The Merger (BWWM - Book #1...

By Cocoa47

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Layla and Nolan are two young business moguls who can't stand each other due to their encounter at a night cl... More

Chapter 1 - The Jerk
Chapter 2 - The Fiesty One
Chapter 3 - Austin Mitchell
Chapter 4 - You Again?!
Chapter 5 - Locked With You?!
Chapter 6 - Not All My Fault
Chapter 7 - Oh No!
Chapter 8 - Say What?!
Chapter 9 - European Invasion Part 1
Chapter 10 - European Invasion Part 2
Chapter 11 - European Invasion Part 3
Chapter 12 - She said?
Chapter 13 - I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Chapter 14 - Where's Layla?
Chapter 15 - The Bodyguard
Chapter 16 - Let's Do This
Chapter 17 - Finally
Chapter 18 - Is Austin Alive?
Chapter 19 - He Is Okay
Chapter 20 - Jealousy & Awesome News
Chapter 21 - Baby #2 On The Way
Chapter 22 - Merge With Who?!
Chapter 24 - And The Gender Is?
Chapter 25 - Wedding Week
Chapter 26 - Wedding #2 Has Arrived
Chapter 27 - Surprise
Chapter 28 - Baby Arrivals Part 1
Chapter 29 - Baby Arrivals Part 2
Chapter 30 - To Milan We Go
Chapter 31 - Merger Possibility?
Chapter 32 - Layla is?
Chapter 33 - Who Was Kidnapped?!
Chapter 34 - Where Are They?
Chapter 35 - Good Riddance To Chase
Chapter 36 - Natasha Is Here
Chapter Part 37 - Meeting The Family
Chapter 38 - Proposal Time
Chapter 39 - Goodbye NYC
Chapter 40 - The Miami Move

Chapter 23 Back To NYC

821 31 3
By Cocoa47

December 8th, 2018 - Plane ride back from Florida

Layla's POV

"Thank you, Shane for letting us fly back on your plane."

"You're welcome. And, we will help you take your gifts home also."

"Bliss, my parents can't wait to see you again. They wanted to come to Florida but couldn't make it."

Then, my Sugar added, "My parents couldn't make it either. We'll have a dinner party and have both you and Shane over."

"That sounds like a plan. Can't wait. Just let us know the day and time. And, just let me know when you guys need a babysitter. That way you both can have date nights and Sean can take a break too. I have a pool and a movie room. I'll have to buy some floating devices for Braelyn when the Spring comes. Speaking of, who is watching her when you go on your honeymoon?"

"She will be staying with Austin, for some daddy time."


"Hey Lollipop, remember the pretty building that you like so much?" She came skipping over to where we were sitting and plopped on my lap. "Yes, mommy."

"Guess whose building that is? It is your Uncle Shane's building."

"It is mommy?!"

"How would you like a tour one day?"

"Can I mommy, please?!"

"What is the best day to come? Braelyn gets out of kindergarten at noon."

"Friday is perfect and we all can have lunch together. What is your favorite place to eat at, Braelyn?"

"I like McDonald's, Uncle Shane. Can my daddy and Sean come, too?"

"McDonald's it is. Sure, they can."

"Braelyn, go say thank you."

She ran over to Shane, gave him a big hug, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, princess."

"Do you guys have any plans this coming weekend? I would love to have you both over, along with Jessica and Andrea, for dinner. Is Saturday good for you?"

Bliss' POV

I looked over to Shane because ever since we came back from Italy, he said he is going to spoil me rotten. The weekend before Florida, we went to California because I told him I have never been to the West Coast.

"Saturday is good. We will be there. Do you need us to bring anything?"

"Layla, let him bring something. I taught Shane how to cook while I stayed over his house with my ankle injury. He likes cooking now that he knows how."

"I had an excellent teacher."

"Look what I drew for you, auntie."

Braelyn drew a picture of me and Shane, holding hands.

"It's a beautiful picture, sweetie. Thank you. I have to get a frame for it, so I can put it in my office."

"Are either of you allergic to anything?"

"I am allergic to shellfish - shrimp, lobster, and crabs. I can be around people who eat it, but I can't eat it."

"I'm going to text my parents to see if they can come. I forgot to tell you that was an excellent makeup job that you did. Shane looked like he didn't have anything on at all."

"Working with makeup is a passion of mine. I want to create a makeup line for women who are sensitive to certain ingredients. I test it on myself because I am allergic to some ingredients in makeup. So far, it has been great. I put it on hold for a time because I wanted to wait until I felt like I was ready for it. After my parents died, it took me a while to finally cope with it. It's better now, but that will never stop me from thinking about them and grieving about them. Plus, I was putting aside enough money to open a store here in New York. I'm close to what I needed, but I am going to save extra. How are you doing with your business? I wish I knew that was your company. I shop there all the time. You were always good with fashion."

