to Nicola, a knife in hand, tauntingly running the blade along Nicola's arm, up to her shoulder, along her chest, standing behind the chair now, holding it up to her neck, ready to cut her throat.

Damon and Kaylin tensed nervously, glaring angrily.

"That your final answer?" Stevie asked, pressing the blade against Nicola's throat, making her gasp.

"Look, we don't have it, okay?" Kaylin asked.

"Leave her out of it," Damon told him.

"You know who has it?" Stevie asked. Damon and Kaylin didn't answer. "Okay, then." He looked at Nicola. "Sad loss, though. Sassy, beautiful, defiant, strong..."

Nicola rolled her eyes. "Oh, just shut up if you're gonna kill me."

Stevie chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder, starting to cut into the left side of Nicola's neck, making her gasp in pain as he cut to the right.

Kaylin struggled against her restraints.

Werewolf 1 pulled on Kaylin's chain to make the nails impale into her neck, making her stop.

"You still got time to change your answer about where it is before I kill her," Stevie told them. "No? Let me know when you change your minds."

"Stop," Damon told him in a growl.

Damon and Kaylin struggled, pulling at the chains, trying to break free.

Werewolf 1 pulled on their chains to make the nails impale into their necks, making them stop.

"Then tell us where the moonstone is," Stevie told them.

They heard Elijah's voice. "You looking for this?" Everyone stopped what they were doing, looking toward Elijah. Elijah was leaning against the banister, twirling the moonstone in his hand. He walked down the stairs, placing the moonstone on an end table, backing away. "Go ahead. Take it." Werewolf 1 rushed toward the moonstone. Elijah rushed  toward him, plunging his head into his chest, ripping his heart out, letting the body and the heart fall to the floor. Two other wolves rushed toward Elijah. Elijah effortlessly ripped their hearts out of their chests, letting the bodies and the hearts fall. Jules rushed out of the house, leaving. Stevie crouched behind Nicola's chair, pulling his jacket over his face in fear. Elijah walked closer, pulling Stevie up from the floor, taking the knife he used to cut Nicola from his hand. "What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a shot? Yes? No? Yes?" He looked at Damon and Kaylin. "Where's the girl?"

Damon looked around. "I don't know."

"It doesn't really matter," Elijah told them. He looked at Nicola's bleeding neck. He looked at the knife he had taken from Stevie. He looked at Nicola quizzically. Nicola returned the gaze, tough, stubborn, but tired from the little blood loss. "Such bad manners to a young lady." Elijah looked at Stevie. "Would you like to apologize to her before you die?" Stevie didn't answer. "No? Okay." Elijah used the knife Stevie had tried to kill Nicola with, quickly and harshly slashing it across his throat, killing him in the way he had tried to kill Nicola. He let the body fall to the floor, letting the knife fall onto his body. He walked in front of the three Salvatores, removing the chains strapping Damon and Kaylin to the chairs, backing away, tilting his head. "So you both realize this is the third time I've saved your lives now?" Damon and Kaylin didn't respond. Elijah turned to Nicola, removing the chains strapping her down into the chair. "This is the first time I've saved yours, but not the first time I've seen you. It's nice to finally officially meet you, Nicola."

Nicola didn't answer, holding a hand to her bleeding neck, breathing deeply, heavily, looking up at Elijah.

Elijah turned around, grabbing the moonstone, walking out, leaving.

Damon, Kaylin and Nicola looked at each other.


Damon and Kaylin were free from their collars, healed, but blood staining their clothes.

Kaylin knelt in front of Nicola, biting into her wrist. "Drink, before you bleed out."

"Screw you, too," Nicola told her.

Kaylin gave her a look. "Nikki."

"No, Kaylin," Nicola told her. "You know why I won't."

Kaylin gave her an exasperated look, sighing, watching as the bite mark on her arm healed.

Nicola stood, walking toward the table, picking up a cloth, placing it against her neck.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Stubborn ass."

Nicola looked at her blood stain on the carpet. "Aw, they made me stain the carpet."

"Of course that's what you're worried about," Kaylin told her.

Nicola walked out, leaving.

Damon and Kaylin exchanged an exasperated look, looking over the mess in the room, knowing they had to clean it up.


