Nicholas Grey Must Not Die | ✓

By sayhellokk

62.9K 3.3K 562

Nicholas Grey was a player. It was a simple fact. He sat atop the class pyramid at Kingston High. With his se... More

Nicholas Grey Must Not Die
1 | Benevolence
2 | Everything
3 | Late
4 | Alright
5 | Enough
6 | Finality
7 | Headline
8 | Lethal
9 | Quiet
10 | Secret
11 | Caught
12 | Madness
13 | Worse
14 | News
15 | Heartless
16 | Mess
18 | Bridges

17 | Tears

2.7K 151 26
By sayhellokk

"What's mine is yours, every breath I take, every choice I make; it might sound crazy. All my pain washed away, in the blink of an eye, yeah, you saved me. You got all of me and I don't need it anymore"

~ What's Mine is Yours (Kane Brown)

Things slowly returned to normal over the next two weeks. Nick was fully back at school and at basketball practices since the football season was already over. People at school seemed to have taken my warning seriously, even the girls. I probably looked crazy enough that day that they all actually believed I'd do the things I had threatened them with. Plus, all the trouble Nick's parents were getting from their coworkers and superiors seemed to have silently vanished. It's kind of funny how people love to jump on the hate train without acting like the grown-ups they are and doing their damn research. 

If you haven't noticed, I'm still a bit bitter over the whole ordeal. So is my mom, but she hides it much better, especially when she's with Mrs. Grey, which is a lot, to be honest. We've been having dinner with the Greys every Sunday ever since Mrs. Grey got out of the hospital. Her doctor confirmed that her health scare was just due to her immense stress at the time and that it's nothing to worry about; she's fully healthy. We're all still keeping a cautious eye out for Mr. Grey, but he seems fine as well. Hunter and Sabrina seemed to have relaxed after the video debunking the girls came out and that gave me and Nick, especially Nick, so much relief. Stress meant health issues, particularly heart issues for them, so their relaxed state meant a lot. 

Speaking of Nick, he was at a basketball game today, a really important one, too, since a lot of college scouts were coming. I wanted to be there, to cheer him on from the bleachers, but I was scheduled to volunteer at the hospital tonight. I've been calling to cancel for the past month and I didn't want to that anymore, especially since things seemed to have calmed down. 

I haven't seen Nick all day, which sucks, because I've been a ball of energy ever since I saw my acceptance letter to UC Berkeley this morning. I'd screamed so loud that both of my parents busted into my room with their individual baseball bats. If I hadn't been so focused on my news, I would've fallen over laughing at how ridiculous they looked. Eventually, I told them and we proceeded to hug it out before Dad proclaimed he was going to make us a celebratory breakfast. My mom quickly followed him to the kitchen, muttering under her breath about wanting to make sure he doesn't burn the kitchen down. Needless to say, we ended up going to IHOP instead to celebrate. 

Right as I was about to leave for the hospital, I realized I needed to get an oil change. I was already running late, though, so amidst my mini freak out about what I should do, my dad assured me he'll take care of it. He ended up dropping me off at the hospital. And that's where I've been for the past four hours. I'm supposed to get off in about ten minutes, so I texted him to make sure he wasn't sleeping and forgetting about his currently car-less daughter. 

Which is why when I saw Nick pulling up fifteen minutes later in the parking lot, I stared at him in confusion instead of getting in like normal. He let out a loud laugh at my expression. "Come on, get in and I'll explain."  

Cautiously, I got in and buckled my seatbelt before turning to face him. "My dad's supposed to be picking me up." 

He let out another chuckle. "I know. I told him I wanted to pick you up tonight and he gave me his blessing."

I squinted my eyes at him to try to look interrogating, but the beaming smile that pulled at my lips was traitorous. "You and my dad talk?"

He shrugged as if this was obvious information. "Of course. He's taking me fishing next weekend."

Okay, now I was even more confused. "Are you serious?"