"Girl, let me know if I can help in any way. And, thanks. It is doing great. It is doing so great that Marco and Cris are helping me set up a location in Milan. I'll let you know when the grand opening is. And, I am working on a children's line, with Braelyn's help. And guess what? I am a part-time model. I have the same agent as Marco. And, I just thought of a great idea for a photo shoot. I want you, Kam, Noeli and I together in a photo shoot. I have to see if my agent can make that happen."

"That's great, Layla. Congratulations. That photo shoot sounds like a lot of fun, Layla. Just let me know when. And, what about you guys, Ryan and Austin? What do you guys do?"

Other than talking to Braelyn, Austin has been pretty quiet. I hope what Shane said is not true because I don't feel the same way about him.

"Ryan and I are both personal trainers. At the moment, we have an office in Manhattan."

"That's cool. Do either of you have any spots open for a new client? I picked up quite a bit of weight the two months I was out with my ankle injury. And, now that I am in Layla's wedding, I need to be in shape."

"I don't have one at the moment. Austin, what about you?"

"I actually do. Just let me know what days you would like to train and your schedule."

"Thank you. Can I get that to you by Monday?"

"Sure. That's fine."

"Thanks, Austin."

"You're welcome."

Shane's POV

As long as that Austin fellow stays in his lane, then we won't have any problems.

Jimmy announced over the loud speaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, in another 30 minutes, we will be landing in the 'City that never sleeps.'"

"Before I forget, here are your keys to your Escalade." I gave Bliss her keys.

"Thanks, Shane. Layla, I had to get a step ladder. That truck is a monster, but I absolutely love it. My father taught me how to drive in a SUV, so I have been driving them practically all my driving years. Shane calls me 'Shortie' all the time. But, I can't help it. He keeps sitting me on counters."

"I have to because it is the perfect kissing height. Less neck pain for me."

That 30 minutes went pretty fast. "Ladies, when we land, you all can sit in Bliss' Escalade. We will take care of the bags and gifts."

Once we landed, Bliss, Layla and Braelyn headed to her vehicle. She opened the trunk and the fellas packed everything up. Then, we made our way to Layla's house.

Layla's POV

"I normally am a speedster driving, Layla. But, I won't go too fast with Braelyn in the back. And, sorry for not having a child safety seat for her. I'll go get one later today. I am looking forward to spending time with you ladies."

"That's okay, Bliss. I trust you."

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

"We can stop somewhere, Layla. I'll stop at McDonald's. And, it is my treat for everyone."

"Auntie is treating us to McDonald's. What do you say?"

"Thank you, Auntie!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. Does mommy have a nickname for you?"

"Mommy calls me Lollipop."

"That is too cute, Layla. Okay Lollipop, off to McDonald's we go."

"I'll send a text to the guys that we are stopping." I sent a text to Ryan to tell the guys that Braelyn is hungry, and Bliss is treating everyone to McDonald's.

Ryan texted back it was okay. And, they followed us.

Austin's POV

Ryan announces, "Layla sent me a text that we are stopping at McDonald's so Braelyn can get something to eat. And, Bliss is paying for everyone."

Once we pulled into the parking lot and got out of the vehicles, Layla went to hold Ryan's hand and Bliss went to hold Shane's hand. Me, I carried Braelyn inside. I am feeling like a 5th wheel with the two women that I liked before I was married. I need to start dating because it is not healthy for me to keep thinking about Layla and Bliss. The key will be finding someone who likes Braelyn because she is my priority and will always be first in my life.

"Welcome to McDonald's. How can I help you?"

"Tell the nice lady what you would like, baby girl."

"Chicken nugget happy meal with juice."

After Braelyn ordered, everyone followed. Bliss ordered last because she was paying.

"Braelyn and I will go find seats for everyone." We spotted a table big enough for all 7 of us. But, as soon as we sat down, some chick tried the 'talk to the man's daughter first' trick. Like seriously, why do people do that? The answer is and always should be no, well for me the answer is no.

"Well, you are just too cute." My baby girl is smart because she looked at me and said, "She's a stranger, daddy."

"You are right, Braelyn. She sure is. Now, what did mommy and daddy teach you?"

Then, Braelyn rolled her eyes and told the lady, "My mommy and daddy told me not to talk to strangers."

