Enchanted (Jeffmads)

By 8catqueen8

6.2K 311 223

James was going to a magic school after receiving a rather unusual power before learning that there were othe... More



841 38 28
By 8catqueen8

It was no day like any other, but James of course didnt know that yet. He was sitting in class trying to pay attention before the teacher instructed to take out their pencils, pens, and highlighters since they were going to have to dive deep into their lesson.

James searched around for his stuff but came to a conclusion that his stuff weren't in his bag. He sighed knowing the teacher would be mad, but when he looked up from his bag he noticed his classmates staring at him.

He was confused before one of the pointed at something in the air.

James looked up around him seeing his pencil, pen, and highlighters all floating in mid air.

"...w-what the.." he mumbled, not know what was going on. He didnt know what to think he was scared.

All of a sudden after he said that his things dropped to the floor. He looked at them then at everyone else.

He stared at them before at his stuff again, specifically at his pencil, just waiting for it to move.

"..okay who's doing this" James said just as confused as everyone else in the room around him.

"James do we have a problem?" Asked the teacher as he made his way towards James, not knowing about what just happened to him.

"N-no I just, sir, um.."

"Pick up your stuff, quickly now. We have a tight schedu-..AAAAAAAHH!"

3 hours later he was stuck at the guidance councilors office with his mom talking about his recent new found, abilities.

"Alright, I understand." His mom said, and that was all James heard, he had zoned out thinking about how he was making things around him move without him touching them.

They both got up and left the office.

"..so uh mom what's gonna happen to me now?" He asked quietly. He wasn't exactly sure how to handle all of this.

"Well apparently, you'll be facing a new set of people now.."

"What does that mean?"

"You're switching to a different school.."  She clarified.

"..is it because of the-"

"Yes. Yes it's because of the flying floaty thingy you can do." She responded seriously though sounded confused at the same time.

James couldn't help but laugh a little but sighed, he didnt have that many friends in this school so how would he make friends in his new school? What even was this 'power' of his. Could he control it? Was this school for people like him?

He had so many questions but knew they would be answered in time.

Skip to 1 month later he was a new student at this apparent magic school and still had barely any clue what was going on. All he knew was one second things were floating around him the next he was sent off to some summer camp school thing for weirdos like him.

He looked at his luggage then at the door he was left at. He would be sharing a dorm with someone, at least it was better then sharing a room with his sister.

He knocked on the door wondering if anyone was inside yet but heard no noises or sign of anything or anyone in there.

He opened the door revealing a decently sized room with a hallway leading to two rooms one for him and the other for his roommate, the rest down the hall was a bathroom and a mini kitchen that had a stove built in with a large counter.

He then jumped hearing someone behind him.

"Hey" said the man suddenly.

James looked behind him then calmed down seeing it was another student, possibly his roommate.

"Oh um..hi?" James replied trying not to judge him right off the bat. After all if this was indeed a school for magic and powers, he couldn't take anyone for a weakling not knowing what they were capable of.

"I'm guessing you're my new roomie then, names Thomas Jefferson" he said walking passed James and onto the couch and turning on the TV.

"Oh well I'm James madison, and wait..did you say..NEW..roomie?"

"Yeah, my last roommate was uh...well we don't talk about him anymore..."

"What happened.." James asked a bit worried.

"James I think it's kinda rude to talk about the deceased like this.."

"W-what?!" James' mind went rushing, thinking this place was dangerous, he couldn't possibly last a day here, wait why was he so afraid of something with little description.

James felt as if he was compelled to be afraid, he then realized that Thomas might've had the power to mentally manipulate people.

"Haha! Just kidding, scared ya there for a second didn't I!" He chuckled before patting the seat next to him wanting James to sit down with him.

"Hey listen, I like you, you seem like a fun guy and stuff I can't wait to get to know ya some more"

"Oh thanks?..well um I have to go put my stuff away, which door is my room?" James asked feeling content.

"First door on the right" he said as he was watching whatever was on the television.

James nodded before grabbing his things and going into his room, the only things there were a bed and a dresser, there was a small closet but James just laid down on the bed and rested.

"Well I'm scared for my life" he said out loud. James soon then fell asleep, he wasn't use to this time zone.

At this school the student slept in the day and worked at night.

James had been in a normal time zone not knowing he had such powers. He wasn't prepared for this.

Who could ever predict he would have power for all this?!
Certainly not him.

But only the future can tell what it holds.

Lol well this is something different, idk I've never done a magic themed fanfic but I mean it's good to try new things so-

Thanks for MminutiaeMerakii for the idea of a sorta magic based type of thing, I actually kinda like this idea cuz it seems fun and it's very flexible.

Lol as always if you catch any typos pls tell me and I will fix em (probably)

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