He nodded, looking excited to be confirming his news. He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. Damn, he looked good driving. Jesus Christ. He's incredible and looks amazingly edible. Pull yourself together, Iris. You're talking about your dad. This is not the time. AT ALL.

A genuine smile spread on my face as my heart swelled in joy. "I'm glad. Dad's been going alone to fish for a while since no one in his friend group or in our family likes fishing. Thanks for saying yes; it truly means a lot."

He turned into the road my house is on before glancing at me with a smile. "Your family has been so supportive to mine. I mean our moms are practically two married roommates/best friends...I should be thanking you. Plus, you're mine, so that means your family is also mine." He reached for my hand and then without looking away from the road, he brought my hand to his lips and pressed the softest yet most loving kiss to the back of my hand. Then, he rested his elbow on his armrest and kept on holding my hand as he drove.

I blinked like fifty times to drive the sudden rush of tears away. "You're gonna make me cry at ten at night, aren't you? Was that your evil plan all along?"

He chuckled, pulling into my driveway and putting the car in park. "Maybe."

When he turned to say more, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and used my free hand to pull him down for a much-needed kiss. But before much can happen, he pulled away.

Perplexed, I peered at him. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, directing his big, handsome smile towards me. "Your dad said there's something important you need to tell me. I haven't been able to sit still ever since. It was on my mind during the entire game."

My eyes widened and my heart dropped. Guilt flooded my veins and I scolded myself for interrogating him rather than asking him about the game; I'd known how important it was. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to ask you. How'd the game go?"

He snickered, waving away the shame that was probably obvious on my face. "Well, to be fair, I did show up unannounced. We won the game, though, basically obliterated the other team. Coach said the scouts seemed impressed. Now stop trying to change the subject."

"I'm not trying to change the subject, I swear. I just...I want you to know that I'm more than proud of you for coming so far. You didn't let what happened to deter you. Instead, it made you stronger. You let it inspire you to work harder and I respect you so much more for it."

"Now who's trying to make who cry at ten at night?"

I gave him a small smile and circled my arm around his neck to bring him close to me once more. "But if you really want to know the big news...I got into UC Berkeley! I'll have to take out some small loans, but they still gave me great scholarships, especially the merit ones!"

He gasped, his eyes immediately lighting up. He pulled me into a tight hug and whispered, "Damn, I'm so proud of you. You deserve this, Iris." 

I couldn't help but cry against his shoulder, hanging on tightly to him. "It's just-I can't believe it's all working out."

At my words, he backed up slightly and gave me a proudful smile. There were tears brimming in his eyes. "Life's funny that way, isn't it? Thought my life was over a few weeks ago and now the road ahead looks so bright."

I pecked his lips. "You deserve bright."

"So do you," he whispered against my lips.



"You're sexy when you're angry," Nick said, his eyes fixated on his phone screen. He was watching the video from about three weeks ago of me attacking everyone in our school. It had suddenly gone viral yesterday morning when TMZ got hold of the video somehow and blasted it everywhere. Support for Nick grew from it, but when they started hashtagging Nick and I's names together, I almost cringed out of my body so I had to stop following the news. 

I covered my face with my hands. "Oh man. How many views does it have?"

He let out a chuckle and put his phone aside. "Closing in on a million. You're a sensation, baby."

I pulled my hands from my face and gave him a small grin. When he motioned for me to come closer, I scooted and put my arms around his neck to draw his face to mine. "It was all for you."

He used his thumb to caress my cheek. "Thank you for believing me, Iris, for fighting for me. I'm free because you stayed."

"And I stayed because of you. So in reality, you're free because of you. You're a wonderful guy, Nick, with or without me. Don't ever doubt it," I said, speaking with such confidence that I even shocked myself. 

He didn't say anything for quite a while. He just sat there, staring at me with the most vulnerable eyes I've ever seen. Relief looked so good on him and it brought a smile to my face whenever I noticed how carefree he has become in just a few weeks. 