Gilbert House - Liv's Room

Liv hung up her phone, looking at Cristian, in denial, angry and despaired. "That was Jeremy. He said that Elijah planned to kill Alex and Elena all along. Luka said that it was the only way for Klaus to be weak and vulnerable enough to kill, after the sacrifice."

"So, the sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan," Cristian told her softly.

Liv shook her head in denial. "But we can't let him go through with it. I--I mean, Cris--"

Cristian took her hand. "Liv." Liv looked up. "Alex and Elena are gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. All right?"

Liv seemed nervous and not completely believing, but a little reassured, nodding barely.



Jenna was sitting at the table, writing on paper. Her phone rang. She answered. "There you are. Are you okay?"

Alaric's voice was on the other line. "Yeah, sorry." He was in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon and Kaylin were in the background, cleaning up the mess that was made. "I--I--I've just been grading papers." Alaric grimaced at the horrible lie he told her. "Honestly, uh... I fell asleep. I'm sorry, Jenna. I'm a jerk."

"No, it's fine," Jenna told him. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Sorry," Alaric told her. "Tomorrow, I'm all yours, okay?"

"Sure," Jenna told him. "Sounds great."

"All right," Alaric told her. "Good night, Jenna."

"Good night," Jenna told him.

Alaric hung up, looking upset.

Jenna hung up, looking at her phone, unsure.


Gilbert Lake House - Living Room

Stefan was looked out of the window, on the phone.

Kaylin's voice was on the other line. "It was straight from the witch's mouth. He was gonna through with the whole sacrifice." She was sitting on the edge of her bed in the Salvatore Boarding House. "You should probably just keep her away a little longer."

"Be careful," Stefan told her. "Try not to get yourself killed."

Kaylin scoffed. "Yeah. It's been a day for that."

Stefan hung up.

Elena walked in.

Stefan turned to face her. "That was, um... that was Kaylin. We need to talk."

"What is it?" Elena asked.

"They learned that Elijah's planning for you and Alex to die in the sacrifice ritual," Stefan told her.

Elena looked down, sighing. She walked closer. "Alex and I know the deal we made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect our friends and family. He never said a word about either of us."

"You mean, you both knew that you weren't gonna survive this?" Stefan asked.

"If it comes down to the people that we love getting killed, or us, we know what our choice is gonna be," Elena told him.

"Elena, how--how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future, when you don't even expect to have one?" Stefan asked.

"I'm sorry, Stefan," Elena told him. "I'm just trying to keep the people that I love safe. Alex is, too."

"No, what the two of you are doing is being martyrs," Stefan told her.

"How is that any different from when you say that you would die to keep me safe?" Elena asked. "Or how many times Cristian has sacrificed himself to save one of us?"

"Because we've already lived," Stefan answered. "162 years I have lived, 500 years Cristian has lived, and you've barely begun. And now you want to get yourselves killed? That's not heroic. It's tragic."

Stefan looked at her, shaking his head, walking out, leaving.

Elena was left to contemplate what he had said.


Forbes House - Foyer

Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy and Eliza walked toward the door.

"So will Luka remember anything?" Caroline asked.

"No," Bonnie answered. "He'll know he lost consciousness, but that's all."

"So we should go drop Luka back at the Grill," Caroline told her. "Luka's already packed up in the car and waiting to go." She gave Bonnie a significant look, nodding to Jeremy and Eliza. "So we should go."

Bonnie smiled, nodding. "Yeah."

Eliza knew what they were doing, looking away.

"Guys, drop him hard," Jeremy told them.

"Of course," Bonnie told them. "Bye, guys."

Bonnie and Caroline walked out, leaving, closing the door behind them.

Jeremy turned to face Eliza. "I should get home. I had to tell that Liv that Alex and Elena were planning to get themselves killed over the phone. I bet you can imagine how good that's going."

Eliza nodded. "I'll give you ride."

Jeremy nodded, turning to the door. "All right."

Eliza stayed where she was. "Wait."

Jeremy turned to face her.

