Forever Till death...

By keirah01

447K 10.8K 1K

"I love you" Jason said his eyes lighting up with that crazy and twisted smile that I had grown to loathe. "N... More

Till death....
chapter one...
chapter two...
chapter three...
chapter four...
chapter five...
chapter six...
chapter seven...
chapter eight...
chapter nine...
chapter ten...
chapter eleven...
chapter twelve....
chapter thirteen...
chapter fourteen...
chapter fifteen...
chapter sixteen...
chapter seventeen...
chapter eighteen...
chapter nineteen...
chapter twenty one...
twenty two...
chapter twenty two 2
twenty three....
Chapter twenty four
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

chapter twenty...

10.6K 252 16
By keirah01

Matty's P.O.V.

The look of peace on Sal's face was making my heart clench.The palor on her face too much for me to bare as I sat next to her holding her hand in mine in a tight grip. I was worried sick about her and Keira and I hate feeling so helpless. God knows what that sick fu ck is doing to her right now. It had already been twenty four hours and nothing no word from the cops. They had no lead as to where Keira is and its killing me.If anything happens to her I'd never forgive myself . I'd do anything to keep her safe.

"Sir,Could you come with me please" a voice said behind me.I turned to the man dressed in police uniform slightly startled at the intrusion. "Is it about Keira?" I asked standing leaving my positon next to Sal."Could we take this outside sir?" I turned to Sal and nodded.I walked out and shut the door behind me .I froze in my steps as I turned to be faced with another police officer.

"Did something happen to her?Did you find her?" I asked panic building in me."Sir you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Sally Stark.You have the right to remain silent.Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" "What?" I whispered as the first one came behind me to handcuff me. "You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one,  one will be appointed to you" I was in shock as the cuffs clicked around my wrists."you 've got it all wrong.I haven't done anything

"Wait. There must be a mistake" I said as he started pushing me away from Sal's room."There's no msitake sir. We have a warrant for your arrest" "What are you talking about?I haven't done anything!" "Sir it would be best if you came without any resistance.You can voice all your complaints at the station."The second one said as I tried moving back.

I complied walking ahead. What the hell did they mean attempted murder of Sally Stark! That pyscho did it.I walked silently one holding my wrists and the other infront of him.The ride to the station was silent my thoughts burning a hole in my head.

One of them helped me out of the car and escorted me into the station. I silently walked my jaw clenching and unclenching as they led me into a room."Have a seat sir. Chief Ross will be with you shortly" "Ross?"They walked out ignoring my question. I sat in silence my wrists starting to burn from fidgeting with the cuffs.The door opened and I was met with the very man I wanted to murder.

"Relax.I'm Jamie Ross.Jason's twin" he said quickly raising his hands.I sat back in the chair eyeing him suspiciously.He pushed a button on the table probably to mute our conversationThat psycho was capable of anything."How do I know you're not lying" "You don't. But I want to help you. I owe it to you and your friend ,for all the trouble he's causing." He took a seat opposite me setting a file down on the metal table.

"Why am I here?" I asked taking in his face. He wasn't Jason. He didn't have a cocky air to him like Jason did.Or he was a very good actor."Your prints were found all over the scene. On the door, her bed, clothes, the knife." "I was there for the night of course they had to be there. So were Keira's and Jason's ."

"Here's the thing, only your prints and Ms.Stark's were in there" The hell? "What do you mean only mine and Sal's. Keira was there and so was Jason."  He cleared his throat and opened the file infront of him,"As a cop I shouldn't be doing this but I know you didn't do anything" "Damn right I didn't do anything what the hell is going on?" 

"Only your finger prints and DNA was found in her house . We also found them in officer John Parks car. He was found dead and it appears there was no struggle.""S I touched his fu ck ing car how the hell what the hell does that have to do with me being arressted"

"They were also found on his neck. Officer Parks autopsy shows he was poisoned. From the positioning of the prints, it appears you were checking for a pulse to ensure he was dead." "You think I killed him?" I whispered.