When a few tears brimmed at the edge of his eyes and then fell, panic rose in my throat. My eyebrows furrowed and my thumbs raced to wipe his tears away. "Why are you crying?" I couldn't help the break in my voice. Seeing him cry made me cry; it was an automatic response that I couldn't understand nor stop. 

His hands grabbed mine, holding on tightly. Then, he gave me the purest, most handsome smile I've ever seen. "I love you," he stated, then shook his head as if he wasn't expressing himself as well as he'd like. "I love you so much, Iris. You're it for me. You've always been it for me. I was an idiot three years ago, letting you go like that instead of coming to you. I should've just told you the truth because even if you were to have rejected me romantically, you would've never left me alone. You're so damn beautiful. Just everything about you is special. You have this smile that lights up my world. You have a heart just overflowing of gold. I love you for your crazy and loud laughter, your quiet snoring, your coffee breath, your insane sense of humor, and of course, your intoxicating touch. I fucking love you, Iris Ronan. 

"I love you," he finished off, his open eyes flooded with confirmation to his words. 

A huge lump was stuck in my throat and I was hesitant to speak, fearing that I'd start bawling my eyes out the moment I opened my mouth. I kept staring at him, my eyes wide. My breathing was out of control and my heart had enlarged so much so that my lungs were basically done for. 

When I didn't speak for a while, panic rose in his eyes. It was also evident in his voice when he breathed out, "please say something."

The fear in his voice knocked me out of my frozen state. I swallowed against the lump in my throat and forced myself to speak. "I-I'm sorry. I was not expecting you to say that at all. Are you...are you sure?"

He chuckled, the worry dissipating as fast as it had appeared. "Definitely."

I stared at him for a bit longer until his words finally fully set him. When they did, the biggest smile of my life stretched across my lips. I couldn't find the right words to say at the moment, so I reached for his shirt and yanked him down to my level. Our lips met in the most explosive way. He froze against me for a second, probably taken aback. Moments later, he let out such a low guttural groan against my lips that my knees almost gave out from underneath me. Then, his hands let go of my forearms and circled my waist, bringing my body closer to his. There was so much in the kiss: the heat of our bodies, the love he was communicating to me, the passionate way he was devouring my lips, the way he was holding me tightly against him as if he feared I would disappear at any time and the way he made me feel cherished by the small circles his thumb drew on my back. Suddenly I felt overwhelmed and before I could stop them, loads of tears fell down my cheek. 

Pulling away, I met his beautifully joyful eyes with a bright smile. "I love you, too. I will love you even if you get sick and I will love you even if you don't get sick. I will never be your nurse, Nick, no matter what happens, I can promise you that. I will be your lover for as long as you'll have me."

Now it was him who gaped at me. His eyes were wide and overwhelmed with so much emotion that it was almost raw to look into them. My eyes couldn't help but fall to his lips. They looked so luscious and I wanted to kiss him again. He must've read my thoughts or we were in sync because before my eyes can look up to catch his gaze, one of his hands cupped my face and brought his lips against mine. 

A loud buzz in the pocket of his jeans interrupted us, making him pull away. He looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, it's my school email. It's the only app with active notifications right now; it must be something important."

I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. I watched him look at his phone, trying to read him. 

Then, out of nowhere, he pumped both fists in the air and stared at me as if he'd just discovered a new survivable planet. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "What?"

He pointed to his phone as if I can read from that far. "I got USC and their prelaw program. Full ride with basketball."

I blinked. Then I jumped on him out of happiness, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He let out a loud grunt, but he quickly adjusted his balance. "You did it!"

He chuckled loudly. He looked up to meet my excited eyes and he seemed so happy. "I kno-"

I kissed him before he can finish his sentence, pouring all of my love and passion for him into it. I wanted him to feel how much I felt for him. And he gave it right back to me.


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