(Song:) Love Song - Adele 

Eliza hesitated, trying to find the words. "You're Alex and Elena's little brother, Liv's older one. I'm Caroline's little sister. We've known each other forever. You're that punk kid. I'm... not so much." Jeremy smiled a small smile. "But I remember crushing on you forever. You know, going to your house, spending the night with Alex and Elena, just to see you. Messing with you for the fun of it. And then when your parents passed, I remember my mom taking you guys in until Jenna came, and it kind of made it more real. I mean, I liked you through everything. Through your awkward phase, and then your emo phase, your druggie phase." Jeremy smiled. "But you never noticed." Jeremy let the smile fade, nodding barely apologetically. "And then, suddenly, overnight, you turn into this hot guy who's really sweet, and..."

Jeremy smiled, stepping closer. "You think I'm hot?"

Eliza smiled, still fumbling for words, rambling. "And when you turn into that hot, sweet guy, you finally notice, after everyone else already knows. With everything that's going on, you know, curses and sacrifices. And if you haven't noticed, when I get nervous, I talk a lot, and I can't stop, and I really need you to stop me."

Jeremy smiled. "Enough already."

Jeremy kissed Eliza passionately. Eliza was surprised, but responded instantly. After a moment, they pulled away, looking at each other.

Eliza was a little breathless, speechless. "Wow."

Jeremy smiled, brushing back a strand of hair out of her face. They continued to kiss.

(Song Ends)


Gilbert Lake House - Outside

Tyler and Alex walked away from the house, down a stone path.

"I really am sorry, Alex," Tyler told her.

"I'm sorry, too, Tyler," Alex told him. "You weren't the only one keeping secrets."

Tyler nodded, looking down. He turned to face Alex, looking up painfully. "I don't think I can stay here anymore."

(Song:) Family Tree - Matthew West

Alex took this in, heartbroken, but trying to be strong. "You're leaving with Jules? You're saying goodbye to Mystic Falls, Matt, your mom, Kacie... to me?"

"I'm sorry," Tyler told her.

Alex nodded understandingly, letting a tear fall. "So that's it?" Tyler bit his lip sadly, watching her reaction, lifting his wrist, pulling off the vervain bracelet Alex had given him in 1.12 Unpleasantville. Alex knew what he was doing, shaking her head. "Tyler, don't."

"You told me to never take it off unless I didn't want to be with you anymore," Tyler told her. Alex let a few more tears fall. "I'm so, so sorry."

Alex took a deep breath. "Yeah."

Tyler hesitantly took Alex's hand, putting the bracelet into it. He looked at Alex, kissing her forehead.

Alex closed her eyes, letting a few more tears fall.

Tyler kissed her softly for the last time, pulling away. He had tears in his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Goodbye, Alex."

Alex looked at him sadly in guilt and sorrow, not wanting to let him leave, but knowing that she didn't have a choice.

Tyler started to back away, turning around, walking away, leaving.

Alex watched him go with tears in her eyes.


Lockwood Mansion - Foyer

Carol walked up the stairs, turning the lights off. She heard a rushing noise, turning back. "Hello?" She walked down the stairs. "Hello?"

Carol looked at the table.

A giant vase of flowers was on the table with an envelope labelled "Mom" against it.

Carol picked the letter up, looking around.



Kacie walked up the path toward the house.

Tyler walked toward her, a bag on his shoulder.

Kacie looked at the bag on his shoulder, scared she already knew the answer to the question. "What are you doing?"

Tyler shook his head slowly, looking down in guilty shame. "I can't stay here. I have to leave this town."

"You mean leaving everything," Kacie told him. "Everyone." She whispered. "Even Alex. Even Matt. Even me."

Tyler looked up at Kacie. "I'm so sorry, Kacie. I just don't want you having any part of this."

"But I'm already apart of it," Kacie told him. "I'm in danger here, Tyler."

Tyler shook his head. "Alex promised me that you would be safe. And that's all I want you to be. If you're with the wolves, it's only a matter of time before you trigger the curse, and I don't want that for you." Kacie had tears in her eyes, trying to pretend that she was more angry than she was hurt and upset, crossing her arms over her chest. "But here, you'll be protected. I have to go, Kace. The killing, the war between the werewolves and the vampires will never stop if I don't."

Kacie could barely speak above a whisper. "I know."

Tyler stepped closer, embracing Kacie. "I'm sorry."

Kacie returned the embrace, nodding. "I know."

Tyler pulled away.

Kacie closed her eyes, fighting back the tears before they had a chance to fall. She opened them, confused.

Tyler had disappeared.

Kacie looked around, seeing that she was completely alone. She gasped softly, in denial, heartbroken.