She was about to say something, but just like Ryan did the last time this happened, I stopped it. "This is the second time this has happened to my daughter. The answer is no! Please move on to somebody else. Why do people like you try to get to the children first?! If you liked me, why couldn't you just approach me first?!! And, then you were about to insult a 5-year-old child?!! I don't appreciate what you just did. And, neither does her mother, who is standing behind you. And let me just say, she is not happy."

"Hi mommy, this strange lady tried talking to me."

Layla put the tray down, put her hair in a ponytail and stretched her neck.

"Layla, don't do it. She is not worth it at all. Lady, you need to leave. Like, right now!! Go find someone who is desperate, because I am not."

"She probably is a brat anyway." She huffed out on her way out of McDonald's.

Layla took a few steps in her direction. "Layla, stop it. She is not worth it."

"Austin's right. And, you are pregnant." Ryan added.

"But, I'm not." Bliss followed after her and told her off. I don't know what she said, but the girl was frightened and ran off. When she came back, we all looked at her.

"What? I am very protective of my family and friends. I do the same thing for Jessica and Andrea.

"Thank you, Bliss."

We traded high-fives and Bliss smiled, "You're welcome, Austin." She really does have a killer smile and I get to walk with her in Layla and Ryan's wedding in April. Yup, I need to find a girlfriend.


Narrator's POV

After lunch, Layla gave Bliss directions to her house. Once they reached the house, both vehicles were unloaded. Bliss and Shane were about to leave.


Layla's POV

"Do you have to go?" Tears filled Braelyn's eyes as Shane held her in his arms.

"Layla and Austin, if it is okay with you, I would love to watch Braelyn for the rest of the weekend. And, if Shane is free, then we can watch her together. I can even take her to school on Monday morning for you. What school does she go to?"

"I would love too. I don't have anything planned. We can watch movies, eat popcorn and have fun."

"Please, mommy?" Braelyn pleaded.

"It's okay with me. You have to ask your daddy too."

"Please, daddy?"

"It's okay with me, Braelyn."

"Bliss, I'll go pack Braelyn some clothes for her to take. And, Braelyn goes to Willow Elementary School here in Long Island."

"Okay. While you do that, I am going to the store to get a child safety seat. I'll be right back."

Bliss got in her truck and pulled off the driveway. "She sure can handle that Escalade. I usually have to back out. Bliss did a U-turn in one turn. Very impressive driving there."

"That is my Shortie."

Ryan's POV

"Come on, Braelyn. Let's go pack you some clothes. Give your daddy a hug and kiss goodbye."

"Bye bye, daddy."

"See you later, baby girl. See you guys later Sean, Shane, and Ryan."

"See you on Monday, Austin." Then, he got in his Chevy Tahoe. Sean, Shane, and I stood there laughing like crazy at Austin trying to pull off Bliss' U-turn trick. He rolled down his window and said, "How did she do that?!" Then, he just backed out and drove off. Sean went inside. Now, it was just me and Shane.

"Since I am Bliss' best guy friend, I need to ask what your intentions are. I know you gave her a promise engagement ring. But, promises can easily be broken."

"My intentions are the same as they have been since I confessed my feelings back in July. I love Bliss and want to marry her one day and make her mine forever."

"As long as it stays that way, we are good. You saw how heartbroken she was when Kam was taken to the hospital. I don't want to see her heartbroken because of a break-up. Because if I do, we are going to have issues."

"You won't ever have to worry about that happening."

"As long as we are clear on that, then you have my blessing."

Layla and Braelyn came back outside with a little suitcase and Braelyn's princess Tiana backpack. While we waited for Bliss to return, we stood there and had a nice chat.

30 minutes later, Bliss came back. When she stepped out of her Escalade, she was not a happy person.

"Sorry everybody. I would have been back sooner. I got two seats - one for my truck and one for Shane's Navigator."

"I'll put them in for you, Bliss." So, Layla followed Bliss to her trunk.

"Thanks, Layla. I'll take them out of the box for you."

Once Layla and Bliss were done, "So, what had you fuming when you came back?"

"He had me so mad that I forgot his name. It was that guy we met at Kevin and Aris' housewarming party."

I already knew who she was talking about. Why did I even associate with him in the past?

"I told Nolan that day to leave Bliss alone. And, he didn't listen."

"Shane, he never listens. He just recently finally left Layla alone."

"Hold on, Ryan and Shane. Wait until you hear the reason why I was so mad. He propositioned me for a night of dinner, dancing, and sex. I told him no and to get out of my face, and said Shane is not going to be happy about this. Then, he started questioning why was I suddenly I am in a relationship with Shane. Mr. Mahoney and now, this Nolan character? Why can't people just leave me alone?! Nobody has a right to question anything in my life. I had enough of him. So, I left him at the store on the concrete after I gave him a swift knee to his jewels."