"It looks like you killed him from the evidence collected so far.Keira's prints weren't on the scene.Neither was Jason's."He paused looking at me."He's making it look like you did it and he's doing a damn good job of it."

He turned the file for me to see. Photos of Sal's bloody room and dusted prints."You were passed out when the police arrived. To any other detective it looks like there was a struggle between the two of you. She knocked you out with a hard object but you had already injured her so when you passed out she bled out and passed out too only after you did a number on her." "What about her neck, that doesn't make sense.If I paralysed her how did she knock me out?"

"A graphic recreation of the scene is that you stabbed her as she attacked you back. You held her from the front as she fought against you hence the marks on her wrist.You plunged the knife into the back of her neck hard, paralysing her, as she pushed you into the wall.Both of you passed out .You from the impact and her from bleeding and trauma"

"That doesn't make sense. You sent us home with the cop.How the hell can't you tell them that and clear me!" "I have but there is no evidence pointing to it.It was an off the record request.No documentation plus Officer Parks was meant to be patrolling the area that's why I sent him.Jason must have found out about everything.He thought this through."

"I have an aliby.I don't have any sort of motive to kill that cop or Sally.You need to realise that" "People who kill don't have to have a motive. Most of us suspect that she was your friend or lover and something went wrong and you didn't want any witnessess.Until she wakes up and tells us that you had no part in it, you're the sole suspect . Everything points to you.Jason, he's smart.I may know you didn't do it but there's no evidence to back me up.He thinks of everything and doesn't make mistakes."My fists clenched in the cuffs my hate for that bastard threatening to make me hit something.Hard.

"So what does that mean for me, for Keira" He shook his head an unreadable look on his face."I'll do my best to try and find her but I can't put her as missing."

"What do you mean, she's been gone for more than twenty four hours?" "I got a warrant for her house and she left a voice message for you saying she needed a break and she went away for a little while.So technically she's not missing.She's just unreachable at the moment."

Jamie was right.Jason did think of everything.I took a deep breath and shut my eyes briefly.If that fu ck er hurt her he was a dead man."So what does that mean for the both of us."

"You will be sent to a minimun security prison until a hearing is set and or Ms.Stark wakes up.Keira on the other hand..." My breathing quickened at his pause,"I'll do my best to find her and Jason.If I find her she can testify against Jason. Your stories will probably match and she can serve as a witness but its not guaranteed that they'll let you go due to your close affiliation to her.It'll all come down to the judge and jury unless Jason slips up.All I need is a small bit of evidence incriminating him and I can hook him"

"Why would you arrest your own brother.How am I supposed to believe you'll help me and not him."

"Because I've cost many people's lives by not doing it earlier." he said a look of regret on his face."I'll do my best but you have to cooperate. You'll be sent to prison as the investigation proceeds no chance of bail because of the amount of evidence incriminating you.There's noting I can do about that."

I felt like I was going to die.This was all too much.I wasn't even sure I could trust Jamie but he wasboth Keira and I's only hope.I nodded a bitter taste in my mouth my jaw clenching."What do you need me to do" "Get a lawyer, a good one.I have someone I trust, someone Jason can't get to.Cooperate with everyone and I promise you I'll do my best to get you out."

"So when do I leave" "Right now." He stood up and motioned to the large glass mirror behind him.The door opened and I stood up .The officer secured my cuffs and started leading me out of the room when I stopped turning to Jamie,"Whatever happens to me, I need you to make sure she's safe" He nodded and I continued the walk out. 

I updated.Sorry for the long wait but I have very good reason.I got a holiday catering job that starts at five am and ends at nine pm!!!! Talk about exhaustion.Plus I've been squuezing a new babie that I'm working on .Details later.The next update will be sooner than this one took but I can't say when.:) Unedited as usual

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