Tyler approached an idling car, opening the passenger door.



Jules was in the driver's seat.

Tyler got into the passenger seat, closing the door. "I'm sorry about Brady and your friends. But if I'm gonna go with you, no more lies."

Jules nodded in agreement. "No more lies. You're doing the right thing."

Tyler didn't look at her, looking out of the window. He had tears in his eyes that he fought back. "Yeah."


Gilbert House - Outside

  Alex started to sob, leaning against the car, sliding down the side of the car, to the ground, crying openly, looking at Tyler's bracelet in her hand as she continued to cry.  


Lockwood Mansion - Outside

Kacie slowly walked toward the porch steps, sitting down on the steps. She looked to be completely numb, her hands slowly going to her head to hold either side. She had tears in her eyes, letting them one fall.



Jules' car drove off, leaving Mystic Falls.


2.15 "The Dinner Party" Trailer

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Gilbert Lake House, Elena was sitting on the couch.

Stefan was sitting in the chair in front of her."I want you to know the truth. But I want you to hear it from me.


From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in flashback, a man walked across the yard toward the house.

Inside, Jonathan Gilbert and his guests heard something from outside, looking over to the window.

"Did you hear that?" the woman asked.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in flashback, outside the house, The vampire rushed onto the porch, grabbing the woman, biting her in the neck, feeding until she died, letting the body fall.

The vampire walked toward Jonathan, leaving the shadows to go into the light, revealing it was Stefan.

Jonathan: (voice over from 2.15 The Dinner Party) "You cannot run from a vampire. I knew I was about to die."


From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Gilbert Lake House, Stefan was telling his story to Elena.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in flashback in the Salvatore Estate, Stefan and draining the blood from a woman, killing her, laying her on the couch, breathing heavily. His shirt and chin were stained with blood.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Gilbert Lake House, Stefan and Elena were talking.

"He said you were a monster," Elena told him.

"I was," Stefan told her.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Estate, two women were dancing while another woman played the piano.

Stefan stood. "Who wants to die next?"

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", at the Salvatore Boarding House, Nicola opened the front door.

Elijah was standing outside.


From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the tomb, Katherine and Kaylin were talking.

"Forget it, Kaylin," Katherine told her. "Killing Elijah would be a suicide mission."

Kaylin tilted her head, smiling. "Guess who's coming to dinner?"

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola, Cristian, Alex and Liv were dressed for a dinner party.


From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Gilbert Lake House, Stefan and Elena were talking.

Stefan turned to face her. "They're planning on killing Elijah. Tonight."

Elena looked at him in shock.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola, Cristian, Alex and Liv were dressed for a dinner party.

"It's a bad idea," Nicola told them.

"Are you out of your minds?" Alex asked.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Boarding House's dining room, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola, Alex, Liv, Cristian, Jenna, Andie, Alaric, John and Elijah each took a seat at the huge dinner table.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the tomb, Katherine and Kaylin were talking.

"If you kill Elijah, then I'm stuck in here forever," Katherine told her.

"Sucks for you," Kaylin told her.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Bennett House, Bonnie and another girl were sitting on the floor.

Candles surrounded the room.

The door burst open.

Jonas walked in.

Bonnie and the girl stood.

Jonas waved his hand toward the girl, using magic to push her against the wall, pinning her.

Jonas grabbed Bonnie by her face. "This is for your own good."

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in flashback in the woods, a hooded figure walked alone through the woods.

Stefan rushed closer.

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Boarding House's foyer, Nicola had already opened the door for Elijah.

Elijah stepped inside, pausing next to her. "If you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?"

Nicola nodded. "Crystal."

From 2.15 "The Dinner Party", in the Salvatore Boarding House's library, Cristian walked over to a small truck, opening it, pulling out the silver dagger and white oak ash from inside.

Liv walked closer. "Can we have that for dessert?"

"Yes, we can," Cristian answered, dipping the dagger into the ash. 

Damon and Kaylin nodded in agreement.


Kaylin, Damon, Stefan and Nicola were in a clearing with a storm in the background, looking at the camera.

Alex and Elena were in a clearing with a storm in the background, looking at the camera.

Kaylin, Damon, Alex, Elena, Stefan and Nicola were in a clearing, walking toward the camera.

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