"Bliss, don't worry about Nolan. Shane and I will make sure he never bothers you again."

Josh and Katie pulled up. "Uncle Ryan! Aunt Layla!"

Once Josh turned off the engine, Katie ran over. Josh then got out  of the car and walked over.

"Hey Layla and Ryan, we came over to see if Braelyn would like to spend the night."

"Hi Josh. Not sure if you remember me, but I'm Bliss."

"I do remember you. It's been a while. Good to see you again. This is my daughter, Katie."

"Hi, Katie. And, this is my boyfriend, Shane. Shane, the Meyers boys were my protectors in college. Katie sweetie, if it is okay with your dad, would you like to spend the night with Braelyn at my house?"

"Daddy, can I go with Braelyn?"

"Josh, Katie can wear some of Braelyn's clothes."

Josh thought about it for few minutes, then he answered, "Okay, Katie you can go. Bliss, what is your address? I'll come pick her up tomorrow evening."

Bliss gave him her address, and, Layla took Katie to get her some of Braelyn's clothes. Once, Layla and Katie came back, Bliss and Shane were ready to leave.

Bliss asked both Layla and Josh a question. "Josh and Layla, do either Katie or Braelyn have any allergies?"

"Katie doesn't have any allergies, Bliss."

"I have a list of what Braelyn is allergic to. And, here is her Asthma medicine." Layla handed those things over to Bliss.

"Okay, Layla. Lollipop, you can ride with Shane. And, Katie, you can ride with me. Girls, we are going to have so much fun."

"Shane, you are going to be outnumbered and surrounded by girls." Everybody chuckled at that thought.

"Dear, sweet brother and best friend of mine, as the Beyoncé song says, 'Who Run The World? Girls.' Shane will be fine."

"You're right about one thing. When Braelyn and Katie are sleep, I most definitely will be fine." Bliss blushed, and Shane gave her a devious grin.

"And, on that note, Katie and Braelyn, let's go. We need to stop at the store for some snacks."

Katie ran over to Josh and gave him a hug. And, Braelyn ran over to Layla and gave her a hug.

"Thanks again, Bliss and Shane. Sean will pick Braelyn up from school on Monday."

"You're welcome, Layla." Once everyone was secure in their vehicles, Bliss and Shane pulled off. Of course, Bliss did her U-turn trick and Shane just backed off. I really am happy for her. I hope their relationship works out.

"Layla, I'll be back. I am going to deal with Nolan."

"Sugar, do not do anything crazy. Baby Meyers needs daddy to be around."

"I promise, Layla." I gave Layla a bootie pat and she jumped. Since we found out that Layla was pregnant, I upgraded to a Yukon Denali. Then, jumped in my truck and went to pay Nolan a visit.


Nolan's POV

That is one strong woman. I still feel the pain from that knee. Slowly, and I mean slowly, I walked over to my couch.

After grabbing the remote from my coffee table, I turned on the television. I am positive my 'fun' time for this evening will not happen. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.

After 20 minutes, I heard loud banging on my front door.


So, I slowly got up off the couch, then walked like an old man towards' the door. Whoever it was did not stop the loud banging until I opened it.

"Man, what do you want? I have not bothered Layla at all. So, leave me alone."

Ryan was mad about something because next thing I know, he grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me in my house.

"Dude, what is your problem?!!"

"First, you need to thank Layla because lucky for you, I am going to spare your life. Bliss told me what you did to her today at the store."

"And, why is that any of your business?!"

He knows her too?

"Because, you little worm, she is one of my best friends and is like a sister to me. Fortunately for you, her boyfriend is not here with me today. I am only going to tell you this once Nolan, LEAVE BLISS AND LAYLA ALONE!! GROW UP ALREADY!!"

"You can't just barge in my house and tell me who not to talk to!"

"I just did!! Don't play with me, Nolan! I will ruin you if you go near either Layla or Bliss!! Oh, and just to let you know, Shane Landes will be getting your address. Because if he finds out you keep bothering her, it will not be pretty. Heed the warning, Nolan!!"

Ryan let go of my shirt and slammed the front door on his way out of my house. Well, for one, I never liked Layla. As for the other woman, now I know her name - Bliss. She should win an award for 'The Most Beautiful Smile In The World.' But, is my life really worth it? Nah, I guess I will just have to find someone else.


Narrator's POV

The next 10 days went by fast. Layla was able to get her agent to set up a photo shoot for her, Bliss, Kamea, and Noeli. It will take place August 2019, after her new baby is born and Noeli's wedding. Layla, Braelyn and Ryan went to visit Bliss in the hospital. Due to an accident by her beau, Bliss broke her ankle. Layla became quite moody and had Ryan going out for her late-night cravings. He now knows better than to question Layla's food choices while pregnant. They started packing for their 2 week-long trip to Florida. Braelyn was excited because she gets to be around her friends and meet the new babies.

Speaking of new babies, Layla and Ryan are preparing themselves for her appointment to the doctor's office.

December 18, 2018

Ryan's POV

After getting dressed, I just stood in the doorway of my closet, watching Layla sitting on the bed while talking to our baby.

"Hey Baby Meyers, today is a very special day. Even though we are having a gender reveal party in a month, we still are excited. Your big sister, Braelyn, with me and your daddy's help, picked out the perfect name for you, whether you are a boy or girl. We can't wait."

"Layla, are you ready to leave for your appointment?"

"I'm ready, Sugar."

Layla and I made our way downstairs and out the house. "Are you driving or am I driving?"

"You can drive. I am a little nervous. My mother and Mama Valerie are meeting us at the doctor's office, so she can take the results."

"Okay. And, then afterwards, we can go pick up Braelyn and go out for lunch." So, once I helped Layla in the Denali, we drove off towards her appointment.


We made it to the Manhattan hospital in an hour for Layla's appointment. Traffic was a little crazy. After dropping Layla at the front door and finding a parking space, we made it to Doctor Williams' office. Mama Olivia and my mom were in the waiting room, waiting for us.

"Hi, Layla and Ryan. I couldn't wait for this day." My mom had the biggest grin on her face as the words flowed from her mouth.

"Me neither, Olivia. Then, we can get started on how to plan the party." Olivia had the same look on her face as my mom - two, giddy grandmas.

"Mr. & Mrs. Meyers, Doctor Williams is ready for you. Follow me please." We followed the nurse into the exam room. She gave Layla a gown to change in, then left the room.

"Layla, now I know you are not trying to be shy. We saw each other naked, which explains why we are here today."

"Yeah, but this is different. Just turn around."

"Ugh, fine Layla." I didn't want her to be upset or angry, so like a good husband, I turned around. while she changed.

"I'm done." She even had already laid back on the bed.

The room door then opened.

"Good morning, Mr. & Mrs. Meyers. Let's get started so we can see what your baby is. And, I will make sure to have the nurse give your mom the results."

Layla's POV

That darn gel had me shivering while lying on the bed. Once Doctor Williams placed the gel on my belly, she then started waving the transducer over my belly.

After a few minutes, "I am detecting a heartbeat now. Your baby was hiding for a minute in there. It is a very strong heartbeat too." Both Ryan and I looked at the monitor to see our beautiful creation. I started crying and remembering going through this with Braelyn. I am so happy that I have Ryan to go through this with me.

"I am now able to determine the sex of the baby. But, will keep it a secret. So far, I am detecting just one child."

We both sighed in relief that we were not having multiples. Once the doctor was done with the ultrasound, "Everything looks good. Layla, you can go ahead and get dressed. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thank you, Doctor Williams." Once she left the room, Ryan turned around, so I can change. After changing, 10 minutes later, Doctor Williams entered the room.

"Layla, you are still on schedule for June 4th. You gained a few pounds since your last visit. And, the baby is healthy. Let's go ahead and schedule your next visit."

We scheduled our next visit for the end of February. Once we were done, we headed back to the waiting room, where we met up with two, crying grandmas.

"We can't wait until you both see what you are having."

"Let's go get Braelyn and have some lunch." We all walked out of the waiting room and headed towards' our vehicles for lunch.

December 19th, 2018

Layla's POV

Braelyn, Ryan, Sean, and I were ready and packed and Ryan's Denali, which he let me drive. We were just waiting for Austin, who just pulled up.

"Hey, Lollipop, ready to go back to Florida?"

"Yes, mommy!"

Shane was so sweet to let us ride with him and Bliss on his private plane. So, we pulled off from our house to meet them at Bliss' house. I tried her U-turn trick and it worked and didn't drive over our flower bed. "Yes!"

Ryan glanced over at me. "Is this a girl thing that only you and Bliss can pull off?"

"Not our problem you guys don't have any skills."

"Real cute, Layla. Wait until we get on Shane's plane. He has a bedroom in the back you know."

I totally ignored what he just said. "On to Florida we go!"


Thank you all for reading chapter 23.

Thank you all for the votes and comments. 😘     

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